Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Upload(UploadSvcArg arg)
            if (Request.Files != null && Request.Files.Count == 1)
                HttpPostedFileBase fileUplaod = Request.Files[0];
                if (fileUplaod != null && fileUplaod.ContentLength > 0)
                    arg.FileName = fileUplaod.FileName;
                    arg.Stream = fileUplaod.InputStream;

                    string url = this.uploadSvc.Upload(arg);

                    ResultMessage<string> message = new ResultMessage<string>();
                    message.Data = url;

                    return JsonView(message);

            return new EmptyResult();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public DataProviderVoidModel(ResultMessage resultMessage)
     ResultMessage = resultMessage;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button Yes is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonYesPressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonYes;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button OK is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonOkPressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonOk;
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button Cancel is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonCancelPressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonCancel;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is raised when the game sends a debugging message to the IDE.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event information.</param>
        private void m_Communicator_MessageArrived(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
            // Invoke the message handling on the IDE's thread.
            Central.Manager.IDE.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                if (e.Message is WaitMessage)
                    // This is the game signalling that it is ready to receive
                    // message requests such as setting breakpoints before the
                    // game starts executing.
                    foreach (IBreakpoint b in this.Breakpoints)
                        BreakpointSetAlwaysMessage bm = new BreakpointSetAlwaysMessage();
                        bm.FileName   = b.SourceFile;
                        bm.LineNumber = b.SourceLine;
                        Thread.Sleep(10); // Give the game a little bit of time to receive the message.

                    // After we have set breakpoints, we must tell the game to
                    // continue executing.
                    this.m_Communicator.Send(new ContinueMessage());
                else if (e.Message is BreakMessage)
                    // This is the game signalling that it has hit a breakpoint
                    // and is now paused.

                    // Open the designer window for the specified file.
                    Moai.Platform.Management.File f = Central.Manager.ActiveProject.GetByPath((e.Message as BreakMessage).FileName);
                    IDesigner d = Central.Manager.DesignersManager.OpenDesigner(f);
                    if (d is IDebuggable)
                        // We can only go to a specific line in the file if the
                        // designer supports it.
                        (d as IDebuggable).Debug(f, (e.Message as BreakMessage).LineNumber);

                        // Set current active line information so when we resume we can
                        // send the EndDebug call.
                        this.m_ActiveDesigner = d as IDebuggable;

                    // Inform the IDE that the game is now paused.
                    this.p_Paused = true;
                    if (this.DebugPause != null)
                        this.DebugPause(this, new EventArgs());
                else if (e.Message is ExcpInternalMessage)
                    /* FIXME: Implement this.
                     * ExcpInternalMessage m = e.Message as ExcpInternalMessage;
                     * ExceptionDialog d = new ExceptionDialog();
                     * d.IDEWindow = this.p_Parent.IDEWindow;
                     * d.MessageInternal = m;
                     * d.Show(); */
                    // TODO: Indicate to the UI that the game is now paused.
                else if (e.Message is ExcpUserMessage)
                    /* FIXME: Implement this.
                     * ExcpUserMessage m = e.Message as ExcpUserMessage;
                     * ExceptionDialog d = new ExceptionDialog();
                     * d.IDEWindow = this.p_Parent.IDEWindow;
                     * d.MessageUser = m;
                     * d.Show(); */
                    // TODO: Indicate to the UI that the game is now paused.
                else if (e.Message is ResultMessage)
                    ResultMessage m = e.Message as ResultMessage;
                    // TODO: Use a queue to track messages sent to the engine and match them up with the result messages.
                    // Unknown message!
                    // TODO: Handle this properly?
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        //protected virtual void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
            //得到post params
                WMSDcDataContext            wmsdc1     = new WMSDcDataContext();
                string                      sUrl       = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
                string                      sParamters = "?";
                Dictionary <string, object> dicForm    = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                string[] arr = (from e in dicForm
                                select e.Key + "=" + e.Value).ToArray();
                sUrl += "&" + string.Join("&", arr);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLogReqAndRespFile))
                    /*foreach (string s in filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form.Keys)
                     * {
                     *  sParamters += s + "=" + dicForm[s] + "&";
                     * }*/
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sParamters))
                        JavaScriptSerializer jss   = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        ResultMessage        rmnew = new ResultMessage();
                        ResultMessage        rmold = (ResultMessage)((JsonResult)filterContext.Result).Data;
                        rmnew.ResultCode = rmold.ResultCode;
                        rmnew.ResultDesc = rmold.ResultDesc;
                        String sResult        = jss.Serialize(rmnew);
                        String sReqTime       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss.fff");
                        String sReqResp       = "===============================================\r\n";
                        string sColSplitChars = "||||";
                        sReqResp += sReqTime + sColSplitChars + sUrl + sColSplitChars + sParamters + sColSplitChars + sResult + "\r\n";
                        sReqResp += "===============================================\r\n";
                        //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(sLogReqAndRespFile, sReqResp, Encoding.UTF8);

                        dtReqEnd = DateTime.Now;
                        iElapse  = ((TimeSpan)(dtReqEnd - dtReqStart)).Milliseconds;

