Exemplo n.º 1
    internal MechanismBase[] GetMechanismsForBody(RigidBodyBase body)
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

        foreach (MechanismBase mech in Mechanisms)
            BindingMechanismBase bmech = mech as BindingMechanismBase;
            ForceMechanismBase   fmech = mech as ForceMechanismBase;

            if (bmech != null)
                if (bmech.EndpointA.strokeref == body.strokeid ||
                    bmech.EndpointB.strokeref == body.strokeid)
            else if (fmech != null)
                if (fmech.Body.strokeref == body.strokeid)
        return(list.ToArray(typeof(MechanismBase)) as MechanismBase[]);
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void hover_EditStraightenClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Strokes selected = inkoverlay.Selection;

        if (selected == null || selected.Count != 1)

        // Get objects for the targeted stroke(s).  Ensure only one selected.
        RigidBodyBase[] bodies = doc.GetBodiesFor(selected);
        if (bodies.Length != 1)

        RigidBodyBase body = bodies[0];

        // Repaint the area around the original body.
        Rectangle dirtybbox = body.BoundingBox;


        // Straighten it.

        // Repaint the area around the newbody.
        dirtybbox = body.BoundingBox;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void inkoverlay_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dbg.WriteLine("----- inkoverlay_SelectionChanged -----");

        // Ensure we're on the UI thread.

        try         // To prevent exceptions from propagating back to ink runtime.
            // Show smarttag if only single-selection.
            RigidBodyBase[] bodies = doc.GetBodiesFor(inkoverlay.Selection);
            if (bodies.Length != 1)
                if (bodytag.Visible)

            RigidBodyBase body = bodies[0];

        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log the error.
            Global.HandleThreadException(this, new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs(ex));
Exemplo n.º 4
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;

        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement, bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head, tail);

        // Scale based on over/under distance.
        v  = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);
        v *= stiffness * (distance - extension) / distance;
Exemplo n.º 5
    private MechanismBase MakeRodRopeOrSpring(Stroke stroke, RigidBodyBase headbody, RigidBodyBase tailbody)
        // Rod, Rope, or Spring: we decide based on straightness, curvyness, and loopiness.
        int    np = stroke.PacketCount;
        Point  head = stroke.GetPoint(0), tail = stroke.GetPoint(np - 1);
        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head, tail);

        StrokeGeometry sg     = new StrokeGeometry(stroke);
        double         length = sg.IntegrateLength();

        // Consider spring: analyze total net curvature of the stroke, and call it a
        // spring if it makes at least 540 degrees (1.5 loops) in the same direction.
        double tt = StrokeAnalyzer.AnalyzeTotalCurvature(stroke, 100.0);

        if (Math.Abs(Geometry.Rad2Deg(tt)) > 540.0)
            dbg.WriteLine("new SpringMech");

            SpringMech newmech = new SpringMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody, head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody, tail);
            newmech.extension = distance;
            newmech.stiffness = MathEx.Square(tt) / 100;           //Heuristic: th²/100 feels about right.

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;

        // Straight and narrow?
        double rodropethreshold = 1.1;         //heuristic

        if (length / distance < rodropethreshold)
            dbg.WriteLine("new RodMech");

            RodMech newmech = new RodMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody, head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody, tail);
            newmech.length    = distance;

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;
            dbg.WriteLine("new RopeMech");

            RopeMech newmech = new RopeMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody, head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody, tail);
            newmech.length    = length;

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;
Exemplo n.º 6
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Gravity always pulls on the bodies' CG.
        p = Point.Empty;

        // Return vector times force factor.
        v = vector * ForceMechanismBase.forceFactor;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public BodyPropertiesForm(RigidBodyBase body)
        // Required for Windows Form Designer support

        // Further initialization.
        this.body = body;
    public BodyPropertiesForm(RigidBodyBase body)
        // Required for Windows Form Designer support

        // Further initialization.
        this.body = body;
Exemplo n.º 9
    internal static BodyRef For(RigidBodyBase body, Point location)
        BodyRef @this = new BodyRef();

        @this.body      = body;
        @this.strokeref = body.strokeid;
        @this.attachloc = location - new Size(body.CG);
Exemplo n.º 10
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(body, Body.Object));

        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement, Body.attachloc);

        // Rotate the vector as well.
        v = Vector.Transform(vector, body.displacement) * ForceMechanismBase.forceFactor;
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Note: this method is somewhat expensive, and called fairly often.  A better
    // approach to region/region hit testing could be implemented, to improve
    // performance and return more useful info (such as a collision-normal vector).
    internal static Region GetOverlap(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2)
        body1.UpdateGP(); body1.UpdateRgn();
        body2.UpdateGP(); body2.UpdateRgn();

        Region overlap = body1.rgncache.Clone();

Exemplo n.º 12
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;

        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement, bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head, tail);

        if (distance == 0.0)
            // No force required
            v = new Vector(0, 0);

        // We want to get the distance to be the length as quickly as possible with as
        // little overshooting. To do this, let's apply a force that will bring it part
        // way towards the goal.
        Vector alongRod = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

