Exemplo n.º 1
        void FilterSimple(WebData webData, ITable table, string fieldName, string filter, int page)
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(table));
            if (fieldName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldName));
            Search search;
            long   rowCount;

            if (filter == null)
                search   = Search.None;
                rowCount = table.RowCount;
                search   = Search.FieldLike(fieldName, MDBSearch.Text(filter));
                rowCount = table.Count(search);
            ResultOption options = ResultOption.Limit(RowsPerPage) + ResultOption.SortAscending(fieldName);

            if (page > 0)
                options += ResultOption.Offset(page * RowsPerPage);
            var rows = table.GetRows(search, options);

            webData.Result.AddMessage(webData.Method, "Retrieved {0}.", table);
            AddPagination(webData, page, rowCount);
            webData.Result.AddRows(rows, table.Layout);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetFilesWithErrorsList(WebData webData, int page = 0)
            var  search   = Search.FieldNotEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.MetaErrors), MDBMetaErrors.None);
            long rowCount = mdb.AudioFiles.Count(search);
            var  ids      = mdb.AudioFiles.FindRows(search, ResultOption.Limit(RowsPerPage) + ResultOption.Offset(page * RowsPerPage));
            var  files    = ids.Select(i => RPCAudioFile.Load(mdb, i));

            webData.Result.AddMessage(webData.Method, "Retrieved AudioFiles with MetaErrors.");
            AddPagination(webData, page, rowCount);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SearchAlbums(WebData webData, long artistID = 0, string filter = null, int page = 0, long categoryID = 0, long genreID = 0, long tagID = 0, string genre = null, string tag = null)
            ICollection <long> albumIDs = null;

            //select audio files
            if (genreID != 0 || categoryID != 0 || tagID != 0 || genre != null || tag != null)
                Search s = Search.None;
                if (genreID != 0)
                    s &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.GenreID), genreID);
                if (tagID != 0)
                    s &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.TagID), tagID);
                if (genre != null)
                    s &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Genres), MDBSearch.Text("%" + genre + "%"));
                if (tag != null)
                    s &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Tags), MDBSearch.Text("%" + tag + "%"));
                if (categoryID > 0)
                    s &= GetCategorySearch(categoryID);
                int fieldIndex = mdb.AudioFiles.Layout.GetFieldIndex(nameof(MDBAudioFile.AlbumID));
                albumIDs = mdb.AudioFiles.GetRows(s).Select(r => (long)r.GetValue(fieldIndex)).ToList();

            //select artists
            IList <MDBAlbum> albums;
            long             rowCount;
                Search search = Search.None;
                if (filter != null)
                    search &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAlbum.Name), MDBSearch.Text("%" + filter + "%"));
                if (albumIDs != null)
                    search &= Search.FieldIn(nameof(MDBAlbum.ID), albumIDs);
                if (artistID != 0)
                    search &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAlbum.ArtistID), artistID);
                if (search.Mode == SearchMode.None)
                    rowCount = mdb.Albums.RowCount;
                    rowCount = mdb.Albums.Count(search);
                albums = mdb.Albums.GetStructs(search, ResultOption.SortAscending(nameof(MDBAlbum.Name)) + ResultOption.Offset(page * RowsPerPage) + ResultOption.Limit(RowsPerPage));

            var result = albums.Select(i => RPCAlbum.Load(mdb, i));

            webData.Result.AddMessage(webData.Method, "Retrieved Albums.");
            AddPagination(webData, page, rowCount);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void SearchAudioFiles(WebData webData, int page = 0, long artistID   = 0, long albumID    = 0, long categoryID  = 0, long genreID    = 0, long tagID    = 0,
                                     string filter             = null, string title = null, string album = null, string artist = null, string genre = null, string tag = null)
            if (title == null)
                title = filter;

            Search search = Search.None;

            if (artistID > 0)
                if (artist != null)
                    throw new WebServerException(WebError.InvalidParameters, 0, "Cannot use artist search and artistID at the same time!");
                search &=
                    Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.AlbumArtistID), artistID) |
                    Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.SongArtistID), artistID);
            else if (artist != null)
                var ids = mdb.Artists.FindRows(Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBArtist.Name), artist));
                search &=
                    Search.FieldIn(nameof(MDBAudioFile.AlbumArtistID), ids) |
                    Search.FieldIn(nameof(MDBAudioFile.SongArtistID), ids);

            if (albumID > 0)
                search &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.AlbumID), albumID);
                if (album != null)
                    throw new WebServerException(WebError.InvalidParameters, 0, "Cannot use album search and albumID at the same time!");
            else if (album != null)
                var ids = mdb.Albums.FindRows(Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBArtist.Name), album));
                search &= Search.FieldIn(nameof(MDBAudioFile.AlbumID), ids);

            if (categoryID > 0)
                search &= GetCategorySearch(categoryID);
            if (genreID > 0)
                search &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.GenreID), genreID);
            if (tagID > 0)
                search &= Search.FieldEquals(nameof(MDBAudioFile.TagID), tagID);
            if (genre != null)
                search &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Genres), MDBSearch.Text("%" + genre + "%"));
            if (tag != null)
                search &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Tags), MDBSearch.Text("%" + tag + "%"));
            if (title != null)
                search &= Search.FieldLike(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Title), MDBSearch.Text("%" + title + "%"));

                long rowCount = mdb.AudioFiles.Count(search);
                var  ids      = mdb.AudioFiles.FindRows(search, ResultOption.Limit(RowsPerPage) + ResultOption.Offset(page * RowsPerPage) + ResultOption.SortAscending(nameof(MDBAudioFile.Title)));
                webData.Result.AddMessage(webData.Method, "Found {0} matching AudioFiles.", rowCount);
                AddPagination(webData, page, rowCount);
                var files = ids.Select(i => RPCAudioFile.Load(mdb, i));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override Row GetRowAt(int index) => GetRow(Search.None, ResultOption.Limit(1) + ResultOption.Offset(index));