Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool DoesTestMatch(int paramCount, IntPtr paramArrays, IntPtr testList, ref Exception matchingErrorCode,
                                   Type returnType, ref Object matchingReturnValue, ref int matchingTest)
            matchingTest = -1;

            IntPtr exceptionSiString;
            IntPtr returnValueSiString;

            bool result = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.DoesTestMatch(paramCount, paramArrays, testList,
                                                                  out exceptionSiString, out returnValueSiString, ref matchingTest);

            if (result)
                int    exceptionStrLen = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetSiStringLength(exceptionSiString);
                char[] exceptionStr    = new char[exceptionStrLen + 1];
                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetSiStringContents(exceptionSiString, exceptionStr, exceptionStr.Length);

                int    returnValueStrLen = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetSiStringLength(returnValueSiString);
                char[] returnValueStr    = new char[returnValueStrLen + 1];
                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetSiStringContents(returnValueSiString, returnValueStr, returnValueStr.Length);


                // Convert return value and exception strings to objects
                matchingErrorCode   = ConvertExceptionStringToObject(new String(exceptionStr));
                matchingReturnValue = ConvertValueStringToObject(returnType, new String(returnValueStr));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SendLog(String category, String functionName, int paramCount, IntPtr paramArrays,
                            Exception exception, Object returnValue, IntPtr events)
            String exceptionStr   = "";
            String returnValueStr = "";

            if (returnValue != null)
                returnValueStr = returnValue.ToString();
            if (exception != null)
                exceptionStr = exception.GetType().Name;

            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SendLog(originalDllName.ToCharArray(), category.ToCharArray(),
                                              functionName.ToCharArray(), paramCount, paramArrays, exceptionStr.ToCharArray(),
                                              returnValueStr.ToCharArray(), events);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the Firing Specification for the specified function test and retuns a value
        /// indicating wheter the test should be run!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functionTestList">The function test list</param>
        /// <param name="matchingTest">the index of the test which matched</param>
        /// <returns>(INT)  -1 = Run Original Function, Do not run test, do not pause app
        ///					 0 = Dont run original function, run test, do not pause app
        ///					 1 = Dont run original function, run test and pause app
        /// </returns>
        private int CheckFiringSpecification(IntPtr functionTestList, int matchingTest)
            int retVal = 0;

            //Check the type of firing specification
            int firingOption = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetFiringOptionForTest(functionTestList, matchingTest);

            //Get stacktrace only if firing spec. requires a stackstrace
            if (firingOption != 1)
                //Get the stack trace!
                System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread, false);

                //Initialize a new stack list
                IntPtr stackList = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.InitCallStackList();

                for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount; i++)
                    //Get the frame from the stack trace
                    System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(i);
                    if (sf == null)

                    System.Reflection.MethodBase mbase = sf.GetMethod();
                    if (mbase == null)

                    String declTypeFullName = (mbase.DeclaringType == null) ? "" : mbase.DeclaringType.FullName + ".";
                    String methodName       = (mbase.Name == null) ? "[NULL]" : mbase.Name;

                    //Cycle through the results and keep only the intercepted functions and internal module symbols
                    //Filter rules:
                    // 1. Filter out where fullname contains string "::ReplacementLibrary::"
                    //	  This will take care of RunStandardTestsAndGetResults and other methods
                    // 2. Filter out where full name contains string "heatintercepthandler"

                    if ((declTypeFullName.ToLower().IndexOf(".dotnetreplacementlibrary") != -1) ||
                        (declTypeFullName.ToLower().IndexOf("heatintercepthandler") != -1))

                    ReplacementLibraryWrapper.AddFunctionToCallStackList(stackList, (declTypeFullName + methodName).ToCharArray());

                //Check the firing specification
                retVal = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.CheckFiringSpecification(stackList, functionTestList, matchingTest);

                //Delete the stack list
                //Check the firing specification
                retVal = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.CheckFiringSpecification((IntPtr)null, functionTestList, matchingTest);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool RunStandardTestsAndGetResults(OriginalMethodCaller ofCaller, String category, String functionName,
                                                  Object[] param, Type returnType, ref Object returnValue, ref Exception exception)

            bool shouldPauseApp      = false;
            bool runOriginalFunction = true;

            IntPtr newEvents      = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.CreateNewEventsArray();
            IntPtr previousEvents = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.InitNewEventsArrayAndSavePrevious(newEvents);

            bool   testMatches  = false;
            int    matchingTest = -1;
            IntPtr testList;

