Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets random repository according to search parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Search parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Random repository.</returns>
        public async Task <Repository> GetRandomRepositoryAsync(RepositoryParameters parameters)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(parameters, nameof(parameters));

            // cache total count value to avoid excessive API requests
            int repositoryCount = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(parameters);

            if (repositoryCount == 0)

            var index   = Random.Next(repositoryCount - 1);
            var queries = await GetQueries(parameters, index, index, MAX_REPOSITORIES_COUNT);

            var queryParams = queries.FirstOrDefault();

            if (queryParams == null)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected exception occured. Try different parameters");

            var repositories = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesAsync(queryParams.Parameters,
                                                                                queryParams.From, 1);

        public async Task <int> GetRepositoryStarsCount(RepositoryParameters parameters, int index)
            string query = RepositorySearchToQuery(parameters);
            // cache stars count value to avoid excessive API requests
            var cacheKey    = $"StarsCount-{query}";
            var cachedValue = _cacheService.GetValue <int?>(cacheKey);
            int starsCount;

            if (cachedValue.HasValue)
                starsCount = cachedValue.Value;
                var searchResult = await this._client.Query <QueryData>(RepositoryQueries.REPOSITORY_STARS_QUERY,
                    query = query,
                    first = 1,
                    after = GraphQLHelper.GetCursor(index - 1)

                if (searchResult.Search.Edges.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Repository is not found");
                starsCount = searchResult.Search.Edges[0].Node.StargazerCount;
                _cacheService.SetValue(cacheKey, starsCount, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(STARS_COUNT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MINUTES));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task RepositoryService_GetQueries_SelectAllWithMaxCreated()
            var parameters = new RepositoryParameters();

            parameters.MaxCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3);
            var expectedResult = this._repositories.Where(r => r.CreatedDate <= parameters.MaxCreated).ToList();
            int from           = 1;
            int to             = expectedResult.Count;
            int max            = 3;
            var queries        = await this._repositoryService.GetQueries(parameters, from, to, max);

            var result = new List <Repository>();

            foreach (var query in queries)
                var repositories = await this._repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesAsync(query.Parameters,
                                                                                         query.From, (query.To - query.From + 1));


            var repos = _repositories.OrderByDescending(r => r.StarsCount).ThenByDescending(r => r.UpdatedDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(to - from + 1, result.Count);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedResult, result);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Task <int> GetRepositoryStarsCount(RepositoryParameters parameters, int index)
                            .Where(r => CheckRepository(r, parameters))
                            .OrderByDescending(r => r.StarsCount)
                            .ThenByDescending(r => r.UpdatedDate)
                            .ToList()[index - 1].StarsCount));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ucHome()

            rp = new RepositoryParameters();

Exemplo n.º 6
 public Task <List <Repository> > GetRepositoriesAsync(RepositoryParameters parameters, int from, int count)
                            .Where(r => CheckRepository(r, parameters))
                            .OrderByDescending(r => r.StarsCount)
                            .ThenByDescending(r => r.UpdatedDate)
                            .Skip(from - 1)
        private string RepositorySearchToQuery(RepositoryParameters search)
            string query = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Text))
                query += search.Text;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Language))
                query += $" language:{search.Language}";
            if (search.LastUpdateAfter.HasValue)
                query += $" pushed:>={search.LastUpdateAfter.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}";
            if (search.HasGoodFirstIssues.HasValue && search.HasGoodFirstIssues.Value)
                query += $" good-first-issues:>0";
            if (search.HasHelpWantedIssues.HasValue && search.HasHelpWantedIssues.Value)
                query += $" help-wanted-issues:>0";
            if (search.MinNumberOfStars.HasValue && search.MaxNumberOfStars.HasValue)
                query += $" stars:{search.MinNumberOfStars.Value}..{search.MaxNumberOfStars.Value}";
            else if (search.MinNumberOfStars.HasValue)
                query += $" stars:>={search.MinNumberOfStars.Value}";
            else if (search.MaxNumberOfStars.HasValue)
                query += $" stars:<={search.MaxNumberOfStars.Value}";
            if (search.MinCreated.HasValue && search.MaxCreated.HasValue)
                query += $" created:{search.MinCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")}..{search.MaxCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")}";
            else if (search.MinCreated.HasValue)
                query += $" created:>={search.MinCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")}";
            else if (search.MaxCreated.HasValue)
                query += $" created:<={search.MaxCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")}";
            // TODO: setting up sorting in UI
            query += " sort:stars-desc sort:updated-desc";

