Exemplo n.º 1
        void Update()
            // 上下移动。并到达位置后,开始计时。计时结束后往反方向移动。
            if (TimeController.Instance.IsOpTime())

            if (Up)
                if (KeepTime > 0f)
                    Rigid.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, 2000f * MoveSpeed));
                    KeepTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                // 移动部分
                if (KeepTime > 0f)
                    KeepTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                    Rigid.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, 2000f * MoveSpeed));
Exemplo n.º 2
    private IEnumerator Assault()
        IsAttack = true;
        IsChase  = false;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f));

        Ani.SetBool("isAttack", true);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));

        AttackObject attack = GameManager.Instance.Pooling.GetAttackObject(PoolManager.AttackObjectList.MonsterMeleeAttack);

        attack.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        attack.transform.rotation      = transform.rotation;
        var attackInfo = new AttackInfo(this, Atk * AssaultDamage, 10f, "Player", transform.position, int.MaxValue,
                                        (HitInfo info) => { GameManager.Instance.Effect.HitEffect(info.HitUnit.transform.position); });

        attack.SetAttackInfo(attackInfo, AttackObject.IgnoreType.IgnoreWallAndFloor);
        attack.SetTimer(1f, InstantObject.TimerAction.Destory);
        Rigid.AddForce(transform.forward * AssaultForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

        Rigid.velocity = Vector3.zero;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.8f));

        //공격 후딜레이
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f));

        Ani.SetBool("isAttack", false);
        IsAttack = false;
        IsChase  = true;
            public void TwoBodysWithSpringPushAway()
                World w = new World ();

                Rigid r1 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70));
                r1.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector ();
                w.AddRigid (r1);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (-30, 0, 0), r1));

                Rigid r2 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70));
                r2.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector (10, 0, 0);
                w.AddRigid (r2);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (30, 0, 0), r2));

                Vector v = new Vector ();
                Spring spring = new Spring (r1, v, r2, v, 300, 0);
                w.AddEffect (spring);

                State s1 = new State (w);

                s1.Simulate (5);

                Assert.AreEqual (-0.0966, s1.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.0808, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.9324, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);

                Assert.AreEqual (10.0966, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (-0.0808, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (-0.9324, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void InitializeCharacter(CharacterIdentity ci)
        characterIdentity = ci;
        trans             = model.GetComponent <Transform>();
        rigid             = GetComponent <Rigid>();

        mState      = new IdleState();
        mDelayState = new IdleDelayState();

        gameSystemState = SystemOrder.NOTHING;
        inputOrder      = InputOrder.stand;
        attackOrder     = -1;
        walkDirection   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        sightRotation   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        posture     = new Posture(this);
        walkPhase   = 0;
        attackPhase = 0;

        holdingItemIndex = -1;

        if (characterIdentity.isPlayer)
            GetComponent <Basic>().mManager.allManager.SetCamera(gameObject);

            targetCharacter = null;
            targetCharacter = GetComponent <Basic>().mManager.allManager.player;
            public void TwoBodysWithDamperPullTogether()
                World w = new World ();

                Rigid r1 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70));
                r1.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector ();
                w.AddRigid (r1);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (30, 0, 0), r1));

                Rigid r2 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70));
                r2.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector (10, 0, 0);
                w.AddRigid (r2);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (-30, 0, 0), r2));

                Vector v = new Vector ();
                Damper damper = new Damper (r1, v, r2, v, 30);
                w.AddEffect (damper);

                State s1 = new State (w);

                s1.Simulate (5);

                Assert.AreEqual (2.25, s1.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.5, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.0, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);

                Assert.AreEqual (7.75, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (-0.5, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.0, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Movement()
            var dir = (ActivePlayer.Trans.position - Trans.position).normalized;

            dir = dir.normalized * MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            Rigid.MovePosition(Trans.position + dir);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void InitializeItemMarker(int id)
     itemID      = id;
     owner       = null;
     rigid       = GetComponent <Rigid>();
     protectTime = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
     if (_hasRotated)
         _hasRotated = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Jump()
     if (isGrounded && minJumpTime <= 0f)
         Rigid.AddForce(Vector2.up * JumpForce);
         minJumpTime = 1f;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void Progress()
     Rigid.MovePosition(Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, transform.position + speed * Direction, inversedMoveTime * Time.deltaTime));
     if (lifeSpan < 0 || (k514SystemManager.InteractMgr.GetPlayerVector().z - transform.position.z) > 2f)
            public void NewRigidStateTest()
                Rigid r = new Rigid (1, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                RigidState rs = new RigidState (r);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.CenterOfMass.X);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.CenterOfMass.Y);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.CenterOfMass.Z);
Exemplo n.º 12
    public override void Hurt(ActorInstance actor, int damage = 0, int currentHP = 0, string cause = "attack", bool crit = false)
        base.Hurt(actor, damage, currentHP, cause, crit);