        // Calculate force to get us a fraction of the way there.  Note: we exclude
        // pin joints (by testing length > 0) from this calculation, because it adversely
        // affects the rotation of wheels.
        double fraction = 0.5;

        if (!farside.Object.anchored && bodyref.Object.Mass > 0 && farside.Object.Mass > 0 &&
            length > 0)
            // The fraction should be inversely proportional to the relative mass
            // of the object so that lighter objects end up moving more.
            fraction *= 1 / ((1 / bodyref.Object.Mass + 1 / farside.Object.Mass) * bodyref.Object.Mass);

        v = alongRod * (body.Mass * fraction * (distance - length) / distance / (dt * dt));
 // Marks initialAtRest = true if overlapping this body.
 private void MarkAtRestIfOverlap(RigidBodyBase restingBody)
     foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
         if (!body.anchored && !body.initiallyAtRest)
             Point  contactPoint;
             PointF normal;
             if (FindIntersection(restingBody, body, out contactPoint, out normal))
                 body.initiallyAtRest = true;
 // Returns true if the objects are connected by a joint.
 // (Assumes body1 != body2)
 private bool ConnectedByJoint(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2)
     foreach (MechanismBase mech in doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body1))
         if (mech is JointMech)
             JointMech joint = (JointMech)mech;
             if (Object.ReferenceEquals(joint.EndpointA.Object, body2) ||
                 Object.ReferenceEquals(joint.EndpointB.Object, body2))
Exemplo n.º 15
    private RigidBodyBase MakeBodyFromClosedStroke(Stroke stroke, Point[] vertices)
        // Form a new body -- ellipse or polygon?
        RigidBodyBase newbody = null;

        Point[] points = stroke.GetPoints();
        Ellipse elli   = Ellipse.FromRegression(points);

        if (!elli.IsEmpty && elli.IsFit(points))
            dbg.WriteLine("new EllipticalBody");

            newbody = new EllipticalBody();
            EllipticalBody body = newbody as EllipticalBody;

            body.CenterPoint = elli.Center;
            body.MajorAxis   = elli.MajorAxis;
            body.MinorAxis   = elli.MinorAxis;
            body.Orientation = elli.Orientation;

            // Close to circle? Snap to it.
            if ((float)elli.MajorAxis / (float)elli.MinorAxis < 1.25)
                int r = (elli.MajorAxis + elli.MinorAxis) / 2;
                body.MajorAxis   = body.MinorAxis = r;
                body.Orientation = 0;
            dbg.WriteLine("new PolygonalBody");

            newbody = new PolygonalBody();
            PolygonalBody body = newbody as PolygonalBody;
            body.Vertices = vertices;

        dbg.WriteLine(String.Format("Mass={0}, I={1}", newbody.Mass, newbody.I));

        newbody.strokeid = stroke.Id;

Exemplo n.º 16
    private void hover_EditCloneClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Strokes selected = inkoverlay.Selection;

        if (selected == null || selected.Count != 1)

        // Get objects for the targeted stroke(s).  Ensure that only one is selected.
        RigidBodyBase[] bodies = doc.GetBodiesFor(selected);
        if (bodies.Length != 1)

        RigidBodyBase body = bodies[0];

        // First, clone the ink stroke.  Move it down and to the right a bit.
        Rectangle newrect = selected.GetBoundingBox();

        newrect.Offset(1000, 1000);
        doc.Ink.AddStrokesAtRectangle(selected, newrect);

        // Next, clone the body, binding it to the new stroke id.
        // Note: we got the new Strokes' ids by listening to the InkAdded event
        // AddStrokesAtRectangle doesn't return the strokes' ids.
        RigidBodyBase newbody = body.Clone(neweststrokeids[0]);


        // Repaint the area around the newbody.
        Rectangle dirtybbox = newbody.BoundingBox;


        // Select it, to show the smart tag.
        inkoverlay.Selection = doc.Ink.CreateStrokes(neweststrokeids);
Exemplo n.º 17
    private void ShowBodyTag(RigidBodyBase body)
        // Establish point on lower-right of selected body's bbox.
        Point p = new Point(body.BoundingBox.Right, body.BoundingBox.Bottom);

        using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
            // Convert to pixel-space.
            inkoverlay.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref p);

        // Make sure we're not off the edge of the screen.
        if (p.X > this.Right - bodytag.Width)
            p.X = this.Right - bodytag.Width;
        if (p.Y > this.Bottom - bodytag.Height)
            p.Y = this.Bottom - bodytag.Height;

Exemplo n.º 18
    private void hover_EditPropertiesClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Strokes selected = inkoverlay.Selection;

        if (selected == null || selected.Count != 1)

        // Get objects for the targeted stroke(s).  Ensure that only one is selected.
        RigidBodyBase[] bodies = doc.GetBodiesFor(selected);
        if (bodies.Length != 1)

        RigidBodyBase body = bodies[0];

        using (BodyPropertiesForm bpf = new BodyPropertiesForm(body))
Exemplo n.º 19
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)

        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement,Body.attachloc);

        // Rotate the vector as well.
        v = Vector.Transform(vector,body.displacement) * ForceMechanismBase.forceFactor;
Exemplo n.º 20
    // Note: this method is somewhat expensive, and called fairly often.  A better
    // approach to region/region hit testing could be implemented, to improve
    // performance and return more useful info (such as a collision-normal vector).
    internal static Region GetOverlap(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2)
        body1.UpdateGP(); body1.UpdateRgn();
        body2.UpdateGP(); body2.UpdateRgn();

        Region overlap = body1.rgncache.Clone();
        return overlap;
    private void Tick(int milliseconds)
        double dt = milliseconds / 1000.0;       // Convert to fractional seconds.

