Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Core.DatabaseGeneratorResult Generate(string databaseName, RobotBlocks.Core.DatabaseGeneratorInput <T> generatorInput, string[] arguments, GenerateType generateType = GenerateType.PATH)
            databaseName = databaseName.ToSafeString();
            switch (generateType)
            case GenerateType.FILES:
                return(GenerateFromFiles(databaseName, generatorInput, arguments));

            case GenerateType.SOURCE:
                return(GenerateFromSource(databaseName, generatorInput, arguments));

            case GenerateType.PATH:
                return(GenerateFromPath(databaseName, generatorInput, arguments));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static Core.DatabaseGeneratorResult GenerateFromFiles(string databaseName, RobotBlocks.Core.DatabaseGeneratorInput <T> generatorInput, string[] domainFilePaths)
            string[] domainFileSources = new string[domainFilePaths.Length];
            int      currentCount      = 0;

            foreach (string currentPath in domainFilePaths)
                domainFileSources[currentCount++] = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(currentPath);

            return(Generate(databaseName, generatorInput, domainFileSources));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static Core.DatabaseGeneratorResult GenerateFromPath(string databaseName, RobotBlocks.Core.DatabaseGeneratorInput <T> generatorInput, string[] pathsToDomainModel)
            IList <string> finalClassFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string pathToDomainModel in pathsToDomainModel)
                finalClassFiles.Concat(System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(pathToDomainModel, "*.cs", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories));
            return(GenerateFromFiles(databaseName, generatorInput, finalClassFiles.ToArray()));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static Core.DatabaseGeneratorResult GenerateFromSource(string databaseName, RobotBlocks.Core.DatabaseGeneratorInput <T> generatorInput, string[] sources)
            RobotBlocks.Interfaces.IDatabaseGenerator dbGenerator = generatorInput.Generator;
            RobotBlocks.Interfaces.IDatabaseDiffer    dbDiffer    = generatorInput.Differ;

             * for every class in the domain entity path
             * copy to temp memory and compile
             * for every compiled class in the domain library
             * parse each property of each class, create a columndefinition
             * create a tabledefinition for each class
             * for every compiled class in the domain library
             * parse each relationship of each class - relationships must be named Related{XXXX}Id
             * forevery relationship of every class
             *  create foreign key
             *  create cascade rules
             * forevery compiled class in the domain library
             *  forevery index attribute on the class
             *    create indexdefinition

            /* force load the robot blocks annotations library */
            RobotBlocks.Annotations.Core.EntityAttribute ea = new Annotations.Core.EntityAttribute();

            Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider codeProvider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "CompilerVersion", "v4.0" }
            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters(new string[] {
                "System.dll", getAnnotationsAssemblyPath(), "System.Core.dll",
                "System.Data.dll", "System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll",
                "System.Xml.dll", "System.Xml.Linq.dll"

            compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory   = true;
            compilerParameters.GenerateExecutable = false;

            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, sources);

            IEnumerable <Type> models = results.CompiledAssembly.ExportedTypes;
            IList <Table>      tables = new List <Table>();

             * brute force the generation - takes multiple passes - easier to get the sql script defined
             * in the right order this way (so tables exist before we create FK constraints, cascade rules,
             * and indexes on them
             * */

            //pass 1: generate all tables
            foreach (Type currentModel in models.Where(m => m.IsClass))
                //get ignored fields if any
                string[] ignoredFieldNames = new string[1] {
                if (currentModel.IsDefined(typeof(RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Ignore), false))
                    object[] entityIgnoreAttributes = currentModel.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Ignore), false);
                    foreach (RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Ignore ignoreAttribute in entityIgnoreAttributes)
                        if (ignoreAttribute != null)
                            ignoredFieldNames = ignoredFieldNames.Concat(ignoreAttribute.FieldNames).ToArray();

                //get indexes
                IList <Index> indices = new List <Index>();

                if (currentModel.IsDefined(typeof(RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Index), false))
                    object[] entityIndexAttributes = currentModel.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Index), false);
                    foreach (RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Entity.Index indexAttribute in entityIndexAttributes)
                        if (indexAttribute != null)
                            Index index = new Index()
                                ColumnNames = indexAttribute.FieldNames,
                                IndexType   = indexAttribute.IndexClustering.ConvertToCoreIndexType()

                //create table
                Table table = Builder.TableBuilder.Create(currentModel.Name.ToPlural());
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] publicProperties = currentModel.GetProperties();
                foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo in publicProperties)
                    if (propertyInfo.IsDefined(typeof(RobotBlocks.Annotations.Data.Field.Ignore), false) ||
                        LOG.InfoFormat("Skipping property: {0}", propertyInfo.Name);
                    Column column = new Column(propertyInfo);
                    if (dbGenerator.IsMappableType(propertyInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType))
                if (table.Columns.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).Any())
                    LOG.Warn(m => m("Skipping Table: {0}", table.Name));

            //pass 2: generate all table relationships
            foreach (Table table in tables)
                //for every column whose name is RelatedXXXId (case insensitive) we assume
                //it is a foreign key into the table with the pluralized name of XXX
                foreach (Column c in table.Columns.Where(c => c.Name.IsNamedAsARelationship()))
                    //also add cascading rules on the parent table -
                    //if this current child table has an FK which is non nullable
                    //then that means the parent table is required. when it gets
                    //deleted, then this record should be deleted as well.
                    //if this current child table has an FK which is nullable
                    //then we need to update this FK column to null
                    Table parentTable = (from t in tables where t.Name == c.Name.GetReferencedEntityName().ToPlural() select t).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (parentTable == null)
                        //log warning and continue -- skip this whole fk thing for
                        //this table since it references a non existent table
                        //as far as we are concerned
                        LOG.WarnFormat("Skipping foreign key constraints for {0}. Cannot find foreign table {1}",

                    Relationship relationship = new Relationship()
                        FromTable       = table.Name,
                        ToTable         = c.Name.GetReferencedEntityName().ToPlural(),
                        IsRequired      = c.IsRequired,
                        FromColumnNamed = c.Name,
                        ToColumnNamed   = (from parentTableColumn
                                           in parentTable.Columns
                                           where parentTableColumn.IsPrimaryKey
                                           select parentTableColumn.Name).FirstOrDefault()

                    //also add an index on this foreign key since
                    //we assume lookups and joins
                    Index fkIndex = new Index()
                        IndexType   = IndexType.NONCLUSTERED,
                        ColumnNames = new List <string>()

            Database database = DatabaseBuilder.Create(databaseName).AddTables(tables);

            DatabaseGeneratorResult finalGeneratorResult = dbGenerator.Generate(database);

            if (finalGeneratorResult.IsSuccessful)
                //get most recent schema and create database from it
                string oldDatabaseSchema = getMostRecentSchemaPath(database.Name);
                string newDatabaseSchema = backup(database.Name, finalGeneratorResult.Output);
                string differences       = dbDiffer.GetDifferences(oldDatabaseSchema, newDatabaseSchema);
