Exemplo n.º 1
        private void GenerateResourceHeader(MemoryStream resourceBuffer, ResourceConfigItem resource, string basePath)
            if (resource.Header == null)
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Resource header is not specified.");

            Logger.ZLogTrace("Writing header for resource config item {0}", resource.Name);

            var headerInfo = ResourceHeaderInfo;

            var headerContent = GetHeaderContent(resource, basePath);

            ApplyTokens(headerContent, headerInfo);

            if (headerContent.Length > 0)
                var b = OutputEncoding.GetBytes(headerContent.ToString());
                resourceBuffer.Write(b, 0, b.Length);


                Logger.ZLogTrace("Wrote " + headerContent.Length + " symbols as a resource header");
                Logger.ZLogTrace("No header content written as it was empty");

            Logger.ZLogTrace("Done writing header for resource config item {0}", resource.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void GenerateResourceFileRemark(StringBuilder resourceBuffer, ResourceConfigItem item, FileInfo file, string dirPathInFileName)
            if (item.Remark != null)
                this.Log.Trace("Inserting resource file remark");

                var fileName = this.MakeStandardPath(file.Name);
                var filePath = this.MakeStandardPath(Path.Combine(dirPathInFileName, fileName));

                var remarkInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["name"] = fileName,
                    ["path"] = filePath

                var remarkBuffer = ApplyTokens(item.Remark, remarkInfo);
                remarkBuffer.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                var remarkLines = remarkBuffer.ToString().Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var remarkLine in remarkLines)
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void GenerateResourseHeader(StringBuilder resourceBuffer, ResourceConfigItem resource, string basePath)
            if (resource.Header == null)
                this.Log.Trace("Resource header is not specified.");

            this.Log.Trace("Writing header for resource config item " + resource.Name);

            var headerInfo = ResourceHeaderInfo;

            var headerContent = GetHeaderContent(resource, basePath);

            ApplyTokens(headerContent, headerInfo);

            if (headerContent.Length > 0)
                this.Log.Trace("Wrote " + headerContent.Length + " symbols as a resource header");
                this.Log.Trace("No header content written as it was empty");

            this.Log.Trace("Done writing header for resource config item " + resource.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void GenerateResourceFileRemark(MemoryStream resourceBuffer, ResourceConfigItem item, string fileName, string dirPathInFileName)
            if (item.Remark != null)
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Inserting resource file remark");

                var filePath = MakeStandardPath(Path.Combine(dirPathInFileName, fileName));

                var remarkInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["name"] = fileName,
                    ["path"] = filePath

                var remarkBuffer = ApplyTokens(item.Remark, remarkInfo);
                remarkBuffer.Replace(Emitter.CRLF, Emitter.NEW_LINE);

                var remarkLines = remarkBuffer.ToString().Split(new[] { Emitter.NEW_LINE }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var remarkLine in remarkLines)
                    var b = OutputEncoding.GetBytes(remarkLine);
                    resourceBuffer.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ApplyDefaultResourceConfigSetting(ResourceConfigItem defaultSetting, ResourceConfigItem current)
            if (!current.Extract.HasValue)
                current.Extract = defaultSetting.Extract;

            if (!current.Inject.HasValue)
                current.Inject = defaultSetting.Inject;

            if (current.Output == null)
                current.Output = defaultSetting.Output;

            if (current.Files == null && defaultSetting.Files != null)
                current.Files = defaultSetting.Files.Select(x => x).ToArray();

            if (current.Header == null)
                current.Header = defaultSetting.Header;

            if (current.Remark == null)
                current.Remark = defaultSetting.Remark;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private string CheckInvalidCharacters(ResourceConfigItem resource, string s, ICollection <char> invalidChars)
            if (s == null)

            if (s.Select(x => invalidChars.Contains(x)).Where(x => x).Any())
                var message = "There is invalid path character contained in resource.output setting = "
                              + s
                              + " for resource "
                              + resource.Name;

                if (resource.Silent != true)
                    throw new ArgumentException(message);
                    s = null;