        // Integrate forces for each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // Don't move background-anchored bodies.
            if (body.anchored)

            // First, apply gravitational force (if defined).
            body.totalForce        = new Vector(0, 0);
            body.totalAngularForce = 0.0;

            if (doc.Gravity != null)
                Point  fp;                // force point, body-local coordinates (ink-space)
                Vector fv;                // force vector, g·isu/s²
                doc.Gravity.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                // Gravity acts proportional to bodies' mass.
                // The fudgefactor variable makes forces match expected perceptions.
                double fudgefactor = 3.0;
                fv = (fv * body.Mass) / fudgefactor;

                body.totalForce += fv;

            // Integrate the forces and moments from mechanisms.
            MechanismBase[] mechs = doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body);

            foreach (MechanismBase mech in mechs)
                // Rods require the delta time to calculate force properly.
                if (mech is RodMech)
                    ((RodMech)mech).dt = dt;

                Point  fp;                // force point, body-local coords (ink-space)
                Vector fv;                // force vector, g·isu/s²
                mech.GetForceForBody(body, out fp, out fv);

                body.totalForce        += fv;
                body.totalAngularForce +=
                    Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(Point.Empty, fp), fv) / 1e6;

            // Integrate forces and moments from any pending collisions.
            foreach (CollisionResponse cr in this.collisions)
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(cr.body, body))

                body.totalForce        += cr.impulseforce;
                body.totalAngularForce += Vector.Cross(Vector.FromPoints(
                                                           cr.body.CG, cr.contactpoint), cr.impulseforce) / 1e6;

                // If collision is between body not at rest and body at rest,
                // then the body at rest is no longer at rest.
                if (cr.body.initiallyAtRest &&
                    !cr.collidingBody.anchored && !cr.collidingBody.initiallyAtRest)
                    cr.body.initiallyAtRest = false;

        // Apply forces, to move each body.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
            // If body still at rest, don't move it.
            if (body.initiallyAtRest)

            // Add it up, and move the bodies.  Note, we're just doing simple
            // Euler integration, for now.  If integration error proves to be a
            // problem, Runge-Kutta or Improved Euler could be implemented here,
            // for better results (at the expense of a little performance).
            body.Vx += dt * body.totalForce.DX / body.Mass;           // isu/sec
            body.Vy += dt * body.totalForce.DY / body.Mass;           // isu/sec
            body.Va += dt * body.totalAngularForce / body.I;          // radians/sec

            int dx = 0, dy = 0; float da = 0f;

            dx = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vx);
            dy = MathEx.Round(dt * body.Vy);
            da = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body.Va);

            body.Move(dx, dy, da);

            // Move force mechanisms
            foreach (MechanismBase mech in doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body))
                if (mech is ForceMechanismBase)
                    mech.Move(dx, dy, da);

        // Apply a method to stabilize rods, pin joints, and ropes.

        // Everything works better when there are no overlaps, so physically
        // separate any objects that are intersecting.

        // Look for collisions, apply impulses.
        foreach (RigidBodyBase body1 in doc.Bodies)
            foreach (RigidBodyBase body2 in doc.Bodies)
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body1, body2))

                if (body1.anchored && body2.anchored)

                Point  contactPoint;
                PointF normal;
                if (!FindIntersection(body1, body2, out contactPoint, out normal))

                using (Graphics g = wnd.CreateGraphics())
                    using (Region contactrgn = RigidBodyBase.GetOverlap(body1, body2))
                        if (contactrgn.IsEmpty(g))

                        // We've got a hit; but make sure it's waxing not waning.
                        int dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0; float da1 = 0f, da2 = 0f;

                        dx1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vx);
                        dy1 = MathEx.Round(dt * body1.Vy);
                        da1 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body1.Va);
                        dx2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vx);
                        dy2 = MathEx.Round(dt * body2.Vy);
                        da2 = (float)Geometry.Rad2Deg(dt * body2.Va);

                        using (Matrix m1 = new Matrix())
                            using (Matrix m2 = new Matrix())
                                using (Region rgn = new Region())
                                    m1.Translate(dx1, dy1);
                                    m1.RotateAt(da1, body1.CG);
                                    m2.Translate(dx2, dy2);
                                    m2.RotateAt(da2, body2.CG);

                                    Region contactrgn1 = body1.rgncache.Clone();
                                    Region contactrgn2 = body2.rgncache.Clone();



                                    float newarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(rgn);
                                    float oldarea = Geometry.CalculateArea(contactrgn);

                                    if (newarea < oldarea)

                        // Calculate contact point, and relative velocities.

                        // Make a 1000 unit normal so that we can use ints.
                        Vector collNormal = new Vector(MathEx.Round(normal.X * 1000),
                                                       MathEx.Round(normal.Y * 1000));
                        double collNormalLength = collNormal.Length;
                        if (collNormalLength == 0)

                        // Find the relative velocity at the collision point.
                        Vector rvBodies = new Vector(MathEx.Round(body1.Vx - body2.Vx),
                                                     MathEx.Round(body1.Vy - body2.Vy));
                        // Add in the velocity due to rotation of the bodies.
                        Vector cgToContact1 = Vector.FromPoints(body1.CG, contactPoint);
                        Vector orthoToCG1   = new Vector(-cgToContact1.DY, cgToContact1.DX);
                        Vector cgToContact2 = Vector.FromPoints(body2.CG, contactPoint);
                        Vector orthoToCG2   = new Vector(-cgToContact2.DY, cgToContact2.DX);
                        Vector rv           = rvBodies + orthoToCG1 * body1.Va - orthoToCG2 * body2.Va;

                        CollisionResponse cr = new CollisionResponse();
                        cr.body          = body2;
                        cr.collidingBody = body1;
                        cr.contactpoint  = contactPoint;