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Получить посуточную статистику по переданным дням
        /// </summary>
        internal IEnumerable <PeriodStatisticsDto> GetStatisticsByDates(RepositoryParameters pars, IEnumerable <DateTime> dates)
            _logger.LogInformation($"Getting statistics started: \"{pars.RepoPath}\"");

            using var repo = new Repository(pars.RepoPath);

            var commits = GetCommits(repo, dates, false);

            var result = dates.Select(date => GetDayStatistics(repo, pars.Name, pars.WebUI, commits, date)).ToList();

            _logger.LogInformation($"Getting statistics ended: \"{pars.RepoPath}\"");

        public async Task <List <Repository> > GetRepositoriesAsync(RepositoryParameters parameters,
                                                                    int from, int count)
            string query        = RepositorySearchToQuery(parameters);
            var    searchResult = await this._client.Query <QueryData>(RepositoryQueries.REPOSITORY_SEARCH_QUERY,
                query         = query,
                first         = count,
                after         = GraphQLHelper.GetCursor(from - 1),
                languageCount = MAX_LANGUAGES_COUNT

            return(searchResult.Search.Edges.Select(e => ConvertEdgeToRepository(e)).ToList());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Random([FromQuery] RepositoryParameters parameters)
            if (parameters == null ||
                (parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues == null || parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues == false) &&
                (parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues == null || parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues == false) &&
                parameters.Language == null &&
                parameters.LastUpdateAfter == null &&
                parameters.MinNumberOfStars == null &&
                return(BadRequest("Request parameters should be set"));
            var repository = await this._repositoryService.GetRandomRepositoryAsync(parameters);

            return(Ok(new { Repository = repository }));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task RepositoryService_GetQueries_LessThanMax()
            var parameters = new RepositoryParameters();
            int from       = 0;
            int to         = 3;
            int max        = 3;
            var queries    = await this._repositoryService.GetQueries(parameters, from, to, max);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, queries.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(from, queries[0].From);
            Assert.AreEqual(to, queries[0].To);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.MinNumberOfStars, queries[0].Parameters.MinNumberOfStars);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.MaxNumberOfStars, queries[0].Parameters.MaxNumberOfStars);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.MinCreated, queries[0].Parameters.MinCreated);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.MaxCreated, queries[0].Parameters.MaxCreated);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task RepositoryService_GetQueries_SimpleStarsCountSkip()
            var parameters = new RepositoryParameters();
            int max        = 3;
            int from       = 8;
            int to         = from + max - 1;
            var queries    = await this._repositoryService.GetQueries(parameters, from, to, max);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, queries.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, queries[0].From);
            Assert.AreEqual(max, queries[0].To);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.MaxNumberOfStars, 2);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Search([FromQuery] RepositoryParameters parameters)
            if (parameters == null ||
                (parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues == null || parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues == false) &&
                (parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues == null || parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues == false) &&
                parameters.Language == null &&
                parameters.LastUpdateAfter == null &&
                parameters.MinNumberOfStars == null &&
                return(BadRequest("Request parameters should be set"));
            if (!parameters.PageNumber.HasValue || !parameters.PageSize.HasValue)
                return(BadRequest("Pagination parameters should be set"));
            var repositoryPage = await this._repositoryService.GetRepositoriesAsync(parameters);

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Получить оценку рабочего
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repositoryParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="dates"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RepositoryWorkEstimateDto GetRepositoryWorkEstimate(RepositoryParameters repositoryParameters, IEnumerable <DateTime> dates)
            _logger.LogInformation($"Getting work estimates started: \"{repositoryParameters.RepoPath}\"");

            using var repo = new Repository(repositoryParameters.RepoPath);

            var commits = GetCommits(repo, dates, true);

            var estimates = commits.Select(c => new
                Email  = c.Author.Email.ToLower(),
                Commit = c
                            .GroupBy(key => key.Email)
                            .Select(g => new
                Email = g.Key,
                //Commits = g.Select(v => v.Commit).ToList(),
                Hours = EstimateHours(g.Select(v => v.Commit.Author.When))
                            .Select(i => new PersonWorkEstimateDto
                Email = i.Email,
                Hours = Math.Round(i.Hours, 2),
                Days  = Math.Round(i.Hours / 8, 2)

            var result = new RepositoryWorkEstimateDto
                RepositoryName = repositoryParameters.Name,
                Estimates      = estimates