                        wms_file_log flog = new wms_file_log();
                        flog.actdat  = sReqTime;
                        flog.fname   = sLogReqAndRespFile;
                        flog.logUsr  = UsrId;
                        flog.elapse  = iElapse;
                        flog.result  = sReqResp;
                        flog.url     = sUrl;
                        flog.@params = sParamters;
                        flog.uptdtm  = DateTime.Now;

                if (WmsDc.Log != null)
                    msLogSql.Position = 0;
                    StreamReader sr      = new StreamReader(msLogSql);
                    String       slogSql = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(sLogSqlFile, slogSql, Encoding.UTF8);

                    wms_file_log flog = new wms_file_log();
                    flog.actdat  = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss.fff");
                    flog.fname   = sLogSqlFile;
                    flog.logUsr  = UsrId;
                    flog.result  = slogSql;
                    flog.url     = sUrl;
                    flog.@params = sParamters;
                    flog.uptdtm  = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult InstInvCkBll(String wmsno, String barcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String bthnos, String vlddats, String qtys)
            JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam(wmsno, barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, bthnos, vlddats, qtys);
            ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;

            if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)

            var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang_105
                         where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                         e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK &&
                         e.times == "2"
                         select e;
            var arrqrymst = qrymst.ToArray();
            var qrydtl    = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl_105
                            where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                            e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK
                            select e;
            var arrqrydtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

            if (arrqrymst.Length <= 0)
            wms_cang_105 mst = arrqrymst[0];

            //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
            //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
            //    return RInfo( "I0152" );

            if (!qus.Contains(mst.qu.Trim()))
            if (mst != null && mst.chkflg == GetY())

            wms_cangdtl_105[] newdtl = (wms_cangdtl_105[])rm.ResultObject;

            var qrygrp    = newdtl.GroupBy(e => new { e.barcode, e.gdsid, e.gdstype }).Where(e => e.Count() > 1);
            var arrqrygrp = qrygrp.Select(e => e.Key).ToArray();

            if (arrqrygrp.Length > 0)
                var g = arrqrygrp[0];
                return(RInfo("I0155", g.gdsid, g.gdstype));

            foreach (wms_cangdtl_105 d in newdtl)
                if (!dtqus.Contains(mst.qu) && d.gdsid.Trim() != "1")
                    var hasPwrInQu = (from e in WmsDc.wms_set
                                      join e1 in WmsDc.gds on e.val2 equals e1.dptid
                                      where e.setid == "001" && e.val3 == mst.savdptid &&
                                      e1.gdsid == d.gdsid.Trim() && e.val1 == GetQuByBarcode(d.barcode.Trim())
                                      select e.val1.Trim()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (hasPwrInQu == null || hasPwrInQu != mst.qu)

                String boci = GetBociByWmsno(d.wmsno);
                d.oldbarcode = boci;
                if (HasChecked(d))
                    return(RInfo("I0156", d.gdsid, d.gdstype));
                d.oldbarcode = "";

                return(RSucc("成功", newdtl, "S0083"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0019"));
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void OnDynamicTask_Done(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
     dynamicTaskResult = string.Format("The dynamic task! {0}", result.ReturnValue);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void OnLongRunningJob_Done(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
        longRunningJobStatus = result.ReturnValue.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void IntegracionServicio()
            DTE objDTE = null;

            SAPbobsCOM.Documents oDoc = null;
                ResultMessage rslt = FuncionesComunes.ValidacionDTEIntegrado(RutEmisor, Int32.Parse(Tipo), Folio);// Int64.Parse(Folio));
                if (rslt.Success)
                    objDTE = ListaDTEMatrix.ListaDTE.Where(i => i.FebosID == FebId).Select(i => i.objDTE).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (objDTE != null)
                        switch (Tipo)
                        case "33":
                            oDoc = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Conexion_SBO.m_oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices);

                        case "34":
                            oDoc = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Conexion_SBO.m_oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices);

                        case "56":
                            oDoc = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Conexion_SBO.m_oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices);

                        case "61":
                            oDoc = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Conexion_SBO.m_oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseDeliveryNotes);

                        oDoc.CardCode = CardCode;
                        //oDoc.CardName = FuncionesComunes.ObtenerCardName(RutEmisor, oDoc.CardCode);
                        switch (Tipo)
                        case "33":
                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices;

                        case "34":
                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices;

                        case "52":
                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseDeliveryNotes;

                        case "56":
                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices;

                        case "61":
                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseCreditNotes;

                            oDoc.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices;

                        oDoc.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Service;

                        oDoc.DocDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(objDTE.IdDoc.FchEmis);
                        oDoc.DocDueDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(objDTE.IdDoc.FchVenc);
                        oDoc.DocTotal          = objDTE.Totales.MntTotal;
                        oDoc.FolioNumber       = Convert.ToInt32(Folio);
                        oDoc.FolioPrefixString = Tipo;
                        oDoc.Indicator         = Tipo;
                        oDoc.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_SEI_FEBOSID").Value = FebId;

                        oDoc.Lines.ItemDescription = Descripcion;
                        oDoc.Lines.AccountCode     = Cuenta;
                        oDoc.Lines.LineTotal       = (objDTE.Totales.MntTotal - objDTE.Totales.IVA);
                        switch (Tipo)
                        case "34":
                            oDoc.Lines.TaxCode = "IVA_EXE";



                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dim1))
                            oDoc.Lines.CostingCode = Dim1;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dim2))
                            oDoc.Lines.CostingCode2 = Dim2;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dim3))
                            oDoc.Lines.CostingCode3 = Dim3;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dim4))
                            oDoc.Lines.CostingCode4 = Dim4;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dim5))
                            oDoc.Lines.CostingCode5 = Dim5;