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void ExtractResource(string path, string fileName, ResourceConfigItem resource, byte[] code)
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Extracting resource {0}", resource.Name);

            if (!resource.Extract.HasValue || !resource.Extract.Value)
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Skipping extracting resource as no extract option enabled for this resource");

                var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(path, fileName));

                Logger.ZLogTrace("Writing resource {0}", resource.Name + " into " + fullPath);


                File.WriteAllBytes(fullPath, code);

                AddExtractedResourceOutput(resource, code);

                Logger.ZLogTrace("Done writing resource into file");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.ZLogError(ex, "Error extracting resource {0}", resource.Name);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected virtual void AddExtractedResourceOutput(ResourceConfigItem resource, byte[] code)
     if (resource.Load ?? true)
         Emitter.AddOutputItem(Outputs.ResourcesForHtml, resource.Name, code, TranslatorOutputKind.Resource, location: resource.Output);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void ValidateResourceSettings(ResourceConfigItem defaultSetting, IEnumerable <ResourceConfigItem> rawNonDefaultResources)
            var defaultExtract = defaultSetting.Extract ?? false;
            var rawNonDefaultResourcesWithExtractAndNoOutput = rawNonDefaultResources
                                                               .Where(x => x.Output == null && (x.Extract == true || defaultExtract));

            if (defaultSetting.Output != null && rawNonDefaultResourcesWithExtractAndNoOutput.Count() > 1)
                string defaultOutputFileName = null;

                    defaultOutputFileName = Path.GetFileName(defaultSetting.Output);
                catch (Exception)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultOutputFileName))
                    this.Log.Error("The resource config setting has a default output setting "
                                   + defaultSetting.Output
                                   + " containing file part "
                                   + defaultOutputFileName +
                                   " .However, there are several resources with no output setting defined and active extract option."
                                   + " It means the resources will be overwritten by each other.");
Exemplo n.º 10
        private byte[] CheckResourceOnBomAndAddToBuffer(MemoryStream buffer, ResourceConfigItem item, FileInfo file)
            var content = File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName);

            if (content.Length > 0)
                var bomLength = !item.RemoveBom.HasValue || item.RemoveBom.Value
                    ? GetBomLength(content)
                    : 0;

                if (bomLength > 0)
                    this.Log.Trace("Found BOM symbols (" + bomLength + " byte length)");

                if (bomLength < content.Length)
                    buffer.Write(content, bomLength, content.Length - bomLength);
                    this.Log.Trace("Skipped resource as it contains only BOM");

Exemplo n.º 11
        public void GetResourceOutputPath(string projectPath, ResourceConfigItem resource, ref string resourceOutputFileName, ref string resourceOutputDirName)
            this.Log.Trace("Checking output path setting " + resource.Output);

                var pathParts = this.GetPathComponents(resource.Output);

                resourceOutputDirName = pathParts[0];
                this.Log.Trace("Resource output setting directory relative to project root is " + resourceOutputDirName);

                resourceOutputFileName = pathParts[1];
                this.Log.Trace("Resource output setting file name is " + resourceOutputFileName);

                if (resourceOutputDirName != null)
                    this.Log.Trace("Checking resource output directory on invalid characters");
                    resourceOutputDirName = CheckInvalidCharacters(resource, resourceOutputDirName, this.InvalidPathChars);

                if (resourceOutputDirName != null)
                    this.Log.Trace("Getting absolute resource output directory");
                    resourceOutputDirName = Path.Combine(projectPath, resourceOutputDirName);
                    this.Log.Trace("Resource output directory is " + resourceOutputDirName);

                    if (resourceOutputFileName != null)
                        this.Log.Trace("Checking resource output file name on invalid characters");
                        resourceOutputFileName = CheckInvalidCharacters(resource, resourceOutputFileName, Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());

