public IHttpActionResult UpdateSubmittedVoucher(Report_ISO_Detail propertyNameList)
            var        result = otherISO.UpdateStatusVoucher(propertyNameList.VoucherID, propertyNameList.Status, propertyNameList.UserID, propertyNameList);
            JsonObject json   = new JsonObject();

            json["Success"] = result;
        public bool UpdateStatusVoucher(string voucherID, string status, string userid, Report_ISO_Detail propertyNameList)
            Console.WriteLine("DOCPlanAddDAL--DeletePlandAdd " + DateTime.Now);
            if (propertyNameList != null)
                if (propertyNameList.Status != "X")
                    foreach (var item in propertyNameList.ListProperty)
                        string TotalBag = "";
                        if (item.PropertyValue.Contains("&"))
                            string[] PropertyArray = item.PropertyValue.Split('&');
                            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyArray.Length; i++)
                                if (i > 0)
                                    TotalBag += " & ";
                                if (PropertyArray[i].ToString().Trim().Contains("-"))
                                    string[] PropertyDetail = PropertyArray[i].Split('-');
                                    string   first_param    = PropertyDetail[0].Trim();
                                    string   second_param   = PropertyDetail[1].Trim();
                                    decimal  number_1       = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Concat(first_param.Substring(first_param.Length - 4, 4).Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse()));
                                    decimal  number_2       = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Concat(second_param.Substring(second_param.Length - 4, 4).Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse()));
                                    Decimal  result         = Decimal.Subtract(number_1, number_2);

                                    TotalBag += (Math.Abs(result) + 1);
                            if (item.PropertyValue.Trim().Contains("-"))
                                string[] PropertyDetail = item.PropertyValue.Split('-');
                                string   first_param    = PropertyDetail[0].Trim();
                                string   second_param   = PropertyDetail[1].Trim();
                                decimal  number_1       = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Concat(first_param.Substring(first_param.Length - 4, 4).Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse()));
                                decimal  number_2       = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Concat(second_param.Substring(second_param.Length - 4, 4).Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse()));
                                Decimal  result         = Decimal.Subtract(number_1, number_2);

                                TotalBag += (Math.Abs(result) + 1);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TotalBag))
                            string updatecmd = @"Update Report_ISO_Detail SET [Range] = @Range
                            WHERE VoucherID = @VoucherID AND PropertyName=@PropertyName ";
                            acQC.ExecuteNonQuery(updatecmd, new object[] { item.PropertyValue, voucherID, item.PropertyName });
                            string updatecmd = @"Update Report_ISO_Detail SET [Range] = @Range, [TotalBag] = @TotalBag
                            WHERE VoucherID = @VoucherID AND PropertyName=@PropertyName ";
                            acQC.ExecuteNonQuery(updatecmd, new object[] { item.PropertyValue, TotalBag, voucherID, item.PropertyName });

            string cmd = @"Update Report_ISO_Result SET Status = @Status, Stamp = GETDATE()
                            WHERE VoucherID = @VoucherID; ";

            if (status == "P")
                cmd += "EXEC RY_AddResults_To_ISOVoucher '" + voucherID + "', @UserID";
                acQC.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, new object[] { status, voucherID, userid });
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