                        Int32  RetVal  = oDoc.Add();
                        String Mensaje = String.Empty;
                        if (RetVal.Equals(0))
                            rslt = FuncionesComunes.EnviarRespuestaComercial(FebId, "ACD", String.Empty, String.Empty);
                            if (rslt.Success)
                                Conexion_SBO.m_SBO_Appl.StatusBar.SetText(String.Format("Exito: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} Se integro.", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor), SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
                                //file.WriteLine(String.Format("Exito: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} Se integro.", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor));
                                Conexion_SBO.m_SBO_Appl.StatusBar.SetText(String.Format("Reparo: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} Se integro, pero no se completo proceso de intercambio.", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor), SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Warning);
                                //file.WriteLine(String.Format("Reparo: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} Se integro, pero no se completo proceso de intercambio.", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor));
                            Int32  ErrCode = 0;
                            String ErrMsj  = String.Empty;
                            Conexion_SBO.m_oCompany.GetLastError(out ErrCode, out ErrMsj);
                            Conexion_SBO.m_SBO_Appl.StatusBar.SetText(String.Format("Error: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} No se integro. {4}", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor, ErrMsj), SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error);
                            //file.WriteLine(String.Format("Error: El DTE {0} Tipo {1} de {2}-{3} No se integro. {4}", objDTE.IdDoc.Folio, objDTE.IdDoc.TipoDTE, objDTE.Emisor.RznSoc, objDTE.Emisor.RUTEmisor, ErrMsj));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Conexion_SBO.m_SBO_Appl.StatusBar.SetText("Error: " + ex.Message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the recognition result to the engine service user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <feature>
        /// http://tizen.org/feature/speech.recognition
        /// http://tizen.org/feature/microphone
        /// </feature>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This API is used in SetRecordingData() and Stop(), when the STT engine sends the recognition result to the engine service user.
        /// This function is called in the following situations: 1) After Stop() is called, 2) The end point of speech is detected from recording, or 3) Partial result is occurred.
        /// The recognition result must be transferred to the engine service user through this function. Also, the timeInfo must be transferred to ForEachResultTime().
        /// The type of timeInfo is up to the STT engine developer.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="resultEvent">The result event.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The recognition type, "stt.recognition.type.FREE", or "stt.recognition.type.FREE.PARTIAL".</param>
        /// <param name="result">Result texts.</param>
        /// <param name="resultCount">Result text count.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">Engine message.</param>
        /// <param name="timeInfo">The time information.</param>
        /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of permission denied.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of not supported.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of an operation failure.</exception>
        /// <precondition>
        /// The EngineMain function should be invoked before this function is called. Stop will invoke this function.
        /// </precondition>
        /// <postcondition>
        /// This function invokes ForEachResultTime
        /// </postcondition>
        /// <since_tizen> 4 </since_tizen>
        public void SendResult(ResultEvent resultEvent, string type, string[] result, int resultCount, ResultMessage msg, IntPtr timeInfo)
            if ((result != null) && (result.Length != 0))
                string message = "stt.result.message.none";
                switch (msg)
                case ResultMessage.None:
                    message = "stt.result.message.none";

                case ResultMessage.TooFast:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.fast";

                case ResultMessage.TooLong:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.long";

                case ResultMessage.TooLoud:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.loud";

                case ResultMessage.TooQuiet:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.quiet";

                case ResultMessage.TooShort:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.short";

                case ResultMessage.TooSoon:
                    message = "stt.result.message.error.too.soon";

                Error error = STTESendResult(resultEvent, type, result, resultCount, message, timeInfo, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (error != Error.None)
                    Log.Error(LogTag, "STTESendResult Failed with error " + error);
                    throw ExceptionFactory.CreateException((ErrorCode)error);
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result", "is null or empty");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the suite executable data by test case identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testQueueId">The test queue identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>GetTestQueueExecutableData object</returns>
        public ResultMessage <TestQueue_FullTestData> GetTestQueueExecutableData(long testQueueId)
            var resultMessage = new ResultMessage <TestQueue_FullTestData>();

            this.ExecutionSequence = 1;
            var testQueue = this.testQueueService.GetById(testQueueId);

            if (testQueue.Item != null)
                bool isCancelled = false;

                if (testQueue.Item.SchedulerId.HasValue)
                    var schedulerHistory = this.schedulerHistoryService.GetByGroupName(testQueue.Item.GroupName);

                    if (!schedulerHistory.IsError)
                        isCancelled = schedulerHistory.Item.IsCancelled;

                if (testQueue.Item.SuiteId.HasValue)
                    var testSuite = this.suiteService.GetById(testQueue.Item.SuiteId.Value);

                    if (!resultMessage.IsError)
                        this.autoGenArray = new List <AutoGenModel>();

                        resultMessage.Item = new TestQueue_FullTestData
                            Suite       = testSuite.Item,
                            IsCancelled = isCancelled

                        var testData = this.table.Find(x => x.TestId == testQueue.Item.TestId && !x.IsDeleted).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();

                        var mapper      = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTestData, TblTestDataDto>();
                        var testDataDto = testData.Select(mapper.Map).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();
                        this.ProcessTestQueueExecutableData(testDataDto, testQueue.Item);

                        var mapperExecutableTestData          = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTestDataDto, ExecutableTestData>();
                        List <ExecutableTestData> exeTestData = this.testPlan.Select(mapperExecutableTestData.Map).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();
                        resultMessage.Item.TestData = exeTestData;

                        if (resultMessage.Item.TestData.Count > 0)
                            var webSiteData = testData[0].Test.Website;

                            if (testQueue.Item.SchedulerId.HasValue)
                                var schedular = this.schedulerService.GetById(testQueue.Item.SchedulerId.Value);

                                if (!schedular.IsError)
                                    if (schedular.Item.Settings.TakeScreenShotOnUrlChangedTestId == testData[0].Test.Id)
                                        resultMessage.Item.TakeScreenShot = true;
                                        ResultMessage <TblBrowsersDto> browser = this.browserService.GetById(schedular.Item.Settings.TakeScreenShotOnUrlChanged);
                                        resultMessage.Item.TakeScreenShotBrowser = browser.Item;