                        if (resourceOutputFileName == null)
                            this.Log.Trace("Setting resource output directory to null as file name part contains invalid characters");
                            resourceOutputDirName = null;
                    this.Log.Trace("Setting resource output file name to null as directory part contains invalid characters");
                    resourceOutputFileName = null;
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is ArgumentException || ex is ArgumentNullException || ex is PathTooLongException)
                this.Log.Trace("Could not extract directory name from resource output setting");

                if (resource.Silent != true)

                resourceOutputDirName  = null;
                resourceOutputFileName = null;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private StringBuilder GetHeaderContent(ResourceConfigItem resource, string basePath)
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Getting header content...");

            var    isFileName          = false;
            string convertedHeaderPath = null;

            string resourceHeader = resource.Header;

                Logger.ZLogTrace("Checking if resource header setting is a file path...");

                Logger.ZLogTrace("Converting slashes in resource header setting...");
                var configHelper = new ConfigHelper();
                convertedHeaderPath = configHelper.ConvertPath(resourceHeader);

                Logger.ZLogTrace("Checking if " + convertedHeaderPath + " contains file name...");
                var headerFileName = Path.GetFileName(convertedHeaderPath);
                isFileName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerFileName);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)

            if (isFileName)
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Checking if header content file exists");
                var fullHeaderPath = Path.Combine(basePath, convertedHeaderPath);

                if (File.Exists(fullHeaderPath))
                    Logger.ZLogTrace("Reading header content file at " + fullHeaderPath);

                    using (var m = new StreamReader(fullHeaderPath, OutputEncoding, true))
                        var sb = new StringBuilder(m.ReadToEnd());

                        if (m.CurrentEncoding != OutputEncoding)
                            Logger.ZLogTrace("Converting resource header file {0} from encoding {1} to encoding {2}", fullHeaderPath, m.CurrentEncoding.EncodingName, OutputEncoding.EncodingName);

                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Read {0} symbols from the header file {1}", sb.Length, fullHeaderPath);


                Logger.ZLogWarning("Could not find header content file at {0} for resource {1}", fullHeaderPath, resource.Name);

            Logger.ZLogTrace("Considered resource header setting to be a header content");

            return(new StringBuilder(resourceHeader));
Exemplo n.º 13
        private byte[] CheckResourceOnBomAndAddToBuffer(MemoryStream buffer, ResourceConfigItem item, FileInfo file, bool oneFileResource)
            byte[] content;

            if (oneFileResource)
                this.Log.Trace("Reading resource file " + file.FullName + " as one-file-resource");
                content = File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName);
                this.Log.Trace("Reading resource file " + file.FullName + " via StreamReader with byte order mark detection option");

                using (var m = new StreamReader(file.FullName, Translator.OutputEncoding, true))
                    content = Translator.OutputEncoding.GetBytes(m.ReadToEnd());

                    if (m.CurrentEncoding != OutputEncoding)
                        this.Log.Info("Converting resource file "
                                      + file.FullName
                                      + " from encoding "
                                      + m.CurrentEncoding.EncodingName
                                      + " into default encoding"
                                      + Translator.OutputEncoding.EncodingName);

            if (content.Length > 0)
                var checkBom = (oneFileResource && item.RemoveBom == true) ||
                               (!oneFileResource && (!item.RemoveBom.HasValue || item.RemoveBom.Value));

                var bomLength = checkBom
                    ? GetBomLength(content)
                    : 0;

                if (bomLength > 0)
                    this.Log.Trace("Found BOM symbols (" + bomLength + " byte length)");

                if (bomLength < content.Length)
                    buffer.Write(content, bomLength, content.Length - bomLength);
                    this.Log.Trace("Skipped resource as it contains only BOM");