                        // Take the smaller of the two elasticities for the collision.
                        double elasticity = Math.Min(body1.elasticity, body2.elasticity);

                        // Calculate the change in velocity times mass.
                        // These formulas come from _Physics for Game Developers_ by Bourg, p 98.
                        double impulseTimesMass = 0;
                        if (body1.anchored && collNormalLength > 0)
                            impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                                               (1 / body2.Mass +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                                                body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /
                        else if (collNormalLength > 0)
                            impulseTimesMass = (1 + elasticity) * rv.Dot(collNormal) /
                                               (1 / body1.Mass + 1 / body2.Mass +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG1) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact1, collNormal)) /
                                                body1.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq +
                                                Math.Abs(collNormal.Dot(orthoToCG2) * Vector.Cross(cgToContact2, collNormal)) /
                                                body2.I / 1e6 / collNormal.LengthSq) /

                        // Force that will result in that change in velocity.
                        cr.impulseforce = collNormal * (impulseTimesMass / dt / collNormalLength);

                        // Add sliding friction for ellipses colliding with polygons.
                        if (!body2.anchored && body2 is EllipticalBody && body1 is PolygonalBody)
                            // Figure out the velocity parallel to the normal.
                            double velocityNormal = rvBodies.Dot(collNormal) / collNormalLength;

                            // The frictional force is proportional to that.
                            // Note: For some reason, a coefficient of friction of 1.0
                            // sometimes creates a singularity.
                            double cfriction = Math.Min(body2.cfriction, .99);
                            double frictionForceMagnitude =
                                Math.Abs(velocityNormal) * cfriction * body2.Mass / dt;

                            // Figure out the velocity orthogonal to the normal.
                            Vector orthoNormal   = new Vector(collNormal.DY, -collNormal.DX);
                            double velocityOrtho = -rv.Dot(orthoNormal) / collNormalLength;

                            // You can't have a frictional force that actually reverses the velocity.
                            double maximumForce = Math.Abs(velocityOrtho * body2.Mass / dt);

                                // The frictional force will be along the orthogonal to the normal,
                                // in the opposite direction of the velocity.
                                Vector frictionForce = orthoNormal * (-Math.Sign(velocityOrtho) *
                                                                      Math.Min(frictionForceMagnitude, maximumForce)) / collNormalLength;

                                // Add friction.
                                cr.impulseforce += frictionForce;
                            catch (ArithmeticException ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("Silding friction exception: " + ex.ToString());

    // For now, just return whether collision has occurred.
    private bool FindIntersection(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2,
                                  out Point contactPoint, out PointF normal)
        // Initialize out variables.
        contactPoint = new Point(0, 0);
        normal       = new PointF(0, 0);

        if (!body1.BoundingBox.IntersectsWith(body2.BoundingBox))

        if (ConnectedByJoint(body1, body2))

        Point[] vertices1, vertices2;
        if (body1 is PolygonalBody)
            vertices1 = (Point[])((PolygonalBody)body1).Vertices.Clone();
            // Approximate vertices for ellipse.
            vertices1 = ((EllipticalBody)body1).GetPoints();
        if (body2 is PolygonalBody)
            vertices2 = (Point[])((PolygonalBody)body2).Vertices.Clone();
            // Approximate vertices for ellipse.
            vertices2 = ((EllipticalBody)body2).GetPoints();

        // Loop through each segment and look for intersections.
        ArrayList intersections = new ArrayList();

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices1.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < vertices2.Length; j++)
                double tAB, tPQ;
                Point  v1     = vertices1[i];
                Point  v1Next = vertices1[(i + 1) % vertices1.Length];
                Point  v2     = vertices2[j];
                Point  v2Next = vertices2[(j + 1) % vertices2.Length];
                bool   hit    = SegmentCollision.HitTest(v1, v1Next, v2, v2Next,
                                                         out tAB, out tPQ);

                if (hit)
                    // Find intersections from here.
                    Point intersection = new Point((int)(v1.X + (v1Next.X - v1.X) * tAB),
                                                   (int)(v1.Y + (v1Next.Y - v1.Y) * tAB));

        // If no intersections, then no collisions.
        if (intersections.Count == 0)

        // Get average intersection.
        int sumX = 0;
        int sumY = 0;

        foreach (Point intersection in intersections)
            sumX += intersection.X;
            sumY += intersection.Y;
        contactPoint = new Point(sumX / intersections.Count,
                                 sumY / intersections.Count);

        // Find normal by constructing orthogonal vector from first/last intersections.
        // Note: this can be improved by doing a linear fit through the intersections.
        Point i0 = (Point)intersections[0];
        Point i1 = (Point)intersections[intersections.Count - 1];

        // Create a normal vector.
        Vector normalVec = new Vector(i1.Y - i0.Y, i0.X - i1.X);

        // Compare to vector between contact point and body1.
        Vector collToBody1 =
            new Vector(contactPoint.X - body1.CG.X, contactPoint.Y - body1.CG.Y);

        // If in the opposite direction, reverse normal.
        if (collToBody1.Dot(normalVec) < 0)
            normalVec = normalVec * -1.0;

        // Normalize.
        double normalLength = normalVec.Length;

        if (normalLength > 0)
            normal = new PointF((float)(normalVec.DX / normalLength),
                                (float)(normalVec.DY / normalLength));
            normal = new PointF(0, 0);