                                    resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = schedular.Item.Url;
                                    if (resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest.IsBlank())
                                        resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = (schedular.Item.Settings.CustomUrlToTest + string.Empty)
                                                                       .Replace("{target}", schedular.Item.Settings.Target);
                                resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = testQueue.Item.Settings.CustomUrlToTest;

                                if (resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest.IsBlank() && webSiteData.Settings.BuildUrlTemplate.IsNotBlank())
                                    resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = webSiteData.Settings.BuildUrlTemplate
                                                                   .Replace("{target}", testQueue.Item.Settings.Target)
                                                                   .Replace("{port}", testQueue.Item.Settings.Port + string.Empty);

                            resultMessage.Item.TestCase = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTest, TblTestDto>().Map(testData[0].Test);
                            resultMessage.Item.Website  = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblWebsite, TblWebsiteDto>().Map(webSiteData);

                        resultMessage.Item.TestData.ForEach(x => x.Value = this.IsAutoGenField(x.Value));
                    var testData    = this.table.Find(x => x.TestId == testQueue.Item.TestId && !x.IsDeleted).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();
                    var mapper      = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTestData, TblTestDataDto>();
                    var testDataDto = testData.Select(mapper.Map).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();
                    this.ProcessTestQueueExecutableData(testDataDto, testQueue.Item);

                    var mapperExecutableTestData = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTestDataDto, ExecutableTestData>();
                    this.autoGenArray = new List <AutoGenModel>();
                    List <ExecutableTestData> exeTestData = this.testPlan.Select(mapperExecutableTestData.Map).OrderBy(x => x.ExecutionSequence).ToList();
                    resultMessage.Item = new TestQueue_FullTestData
                        TestData = exeTestData

                    if (testQueue.Item.Settings.TakeScreenShotOnUrlChanged > 0)
                        resultMessage.Item.TakeScreenShot = true;
                        ResultMessage <TblBrowsersDto> browser = this.browserService.GetById(testQueue.Item.Settings.TakeScreenShotOnUrlChanged.Value);
                        resultMessage.Item.TakeScreenShotBrowser = !browser.IsError ? browser.Item : null;

                    if (resultMessage.Item.TestData.Count > 0)
                        resultMessage.Item.TestCase = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblTest, TblTestDto>().Map(testData[0].Test);
                        resultMessage.Item.Website  = this.mapperFactory.GetMapper <TblWebsite, TblWebsiteDto>().Map(testData[0].Test.Website);

                    resultMessage.Item.TestData.ForEach(x => x.Value = this.IsAutoGenField(x.Value));

                    resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = testQueue.Item.Settings.CustomUrlToTest;


                if (resultMessage.Item != null && resultMessage.Item.Website != null && resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest.IsBlank())
                    var urlData = resultMessage.Item.Website.WebsiteUrlList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == testQueue.Item.Settings.UrlId);
                    if (urlData != null)
                        resultMessage.Item.UrlToTest = urlData.Url;

Exemplo n.º 14
	public static ResultMessage HttpUploadFile(string url, string file, string paramName, string contentType, NameValueCollection nvc)
		string boundary = "---------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
		byte[] boundarybytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n");

		HttpWebRequest wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
		wr.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;

		wr.Method = "POST";
		wr.KeepAlive = true;
		wr.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

		Stream rs = wr.GetRequestStream();

		string formdataTemplate = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"\r\n\r\n{1}";
		foreach (string key in nvc.Keys)
			rs.Write(boundarybytes, 0, boundarybytes.Length);
			string formitem = string.Format(formdataTemplate, key, nvc[key]);
			byte[] formitembytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(formitem);
			rs.Write(formitembytes, 0, formitembytes.Length);
		rs.Write(boundarybytes, 0, boundarybytes.Length);

		string headerTemplate = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"\r\nContent-Type: {2}\r\n\r\n";
		string header = string.Format(headerTemplate, paramName, file, contentType);
		byte[] headerbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(header);
		rs.Write(headerbytes, 0, headerbytes.Length);

		FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
		byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
		int bytesRead = 0;
		while ((bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
			rs.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

		byte[] trailer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n");
		rs.Write(trailer, 0, trailer.Length);

		ResultMessage result = new ResultMessage();
		result.msg = "fail";
		result.data = "Please try again later :)";
		WebResponse wresp = null;
			wresp = wr.GetResponse();
			Stream stream2 = wresp.GetResponseStream();
			StreamReader reader2 = new StreamReader(stream2);

			String fromServer = reader2.ReadToEnd();

			Console.WriteLine(string.Format("File uploaded, server response is: {0}", fromServer));

			JsonReader r = new JsonReader();
			result = r.Read(fromServer, System.Type.GetType("ResultMessage")) as ResultMessage;
		catch (Exception ex)
			Console.WriteLine("Error uploading file", ex);
			if (wresp != null)
				wresp = null;
			wr = null;

		return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult MkPrftOLssBll(String barcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String bthnos, String vlddats, String qtys, String rsns)
            using (TransactionScope scop = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))
                String[] barcode  = barcodes.Split(',');
                String   qu       = barcode[0].Substring(0, 2);
                String   savdptid = GetSavdptidByQu(qu);
                string quRetrv = qu;
                if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))

                return(MakeNewBllNo(savdptid, qu, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_PROFITORLOSS, (bllno) =>
                    JsonResult jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam(bllno, barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, bthnos, vlddats, qtys, rsns);
                    ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                    if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                        return rm;

                    wms_cangdtl_111[] dtls = (wms_cangdtl_111[])rm.ResultObject;
                    wms_cang_111 mst = new wms_cang_111();
                    mst.wmsno = bllno;
                    mst.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_PROFITORLOSS;
                    mst.savdptid = savdptid;
                    mst.prvid = "";
                    //String qu = dtls[0].barcode.Substring(0,2) ; //GetQuByGdsid(dtls[0].gdsid, LoginInfo.DefStoreid);
                    mst.qu = qu;
                    mst.rcvdptid = "";
                    String symbol = "+";  //symbol="+"报溢,symbol="-"报损
                    if (dtls.Length > 0)
                        double?dqty = dtls[0].qty;
                        symbol = dqty != null && dqty >= 0 ? "+" : "-";