Exemplo n.º 14
        private StringBuilder GetHeaderContent(ResourceConfigItem resource, string basePath)
            this.Log.Trace("Getting header content...");

            var    isFileName          = false;
            string convertedHeaderPath = null;

            string resourceHeader = resource.Header;

                this.Log.Trace("Checking if resource header setting is a file path...");

                this.Log.Trace("Converting slashes in resource header setting...");
                var configHelper = new ConfigHelper();
                convertedHeaderPath = configHelper.ConvertPath(resourceHeader);

                this.Log.Trace("Checking if " + convertedHeaderPath + " contains file name...");
                var headerFileName = Path.GetFileName(convertedHeaderPath);
                isFileName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerFileName);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)

            if (isFileName)
                this.Log.Trace("Checking if header content file exists");
                var fullHeaderPath = Path.Combine(basePath, convertedHeaderPath);

                if (File.Exists(fullHeaderPath))
                    this.Log.Trace("Reading header content file at " + fullHeaderPath);

                    var sb = new StringBuilder(File.ReadAllText(fullHeaderPath, OutputEncoding));

                    this.Log.Trace("Read " + sb.Length + " symbols from the header file " + fullHeaderPath);


                this.Log.Warn("Could not find header content file at " + fullHeaderPath + "for resource " + resource.Name);

            this.Log.Trace("Considered resource header setting to be a header content");

            return(new StringBuilder(resourceHeader));
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void ExtractResource(string outputPath, string projectPath, ResourceConfigItem resource, byte[] code)
            if (!resource.Extract.HasValue || !resource.Extract.Value)

            this.Log.Trace("Extracting resource " + resource.Name);

            string resourceOutputFileName = null;
            string resourceOutputDirName  = null;

            if (resource.Output != null)
                this.GetResourceOutputPath(outputPath, resource, ref resourceOutputFileName, ref resourceOutputDirName);

            if (resourceOutputDirName == null)
                resourceOutputDirName = outputPath;
                this.Log.Trace("Using project output path " + resourceOutputDirName);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceOutputFileName))
                resourceOutputFileName = resource.Name;
                this.Log.Trace("Using resource name as file name " + resourceOutputFileName);

                var path = Path.Combine(resourceOutputDirName, resourceOutputFileName);

                this.Log.Trace("Writing resource " + resource.Name + " into " + path);


                File.WriteAllBytes(path, code);

                this.Log.Trace("Done writing resource into file");
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 16
        private Tuple <string, string> GetFullPathForResource(string outputPath, ResourceConfigItem resource)
            string resourceOutputFileName = null;
            string resourceOutputDirName  = null;

            if (resource.Output != null)
                GetResourceOutputPath(outputPath, resource, ref resourceOutputFileName, ref resourceOutputDirName);

            if (resourceOutputDirName == null)
                resourceOutputDirName = outputPath;
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Using project output path " + resourceOutputDirName);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceOutputFileName))
                resourceOutputFileName = resource.Name;
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Using resource name as file name " + resourceOutputFileName);

            return(Tuple.Create(resourceOutputDirName, resourceOutputFileName));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void ReadResourseFiles(string outputPath, MemoryStream buffer, ResourceConfigItem item)
            this.Log.Trace("Reading resource with " + item.Files.Length + " items");

            foreach (var fileName in item.Files)
                this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item(s) in location " + fileName);

                    string directoryPath;

                    directoryPath = outputPath;

                    var dirPathInFileName = this.GetPathComponents(fileName)[0];

                    var filePathCleaned = fileName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPathInFileName))
                        directoryPath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, dirPathInFileName);
                        this.Log.Trace("Cleaned folder path part: " + dirPathInFileName + " from location: " + fileName + " and added to the directory path: " + directoryPath);

                        filePathCleaned = Path.GetFileName(filePathCleaned);

                    var directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);

                    if (!directory.Exists)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                    this.Log.Trace("Searching files for resources in folder: " + directoryPath);

                    var files = directory.GetFiles(filePathCleaned, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                    if (!files.Any())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any file in folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                    //var needNewLine = files.Length > 0;

                    foreach (var file in files)
                        //if (needNewLine)
                        //    NewLine(buffer);

                        GenerateResourceFileRemark(buffer, item, file, dirPathInFileName);

                        this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item at " + file.FullName);

                        var content = File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName);

                        if (content.Length > 0)
                            var bomLength = !item.RemoveBom.HasValue || item.RemoveBom.Value
                                ? GetBomLength(content)
                                : 0;