Exemplo n.º 23
    private void TryTapToSelect(Stroke stroke)
        // We interpret strokes with fewer than 25 packets,
        // starting and ending on the same body, as tap gestures.
        int np = stroke.PacketCount;
        Point head = stroke.GetPoint(0), tail = stroke.GetPoint(np-1);
        RigidBodyBase[] headhits = doc.HitTestBodies(head);
        RigidBodyBase[] tailhits = doc.HitTestBodies(tail);

        if (np <= 25 &&
            headhits.Length > 0 &&
            tailhits.Length > 0 &&
            tappedbody = headhits[0];

            // Ensure we didn't just tap what's already selected.
            ArrayList selbodies = new ArrayList(
            if (selbodies.Contains(tappedbody))

            // We must delay the call to set_Selection, until after InkOverlay is
            // finished looking at this stroke.  BeginInvoke seems to work nicely
            // for this purpose.
            base.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(DelayTapToSelect));
Exemplo n.º 24
 // Mechanisms apply forces to their respective bodies through this method.
 internal abstract void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v);
Exemplo n.º 25
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;

        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body, EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement, bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
                     Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head, tail);

        // Model rope like a rod, but only when the rope is taught.
        v = new Vector(0, 0);
        if (distance > length)
            // We want to get the distance to be the length as quickly as possible with as
            // little overshooting. To do this, let's apply a force that will bring it part
            // way towards the goal.
            Vector alongRope = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

            // This dt doesn't have to be as critical as the rod, so we can just approximate
            // with something reasonable.
            double dt = 50.0 / 1000;

            // Calculate the force to get us a fraction of the way there.
            double fraction = 0.25;
            if (!farside.Object.anchored && bodyref.Object.Mass > 0 && farside.Object.Mass > 0)
                // The fraction should be inversely proportional to the relative mass
                // of the object so that lighter objects end up moving more.
                fraction *= 1 / ((1 / bodyref.Object.Mass + 1 / farside.Object.Mass) * bodyref.Object.Mass);

            v = alongRope * (body.Mass * fraction * (distance - length) / distance / (dt * dt));

            // Calculate the damping force that cancels out velocity along the rope.
            Vector velocityAlongRope = new Vector((int)(bodyref.Object.Vx - farside.Object.Vx),
                                                  (int)(bodyref.Object.Vy - farside.Object.Vy));
            Vector damping = velocityAlongRope * (-body.Mass / dt);

            // Check to make sure we are not bouncing back and forth.
            if (!(Math.Sign(damping.DX) != Math.Sign(previousDamping.DX) &&
                  Math.Sign(damping.DY) != Math.Sign(previousDamping.DY)))
                v += damping;
            previousDamping = damping;
            previousDamping = new Vector(0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 26
    private void ShowBodyTag(RigidBodyBase body)
        // Establish point on lower-right of selected body's bbox.
        Point p = new Point(body.BoundingBox.Right,body.BoundingBox.Bottom);
        using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
            // Convert to pixel-space.
            inkoverlay.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref p);

        // Make sure we're not off the edge of the screen.
        if (p.X > this.Right-bodytag.Width) p.X = this.Right-bodytag.Width;
        if (p.Y > this.Bottom-bodytag.Height) p.Y = this.Bottom-bodytag.Height;

Exemplo n.º 27
 // Mechanisms apply forces to their respective bodies through this method.
 internal abstract void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v);
Exemplo n.º 28
    private void inkoverlay_Stroke(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e)
        dbg.WriteLine("----- inkoverlay_Stroke -----");

        // Ensure we're on the UI thread.

        // Check to make sure we're not erasing.
        if (inkoverlay.EditingMode == InkOverlayEditingMode.Delete)

        try         // To prevent exceptions from propagating back to ink runtime.
            // Hook for tap-to-select feature, in lasso-mode.
            if (inkoverlay.EditingMode == InkOverlayEditingMode.Select)

            // Analyze stroke geometry.
            bool    closed;
            Point[] vertices;
            double  tolerance = 500.0;            //Heuristic: 500 seems about right.
            StrokeAnalyzer.AnalyzeClosedness(e.Stroke, tolerance, out closed, out vertices);

            // Interpret stroke in document-context: first, consider closed strokes.
            if (closed)
                // Check for a small elliptical-gesture over two or more bodies.
                // If so, it's a pin joint!
                Rectangle bbox = e.Stroke.GetBoundingBox();
                Point     midp = Geometry.Midpoint(bbox);

                RigidBodyBase[] hits = doc.HitTestBodies(midp);

                if (hits.Length >= 2 && bbox.Width < 1000 && bbox.Height < 1000)
                    RigidBodyBase top    = hits[0];
                    RigidBodyBase bottom = hits[1];

                    // Snap to CG if close to either top's or bottom's.
                    if (Geometry.DistanceBetween(midp, top.CG) < 500.0)
                        midp = top.CG;
                    else if (Geometry.DistanceBetween(midp, bottom.CG) < 500.0)
                        midp = bottom.CG;

                    dbg.WriteLine("new JointMech");

                    JointMech newmech = new JointMech();
                    newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(bottom, midp);
                    newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(top, midp);

                    newmech.strokeid = e.Stroke.Id;

                    // Repaint area around the newmech (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                    Rectangle dirtybbox = newmech.BoundingBox;
                    // Larger stroke, and/or no centerpoint hits -- form a new solid body.
                    RigidBodyBase newbody = MakeBodyFromClosedStroke(e.Stroke, vertices);

                    // Repaint area around the newbody (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                    Rectangle dirtybbox = newbody.BoundingBox;