                    /*if (HasCkBll(qu, LoginInfo.Usrid, savdptid, symbol))
                     * {
                     *  return RRInfo("I0441");
                     * }*/
                    mst.times = symbol;
                    mst.lnkbocino = "";
                    mst.lnkbocidat = "";
                    mst.mkr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                    mst.mkedat = GetCurrentDay();
                    mst.mkedat2 = GetCurrentDate();
                    mst.ckr = "";
                    mst.chkflg = GetN();
                    mst.chkdat = "";
                    mst.opr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                    mst.brief = "";
                    mst.lnkbllid = "";
                    mst.lnkno = "";
                    mst.lnkbrief = "";

                    foreach (wms_cangdtl_111 d in dtls)
                        if (mst.times.Trim() == "-")
                            if (d.brfdtl.Trim() == "")
                                return RRInfo("I0442", d.gdsid);

                            GdsInBarcode[] gb = GetAGdsQtyInBarcode(d.barcode, d.gdsid, d.gdstype)
                                                .Where(e => e.vlddat == d.vlddat.Trim() && e.bthno == d.bthno.Trim())
                            double bqty = (gb == null || gb.Length <= 0) ? 0 : gb[0].sqty;
                            double ktqty = bqty;  //可调数量 = 库存数量
                            //如果 需调整数量 > 可调数量
                            if (d.qty > ktqty)
                                return RRNoData("N0238", d.gdsid, d.barcode);


                        return RRSucc("成功", mst, "S0217");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0064");

                        rm.ResultObject = null;
                        return rm;
Exemplo n.º 16
    private void OnVoidOverload_Done(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
        voidOverloadResult = "Void Overload called";

Exemplo n.º 17
 private void OnIntOverload_Done(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
     intOverloadResult = string.Format("Overload with return value called => {0}", result.ReturnValue.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 18
        private ActionResult _MakeParam(String wmsno, String oldbarcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String bthnos, String vlddats, String qtys)
            String[] oldbarcode = oldbarcodes.Split(',');
            String[] gdsid      = gdsids.Split(',');
            String[] qty        = qtys.Split(',');
            String[] gdstype    = gdstypes.Split(',');
            String[] bthno      = bthnos.Split(',');
            String[] vlddat     = vlddats.Split(',');
            //String[] newsbarcode = newbarcodes.Split(',');
            List <wms_cangdtl_105> lstDtl = new List <wms_cangdtl_105>();

            if ((oldbarcode.Length != gdsid.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != qty.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != gdstype.Length))

            var qrycz = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang_105
                        where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK &&
                        e.wmsno == wmsno && e.times == "2"
                        select e;
            var arrqrycz = qrycz.ToArray();

            if (arrqrycz.Length <= 0)
            wms_cang_105 czmst = arrqrycz[0];

            if (czmst.chkflg == GetY())
            String[] pwdBarcodes = GetBarcodesByBoci(czmst.lnkbocino);
            if (pwdBarcodes == null)
            var qryPdcang = from e in oldbarcode
                            where pwdBarcodes.Contains(e.Trim())
                            select e;

            if (qryPdcang.Count() <= 0)

            var qrymx = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl_105
                        where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK &&
                        e.wmsno == wmsno
                        orderby e.rcdidx descending
                        select e;
            var arrqrymx = qrymx.ToArray();
            int i = 0, ii = 0;

            if (arrqrymx.Length > 0)
                i = arrqrymx[0].rcdidx;
            foreach (String s in oldbarcode)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    if (!IsExistBarcode(s))
                        return(RInfo("I0134", s.Trim()));
                    wms_cangdtl_105 dtl = new wms_cangdtl_105();
                    dtl.wmsno   = wmsno;
                    dtl.bllid   = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK;
                    dtl.rcdidx  = i + 1;
                    dtl.barcode = s;
                    dtl.gdsid   = gdsid[ii];
                    dtl.gdstype = gdstype[ii];
                    dtl.pkgid   = "01";
                    double fQty = 0;
                    if (!double.TryParse(qty[ii], out fQty))
                        return(RInfo("I0135", gdsid[i], qty[ii]));
                    dtl.qty     = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.preqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.pkgqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.gdstype = gdstype[ii];
                    dtl.bthno   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bthno[ii]) ? "1" : bthno[ii];
                    dtl.vlddat  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(vlddat[ii]) ? GetCurrentDay() : vlddat[ii];
                    if (gdsid[ii] != "1")
                        JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)GetBcdByGdsid(gdsid[ii]);
                        ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                        if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                            return(RInfo("I0136", gdsid[ii]));
                        bcd[] b = (bcd[])rm.ResultObject;
                        dtl.bcd = b[0].bcd1;
                        dtl.bcd = "";
                    dtl.bkr    = "";
                    dtl.bokflg = GetN();
                    dtl.bokdat = GetCurrentDate();


            return(RSucc("成功", lstDtl.ToArray(), "S0077"));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public IResult Delete(Company entity)
     entity.IsActive = false;
     return(new SuccessResult(ResultMessage <Company> .Delete(entity.CompanyName)));
Exemplo n.º 20
 // Token: 0x060025FC RID: 9724 RVA: 0x000BB5C8 File Offset: 0x000B99C8
 private void OnEcho_Done(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
     this.typedEchoResult = "TypedDemoHub.Echo(string message) invoked!";
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ActionResult MkRetPrvBll(String prvid, String barcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String qtys)
            JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam("", barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, qtys);
            ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;