                            if (bomLength > 0)
                                this.Log.Trace("Found BOM symbols (" + bomLength + " byte length)");

                            if (bomLength < content.Length)
                                buffer.Write(content, bomLength, content.Length - bomLength);
                                this.Log.Trace("Skipped resource as it contains only BOM");

                        this.Log.Trace("Read " + content.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void PrepareResourcesConfig()
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Preparing resources config...");

            var config = AssemblyInfo.Resources;

            var rawResources = config.Items;

            var resources = new List <ResourceConfigItem>();
            ResourceConfigItem defaultSetting = null;

            if (rawResources != null)
                Array.ForEach(rawResources, (x) =>
                    if (x.Name != null)
                        var parts = x.Name.Split(new[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        if (parts.Length > 1)
                            x.Assembly = parts[0];
                            x.Name     = parts[1];

                var defaultResources = rawResources.Where(x => x.Name == null);

                if (defaultResources.Count() > 1)
                    Logger.ZLogError("There are more than one default resource in the configuration setting file (resources section). Will use the first occurrence as a default resource settings");

                defaultSetting = defaultResources.FirstOrDefault();

                if (defaultSetting != null)
                    Logger.ZLogTrace("The resources config section has a default settings");


                    var rawNonDefaultResources = rawResources.Where(x => x.Name != null);

                    ValidateResourceSettings(defaultSetting, rawNonDefaultResources);

                    foreach (var resource in rawNonDefaultResources)
                        ApplyDefaultResourceConfigSetting(defaultSetting, resource);

                    Array.ForEach(rawResources, x => x.SetDefaulValues());

                Logger.ZLogTrace("The resources config section has {0} non-default settings", resources.Count);

            var toEmbed   = resources.Where(x => x.Files != null && x.Files.Count() > 0).ToArray();
            var toExtract = resources.Where(x => x.Files == null || x.Files.Count() <= 0).ToArray();

            config.Prepare(defaultSetting, toEmbed, toExtract);
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Done preparing resources config");

Exemplo n.º 19
 protected virtual void AddExtractedResourceOutput(ResourceConfigItem resource, byte[] code)
     Emitter.AddOutputItem(this.Outputs.Resources, resource.Name, code, TranslatorOutputKind.Resource, location: resource.Output);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void GetResourceOutputPath(string basePath, ResourceConfigItem resource, ref string resourceOutputFileName, ref string resourceOutputDirName)
     GetResourceOutputPath(basePath, resource.Output, resource.Name, resource.Silent, ref resourceOutputFileName, ref resourceOutputDirName);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void ReadResourseFiles(string outputPath, StringBuilder resourceBuffer, ResourceConfigItem item)
            this.Log.Trace("Reading resource with " + item.Files.Length + " items");

            foreach (var fileName in item.Files)
                this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item(s) in location " + fileName);

                    string directoryPath;

                    directoryPath = outputPath;

                    var dirPathInFileName = this.GetPathComponents(fileName)[0];

                    var filePathCleaned = fileName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPathInFileName))
                        directoryPath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, dirPathInFileName);
                        this.Log.Trace("Cleaned folder path part: " + dirPathInFileName + " from location: " + fileName + " and added to the directory path: " + directoryPath);

                        filePathCleaned = Path.GetFileName(filePathCleaned);

                    var directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);

                    if (!directory.Exists)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                    this.Log.Trace("Searching files for resources in folder: " + directoryPath);

                    var files = directory.GetFiles(filePathCleaned, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                    if (!files.Any())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any file in folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                    foreach (var file in files)

                        GenerateResourceFileRemark(resourceBuffer, item, file, dirPathInFileName);

                        this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item at " + file.FullName);

                        var content = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);