                    // Select it, to show the smart tag.
                    inkoverlay.Selection = this.MakeSingleStrokeCollection(e.Stroke);

            // An unclosed stroke --
            // Check if head and/or tail is hit on existing bodies.
            int   np = e.Stroke.PacketCount;
            Point head = e.Stroke.GetPoint(0), tail = e.Stroke.GetPoint(np - 1);

            RigidBodyBase[] headhits = doc.HitTestBodies(head);
            RigidBodyBase[] tailhits = doc.HitTestBodies(tail);

            if (headhits.Length == 0 && tailhits.Length == 0)
                // Neither head or tail hit, so let's try harder to make a body
                // out of this stroke.
                Point[] dummy;
                tolerance = 2000.0;                 //Heuristic: vastly relax closure tolerance.
                StrokeAnalyzer.AnalyzeClosedness(e.Stroke, tolerance, out closed, out dummy);

                if (closed)
                    RigidBodyBase newbody = MakeBodyFromClosedStroke(e.Stroke, vertices);

                    // Repaint area around the newbody (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                    Rectangle dirtybbox = newbody.BoundingBox;

                    // Select it, to show the smart tag.
                    inkoverlay.Selection = this.MakeSingleStrokeCollection(e.Stroke);
                else if (Geometry.DistanceBetween(head, tail) > 500.0)
                    // Interpret this stroke as a gravity-vector.
                    GravitationalForceMech newgrav = new GravitationalForceMech();
                    newgrav.Body   = null;                   // Applies to all bodies!
                    newgrav.origin = head;
                    newgrav.vector = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

                    // Repaint area around the gravity vector (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                    Rectangle dirtybbox = newgrav.BoundingBox;

                    // Throw out the current gravity-vector stroke, if it exists.
                    if (doc.Gravity != null)
                        dirtybbox = doc.Gravity.BoundingBox;

                        Stroke old = GetStrokeById(doc.Gravity.strokeid);

                    newgrav.strokeid = e.Stroke.Id;
                    doc.Gravity      = newgrav;
                    // This stroke is probably an accidental tap -- discard it.
                    e.Cancel = true;

            if (headhits.Length > 0 && tailhits.Length == 0)
                // If only the head is hit, it must be an 'attractive force'.
                RigidBodyBase body = headhits[0];

                dbg.WriteLine("new ExternalForceMech");

                ExternalForceMech newmech = new ExternalForceMech();
                newmech.Body   = BodyRef.For(body, head);
                newmech.vector = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

                newmech.strokeid = e.Stroke.Id;

                // Repaint area around the newmech (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                Rectangle dirtybbox = newmech.BoundingBox;

            if (headhits.Length == 0 && tailhits.Length > 0)
                // If only the tail is hit, it must be a 'propulsive force'.
                RigidBodyBase body = tailhits[0];

                dbg.WriteLine("new PropulsiveForceMech");

                PropulsiveForceMech newmech = new PropulsiveForceMech();
                newmech.Body   = BodyRef.For(body, tail);
                newmech.vector = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

                newmech.strokeid = e.Stroke.Id;

                // Repaint area around the newmech (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                Rectangle dirtybbox = newmech.BoundingBox;

            if (true)             // scope
                // Create a binding mechanism between two bodies.
                RigidBodyBase headbody = headhits[0], tailbody = tailhits[0];

                // If both the head and the tail hit same object,
                // attach the head to the one behind.
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(headbody, tailbody))
                    if (headhits.Length > 1)
                        headbody = headhits[1];
                    else if (tailhits.Length > 1)
                        tailbody = tailhits[1];
                        // Don't self-connect. We will perhaps interpret the stroke as an
                        // anchor-gesture or a selection-gesture,
                        // but if we cannot, we will cancel.
                        int nc = e.Stroke.PolylineCusps.Length;
                        if (np <= 25)
                            inkoverlay.Selection = MakeSingleStrokeCollection(headbody.strokeid);
                            SetEditingMode(InkOverlayEditingMode.Select, false);
                        else if (np <= 150 && (nc >= 3 && nc <= 5))
                            headbody.anchored = !headbody.anchored;                             //toggle

                        e.Cancel = true;

                        // Repaint area around the headbody (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                        Rectangle dirtybbox = headbody.BoundingBox;

                // Create a rope, rod, or spring out of the stroke.
                MechanismBase newmech = MakeRodRopeOrSpring(e.Stroke, headbody, tailbody);

                if (newmech != null)
                    // Repaint area around the newmech (unions with stroke bbox, below).
                    Rectangle dirtybbox = newmech.BoundingBox;
                    // Throw out the stroke, and return.
                    e.Cancel = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Cancel the stroke, and log the error.
            e.Cancel = true;
            Global.HandleThreadException(this, new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs(ex));
            // Repaint the area around the stroke (unions with newbody/mech region, above).
            Rectangle dirtybbox = e.Stroke.GetBoundingBox();
Exemplo n.º 29
    internal MechanismBase[] GetMechanismsForBody(RigidBodyBase body)
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        foreach (MechanismBase mech in Mechanisms)
            BindingMechanismBase bmech = mech as BindingMechanismBase;
            ForceMechanismBase fmech = mech as ForceMechanismBase;

            if (bmech != null)
                if (bmech.EndpointA.strokeref == body.strokeid ||
                    bmech.EndpointB.strokeref == body.strokeid)
            else if (fmech != null)
                if (fmech.Body.strokeref == body.strokeid)
        return list.ToArray(typeof(MechanismBase)) as MechanismBase[];
Exemplo n.º 30
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;
        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement,bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head,tail);