            if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
            wms_cangdtl_110[] dtls1 = (wms_cangdtl_110[])rm.ResultObject;
            string            qu    = dtls1[0].barcode.Substring(0, 2);

            return(MakeNewBllNo(LoginInfo.DefCsSavdptid, qu, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV, (bllno) =>
                jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam(bllno, barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, qtys);
                rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                    return rm;

                var qryprv = from e in WmsDc.prv
                             where e.prvid == prvid
                             select e;
                var arrqryprv = qryprv.ToArray();
                if (arrqryprv.Length <= 0)
                    rm.ResultObject = null;
                    return RRNoData("N0241");

                wms_cangdtl_110[] dtls = (wms_cangdtl_110[])rm.ResultObject;
                wms_cang_110 mst = new wms_cang_110();
                mst.wmsno = bllno;
                mst.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV;
                mst.savdptid = LoginInfo.DefCsSavdptid;
                mst.prvid = prvid;
                mst.qu = dtls[0].barcode.Substring(0, 2);
                //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RRInfo( "I0335" );
                mst.rcvdptid = "";
                mst.times = "1";
                mst.lnkbocino = "";
                mst.lnkbocidat = "";
                mst.mkr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                mst.mkedat = GetCurrentDay();
                mst.mkedat2 = GetCurrentDate();
                mst.ckr = "";
                mst.chkflg = GetN();
                mst.chkdat = "";
                mst.opr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                mst.brief = "";
                mst.lnkbllid = "";
                mst.lnkno = "";
                mst.lnkbrief = "";

                foreach (wms_cangdtl_110 d in dtls)
                    GdsInBarcode[] gb = GetAGdsQtyInBarcode(d.barcode, d.gdsid, d.gdstype);
                    double bqty = (gb == null || gb.Length <= 0) ? 0 : gb[0].sqty;
                    double ktqty = bqty;  //可调数量 = 库存数量
                    //如果 需调整数量 > 可调数量
                    if (d.qty > ktqty)
                        return RRNoData("N0242", d.qty.ToString(), ktqty.ToString());


                    return RRSucc("成功", mst, "S0221");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0069");

                    rm.ResultObject = null;
                    return rm;
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button Abort is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonAbortPressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonAbort;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private ActionResult _MakeParam(String wmsno, String oldbarcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String qtys)
            if (gdsids == null)
            if (qtys == null)
            if (gdstypes == null)
            if (oldbarcodes == null)
            String[] oldbarcode = oldbarcodes.Split(',');
            String[] gdsid      = gdsids.Split(',');
            String[] qty        = qtys.Split(',');
            String[] gdstype    = gdstypes.Split(',');
            //String[] newsbarcode = newbarcodes.Split(',');
            List <wms_cangdtl_110> lstDtl = new List <wms_cangdtl_110>();

            if ((oldbarcode.Length != gdsid.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != qty.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != gdstype.Length))
            int i = 0;

            foreach (String s in oldbarcode)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    if (!IsExistBarcode(s))
                        return(RInfo("I0329", s.Trim()));

                    String[] qu = GetQuByGdsid(gdsid[i], LoginInfo.DefStoreid);
                    if (qu == null)
                        //return RInfo("商品" + gdsid[i] + "不在区[" + String.Join(",", s.Substring(0, 2)) + "]内", "I0331");
                    if (!qu.Contains(s.Substring(0, 2)))
                        return(RInfo("I0332", gdsid[i], String.Join(",", qu)));

                    wms_cangdtl_110 dtl = new wms_cangdtl_110();
                    dtl.wmsno   = wmsno;
                    dtl.bllid   = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV;
                    dtl.rcdidx  = i + 1;
                    dtl.barcode = s;
                    dtl.gdsid   = gdsid[i];
                    dtl.gdstype = gdstype[i];
                    dtl.pkgid   = "01";
                    double fQty = 0;
                    if (!double.TryParse(qty[i], out fQty))
                        return(RInfo("I0333", gdsid[i], qty[i]));
                    dtl.qty    = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.preqty = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.pkgqty = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.bthno  = "";
                    dtl.vlddat = "";
                    JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)GetBcdByGdsid(gdsid[i]);
                    ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                    if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                        return(RInfo("I0334", gdsid[i]));
                    bcd[] b = (bcd[])rm.ResultObject;
                    dtl.bcd    = b[0].bcd1;
                    dtl.bkr    = "";
                    dtl.bokflg = GetN();
                    dtl.bokdat = "";


            return(RSucc("成功", lstDtl.ToArray(), "S0148"));
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button Ignore is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonIgnorePressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonIgnore;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult AdRetPrv(String wmsno, String barcode, String gdsid, String gdstype, double qty)
            if (!IsExistBarcode(barcode))
                return(RInfo("I0351", barcode.Trim()));

            var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang_110
                         where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                         e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV
                         select e;
            var arrqrymst = qrymst.ToArray();
            var qrydtl    = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl_110
                            where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                            e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV
                            orderby e.rcdidx descending
                            select e;
            var arrqrydtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

            if (arrqrymst.Length <= 0)
            wms_cang_110 mst = arrqrymst[0];

            //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
            //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
            //    return RInfo( "I0352" );

            if (!qus.Contains(mst.qu.Trim()))
            if (mst.chkflg == GetY())