                        this.Log.Trace("Read " + content.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void CheckConsoleConfigSetting(List <ResourceConfigItem> resources, ResourceConfigItem @default)

            var consoleResourceName         = "bridge.console.js";
            var consoleResourceMinifiedName = FileHelper.GetMinifiedJSFileName(consoleResourceName);

            var consoleFormatted = resources.Where(x => x.Name == consoleResourceName && (x.Assembly == null || x.Assembly == Translator.Bridge_ASSEMBLY)).FirstOrDefault();
            var consoleMinified  = resources.Where(x => x.Name == consoleResourceMinifiedName && (x.Assembly == null || x.Assembly == Translator.Bridge_ASSEMBLY)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (this.AssemblyInfo.Console.Enabled != true)
                this.Log.Trace("Switching off Bridge Console...");

                if (consoleFormatted == null)
                    consoleFormatted = new ResourceConfigItem()
                        Name = consoleResourceName

                    this.Log.Trace("Adding resource setting for " + consoleResourceName);
                    if (this.AssemblyInfo.Console.Enabled.HasValue)
                        this.Log.Trace("Overriding resource setting for " + consoleResourceName + " as bridge.json has console option explicitly");
                        this.Log.Trace("Not overriding resource setting for " + consoleResourceName + " as bridge.json does NOT have console option explicitly");
                        consoleFormatted = null;

                if (consoleFormatted != null)
                    consoleFormatted.Output  = null;
                    consoleFormatted.Extract = false;
                    consoleFormatted.Inject  = false;
                    consoleFormatted.Files   = new string[0];

                if (consoleMinified == null)
                    consoleMinified = new ResourceConfigItem()
                        Name = consoleResourceMinifiedName

                    this.Log.Trace("Adding resource setting for " + consoleResourceMinifiedName);
                    if (this.AssemblyInfo.Console.Enabled.HasValue)
                        this.Log.Trace("Overriding resource setting for " + consoleResourceMinifiedName + " as bridge.json has console option explicitly");
                        this.Log.Trace("Not overriding resource setting for " + consoleResourceMinifiedName + " as bridge.json does NOT have console option explicitly");
                        consoleMinified = null;

                if (consoleMinified != null)
                    consoleMinified.Output  = null;
                    consoleMinified.Extract = false;
                    consoleMinified.Inject  = false;
                    consoleMinified.Files   = new string[0];

                this.Log.Trace("Switching off Bridge Console done");
                if (consoleFormatted != null)
                    if (consoleFormatted.Extract != true)
                        consoleFormatted.Extract = true;
                        this.Log.Trace("Setting resources.extract = true for " + consoleResourceName + " as bridge.json has console option has true explicitly");
                    if (@default != null && @default.Extract != true)
                        consoleFormatted = new ResourceConfigItem()
                            Name    = consoleResourceName,
                            Extract = true,
                            Inject  = false

                        this.Log.Trace("Adding resource setting for " + consoleResourceName + " as default resource has extract != true");

                if (consoleMinified != null)
                    if (consoleMinified.Extract != true)
                        consoleMinified.Extract = true;
                        this.Log.Trace("Setting resources.extract = true for " + consoleResourceMinifiedName + " as bridge.json has console option has true explicitly");
                    if (@default != null && @default.Extract != true)
                        consoleMinified = new ResourceConfigItem()
                            Name    = consoleResourceMinifiedName,
                            Extract = true,
                            Inject  = false

                        this.Log.Trace("Adding resource setting for " + consoleResourceMinifiedName + " as default resource has extract != true");
            this.Log.Trace("CheckConsoleConfigSetting done");
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads files for the resource item and return a value indication whether it is a resource for SourceMap generation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputPath">Project output path</param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="item">Resource</param>
        /// <returns>Bool value indication whether it is a resource for SourceMap generation</returns>
        private bool ReadResourceFiles(string outputPath, MemoryStream buffer, ResourceConfigItem item)
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Reading resource with " + item.Files.Length + " items");

            var needSourceMap = false;

            var useDefaultEncoding = item.Files.Length > 1;

            foreach (var fileName in item.Files)
                Logger.ZLogTrace("Reading resource item(s) in location " + fileName);

                    string directoryPath;

                    directoryPath = outputPath;

                    var dirPathInFileName = FileHelper.GetDirectoryAndFilenamePathComponents(fileName)[0];

                    var filePathCleaned = fileName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPathInFileName))
                        directoryPath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, dirPathInFileName);
                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Cleaned folder path part: " + dirPathInFileName + " from location: " + fileName + " and added to the directory path: " + directoryPath);

