Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ShouldGetRobotsCustom()
            ContentResult expectedResult = new ContentResult()
                StatusCode  = StatusCodes.Status200OK,
                ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain,
                Content     = "Custom Content",

            string key             = "robots.txt";
            string robotsContent   = expectedResult.Content;
            var    myConfiguration = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { key, robotsContent },
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(configuration);

            IActionResult actualResult = controller.Robots();

            Assert.IsType <ContentResult>(actualResult);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void TestInitializeRobot()
        Planet           planet     = new Planet(5, 3);
        RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(planet);
        Robot            robot      = controller.InitializeRobot("1 2 E");

        Assert.Equal("1 2 E", robot.GetPosition());
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void TestMoveRobot(string position, string movementsString, string expected)
        List <IMovement> movements  = InputParser.parseMovementList(movementsString);
        Planet           planet     = new Planet(5, 3);
        RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(planet);
        Robot            robot      = controller.InitializeRobot(position);

        controller.MoveRobot(robot, movements);

        Assert.Equal(expected, robot.GetPosition());
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void TestScentProtection()
        Planet           planet     = new Planet(5, 3);
        RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(planet);

        Robot robot = controller.InitializeRobot("3 2 N");

        controller.MoveRobot(robot, InputParser.parseMovementList("FRRFLLFFRRFLL"));

        Robot robot2 = controller.InitializeRobot("0 3 W");

        controller.MoveRobot(robot2, InputParser.parseMovementList("LLFFFLFLFL"));

        Assert.Equal("2 3 S", robot2.GetPosition());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CheckItWorks()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DataContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "techtestdb-test")
            var context = new DataContext(options);
            //We're initializing an in memory database here, but it's empty
            //If you want to add any entity you can do it in the context object

            var controller = new RobotsController(context);

            var result = controller.GetAvailable("Bloaty Head");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkObjectResult));

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ShouldGetRobotsTxtDefaultConfig()
            ContentResult expectedResult = new ContentResult()
                StatusCode  = StatusCodes.Status200OK,
                ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain,
                Content     = RobotsController.DefaultRobotsContent,

            var myConfiguration = new Dictionary <string, string>
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(configuration);

            IActionResult actualResult = controller.Robots();

            Assert.IsType <ContentResult>(actualResult);
        public void ShouldGetRobotsTxtDefaultConfig()
            ContentResult expectedResult = new ContentResult()
                StatusCode  = StatusCodes.Status200OK,
                ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain,
                Content     = string.Empty,

            var myConfiguration = new Dictionary <string, string>
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            RobotsController controller = new RobotsController(configuration);

            ContentResult actualResult = (ContentResult)controller.Robots();

            Assert.Equal(actualResult.StatusCode, expectedResult.StatusCode);
 public void WriteRobots()
         System.IO.StreamWriter objStreamWriter =
             new System.IO.StreamWriter(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "\\robots.txt");
         objStreamWriter.WriteLine("User-agent: Googlebot\n");
         List <RobotsInfo> lstGooglebot = RobotsController.GenerateRobots("Googlebot");
         foreach (RobotsInfo objinfo in lstGooglebot)
             objStreamWriter.WriteLine("Disallow: " + objinfo.PagePath + "/" + "\n");
         objStreamWriter.WriteLine("User-agent: Slurp\n");
         List <RobotsInfo> lstSlurp = RobotsController.GenerateRobots("Slurp");
         foreach (RobotsInfo objinfo in lstSlurp)
             objStreamWriter.WriteLine("Disallow: " + objinfo.PagePath + "/" + "\n");
         objStreamWriter.WriteLine("User-agent: msnbot\n");
         List <RobotsInfo> lstmsnbot = RobotsController.GenerateRobots("msnbot");
         foreach (RobotsInfo objinfo in lstmsnbot)
             objStreamWriter.WriteLine("Disallow: " + objinfo.PagePath + "/" + "\n");
         objStreamWriter.WriteLine("User-agent: bingbot\n");
         List <RobotsInfo> lstbingbot = RobotsController.GenerateRobots("bingbot");
         foreach (RobotsInfo objinfo in lstbingbot)
             objStreamWriter.WriteLine("Disallow: " + objinfo.PagePath + "/" + "\n");
     catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 9
    private void generateRobots()
        List <RobotsInfo> items = RobotsController.GetRobots(GetPortalID);
        int    flag             = 0;
        string TabPath          = string.Empty;

        foreach (ListItem chkitem in chkChoice.Items)
            if (chkitem.Selected == false)
            else if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Google")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (!IsParent)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "Googlebot", TabPath);
            else if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Yahoo")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (!IsParent)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "Slurp", TabPath);
            else if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Msn")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (!IsParent)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;

                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "msnbot", TabPath);
            else if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Bing")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (!IsParent)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "bingbot", TabPath);
            if (flag == chkChoice.Items.Count)
                string message = "Select Searchengine";
                ShowMessage("", message, "", SageMessageType.Alert);
                string message = "Robots Generated Successfully";
                ShowMessage("", message, "", SageMessageType.Success);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void LoadGrid()
     gdvRobots.DataSource = RobotsController.GetRobots(GetPortalID);
    private void generateRobots()
        List <RobotsInfo> items = RobotsController.GetRobots(GetStoreID, GetPortalID);
        int    flag             = 0;
        string TabPath          = string.Empty;

        foreach (ListItem chkitem in chkChoice.Items)
            if (chkitem.Selected == false)
            if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Google")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (GetPortalID > 1)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "Googlebot", TabPath);
            if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Yahoo")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (GetPortalID > 1)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "Slurp", TabPath);
            if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Msn")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (GetPortalID > 1)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;

                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "msnbot", TabPath);
            if (chkitem.Selected == true && chkitem.Text == "Bing")
                foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in gdvRobots.Rows)
                    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvRow.FindControl("chkPath");
                    if (chk.Checked)
                        Label lblTabPath = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblTabPath");
                        TabPath = lblTabPath.Text;
                        if (GetPortalID > 1)
                            TabPath = "/portal/" + GetPortalSEOName + TabPath;
                        RobotsController.SaveRobotsPage(GetPortalID, "bingbot", TabPath);
            if (flag == chkChoice.Items.Count)
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "globalVariables", " alert('Select Searchengine'); ", true);