            String[] qu = GetQuByGdsid(gdsid, LoginInfo.DefStoreid);
            if (!qu.Contains(barcode.Substring(0, 2)))
                return(RInfo("I0355", gdsid, String.Join(",", qu)));

            if (!HasQtyInBarcode(barcode, gdsid, gdstype))
                return(RInfo("I0356", gdsid, barcode));
            if (mst.times.Trim() == "-")
                GdsInBarcode[] gb    = GetAGdsQtyInBarcode(barcode, gdsid, gdstype);
                double         bqty  = (gb == null || gb.Length <= 0) ? 0 : gb[0].sqty;
                double         ktqty = bqty; //可调数量 = 库存数量+本单该商品的数量
                //如果 需调整数量 > 可调数量
                if (qty > ktqty)
                    return(RInfo("I0357", qty, ktqty));

            int iHasIn = arrqrydtl.Where(e => e.gdsid == gdsid && e.gdstype == gdstype && e.barcode == barcode).Count();

            if (iHasIn > 0)
                return(RInfo("I0358", gdsid));

            wms_cangdtl_110 dtl = new wms_cangdtl_110();

            dtl.wmsno   = wmsno;
            dtl.bllid   = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV;
            dtl.rcdidx  = arrqrydtl[0].rcdidx + 1;
            dtl.barcode = barcode;
            dtl.gdsid   = gdsid;
            dtl.gdstype = gdstype;
            dtl.pkgid   = "01";
            double fQty = qty;

            dtl.qty     = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            dtl.preqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            dtl.pkgqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            dtl.gdstype = gdstype;
            dtl.bthno   = "";
            dtl.vlddat  = "";
            JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)GetBcdByGdsid(gdsid);
            ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;

            if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                return(RInfo("I0359", gdsid));
            bcd[] b = (bcd[])rm.ResultObject;
            dtl.bcd    = b[0].bcd1;
            dtl.bkr    = "";
            dtl.bokflg = GetN();
            dtl.bokdat = "";

                return(RSucc("成功", dtl, "S0154"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0047"));
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Called, when the button Retry is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ButtonRetryPressed()
     this.resultMessage = ResultMessage.ButtonRetry;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult MdRetPrvBll(String wmsno, String barcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String qtys)
            JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam(wmsno, barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, qtys);
            ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;

            if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)

            var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang_110
                         where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                         e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV
                         select e;
            var arrqrymst = qrymst.ToArray();
            var qrydtl    = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl_110
                            where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                            e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETPRV
                            select e;
            var arrqrydtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

            if (arrqrymst.Length <= 0)
            wms_cang_110 mst = arrqrymst[0];

            //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
            //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
            //    return RInfo( "I0360" );

            if (!qus.Contains(mst.qu.Trim()))
            if (mst.chkflg == GetY())
            if (!IsSameLogin(mst.mkr))
                return(RInfo("I0363", mst.mkr, LoginInfo.Usrid));

            wms_cangdtl_110[] newdtl = (wms_cangdtl_110[])rm.ResultObject;
            if (mst.times.Trim() == "-")
                int i = 0;
                foreach (wms_cangdtl_110 d in newdtl)
                    GdsInBarcode[] gb    = GetAGdsQtyInBarcode(arrqrydtl[i].barcode, arrqrydtl[i].gdsid, arrqrydtl[i].gdstype);
                    double         bqty  = (gb == null || gb.Length <= 0) ? 0 : gb[0].sqty;
                    double         ktqty = bqty + arrqrydtl[i].qty; //可调数量 = 库存数量+本单该商品的数量
                    //如果 需调整数量 > 可调数量
                    if (d.qty > ktqty)
                        return(RInfo("I0364", d.qty, ktqty));

            iDelCangDtl110(arrqrydtl, mst);

                return(RSucc("成功", newdtl, "S0155"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0048"));
Exemplo n.º 28
 public IResult Delete(Comment entity)
     entity.IsActive = false;
     return(new SuccessResult(ResultMessage <Comment> .Delete(entity.CommentText)));
Exemplo n.º 29
 private void OnDeviceConnected(ResultMessage <IDevice> obj)
     DeviceName = obj.Data.Name;
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// calls while authorizing the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterContext">The filter context</param>
        /// <returns>returns the Authorization status</returns>
        protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext filterContext)
            if (base.IsAuthorized(filterContext))
                var principal = filterContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;

                string userRole = principal.FindFirst("role").Value;

                if (userRole == FrameworkRoles.TestAdmin.ToString() || userRole == FrameworkRoles.WindowService.ToString())

                if (userRole == FrameworkRoles.TestUser.ToString())
                    var controller = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName;
                    if (controller.ToLower() == "website" && this.ActionType == ActionTypes.Read)

                    if (controller.ToLower() == "userprofile")

                    long userId = long.Parse(principal.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);
                    var  moduleAccessService = StructuremapMvc.StructureMapDependencyScope.Container.GetInstance <IGroupModuleAccessService>();
                    var  testService         = StructuremapMvc.StructureMapDependencyScope.Container.GetInstance <ITestService>();
                    ResultMessage <IEnumerable <ModuleAuthenticationModel> > authenticatedModules = moduleAccessService.GetModuleAuthenticatedToUser(userId);
                    List <ModuleAuthenticationModel> modules = authenticatedModules.Item.ToList();

                    if (modules.Any())
                        object website_Id;
                        object test_Id;
                        filterContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue("websiteId", out website_Id);
                        filterContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue("testId", out test_Id);
                        if (website_Id != null)
                            int websiteId = website_Id.ToString().ToInt32();
                            int testId    = 0;
                            if (test_Id != null)
                                testId = test_Id.ToString().ToInt32();

                            if (websiteId > 0)
                                switch (this.ActionType)
                                case ActionTypes.Read:
                                    if (testId > 0)
                                        var test = testService.GetById(testId).Item;
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.WebsiteId == websiteId) && (test.TestCaseAccessStatus != (int)TestCaseAccessStatus.Private || test.CreatedBy == userId));
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.WebsiteId == websiteId));

