Exemplo n.º 1
            public VoxelGrid(RhCommon_Scene ModelSurfaces, List <IOn3dPoint> Pts, int VG_Domain)
                VoxelCT        = VG_Domain;
                VoxelInventory = new List <int> [VoxelCT, VoxelCT, VoxelCT];
                Voxel          = new List <On3dPoint> [VoxelCT, VoxelCT, VoxelCT];
                IRhinoObject[] Surfaces = new IRhinoObject[ModelSurfaces.Count()];

                OnBoundingBox  TightOBox = new OnBoundingBox();
                On3dPoint      BoxMin    = new On3dPoint();
                On3dPoint      BoxMax    = new On3dPoint();
                ArrayOn3dPoint Points    = new ArrayOn3dPoint();

                for (int i = 0; i < Pts.Count; i++)

                RhUtil.RhinoGetTightBoundingBox(Surfaces, ref TightOBox, false, null);
                TightOBox.Set(Points, true);
                OverallBBox = new OnBoundingBox(new On3dPoint(TightOBox.Min().x - 1, TightOBox.Min().y - 1, TightOBox.Min().z - 1), new On3dPoint(TightOBox.Max().x + 1, TightOBox.Max().y + 1, TightOBox.Max().z + 1));

                this.X_Incr = (OverallBBox.Max().x - OverallBBox.Min().x) / VoxelCT;
                this.Y_Incr = (OverallBBox.Max().y - OverallBBox.Min().y) / VoxelCT;
                this.Z_Incr = (OverallBBox.Max().z - OverallBBox.Min().z) / VoxelCT;

                //For((int XBox = 0; XBox < VoxelCT; XBox++)
                Parallel.For(0, VoxelCT, XBox =>
                    RhUtil.RhinoApp().SetStatusBarMessagePane(string.Format("Voxelizing: {0}%", Math.Round((double)XBox / VoxelCT - 1, 2) * 100));
                    for (int YBox = 0; YBox < VoxelCT; YBox++)
                        for (int ZBox = 0; ZBox < VoxelCT; ZBox++)
                            BoxMin = new On3dPoint((OverallBBox.Min().x + this.X_Incr * XBox) - X_Incr / 10, (OverallBBox.Min().y + this.Y_Incr * YBox) - Y_Incr / 10, (OverallBBox.Min().z + this.Z_Incr * ZBox) - Z_Incr / 10);
                            BoxMax = new On3dPoint((OverallBBox.Min().x + this.X_Incr * (XBox + 1)) + X_Incr / 10, (OverallBBox.Min().y + this.Y_Incr * (YBox + 1)) + Y_Incr / 10, (OverallBBox.Min().z + this.Z_Incr * (ZBox + 1)) + X_Incr / 10);
                            this.Voxel[XBox, YBox, ZBox] = new List <On3dPoint>();
                            this.Voxel[XBox, YBox, ZBox].Add(BoxMin);
                            this.Voxel[XBox, YBox, ZBox].Add(BoxMax);
                            this.VoxelInventory[XBox, YBox, ZBox] = new List <int>();
                            for (int Index = 0; Index < ModelSurfaces.Count(); Index++)
                                OnBoundingBox TestBox = new OnBoundingBox();
                                TestBox = new OnBoundingBox(this.Voxel[XBox, YBox, ZBox][0], this.Voxel[XBox, YBox, ZBox][1]);
                                if (BoxIntersection(ModelSurfaces, TestBox, Index))
                                    this.VoxelInventory[XBox, YBox, ZBox].Add(Index);
Exemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary>
        public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context)
            // Select a curve object
            MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject();

            go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curve");
            go.GetObjects(1, 1);
            if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success)

            // Validate the selection
            IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object();

            if (null == obj)

            // Get the active view
            MRhinoView view = RhUtil.RhinoApp().ActiveView();

            if (null == view)

            // Get the construction plane from the active view
            OnPlane plane = new OnPlane(view.ActiveViewport().ConstructionPlane().m_plane);

            // Create a construction plane aligned bounding box
            OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox();

            IRhinoObject[] objs = new IRhinoObject[1] {
            bool rc = RhUtil.RhinoGetTightBoundingBox(objs, ref bbox, false, plane);

            if (rc == false)

            // Validate bounding box
            if (0 != bbox.IsDegenerate())
                RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Curve's tight bounding box is degenerate.\n");

            // ON_BrepBox wants 8 points defining the box corners
            // arranged in this order:
            //          v7______________v6
            //           |\             |\
            //           | \            | \
            //           |  \ _____________\ 
            //           |   v4         |   v5
            //           |   |          |   |
            //           |   |          |   |
            //          v3---|---------v2   |
            //           \   |          \   |
            //            \  |           \  |
            //             \ |            \ |
            //              \v0____________\v1
            On3dPoint[] box_corners = new On3dPoint[8];
            box_corners[0] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 0);
            box_corners[1] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 0);
            box_corners[2] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 0);
            box_corners[3] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 0);
            box_corners[4] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 1);
            box_corners[5] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 1);
            box_corners[6] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 1);
            box_corners[7] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 1);

            // Transform points to the world-xy plane
            OnXform p2w = new OnXform();

            p2w.ChangeBasis(plane, OnUtil.On_xy_plane);
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

            // Make a brep box
            OnBrep brep = OnUtil.ON_BrepBox(box_corners);

            if (null != brep)
