Exemplo n.º 1
        private IQueryable <VolunteerByCampus> GetCheckedInVols()
            RockContext rockContext = new RockContext();


            rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = GetAttributeValue("CommandTimeout").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 300;

            var volunteers = rockContext.Database.SqlQuery <VolunteerByCampus>(@"SELECT 
                    PersonAliasId AS [VolunteerPerson ], COALESCE(a.CampusId, g.campusId) AS [CampusId]
                           FROM( Attendance a
                            join AttendanceOccurrence ao on a.OccurrenceId = ao.id
                            JOIN[Group] g on ao.GroupId = g.id
                            join AttributeValue av on g.Id = av.EntityId and av.AttributeId = 10946)
                          WHERE StartDateTime > '2019-11-10' 
						AND av.Value = 'True'"                        ).AsQueryable();

            volunteers = volunteers.Where(v => v.CampusId.Equals(1));
            // COALESCE(a.CampusId, g.campusId) AS [CampusId]
        private IQueryable <GivingGroup> GetGivingGroups()
            RockContext rockContext = new RockContext();


            int contributionTypeId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION).Id;

            DateTime lower = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;
            DateTime upper = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value;

            // Filter by Last Gift DateRange
            if (drpDates.LowerValue.HasValue || drpDates.UpperValue.HasValue)
                lower = (drpDates.LowerValue.HasValue ? drpDates.LowerValue.Value : SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value);
                upper = (drpDates.UpperValue.HasValue ? drpDates.UpperValue.Value.AddDays(1) : SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value);
            rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = GetAttributeValue("CommandTimeout").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 300;

            var givingGroups = rockContext.Database.SqlQuery <GivingGroup>(@"
                    max([GivingGroups].[TransactionDateTime] ) AS [LastGift], 
                    [GivingGroups].[GivingId] AS [GivingId], 
                    [GivingGroups].[GivingGroupName] AS [GivingGroupName]
                        FROM( SELECT
                         [FT].[TransactionDateTime] AS [TransactionDateTime],
                         [FT].[TransactionTypeValueId] AS [TransactionTypeValueId],
                         [P].[GivingId] AS [GivingId],
                         CASE WHEN ([P].[GivingId] LIKE N'G%') THEN [G].[Name] 
							ELSE CASE WHEN( [P].[NickName] IS NULL ) THEN N'' 
							ELSE [P].[NickName] END + N' ' + CASE WHEN( [P].[LastName] IS NULL ) THEN N'' ELSE [P].[LastName] END END AS [GivingGroupName]
                        FROM [dbo].[FinancialTransaction] AS [FT]
                            LEFT OUTER JOIN[dbo].[PersonAlias] AS [PA] ON [FT].[AuthorizedPersonAliasId] = [PA].[Id]
                            LEFT OUTER JOIN[dbo].[Person] AS [P] ON [PA].[PersonId] = [P].[Id]
                            LEFT OUTER JOIN[dbo].[Group] AS [G] ON [P].[GivingGroupId] = [G].[Id]
                        WHERE [FT].[TransactionTypeValueId] = @p0
						AND (@p1 is NULL OR [FT].[TransactionDateTime] >= @p1)
						AND (@p2 is NULL OR [FT].[TransactionDateTime] < @p2)
                    )  AS [GivingGroups]
					LEFT JOIN ( 
						SELECT av.Value FROM attributevalue av 
						INNER JOIN AttributeValue srav on av.EntityId = srav.EntityId and srav.AttributeId = 86060
						WHERE av.attributeid = 86061 AND srav.Value = @p3
						) Existing on Existing.Value = GivingId
					WHERE (@p3 IS NULL OR Existing.Value is null)
					GROUP by GivingId, GivingGroupName"                    ,
                                                                           contributionTypeId, lower, upper, null /*"2019-01-01T00:00:00,2019-12-31T00:00:00"*/).AsQueryable();

            // Filter by Giving ID
            if (tbGivingId.Text.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                givingGroups = givingGroups.Where(gg => gg.GivingId.Contains(tbGivingId.Text));

            // Filter by Giving Group Name
            if (tbGivingGroup.Text.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                givingGroups = givingGroups.Where(gg => gg.GivingGroupName.Contains(tbGivingGroup.Text));

            givingGroups = givingGroups.OrderByDescending(g => g.LastGift);
