Exemplo n.º 1
    private void insertTaste(GameObject go, DateTime dt)
        TasteProperties auxTasteProperties = go.GetComponent <TasteProperties>();
        float           bitter             = 0;
        float           salt  = 0;
        float           sour  = 0;
        float           sweet = 0;
        float           umami = 0;

        if (auxTasteProperties != null)
            bitter = auxTasteProperties.getBitterness();
            salt   = auxTasteProperties.getSaltiness();
            sour   = auxTasteProperties.getSourness();
            sweet  = auxTasteProperties.getSweetness();
            umami  = auxTasteProperties.getUmami();
        RobotTaste rTaste = new RobotTaste(
            dt,                          // the event occurs now
            uIDD.getID(go),              // object  identifier
            bitter,                      // bitter level
            salt,                        // salt level
            sour,                        // sour level
            sweet,                       // sweet level
            umami);                      // umani level

        try                              // Try to access a resource.
            rTaste.insert();             // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("System>>> " + e.Message);                  // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static readonly string ONT_SENSE_URL = "http://localhost:3030/ontsense";        // URL address of the triple store

        public static void Main(String[] args)
            CartesianPos cPos;
            RGBValue     rgb;
            Thing        thing;

            // Start access to Sparql End Point : just one time at main method is enough
            SparqlEndPoint instanceSparql = SparqlEndPoint.getInstance();       // gets the instance for the  singleton object


            // creates a RobotVision object	with a  Salmon_Pack
            cPos  = new CartesianPos(0.35, 0.36, 0.37);                 // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.35, 0.36, 0.37)
            rgb   = new RGBValue(0.45, 0.46, 0.47);                     // creates a  RGBValue value with (red, green, blue) = (0.45, 0.46, 0.47)
            thing = new Thing(
                1000000010,                                             // object  identifier
                "",                                                     // object name
                "Salmon_Pack",                                          // internal object tag,
                rgb,                                                    // color in RGBValue
                cPos,                                                   // CartesianPos
                PhysicalState.noneState,                                // object Phisical State
                Material.organicMaterial,                               // object Material type
                "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7405484");              // URI associated with the object

            RobotVision rVision = new RobotVision(DateTime.Now, thing); // creates a RobotVision object  seen at this very moment

            {                                           // Try to access a resource.
                rVision.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. It is likely to interrupt the simulator

            // creates a RobotVision object	with Human
            cPos = new CartesianPos(0.25, 0.326, 0.27);                      // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.25, 0.326, 0.27))
            rgb  = new RGBValue(0.25, 0.326, 0.27);                          // creates a  RGBValue value with (red, green, blue) = (0.25, 0.326, 0.27))
            Human human = new Human(
                1000000100,                                                  // object  identifier
                "mariana",                                                   // object name
                "Human",                                                     // internal object tag,
                rgb,                                                         // color in RGBValue
                cPos,                                                        // CartesianPos
                PhysicalState.noneState,                                     // object Phisical State
                Material.organicMaterial,                                    // object Material type
                "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3238275",                    // URI associated with the human
                EmotionalState.happinessEmotion);                            // human emotional state

            RobotVision rVisionHuman = new RobotVision(DateTime.Now, human); // creates a Vision object  seen at this very moment

            try                                                              // Try to access a resource.
                rVisionHuman.insert();                                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. It is likely to interrupt the simulator

            // creates a RobotVision object	with a Robot information
            cPos = new CartesianPos(0.25, 0.326, 0.27);   // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.25, 0.326, 0.27))
            rgb  = new RGBValue(0.25, 0.326, 0.27);       // creates a  RGBValue value with (red, green, blue) = (0.25, 0.326, 0.27))
            Robot robot = new Robot(
                1000001000,                               // object  identifier
                "Kyle",                                   // object name
                "Robot",                                  // internal object tag,
                rgb,                                      // color in RGBValue
                cPos,                                     // CartesianPos
                PhysicalState.noneState,                  // object Phisical State
                Material.organicMaterial,                 // object Material type
                "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11012");  // URI associated with the robot