        if (Game.Instance.isBitch)
            Rigid.AddForce(2f * actor.Info.ClientPerks.KnockbackModifier * transform.position - actor.transform.position, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Exemplo n.º 13
    public override void OnRelease()

        Picked = false;

        Rigid.isKinematic = false;
        Rigid.useGravity  = true;
        Rigid.AddForce(Camera.main.transform.forward * throwForce);
            public void SimulateMovementTest()
                Rigid r = new Rigid (1, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                RigidState rs = new RigidState (r);
                rs.LinearAcceleration = new Vector (1, 0, 0);
                rs.SimulateMovement (1, new Euler ());

                Assert.AreEqual (1, rs.CenterOfMass.X, 0.01);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.CenterOfMass.Y, 0.01);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, rs.CenterOfMass.Z, 0.01);
Exemplo n.º 15
    protected override void Move()
        Vector2 dir = Value.JoyTouch;

        MoveDirc = dir;
        float   TileSpeed = OnTile.TileSpeed;
        Vector2 Movedir   = (dir * TileSpeed * Speed * Time.deltaTime);

        //transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x + dir.x, transform.position.y + dir.y);
        Rigid.MovePosition(Rigid.position + Movedir);
        Render.sortingOrder = -(int)Rigid.position.y;
 public void LinearBasicTest()
     World w = new World ();
     Rigid r = new Rigid (10, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
     w.AddRigid (r);
     w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (1, 0, 0), r));
     State s = new State (w, 0.001);
     s.Simulate (2);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.1, s.RigidStates [r].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.2, s.RigidStates [r].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.2, s.RigidStates [r].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 17
    //bool CheckGround()
    //    Collider2D collider = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(transform.position + Offset,
    //                                                  Radius, GroundLayer);

    //    return collider != null ? true : false;

    //    //if(collider != null)
    //    //{
    //    //    return true;
    //    //}
    //    //else
    //    //{
    //    //    return false;
    //    //}

    void Jump()
        if (!groundChecker.IsGround) // isGround == false;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            Rigid.AddForce(Vector3.up * JumpForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Exemplo n.º 18
    void Jump()
        if (!isGround)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            Rigid.AddForce(Vector3.up * JumpForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Exemplo n.º 19
    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (_ragdoll.ReferenceSystem != null)

        //if (Rigid.velocity.sqrMagnitude < Ragdoll.GroundParams.StopVelocityMaxSqr)
        //	IsGrounded = (_groundTimer -= Time.fixedDeltaTime) < 0f;
        //	_groundTimer = Ragdoll.GroundParams.Timeout;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void Movement()
            var x     = CanMoveX ? Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") : 0;
            var z     = CanMoveZ ? Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") : 0;
            var input = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

            input = input.normalized * MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            Rigid.MovePosition(Trans.position + input);

            if (CanJump && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && FloorPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(Trans.position) < 0.51f)
                Rigid.AddForce(Vector3.up * 6, ForceMode.Impulse);
            public void LinearBasicStepTest()
                World w = new World ();
                Rigid r = new Rigid (10, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (1, 0, 0), r));
                State s = new State (w, 0.001);
                s.InitState ();
                s.ForwardStep ();

                Assert.AreEqual (10, s.RigidStates [r].Mass, 0.0001);
                Assert.AreEqual (1, s.RigidStates [r].StateForceList.Force.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.1, s.RigidStates [r].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Handling the jump and the airborne movement if the player is airborne
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleJump()
     if (IsGrounded)
         if (CTRLHub.inst.JumpDown &&
             IsFrozen == false)
             Rigid.AddForce(-normalizedGravity * maxJumpforce, ForceMode.Impulse);
             airebornMovementDirection = movementDirection;
         Rigid.AddForce(airebornMovementDirection * jumpForwardStrength);
         airebornMovementDirection = Vector3.Lerp(airebornMovementDirection, Vector3.zero, dropMovementForceWeakening * Time.deltaTime);
Exemplo n.º 23
    public override void Hurt(ActorInstance actor, int damage = 0, int currentHP = 0, string cause = "attack", bool crit = false)
        base.Hurt(actor, damage, currentHP, cause, crit);

        if (Game.Instance.isBitch)
            if (actor.transform.position.x < transform.position.x)
                Rigid.gravityScale = 1f;