                                case ActionTypes.Write:
                                    if (testId > 0)
                                        var test = testService.GetById(testId).Item;
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanWrite) && (test.TestCaseAccessStatus == (int)TestCaseAccessStatus.Public || test.CreatedBy == userId));
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanWrite));

                                case ActionTypes.Execute:
                                    if (testId > 0)
                                        var test = testService.GetById(testId, userId).Item;
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanExecute) && (test.TestCaseAccessStatus == (int)TestCaseAccessStatus.Public || test.CreatedBy == userId));
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanExecute));

                                case ActionTypes.Delete:
                                    if (testId > 0)
                                        var test = testService.GetById(testId, userId).Item;
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanDelete) && (test.TestCaseAccessStatus == (int)TestCaseAccessStatus.Public || test.CreatedBy == userId));
                                        return(modules.Any(x => x.ModuleId == this.ModuleType && x.WebsiteId == websiteId && x.CanDelete));

Exemplo n.º 31
        public ActionResult MkInvCkBll(String boci, String qu)
            String savdptid = GetSavdptidByQu(qu);

            //string quRetrv = qu;
            //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
            //    return RInfo( "I0137" );

            if (!IsInSetQu(boci, qu))

            return(MakeNewBllNo(savdptid, qu, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK, (bllno) =>

                /*JsonResult jr = (JsonResult)_MakeParam(bllno, barcodes, gdsids, gdstypes, qtys);
                 * ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                 * if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                 * {
                 *  return rm;
                 * }
                 * wms_cangdtl_105[] dtls = (wms_cangdtl_105[])rm.ResultObject;*/

                ResultMessage rm = new ResultMessage();
                wms_cang_105 mst = new wms_cang_105();
                mst.wmsno = bllno;
                mst.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_INVENTORY_CHECK;
                mst.savdptid = savdptid;
                mst.prvid = "";
                //String qu = GetQuByGdsid(dtls[0].gdsid, LoginInfo.DefSavdptid);
                mst.qu = qu;
                mst.rcvdptid = "";
                mst.times = "2";
                mst.lnkbocino = boci;
                mst.lnkbocidat = "";
                mst.mkr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                mst.mkedat = GetCurrentDay();
                mst.mkedat2 = GetCurrentDate();
                mst.ckr = "";
                mst.chkflg = GetN();
                mst.chkdat = "";
                mst.opr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                mst.brief = "";
                mst.lnkbllid = "";
                mst.lnkno = "";
                mst.lnkbrief = "";

                if (HasCkBll(boci, qu, LoginInfo.Usrid))
                    return RRInfo("I0440", boci, qu);


                    return RRSucc("成功", mst, "S0216");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0063");
Exemplo n.º 32
        private ActionResult _MakeParam(String wmsno, String oldbarcodes, String gdsids, String gdstypes, String bthnos, String vlddats, String qtys, String rsns)
            String[] oldbarcode = oldbarcodes.Split(',');
            String[] gdsid      = gdsids.Split(',');
            String[] qty        = qtys.Split(',');
            String[] gdstype    = gdstypes.Split(',');
            String[] vlddat     = vlddats.Split(',');
            String[] bthno      = bthnos.Split(',');
            String[] rsn        = rsns.Split(',');
            //String[] newsbarcode = newbarcodes.Split(',');
            List <wms_cangdtl_111> lstDtl = new List <wms_cangdtl_111>();

            if ((oldbarcode.Length != gdsid.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != qty.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != gdstype.Length) &&
                (oldbarcode.Length != rsn.Length))
            int i = 0;

            foreach (String s in oldbarcode)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    String[] qu = GetQuByGdsid(gdsid[i], LoginInfo.DefStoreid);
                    if (qu == null)
                    if (!qu.Contains(s.Substring(0, 2)))
                        return(RInfo("I0176", gdsid[i], String.Join(",", qu)));
                    if (!IsExistBarcode(s))
                        return(RInfo("I0177", s.Trim()));

                    wms_cangdtl_111 dtl = new wms_cangdtl_111();
                    dtl.wmsno   = wmsno;
                    dtl.bllid   = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_PROFITORLOSS;
                    dtl.rcdidx  = i + 1;
                    dtl.barcode = s;
                    if (!IsExistBarcode(dtl.barcode))
                        return(RInfo("I0178", s.Trim()));
                    dtl.gdsid   = gdsid[i];
                    dtl.gdstype = gdstype[i];
                    dtl.pkgid   = "01";
                    double fQty = 0;
                    if (!double.TryParse(qty[i], out fQty))
                        return(RInfo("I0179", gdsid[i], qty[i]));
                    dtl.qty     = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.preqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.pkgqty  = Math.Round(fQty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    dtl.gdstype = gdstype[i];
                    dtl.bthno   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(bthno[i]) ? "1" : bthno[i];
                    dtl.vlddat  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(vlddat[i]) ? GetCurrentDay() : vlddat[i];
                    JsonResult    jr = (JsonResult)GetBcdByGdsid(gdsid[i]);
                    ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                    if (rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)
                        return(RInfo("I0180", gdsid[i]));
                    bcd[] b = (bcd[])rm.ResultObject;
                    dtl.bcd    = b[0].bcd1;
                    dtl.bkr    = "";
                    dtl.bokflg = GetN();
                    dtl.bokdat = GetCurrentDate();
                    dtl.brfdtl = rsn[i];


            return(RSucc("成功", lstDtl.ToArray(), "S0096"));
Exemplo n.º 33
 private void OnInvoked(Hub hub, ClientMessage originalMessage, ResultMessage result)
     Debug.Log(hub.Name + " invokedFromClient success!");