            IntPtr paramArrays = IntPtr.Zero;

            int typedArrayParams = ConvertParamsToTypedArrays(param, ref paramArrays);

            testList = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.GetFunctionTests(category.ToCharArray(), functionName.ToCharArray());
            if (testList != IntPtr.Zero)
                testMatches = DoesTestMatch(typedArrayParams, paramArrays, testList,
                                            ref exception, returnType, ref returnValue, ref matchingTest);

            //If matching test was found then Check Firing Specification
            if (testMatches)
                int result = this.CheckFiringSpecification(testList, matchingTest);
                switch (result)
                case -1:
                    runOriginalFunction = true;
                    shouldPauseApp      = false;

                case 0:
                    runOriginalFunction = false;
                    shouldPauseApp      = false;

                case 1:
                    runOriginalFunction = false;
                    shouldPauseApp      = true;

            bool loggingEnabled = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.IsFunctionLoggingEnabled(category.ToCharArray(), functionName.ToCharArray());
            bool parentLogged   = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.IsParentLogged();

            if (!parentLogged)
                // If parent is not logged, do not log this function either
                loggingEnabled = false;


            if (runOriginalFunction)
                ofCaller(param, ref returnValue, ref exception);
                if (matchingTest != -1)
                    ReplacementLibraryWrapper.IncrementTestExecutionCount(testList, matchingTest);

            //If AUT should be paused after this test then set the pause event in the current LogEntry
            if (!runOriginalFunction && shouldPauseApp)

            if (matchingTest != -1)
                ModifyChangeParameters(typedArrayParams, paramArrays, testList, matchingTest);

            if (loggingEnabled)
                SendLog(category, functionName, typedArrayParams, paramArrays, exception, returnValue, newEvents);

            //If the app is going to be paused the flush the log now
            if (!runOriginalFunction && shouldPauseApp)
                //Flush the log

            // Restore original parent logging value


            if (testList != IntPtr.Zero)
            FreeParamTypedArrays(typedArrayParams, paramArrays);


            //Performing app pause here
            if (!runOriginalFunction && shouldPauseApp)

Exemplo n.º 5
 private void FreeParamTypedArrays(int paramCount, IntPtr paramArrays)
     ReplacementLibraryWrapper.FreeParamTypedArrays(paramArrays, paramCount);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private int ConvertParamsToTypedArrays(Object[] param, ref IntPtr paramArrays)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // First parameter is the MethodInterceptInfo object.  If ThisObject within
            // this is null, we have a static method and shouldn't include ThisObject
            // in the log entry
            if ((param.Length > 0) && param[0].GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(HeatDotNet.MethodInterceptInfo)) &&
                (((HeatDotNet.MethodInterceptInfo)param[0]).ThisObject == null))
                startIndex = 1;

            paramArrays = ReplacementLibraryWrapper.CreateParamTypedArrays(param.Length - startIndex);

            for (int i = startIndex; i < param.Length; i++)
                    Object obj = param[i];

                    if (obj == null)
                        ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex, "null".ToCharArray());

                    // If the parameter is a MethodInterceptInfo type, log the ThisObject part of the
                    // MethodInterceptInfo object.
                    if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(HeatDotNet.MethodInterceptInfo)) &&
                        ((HeatDotNet.MethodInterceptInfo)obj != null))
                        obj = ((HeatDotNet.MethodInterceptInfo)obj).ThisObject;

                    if (obj == null)
                        ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex, "null".ToCharArray());
                        if (obj is Byte)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is SByte)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Int16)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is UInt16)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Int32)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is UInt32)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Int64)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is UInt64)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Single)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Double)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Decimal)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Boolean)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Char)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is DateTime)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Enum)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is Guid)
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                                                                     ((Guid)obj).ToString("B", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToCharArray());
                        else if (obj is IntPtr)
                            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if (obj is UIntPtr)
                            if (UIntPtr.Size == 4)
                                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                                ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex,
                        else if ((obj is Type) || (obj is String) || (obj is StringBuilder) ||
                                 (obj is Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey))
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex, obj.ToString().ToCharArray());
                            ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex, obj.GetType().Name.ToCharArray());
                catch (Exception)
                    // Could not convert the parameter to a string.  Fill in the parameter with an "Unknown"
                    ReplacementLibraryWrapper.SetParamString(paramArrays, i - startIndex, "Unknown".ToCharArray());

            return(param.Length - startIndex);            // Return actual number of parameters to log
Exemplo n.º 7
 public DotNetReplacementLibrary(String dllName)
     originalDllName = dllName;