/// <summary>
        /// This is the getOutput method.
        /// It is used to create a series of string with HTML elements for the HTML
        /// output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">the Record for output</param>
        /// <returns>a series of string with HTML tags for HTML output</returns>
        private String getOutput(ref Record.Record record)
            #region             // get Useful Data
            List <DataEntry> highRisk   = record.getHighRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> mediumRisk = record.getMediumRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> lowRisk    = record.getLowRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> noneRisk   = record.getNoneRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();

            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> openPort = new Dictionary <int, DataEntry>();
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                openPort = record.getOpenPort();

            List <DataEntry> tempEntries = record.getWholeEntriesWithoutOpenPortAndHotfix();
            Record.Record    tempRecord  = new Record.Record();
            foreach (DataEntry entry in tempEntries)
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                foreach (DataEntry entry in openPort.Values)

            RiskStats riskStats = tempRecord.getRiskStats();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            #region             // print Risk Statistics
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Risk Statistics</H4>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("<br>High Risk: " + highRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>Medium Risk: " + mediumRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>Low Risk: " + lowRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>None Risk: " + noneRisk.Count + "\n");

            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                sb.Append("<br>Open Port: " + openPort.Count + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            #region             // print Host Statistics
            // Per host statistics
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Risk Statistics</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> > entry in riskStats.getRiskStats())

                Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> hostRisks = entry.Value;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <RiskFactor, int> hostRisk in hostRisks)
                    if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.NULL)
                        if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.OPEN ||
                            (hostRisk.Key == RiskFactor.OPEN && Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort))
                            sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(RiskFactorFunction.getEnumString(hostRisk.Key) + " : "));

                            if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.OPEN)
                                sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(hostRisk.Value.ToString()) + '\t');
                            else if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                                bool isOutput = false;

                                foreach (DataEntry tempEntry in openPort.Values)
                                    if (tempEntry.getIp() == entry.Key)
                                        sb.Append(tempEntry.getDescription().Split(',').Length.ToString() + '\t');
                                        isOutput = true;

                                if (!isOutput)

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            #region             // print HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW/NONE Findings
            // High Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>High Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (DataEntry entry in highRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry, RiskFactor.HIGH));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Medium Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Medium Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (DataEntry entry in mediumRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry, RiskFactor.MEDIUM));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Low Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Low Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (DataEntry entry in lowRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry, RiskFactor.LOW));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // None Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>None Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (DataEntry entry in noneRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry, RiskFactor.NONE));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            #region             // print Missing Hotfix Findings
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputHotfix)
                sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
                sb.Append("<H4>Missing Hotfix Findings</H4>" + "\n");

                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");

                sb.Append("<TD>Missing Hotfix(s)</TD>\n");

                Dictionary <String, String> hotfixList = new Hotfix(record).getHotfixListGroupByHost();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> finding in hotfixList)

                    // ip address for the open port findings

                    // open ports
                    sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(finding.Value).Replace("\n", "<br/>"));


                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            #region             // print Open Port Findings
            // Open Ports
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
                sb.Append("<H4>Open Ports Findings</H4>" + "\n");

                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");

                sb.Append("<TD>Open Port(s)</TD>\n");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> keyValuePair in openPort)
                    DataEntry entry = keyValuePair.Value;


                    // ip address for the open port findings

                    // open ports
                    sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(entry.getDescription()).Replace("\n", "<br/>"));


                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void output(string path, ref Record.Record record)
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> highRisk   = record.getHighRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> mediumRisk = record.getMediumRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> lowRisk    = record.getLowRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> noneRisk   = record.getNoneRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> openPort   = record.getOpenPort();
            RiskStats riskStats = record.getRiskStats();

            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Create(path, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document)) {
                MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = wordDoc.AddMainDocumentPart();
                Document         document         = new Document();

                Body body = new Body();

                mainDocumentPart.Document = document;

                // start output
                addParagraph(body, "Risk Statistics", true, 5, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "High Risk: " + highRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "Medium Risk: " + mediumRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "Low Risk: " + lowRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "None Risk: " + noneRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "Open Port: " + openPort.Count, false, 2, false, false);

                // Per host statistics
                addParagraph(body, "Risk Statistics", true, 5, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> > entry in riskStats.getRiskStats())
                    String tempString = entry.Key;

                    Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> hostRisks = entry.Value;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <RiskFactor, int> hostRisk in hostRisks)
                        if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.NULL)
                            tempString += " " + RiskFactorFunction.getEnumString(hostRisk.Key) + ": " +
                    addParagraph(body, tempString, false, 0, false, false);

                // High Risks
                addParagraph(body, "High Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in highRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.Value.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry.Value, RiskFactor.HIGH));

                // Medium Risks
                addParagraph(body, "Medium Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in mediumRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.Value.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry.Value, RiskFactor.MEDIUM));

                // Low Risks
                addParagraph(body, "Low Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in lowRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.Value.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry.Value, RiskFactor.LOW));

                // None Risks
                addParagraph(body, "None Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in noneRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.Value.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry.Value, RiskFactor.NONE));

                // Open Ports
                addParagraph(body, "Open Ports Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in openPort)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.Value.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry.Value, RiskFactor.OPEN));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private String getOutput(ref Record.Record record)
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> highRisk   = record.getHighRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> mediumRisk = record.getMediumRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> lowRisk    = record.getLowRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> noneRisk   = record.getNoneRisk();
            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> openPort   = record.getOpenPort();
            RiskStats riskStats = record.getRiskStats();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Risk Statistics</H4>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("<br>High Risk: " + highRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>Medium Risk: " + mediumRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>Low Risk: " + lowRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>None Risk: " + noneRisk.Count + "\n");
            sb.Append("<br>Open Port: " + openPort.Count + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Per host statistics
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Risk Statistics</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> > entry in riskStats.getRiskStats())

                Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> hostRisks = entry.Value;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <RiskFactor, int> hostRisk in hostRisks)
                    if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.NULL)
                        sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(RiskFactorFunction.getEnumString(hostRisk.Key) + " : "));
                        sb.Append(HTMLOutputFormater.forHTML(hostRisk.Value.ToString()) + '\t');

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // High Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>High Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in highRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry.Value, RiskFactor.HIGH));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Medium Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Medium Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in mediumRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry.Value, RiskFactor.MEDIUM));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Low Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Low Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in lowRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry.Value, RiskFactor.LOW));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // None Risks
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>None Risk Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in noneRisk)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry.Value, RiskFactor.NONE));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

            // Open Ports
            sb.Append("<DIV>" + "\n");
            sb.Append("<H4>Open Ports Findings</H4>" + "\n");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DataEntry> entry in openPort)
                sb.Append("<p>" + "\n");
                sb.Append(getDataEntryHTML(entry.Value, RiskFactor.OPEN));
                sb.Append("</p>" + "\n");

            sb.Append("</DIV>" + "\n");

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the output method.
        /// It is used to output the file from given path and also given Record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">the file path for output</param>
        /// <param name="record">the Record for output</param>
        public override void output(string path, ref Record.Record record)
            #region             // get Useful Data
            List <DataEntry> highRisk   = record.getHighRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> mediumRisk = record.getMediumRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> lowRisk    = record.getLowRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();
            List <DataEntry> noneRisk   = record.getNoneRiskEntriesWithoutHotfix();

            Dictionary <int, DataEntry> openPort = new Dictionary <int, DataEntry>();
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                openPort = record.getOpenPort();

            List <DataEntry> tempEntries = record.getWholeEntriesWithoutOpenPortAndHotfix();
            Record.Record    tempRecord  = new Record.Record();
            foreach (DataEntry entry in tempEntries)
            if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                foreach (DataEntry entry in openPort.Values)

            RiskStats riskStats = tempRecord.getRiskStats();

            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Create(path, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document)) {
                MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = wordDoc.AddMainDocumentPart();

                styleDefinitionsPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart;
                // If the Styles part does not exist, add it and then add the style.
                if (styleDefinitionsPart == null)
                    styleDefinitionsPart = AddStylesPartToPackage(wordDoc);
                    // Code removed here...
                AddNewStyle(styleDefinitionsPart, "entry_heading", "Entry_heading");

                Document document = new Document();

                Body body = new Body();

                mainDocumentPart.Document = document;

                #region                 // print Risk Statistics
                // start output
                addParagraph(body, "Risk Statistics", true, 5, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "High Risk: " + highRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "Medium Risk: " + mediumRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "Low Risk: " + lowRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);
                addParagraph(body, "None Risk: " + noneRisk.Count, false, 2, false, false);

                if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                    addParagraph(body, "Open Port: " + openPort.Count, false, 2, false, false);

                #region                 // print Host Statistics
                // Per host statistics
                addParagraph(body, "Risk Statistics", true, 5, true, false);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> > entry in riskStats.getRiskStats())
                    String tempString = entry.Key;

                    Dictionary <RiskFactor, int> hostRisks = entry.Value;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <RiskFactor, int> hostRisk in hostRisks)
                        if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.NULL)
                            if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.OPEN ||
                                (hostRisk.Key == RiskFactor.OPEN && Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort))
                                tempString += " " + RiskFactorFunction.getEnumString(hostRisk.Key) + ": ";

                                if (hostRisk.Key != RiskFactor.OPEN)
                                    tempString += hostRisk.Value.ToString();
                                else if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                                    bool isOutput = false;

                                    foreach (DataEntry tempEntry in openPort.Values)
                                        if (tempEntry.getIp() == entry.Key)
                                            tempString += tempEntry.getDescription().Split(',').Length.ToString();
                                            isOutput    = true;

                                    if (!isOutput)
                                        tempString += "0";
                    addParagraph(body, tempString, false, 0, false, false);

                #region                 // print HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW/NONE Findings
                // High Risks
                addParagraph(body, "High Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (DataEntry entry in highRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false, true);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry, RiskFactor.HIGH));

                // Medium Risks
                addParagraph(body, "Medium Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (DataEntry entry in mediumRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false, true);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry, RiskFactor.MEDIUM));

                // Low Risks
                addParagraph(body, "Low Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (DataEntry entry in lowRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false, true);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry, RiskFactor.LOW));

                // None Risks
                addParagraph(body, "None Risk Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                foreach (DataEntry entry in noneRisk)
                    addParagraph(body, entry.getPluginName(), true, 0, true, false, true);
                    addTable(body, buildTable(entry, RiskFactor.NONE));

                #region                 // print Missing Hotfix findings
                if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputHotfix)
                    addParagraph(body, "Missing Hotfix Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTableHotfix(new Hotfix(record)));

                #region                 // print Open Port Findings
                // Open Ports
                if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputOpenPort)
                    addParagraph(body, "Open Ports Findings\n", true, 2, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTableOpenPort(openPort));

                #region // print IP Host Table
                // Open Ports
                if (Program.state.panelOutputSelect_isOutputIpHost)
                    addParagraph(body, "IP Host Table\n", true, 2, true, false);
                    addTable(body, buildTableIpHost());