Exemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        List <RigidBodyGeneric> rbs = new List <RigidBodyGeneric>();
        List <Vector3>          unidentifiedMarkerPositions = new List <Vector3>();

        if (mocapServer == MocapServer.Cube_QualisysTrackManager)
            QTMInterface.Report(ref rbs, ref unidentifiedMarkerPositions);
        else if (mocapServer == MocapServer.Perform_OptitrackMotiveBody)
            OMBInterface.Report(ref rbs);

        // iterate over the rigid bodies to adjust transform
        for (int i = 0; i < rbs.Count; i++)
            Vector3 pos = new Vector3();
            pos    = rbs [i].position;
            pos.x /= scaleX;
            pos.x += offsetX;
            pos.y /= scaleY;
            pos.y += offsetY;
            pos.z /= scaleZ;
            pos.z += offsetZ;
            RigidBodyGeneric rb = new RigidBodyGeneric();
            rb.position = pos;
            rb.rotation = rbs [i].rotation;
            rb.name     = rbs [i].name;
            rbs [i]     = rb;

        // iterate over the incoming rigid bodies.  if a Unity user has registered a delegate to associate with the name/ID of the incoming rigid body, call that delegate and pass it the established parameters
        //Debug.Log("rbs.Count: " + rbs.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < rbs.Count; i++)
            List <RegisteredRigidBodyDelegate> delegates;
            if (registeredRigidBodyDelegatesByName.TryGetValue(rbs [i].name, out delegates))
                for (int delegateCounter = 0; delegateCounter < delegates.Count; delegateCounter++)
                    delegates [delegateCounter] (rbs [i].position, rbs[i].rotation);

        // iterate over the incoming unidentified markers, passing them to all event callers
        for (int i = 0; i < registeredUnidentifiedMarkersDelegates.Count; i++)
            registeredUnidentifiedMarkersDelegates [i] (unidentifiedMarkerPositions);
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Process Data Frame OscBundle
    private void ParsePacket(OscPacket packet, ref List <RigidBodyGeneric> rbs)
        if (packet.IsBundle)
            //OSC Data frame packet; defined in section 6.8 of the QTM RT Server Protocol Documentation.
            foreach (OscMessage message in ((OscBundle)packet).Messages)
                //LogMessage (message);
                // make sure the message is containing a 6DOF RB
                string[] messageParts = message.Address.Split('/');
                if (messageParts[2] == "6d")
                    Vector3    position = new Vector3();
                    Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
                    ExtractPositionAndRotation(message, ref position, ref rotation);
                    RigidBodyGeneric rb = new RigidBodyGeneric();
                    rb.name     = messageParts [3];
                    rb.position = position;
                    rb.rotation = rotation;

                 * //Check if this rigid body name was given in rbNames[]
                 * for (int i = 0; i < rbNames.Length; i++) {
                 * if (rbNames[i] == message.Address) {
                 * Vector3 position = new Vector3();
                 * Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
                 * ExtractPositionAndRotation(message, ref position, ref rotation);
                 * positionsReport[i] = position;
                 * rotationsReport[i] = rotation;
                 * }
                 * }
            if (String.Compare(((OscMessage)packet).Address, "/qtm/cmd_res") == 0)
                //OSC Command response packet; defined in section 6.6 of the QTM RT Server Protocol Documentation.
                connected = true;
                //Upon receiving response from server, start streaming data frames.
                SendCommand("StreamFrames AllFrames 6D");
    // zach added for MotionCaptureStreamingReceiver
    public void Report(ref List <RigidBodyGeneric> rbs)
        if (bDataReceived)
            //OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState;

            lock ( m_frameDataUpdateLock )
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, OptitrackRigidBodyState> entry in m_latestRigidBodyStates)
                    RigidBodyGeneric rb = new RigidBodyGeneric();
                    rb.position = entry.Value.Pose.Position;
                    rb.rotation = entry.Value.Pose.Orientation;
                    rb.name     = entry.Key.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Process Data Frame OscBundle
 private void ParsePacket(OscPacket packet, ref List <RigidBodyGeneric> rbs, ref List <Vector3> unidentifiedMarkerPositions)
     if (packet.IsBundle)
         //OSC Data frame packet; defined in section 6.8 of the QTM RT Server Protocol Documentation.
         foreach (OscMessage message in ((OscBundle)packet).Messages)
             //LogMessage (message);
             // make sure the message is containing a 6DOF RB
             string[] messageParts = message.Address.Split('/');
             if (messageParts[2] == "3d_no_labels")
                 ExtractPositionsFrom3DNoLabels(message, ref unidentifiedMarkerPositions);
             if (messageParts[2] == "6d")
                 Vector3    position = new Vector3();
                 Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
                 ExtractPositionAndRotationFrom6D(message, ref position, ref rotation);
                 RigidBodyGeneric rb = new RigidBodyGeneric();
                 rb.name     = messageParts[3];
                 rb.position = position;
                 rb.rotation = rotation;
         if (String.Compare(((OscMessage)packet).Address, "/qtm/cmd_res") == 0)
             //OSC Command response packet; defined in section 6.6 of the QTM RT Server Protocol Documentation.
             connected = true;
             //Upon receiving response from server, start streaming data frames.
             SendCommand("StreamFrames AllFrames 3DNoLabels 6D");
Exemplo n.º 5
 // zach added for MotionCaptureStreamingReceiver
 public void Report(ref List <RigidBodyGeneric> rbs)
     if (bDataReceived)
         for (int i = 0; i < msgData.rigid_bodies.Count; i++)
             RigidBodyGeneric rb = new RigidBodyGeneric();
             rb.position = convertRightHandedToLeftHandedPosition(((RigidBody)msgData.rigid_bodies [i]).position);
             rb.rotation = convertRightHandedToLeftHandedRotation(((RigidBody)msgData.rigid_bodies [i]).rotation);
             string rbName = "";
             if (rigidBodyIDtoName.TryGetValue(((RigidBody)msgData.rigid_bodies [i]).id, out rbName))
                 rb.name = rbName;
                 rb.name = "none";