        // Scale based on over/under distance.
        v = Vector.FromPoints(head,tail);
        v *= stiffness*(distance-extension)/distance;
Exemplo n.º 31
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Gravity always pulls on the bodies' CG.
        p = Point.Empty;

        // Return vector times force factor.
        v = vector * ForceMechanismBase.forceFactor;
 // Returns true if the objects are connected by a joint.
 // (Assumes body1 != body2)
 private bool ConnectedByJoint(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2)
     foreach (MechanismBase mech in doc.GetMechanismsForBody(body1))
         if (mech is JointMech)
             JointMech joint = (JointMech)mech;
             if (Object.ReferenceEquals(joint.EndpointA.Object, body2) ||
                 Object.ReferenceEquals(joint.EndpointB.Object, body2))
                 return true;
     return false;
    // For now, just return whether collision has occurred.
    private bool FindIntersection(RigidBodyBase body1, RigidBodyBase body2, 
		out Point contactPoint, out PointF normal)
        // Initialize out variables.
        contactPoint = new Point(0, 0);
        normal = new PointF(0, 0);

        if (!body1.BoundingBox.IntersectsWith(body2.BoundingBox))
            return false;

        if (ConnectedByJoint(body1, body2))
            return false;

        Point[] vertices1, vertices2;
        if (body1 is PolygonalBody)
            vertices1 = (Point[])((PolygonalBody)body1).Vertices.Clone();
            // Approximate vertices for ellipse.
            vertices1 = ((EllipticalBody)body1).GetPoints();
        if (body2 is PolygonalBody)
            vertices2 = (Point[])((PolygonalBody)body2).Vertices.Clone();
            // Approximate vertices for ellipse.
            vertices2 = ((EllipticalBody)body2).GetPoints();

        // Loop through each segment and look for intersections.
        ArrayList intersections = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices1.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < vertices2.Length; j++)
                double tAB, tPQ;
                Point v1 = vertices1[i];
                Point v1Next = vertices1[(i + 1) % vertices1.Length];
                Point v2 = vertices2[j];
                Point v2Next = vertices2[(j + 1) % vertices2.Length];
                bool hit = SegmentCollision.HitTest(v1, v1Next, v2, v2Next,
                    out tAB, out tPQ);

                if (hit)
                    // Find intersections from here.
                    Point intersection = new Point((int)(v1.X + (v1Next.X - v1.X) * tAB),
                        (int)(v1.Y + (v1Next.Y - v1.Y) * tAB));

        // If no intersections, then no collisions.
        if (intersections.Count == 0)
            return false;

        // Get average intersection.
        int sumX = 0;
        int sumY = 0;
        foreach (Point intersection in intersections)
            sumX += intersection.X;
            sumY += intersection.Y;

        contactPoint = new Point(sumX / intersections.Count,
            sumY / intersections.Count);

        // Find normal by constructing orthogonal vector from first/last intersections.
        // Note: this can be improved by doing a linear fit through the intersections.
        Point i0 = (Point)intersections[0];
        Point i1 = (Point)intersections[intersections.Count - 1];

        // Create a normal vector.
        Vector normalVec = new Vector(i1.Y - i0.Y, i0.X - i1.X);

        // Compare to vector between contact point and body1.
        Vector collToBody1 =
            new Vector(contactPoint.X - body1.CG.X, contactPoint.Y - body1.CG.Y);

        // If in the opposite direction, reverse normal.
        if (collToBody1.Dot(normalVec) < 0)
            normalVec = normalVec * -1.0;

        // Normalize.
        double normalLength = normalVec.Length;
        if (normalLength > 0)
            normal = new PointF((float)(normalVec.DX / normalLength),
                (float)(normalVec.DY / normalLength));
            normal = new PointF(0, 0);

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 34
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;
        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement,bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head,tail);

        // Model rope like a rod, but only when the rope is taught.
        v = new Vector(0,0);
        if (distance > length)
            // We want to get the distance to be the length as quickly as possible with as
            // little overshooting. To do this, let's apply a force that will bring it part
            // way towards the goal.
            Vector alongRope = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

            // This dt doesn't have to be as critical as the rod, so we can just approximate
            // with something reasonable.
            double dt = 50.0 / 1000;

            // Calculate the force to get us a fraction of the way there.
            double fraction = 0.25;
            if (!farside.Object.anchored && bodyref.Object.Mass > 0 && farside.Object.Mass > 0)
                // The fraction should be inversely proportional to the relative mass
                // of the object so that lighter objects end up moving more.
                fraction *= 1 / ((1 / bodyref.Object.Mass + 1 / farside.Object.Mass) * bodyref.Object.Mass);

            v =	alongRope * (body.Mass * fraction * (distance - length) / distance / (dt * dt));

            // Calculate the damping force that cancels out velocity along the rope.
            Vector velocityAlongRope = new Vector((int)(bodyref.Object.Vx - farside.Object.Vx),
                (int)(bodyref.Object.Vy - farside.Object.Vy));
            Vector damping = velocityAlongRope * (-body.Mass / dt);