                Rigid.AddForce((damage / Info.MaxHealth) * 3f * actor.Info.ClientPerks.KnockbackModifier * transform.right, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
                Rigid.gravityScale = 1f;

                Rigid.AddForce((damage / Info.MaxHealth) * 3f * actor.Info.ClientPerks.KnockbackModifier * -transform.right, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override void Movement()
            if (_isChargeing)
                _chargePercentage += Time.deltaTime * 20;
                if (_chargePercentage >= 100)
                    _isChargeing = false;
                    Rigid.AddForce(Trans.forward * 30, ForceMode.Impulse);

                _chargePercentage -= Time.deltaTime * 20;
                if (_chargePercentage <= 0)
                    _isChargeing = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the <see cref="Rigid"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='r'>
 /// This <see cref="Rigid"/> will be added to the world.
 /// </param>
 public void AddRigid(Rigid r)
     Rigids.Add (r);
            public void OneWorldTwoStatesTest()
                World w = new World ();

                Rigid r1 = new Rigid (30, new Matrix (70, 70, 70));
                w.AddRigid (r1);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (30, 0, 0), r1, new Vector (5, 0, 0)));
                w.AddEffect (new Moment (new Vector (0, 0, 50), r1));

                Rigid r2 = new Rigid (5, new Matrix (200, 200, 200));
                r2.StartCenterOfMass = new Vector (10, 10, 10);
                w.AddRigid (r2);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (10, 0, 0), r2, new Vector (0, -100, 0)));

                State s1 = new State (w, 0.0001);
                State s2 = new State (w, 0.001);

                s1.Simulate (1);
                s2.Simulate (2);
                s1.ForwardStep ();

                Assert.AreEqual (0, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s1.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (1, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (1, s1.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.5, s1.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (0.71, s1.RigidStates [r1].AngularAcceleration.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.71, s1.RigidStates [r1].AngularVelocity.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.36, s1.RigidStates [r1].AnglesOfRotation.Z, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2, s1.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (11, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s1.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Z, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (5, s1.RigidStates [r2].AngularAcceleration.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (5, s1.RigidStates [r2].AngularVelocity.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2.5, s1.RigidStates [r2].AnglesOfRotation.Z, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, s2.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s2.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s2.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (1, s2.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2, s2.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2, s2.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (0.71, s2.RigidStates [r1].AngularAcceleration.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (1.43, s2.RigidStates [r1].AngularVelocity.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (1.43, s2.RigidStates [r1].AnglesOfRotation.Z, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, s2.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s2.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s2.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (2, s2.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (4, s2.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (14, s2.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.X, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s2.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Z, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (5, s2.RigidStates [r2].AngularAcceleration.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s2.RigidStates [r2].AngularVelocity.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (10, s2.RigidStates [r2].AnglesOfRotation.Z, 0.1);
            public void NonCentricMomentTest()
                World w = new World ();
                Rigid r = new Rigid (5, new Matrix (5, 5, 5));
                w.AddRigid (r);
                w.AddEffect (new Moment (new Vector (0, 0, 10), r, new Vector (0.5, 0, 0)));
                State s = new State (w, 0.001);
                s.Simulate (3);

                Assert.AreEqual (4, s.RigidStates [r].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (12, s.RigidStates [r].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (18, s.RigidStates [r].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (2, s.RigidStates [r].AngularAcceleration.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (6, s.RigidStates [r].AngularVelocity.Z, 0.1);
                Assert.AreEqual (9, s.RigidStates [r].AnglesOfRotation.Z, 0.1);
 public void AngularBasicTest()
     World w = new World ();
     Rigid r = new Rigid (23, new Matrix (5, 5, 5));
     w.AddRigid (r);
     w.AddEffect (new Moment (new Vector (2, 0, 0), r));
     State s = new State (w, 0.001);
     s.Simulate (2);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.4, s.RigidStates [r].AngularAcceleration.X, 0.001);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.8, s.RigidStates [r].AngularVelocity.X, 0.001);
     Assert.AreEqual (0.8, s.RigidStates [r].AnglesOfRotation.X, 0.01);
            public void TwoBodyGravityTest()
                World w = new World ();
                w.AddEffect (new Gravity ());
                Rigid r1 = new Rigid (10, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r1);
                Rigid r2 = new Rigid (20, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r2);
                State s = new State (w, 0.001);
                s.Simulate (2.5);

