public void SendReport(Report report, Contact[] contacts, Report.ExportFormat Format, DateTime getCachedFrom, out bool isFromCache)
            isFromCache = false;

            if (report.IsProxy)
                throw new Exception("Report cannot be Proxy");

            if (contacts.Length == 0)

            string fileNamePattern     = report.GetType().Name + "_" + report.ID.ToString() + "_";
            string fileName            = fileNamePattern + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "." + Format.ToString();
            string cacheLookupFileName = fileNamePattern + getCachedFrom.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "." + Format.ToString();
            string filePath            = null;
            string reportString        = null;

            // lookup cached report
            string[] lookupPaths = Directory.GetFiles(FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir, fileNamePattern + "*." + Format.ToString());
            if (lookupPaths != null)
                foreach (string path in lookupPaths)
                    string file = Path.GetFileName(path);
                    if (file.Length == cacheLookupFileName.Length && file.CompareTo(cacheLookupFileName) > 0)
                        filePath    = FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir + @"\" + file;
                        isFromCache = true;
            if (filePath == null)
                filePath = FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir + @"\" + fileName;
                report.Export(filePath, Format);

            foreach (Contact cnt in contacts)
                if (Format == Report.ExportFormat.HTML && reportString == null)
                    if (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.MessageBody || cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment)
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, true);
                        if (sr != null)
                            reportString = sr.ReadToEnd();

                //send via email
                    if (cnt.IsProxy)

                    // message object
                    OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage msg = new OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage();
                    msg.From = new OpenSmtp.Mail.EmailAddress(FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpSender);
                    msg.To.Add(new OpenSmtp.Mail.EmailAddress(cnt.EMail));
                    msg.Subject = report.Name + " (" + report.Description + ")";

                    // attachment if ordered or report is not html
                    if (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Attachment ||
                        cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment ||
                        Format != Report.ExportFormat.HTML)
                        OpenSmtp.Mail.Attachment att = new OpenSmtp.Mail.Attachment(filePath);

                    // message body (if retport is html)
                    if (Format == Report.ExportFormat.HTML &&
                        (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.MessageBody ||
                         cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment))
                        msg.HtmlBody = reportString;

//					msg.Fields.Add("", "0"); //This is crucial. put 0 there
//					msg.Fields.Add("", 90);

                    OpenSmtp.Mail.SmtpConfig.LogToText = false;

                    OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp smtp = new OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp();
                    smtp.SendTimeout = 600;
                    smtp.Host        = FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpServer;
                    if (FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName != null && FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName != "")
                        smtp.Username = FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName;
                        smtp.Password = FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpPassword;
//					System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer=FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpServer;
//					System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(msg);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    // because real exception is inside:
                    while (exc.InnerException != null)
                        exc = exc.InnerException;

                    throw exc;
        public void SendReport(Report report, Guid olapTaskGuid, Contact[] contacts, Report.ExportFormat Format, DateTime minCacheTimestamp, DateTime currentTimestamp, out bool isFromCache)
            isFromCache = false;

            if (contacts.Length == 0)

            if (report.IsProxy)

            string fileNamePattern     = report.GetType().Name + "_" + report.ID.ToString() + "_";
            string newFileName         = fileNamePattern + currentTimestamp.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + "." + Format.ToString();
            string cacheLookupFileName = fileNamePattern + minCacheTimestamp.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + "." + Format.ToString();
            string filePath            = null;
            string reportString        = null;

            // lookup cached report
            if (minCacheTimestamp != DateTime.MinValue && minCacheTimestamp != DateTime.MaxValue)
                string[] lookupPaths = Directory.GetFiles(FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir, fileNamePattern + "*." + Format.ToString());
                if (lookupPaths != null)
                    foreach (string path in lookupPaths)
                        string file = Path.GetFileName(path);
                        if (file.Length == cacheLookupFileName.Length && file.CompareTo(cacheLookupFileName) > 0)
                            filePath    = FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir + @"\" + file;
                            isFromCache = true;

            // no cache, execute
            if (filePath == null)
                if (report.State == Report.StateEnum.Open)
                    OlapReport olapRpt = report as OlapReport;
                    if (olapRpt != null)

                filePath = FI.Common.AppConfig.TempDir + @"\" + newFileName;
                report.Export(filePath, Format);

            // send to contacts
            foreach (Contact cnt in contacts)
                if (Format == Report.ExportFormat.HTML && reportString == null)
                    if (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.MessageBody || cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment)
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, true);
                        if (sr != null)
                            reportString = sr.ReadToEnd();

                //send via email
                    if (cnt.IsProxy)

                    // message object
                    System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
                    msg.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpSender);
                    msg.Subject = report.Name + " (" + report.Description + ")";
                    //OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage msg=new OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage();
                    //msg.From=new OpenSmtp.Mail.EmailAddress(FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpSender);
                    //msg.To.Add(new OpenSmtp.Mail.EmailAddress(cnt.EMail));
                    //msg.Subject=report.Name + " (" + report.Description + ")";

                    // attachment if ordered or report is not html
                    if (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Attachment ||
                        cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment ||
                        Format != Report.ExportFormat.HTML)
                        //OpenSmtp.Mail.Attachment att=new OpenSmtp.Mail.Attachment(filePath);
                        System.Net.Mail.Attachment att = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(filePath);

                    // message body (if retport is html)
                    if (Format == Report.ExportFormat.HTML &&
                        (cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.MessageBody ||
                         cnt.DistributionFormat == Contact.DistributionFormatEnum.Body_And_Attachment))
                        msg.Body       = reportString;
                        msg.IsBodyHtml = true;

//					msg.Fields.Add("", "0"); //This is crucial. put 0 there
//					msg.Fields.Add("", 90);


                    System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtp = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();
                    smtp.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                    smtp.Host           = FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpServer;
                    smtp.Timeout        = 600000; // 10 minutes
                    if (FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpPort > 0)
                        smtp.Port = FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpPort;

                    //OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp smtp=new OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp();
                    if (FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName != null && FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName != "")
                        smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpUserName, FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpPassword);
//					System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer=FI.Common.AppConfig.SmtpServer;
//					System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(msg);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    // because real exception is inside:
                    while (exc.InnerException != null)
                        exc = exc.InnerException;

                    throw exc;