            _logger.LogInformation($"Getting work estimates ended: \"{repositoryParameters.RepoPath}\"");

        public async Task <int> GetRepositoriesCount(RepositoryParameters parameters)
            string query = RepositorySearchToQuery(parameters);
            // cache total count value to avoid excessive API requests
            var cacheKey    = $"TotalCount-{query}";
            var cachedValue = _cacheService.GetValue <int?>(cacheKey);
            int repositoryCount;

            if (cachedValue.HasValue)
                repositoryCount = cachedValue.Value;
                var totalCountResult = await this._client.Query <QueryData>(RepositoryQueries.REPOSITORIES_COUNT_QUERY,
                                                                            new { query = query });

                repositoryCount = totalCountResult.Search.RepositoryCount;
                _cacheService.SetValue(cacheKey, repositoryCount, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(TOTAL_COUNT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MINUTES));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task RepositoryService_GetQueries_SelectAll()
            var parameters = new RepositoryParameters();
            int from       = 1;
            int to         = this._repositories.Count;
            int max        = 3;
            var queries    = await this._repositoryService.GetQueries(parameters, from, to, max);

            var result = new List <Repository>();

            foreach (var query in queries)
                var repositories = await this._repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesAsync(query.Parameters,
                                                                                         query.From, (query.To - query.From + 1));


            var repos = _repositories.OrderByDescending(r => r.StarsCount).ThenByDescending(r => r.UpdatedDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(to - from + 1, result.Count);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(this._repositories, result);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets list of repositories according to search parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Search and pagination parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Page containing list of repositories.</returns>
        public async Task <RepositoryPage> GetRepositoriesAsync(RepositoryParameters parameters)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(parameters, nameof(parameters));

            var result = new RepositoryPage();

            result.TotalCount = await this._repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(parameters);

            result.Repositories = new List <Repository>();

            var from    = parameters.PageSize.Value * (parameters.PageNumber.Value - 1) + 1;
            var to      = Math.Min(result.TotalCount, from + parameters.PageSize.Value - 1);
            var queries = await GetQueries(parameters, from, to, MAX_REPOSITORIES_COUNT);

            foreach (var query in queries)
                var repositories = await this._repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesAsync(query.Parameters,
                                                                                         query.From, (query.To - query.From + 1));


Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task RepositoryService_GetQueries_TwoBatches()
            var parameters = new RepositoryParameters();
            int from       = 2;
            int to         = 4;
            int max        = 3;
            int starsCount = 3;

            parameters.MinNumberOfStars = starsCount;
            var queries = await this._repositoryService.GetQueries(parameters, from, to, max);

            var result = new List <Repository>();

            foreach (var query in queries)
                var repositories = await this._repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesAsync(query.Parameters,
                                                                                         query.From, (query.To - query.From + 1));


            Assert.AreEqual(to - from + 1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Count, result.Count(r => r.StarsCount == starsCount));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public QueryParams(RepositoryParameters parameters, int from, int to)
     this.Parameters = parameters;
     this.From       = from;
     this.To         = to;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Workaround for GitHub repositories count limit.
        /// Splits requested data into batches by combination of stars count and creation date.
        /// Returns list of query parameters to request data from those batches.
        /// Sorting by stars count is applied, sorting by update/creation dates is not guaranteed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parameters for a query without limitation.</param>
        /// <param name="from">Index of the first requested repository.</param>
        /// <param name="to">Index of the last requested repository.</param>
        /// <param name="max">Defined limit (1000; parametrized for unit testing).</param>
        /// <returns>List of query parameters considering limitation.</returns>
        internal async Task <List <QueryParams> > GetQueries(RepositoryParameters parameters,
                                                             int from, int to, int max)
            var queries = new List <QueryParams>();

            // if search period is inside limitation then just execute search as it is
            if (from <= max && to <= max)
                queries.Add(new QueryParams(parameters.Clone(), from, Math.Min(to, max)));

            while (to > max)
                // find the number of stars for the last repository in the next batch of [max] repositories;
                // calculate the number of repositories in this batch with the number of stars greater than the last
                // to avoid calculating those repositories twice
                var starsCount = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoryStarsCount(parameters, max);

                var correctedParameters = parameters.Clone();
                correctedParameters.MinNumberOfStars = starsCount + 1;
                var repositoryCountShift = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(correctedParameters);

                from = Math.Max(from - repositoryCountShift, 1);
                to  -= repositoryCountShift;