            // Check to make sure we are not bouncing back and forth.
            if (!(Math.Sign(damping.DX) != Math.Sign(previousDamping.DX) &&
                Math.Sign(damping.DY) != Math.Sign(previousDamping.DY)))
                v += damping;
            previousDamping = damping;
            previousDamping = new Vector(0, 0);
 // Marks initialAtRest = true if overlapping this body.
 private void MarkAtRestIfOverlap(RigidBodyBase restingBody)
     foreach (RigidBodyBase body in doc.Bodies)
         if (!body.anchored && !body.initiallyAtRest)
             Point contactPoint;
             PointF normal;
             if (FindIntersection(restingBody, body, out contactPoint, out normal))
                 body.initiallyAtRest = true;
Exemplo n.º 36
    internal override void GetForceForBody(RigidBodyBase body, out Point p, out Vector v)
        // Rotate the attachpoint to match the body's current position.
        BodyRef bodyref = null, farside = null;
        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointA.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointA; farside = EndpointB;
        else if (Object.ReferenceEquals(body,EndpointB.Object))
            bodyref = EndpointB; farside = EndpointA;
            throw new ApplicationException("Bogus bodyref!");

        p = Geometry.TransformPointAsVector(body.displacement,bodyref.attachloc);

        // Form the force vector from head to tail.
        Point head = bodyref.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(bodyref.attachloc), bodyref.Object.displacement);
        Point tail = farside.Object.CG +
            Vector.Transform(Vector.FromPoint(farside.attachloc), farside.Object.displacement);

        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head,tail);

        if (distance == 0.0)
            // No force required
            v = new Vector(0, 0);

        // We want to get the distance to be the length as quickly as possible with as
        // little overshooting. To do this, let's apply a force that will bring it part
        // way towards the goal.
        Vector alongRod = Vector.FromPoints(head, tail);

        // Calculate force to get us a fraction of the way there.  Note: we exclude
        // pin joints (by testing length > 0) from this calculation, because it adversely
        // affects the rotation of wheels.
        double fraction = 0.5;
        if (!farside.Object.anchored && bodyref.Object.Mass > 0 && farside.Object.Mass > 0 &&
            length > 0)
            // The fraction should be inversely proportional to the relative mass
            // of the object so that lighter objects end up moving more.
            fraction *= 1 / ((1 / bodyref.Object.Mass + 1 / farside.Object.Mass) * bodyref.Object.Mass);

        v =	alongRod * (body.Mass * fraction * (distance - length) / distance / (dt * dt));
Exemplo n.º 37
    private MechanismBase MakeRodRopeOrSpring(Stroke stroke, RigidBodyBase headbody, RigidBodyBase tailbody)
        // Rod, Rope, or Spring: we decide based on straightness, curvyness, and loopiness.
        int np = stroke.PacketCount;
        Point head = stroke.GetPoint(0), tail = stroke.GetPoint(np-1);
        double distance = Geometry.DistanceBetween(head,tail);

        StrokeGeometry sg = new StrokeGeometry(stroke);
        double length = sg.IntegrateLength();

        // Consider spring: analyze total net curvature of the stroke, and call it a
        // spring if it makes at least 540 degrees (1.5 loops) in the same direction.
        double tt = StrokeAnalyzer.AnalyzeTotalCurvature(stroke,100.0);
        if (Math.Abs(Geometry.Rad2Deg(tt)) > 540.0)
            dbg.WriteLine("new SpringMech");

            SpringMech newmech = new SpringMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody,head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody,tail);
            newmech.extension = distance;
            newmech.stiffness = MathEx.Square(tt)/100; //Heuristic: th²/100 feels about right.

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;
            return newmech;

        // Straight and narrow?
        double rodropethreshold = 1.1; //heuristic
        if (length/distance < rodropethreshold)
            dbg.WriteLine("new RodMech");

            RodMech newmech = new RodMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody,head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody,tail);
            newmech.length = distance;

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;
            return newmech;
            dbg.WriteLine("new RopeMech");

            RopeMech newmech = new RopeMech();
            newmech.EndpointA = BodyRef.For(headbody,head);
            newmech.EndpointB = BodyRef.For(tailbody,tail);
            newmech.length = length;

            newmech.strokeid = stroke.Id;
            return newmech;
Exemplo n.º 38
        static bool CompareDocuments(MagicDocument a, MagicDocument b)
            if (a.version != b.version)
            if (a.Bodies.Count != b.Bodies.Count)
            if (a.Mechanisms.Count != b.Mechanisms.Count)
            if (a.xml_Ink != b.xml_Ink)

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Bodies.Count; ++i)
                RigidBodyBase a1 = ((RigidBodyBase)a.Bodies[i]);
                RigidBodyBase b1 = ((RigidBodyBase)b.Bodies[i]);
                if (a1.GetType() != b1.GetType())
                if (a1.strokeid != b1.strokeid)
                if (a1.anchored != b1.anchored)
                if (a1.cfriction != b1.cfriction)
                if (a1.density != b1.density)

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Mechanisms.Count; ++i)
                MechanismBase a1 = ((MechanismBase)a.Mechanisms[i]);
                MechanismBase b1 = ((MechanismBase)b.Mechanisms[i]);
                if (a1.GetType() != b1.GetType())
                if (a1 is ForceMechanismBase)
                    ForceMechanismBase a2 = (ForceMechanismBase)a1;
                    ForceMechanismBase b2 = (ForceMechanismBase)b1;
                    if (a2.Body.strokeref != b2.Body.strokeref)
                    if (a2.Body.attachloc != b2.Body.attachloc)
                    if (a2.vector != b2.vector)

Exemplo n.º 39
 internal static BodyRef For(RigidBodyBase body, Point location)
     BodyRef @this = new BodyRef();
     @this.body = body;
     @this.strokeref = body.strokeid;
     @this.attachloc = location - new Size(body.CG);
     return @this;