            RobotVision rVisionRobot = new RobotVision(DateTime.Now, robot); // creates a RobotVision object  seen at this very moment

            try                                                              // Try to access a resource.
                rVisionRobot.insert();                                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. It is likely to interrupt the simulator

            // creates a RobotHear object with Hear information
            RobotHear rh1 = new RobotHear(
                DateTime.Now,                       // the event occurs now
                1000010000,                         // object  identifier
                HearingAttribute.musicSound,        // I heard a beautiful music
                0.5,                                // the volume is in the middle
                "What A Wonderful World");          // sound detail

            try                                     // Try to access a resource.
                rh1.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. It is likely to interrupt the simulator

            // creates a RobotHear object	with Hear and Position information
            cPos = new CartesianPos(0.50, 0.51, 0.52); // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.50, 0.51, 0.52)
            RobotHear rh2 = new RobotHear(
                DateTime.Now,                          // the event occurs now
                cPos,                                  // source position
                HearingAttribute.musicSound,           // I heard a beautiful music
                0.8,                                   // the volume is a little high
                "Don't worry be Happy");               // sound detail

            try                                        // Try to access a resource.
                rh2.insert();                          // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. It is likely to interrupt the simulator

            // creates a RobotSmell object with Smell
            OdorComposition odor = new OdorComposition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0);
            RobotSmell      rs1  = new RobotSmell(
                DateTime.Now,                           // the event occurs now
                1000102018,                             // object  identifier
                odor);                                  // it is an odor with 0.8 of pungent and 0.7 of popocorn

            try                                     // Try to access a resource.
                rs1.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. Probaly will borken the simulator

            // creates a RobotSmell with with Smell and Position information

            cPos = new CartesianPos(0.75, 0.76, 0.77);     // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.75, 0.76, 0.77))

            RobotSmell rs2 = new RobotSmell(
                DateTime.Now,                           // the event occurs now
                cPos,                                   // source position
                odor);                                  // it is an odor with 0.8 of pungent and 0.7 of popocorn

            try                                     // Try to access a resource.
                rs2.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. Probaly will borken the simulator

            // creates a RobotTaste object	 with Taste and Position information
            RobotTaste rt = new RobotTaste(
                DateTime.Now,                      // the event occurs now
                1001000000,                        // object  identifier
                0.12,                              // bitter level
                0.13,                              // salt level
                0.14,                              // sour level
                0.89,                              // sweet level
                0.70);                             // umani level

            try                                    // Try to access a resource.
                rt.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. Probaly will borken the simulator

            // creates a RobotTouch object		with Touch information
            RobotTouch rTouch1 = new RobotTouch(
                DateTime.Now,                           // the event occurs now
                1010000000,                             //  object definition
                0.67,                                   // hardness level
                0.68,                                   // moisture level
                0.69,                                   // pressure level
                0.70,                                   // roughness level
                25.5);                                  // temperature level

            try                                         // Try to access a resource.
                rTouch1.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. Probaly will borken the simulator

            // creates a RobotTouch object	with Touch and Position information
            cPos = new CartesianPos(0.90, 0.91, 0.92);     // creates a CartesianPos object with (x,y,z) = (0.90, 0.91, 0.92)

            RobotTouch rTouch2 = new RobotTouch(
                DateTime.Now,                           // the event occurs now
                cPos,                                   // position of the object
                0.22,                                   // hardness level
                0.23,                                   // moisture level
                0.24,                                   // pressure level
                0.79,                                   // roughness level
                23.5);                                  // temperature level

            try                                         // Try to access a resource.
                rTouch2.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);                   // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
                throw;                                  // Re-throw the error. Probaly will borken the simulator

            Console.WriteLine("- You can see the results of this execution in Fuseki start terminal or");
            Console.WriteLine("  doing a query to the triple store with your browser at : localhost:3030");
            Console.WriteLine("- Insert any char to close this terminal....");  Console.ReadLine();