                // calculate the number of repositories with the number of stars equal to the last one
                correctedParameters.MinNumberOfStars = starsCount;
                correctedParameters.MaxNumberOfStars = starsCount;
                var repositoryCount = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(correctedParameters);

                // if the page we're looking for is inside current batch then start to compose correct search queries
                // that would return less than [max] repositories
                if (from <= repositoryCount)
                    DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
                    if (parameters.MaxCreated.HasValue && endDate > parameters.MaxCreated)
                        endDate = parameters.MaxCreated.Value;
                    DateTime startDate = endDate.AddHours(-DEFAULT_HOURS_SEARCH_PERIOD);
                    if (parameters.MinCreated.HasValue && startDate < parameters.MinCreated)
                        startDate = parameters.MinCreated.Value;
                    correctedParameters.MaxCreated = endDate;

                    // if batch size (repositoryCount) is greater than [max], divide a batch with equal
                    // stars count by created date (constant value, won't change during execution);
                    while (repositoryCount >= max && to >= max)
                        correctedParameters.MinCreated = parameters.MinCreated;
                        correctedParameters.MaxCreated = endDate;

                        // by default use one year period; if there are more than [max] repositories inside
                        // this period, then divide it by two and try again
                        var addCount = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(correctedParameters);

                        var hours = DEFAULT_HOURS_SEARCH_PERIOD;

                        while (addCount > max)
                            startDate = endDate.AddHours(-hours);
                            correctedParameters.MinCreated = startDate;
                            addCount = await _repositoryApiService.GetRepositoriesCount(correctedParameters);

                            hours = (int)Math.Ceiling(hours / ((double)addCount / (double)max));

                        // if start of the page is inside current batch and the end is not,
                        // add query for the first part of the page to the result
                        if (from <= addCount)
                            queries.Add(new QueryParams(correctedParameters.Clone(), from, addCount));
                            from = addCount + 1;

                        // subtract processed amount of repositories
                        repositoryCount -= addCount;
                        from             = Math.Max(1, from - addCount);
                        to -= addCount;

                        endDate   = startDate.AddSeconds(-1);
                        startDate = endDate.AddHours(-DEFAULT_HOURS_SEARCH_PERIOD);
                        if (parameters.MinCreated.HasValue && startDate < parameters.MinCreated)
                            startDate = parameters.MinCreated.Value;
                    correctedParameters.MinCreated = parameters.MinCreated;
                    correctedParameters.MaxCreated = endDate;
                    queries.Add(new QueryParams(correctedParameters.Clone(), from,
                                                Math.Min(to, repositoryCount)));
                    from = Math.Min(to, repositoryCount) + 1;
                    correctedParameters.MaxCreated = parameters.MaxCreated;
                from = Math.Max(1, from - repositoryCount);
                to  -= repositoryCount;

                // change query to go to the next batch
                parameters.MaxNumberOfStars = starsCount - 1;
            if (to > 0)
                queries.Add(new QueryParams(parameters.Clone(), from, to));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Task <int> GetRepositoriesCount(RepositoryParameters parameters)
                            .Where(r => CheckRepository(r, parameters))
Exemplo n.º 22
        private bool CheckRepository(Repository repository, RepositoryParameters parameters)
            if (parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues.HasValue && parameters.HasGoodFirstIssues.Value)
                if (repository.GoodFirstIssuesCount == 0)
            if (parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues.HasValue && parameters.HasHelpWantedIssues.Value)
                if (repository.HelpWantedIssuesCount == 0)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Language))
                if (!repository.PrimaryLanguage.Equals(parameters.Language, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Text))
                if (!repository.Description.Contains(parameters.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    !repository.Name.Contains(parameters.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    !repository.Owner.Contains(parameters.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            if (parameters.LastUpdateAfter.HasValue)
                if (repository.UpdatedDate < parameters.LastUpdateAfter.Value)
            if (parameters.MinCreated.HasValue)
                if (repository.CreatedDate < parameters.MinCreated.Value)
            if (parameters.MaxCreated.HasValue)
                if (repository.CreatedDate > parameters.MaxCreated.Value)
            if (parameters.MinNumberOfStars.HasValue)
                if (repository.StarsCount < parameters.MinNumberOfStars.Value)
            if (parameters.MaxNumberOfStars.HasValue)
                if (repository.StarsCount > parameters.MaxNumberOfStars.Value)