                Assert.AreEqual (-9.81, s.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.01);
                Assert.AreEqual (-24.52, s.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.02);
                Assert.AreEqual (-30.65, s.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);

                Assert.AreEqual (-9.81, s.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.Y, 0.01);
                Assert.AreEqual (-24.52, s.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.Y, 0.02);
                Assert.AreEqual (-30.65, s.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Y, 0.1);
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies AddForce in 'movementDirection' using the given strength and ForceMode,
 /// according to the inputed movement strength ('GetInputMagnitude()')
 /// </summary>
 private void ApplyForceInMovementDirection(float strength, ForceMode forceMode = ForceMode.Force)
     Rigid.AddForce(movementDirection * strength * GetInputMagnitude(), forceMode);
Exemplo n.º 31
    public void RevisarPegados(float filtroOverlap = 0f)
        if (Rigid)
            var contactos = new ContactPoint2D[50];
            int cant      = Rigid.GetContacts(contactos);
            for (int i = 0; i < cant; i++)
                var contacto = contactos[i];
                var tuBoxCol = contacto.collider as BoxCollider2D;
                var miBox    = BoxCol ? BoxCol : contacto.otherCollider as BoxCollider2D;
                if (tuBoxCol && !pegadosColliders.Contains(tuBoxCol))
                    var tuBoundsMax = tuBoxCol.bounds.max;
                    var tuBoundsMin = tuBoxCol.bounds.min;
                    var miBoundsMax = miBox.bounds.max;
                    var miBoundsMin = miBox.bounds.min;

                    // Nueva tecnica, se tomaran los bloques incluyendo superposiciones, un mismo bloque que esta arriba y abajo entra en ambos grupos
                    if (tuBoundsMax.y > miBoundsMax.y)
                    if (tuBoundsMin.y < miBoundsMin.y)

                    if (tuBoundsMax.x > miBoundsMax.x)
                    if (tuBoundsMin.x < miBoundsMin.x)

                    if (contacto.rigidbody && !pegadosRigid.Contains(contacto.rigidbody))
                        var tuLaycuarto = contacto.rigidbody.GetComponent <LayoutCuarto>();
                        if (tuLaycuarto)

                            var overLapX = Mathf.Min(tuBoundsMax.x, miBoundsMax.x) - Mathf.Max(tuBoundsMin.x, miBoundsMin.x);
                            var overLapY = Mathf.Min(tuBoundsMax.y, miBoundsMax.y) - Mathf.Max(tuBoundsMin.y, miBoundsMin.y);
                            if (overLapX > filtroOverlap || overLapY > filtroOverlap)

 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the <see cref="Rigid"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='r'>
 /// This <see cref="Rigid"/> will be remove from the world
 /// </param>
 public void RemoveRigid(Rigid r)
     Rigids.Remove (r);
            public void LinearThreeBodyBasicTest()
                World w = new World ();
                Rigid r1 = new Rigid (10, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r1);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (1, 0, 0), r1));
                Rigid r2 = new Rigid (20, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r2);

                Rigid r3 = new Rigid (20, new Matrix (1, 1, 1));
                w.AddRigid (r3);
                w.AddEffect (new Force (new Vector (1, 0, 0), r3));

                State s = new State (w, 0.001);
                s.Simulate (2);

                Assert.AreEqual (0.1, s.RigidStates [r1].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.2, s.RigidStates [r1].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.2, s.RigidStates [r1].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);

                Assert.AreEqual (0, s.RigidStates [r2].LinearAcceleration.Norm, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s.RigidStates [r2].LinearVelocity.Norm, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0, s.RigidStates [r2].CenterOfMass.Norm, 0.001);

                Assert.AreEqual (0.05, s.RigidStates [r3].LinearAcceleration.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.1, s.RigidStates [r3].LinearVelocity.X, 0.001);
                Assert.AreEqual (0.1, s.RigidStates [r3].CenterOfMass.X, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public void ApplyForce(Vector3 force)
     lastForce = force;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void Move(float timeModifer)
     Rigid.AddForce(new Vector2(0, _force * timeModifer * speedModifer * (1 / _sizeModifer)));