                        filePathCleaned = Path.GetFileName(filePathCleaned);

                    directoryPath = Path.GetFullPath(directoryPath);

                    var fullFileName = Path.Combine(directoryPath, filePathCleaned);

                    GenerateResourceFileRemark(buffer, item, filePathCleaned, dirPathInFileName);

                    var outputItem = FindTranslatorOutputItem(fullFileName);

                    if (outputItem != null)
                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Found required file for resources in Outputs " + fullFileName);

                        if (outputItem.HasGeneratedSourceMap)
                            Logger.ZLogTrace("The output item HasGeneratedSourceMap so that the resource requires SourceMap also");
                            needSourceMap = true;

                        var content = outputItem.Content.GetContentAsBytes();

                        buffer.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
                        var directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);

                        if (!directory.Exists)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Missing resource from json config file, could not find folder: '{directory.FullName}' for resource '{item.Name}' with file name '{fileName}'");

                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Searching files for resources in folder: " + directoryPath);

                        var file = directory.GetFiles(filePathCleaned, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (file == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Missing resource from json config file, could not find in folder '{directory.FullName}' the required resource '{item.Name}' with file name '{fileName}'");

                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Reading resource item at " + file.FullName);

                        var resourceAsOneFile = item.Header == null &&
                                                item.Remark == null &&
                                                item.Files.Length <= 1;

                        var content = CheckResourceOnBomAndAddToBuffer(buffer, item, file, resourceAsOneFile);

                        Logger.ZLogTrace("Read " + content.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.ZLogError(ex, "Error reading resources files for item {0}", item);

Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads files for the resource item and return a value indication whether it is a resource for SourceMap generation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputPath">Project output path</param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="item">Resource</param>
        /// <returns>Bool value indication whether it is a resource for SourceMap generation</returns>
        private bool ReadResourseFiles(string outputPath, MemoryStream buffer, ResourceConfigItem item)
            this.Log.Trace("Reading resource with " + item.Files.Length + " items");

            var needSourceMap = false;

            foreach (var fileName in item.Files)
                this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item(s) in location " + fileName);

                    string directoryPath;

                    directoryPath = outputPath;

                    var dirPathInFileName = this.GetPathComponents(fileName)[0];

                    var filePathCleaned = fileName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPathInFileName))
                        directoryPath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, dirPathInFileName);
                        this.Log.Trace("Cleaned folder path part: " + dirPathInFileName + " from location: " + fileName + " and added to the directory path: " + directoryPath);

                        filePathCleaned = Path.GetFileName(filePathCleaned);

                    directoryPath = Path.GetFullPath(directoryPath);

                    var fullFileName = Path.Combine(directoryPath, filePathCleaned);

                    GenerateResourceFileRemark(buffer, item, filePathCleaned, dirPathInFileName);

                    var outputItem = this.FindTranslatorOutputItem(fullFileName);

                    if (outputItem != null)
                        this.Log.Trace("Found required file for resources in Outputs " + fullFileName);

                        if (outputItem.HasGeneratedSourceMap)
                            this.Log.Trace("The output item HasGeneratedSourceMap so that the resource requires SourceMap also");
                            needSourceMap = true;

                        var content = outputItem.Content.GetContentAsBytes();

                        buffer.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
                        var directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);

                        if (!directory.Exists)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                        this.Log.Trace("Searching files for resources in folder: " + directoryPath);

                        var file = directory.GetFiles(filePathCleaned, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (file == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find any file in folder: " + directory.FullName + " for resource " + item.Name + " and location " + fileName);

                        this.Log.Trace("Reading resource item at " + file.FullName);

                        var content = CheckResourceOnBomAndAddToBuffer(buffer, item, file);

                        this.Log.Trace("Read " + content.Length + " bytes");
                catch (Exception ex)
