Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (id != -1)
                //   try
                // {
                service_orderTableAdapter daService_order = new service_orderTableAdapter();
                DataRow record = repairsDataSet.service_order.FindByid(id); // find the related Record

                //update the record with user's input
                record[1] = (DateTime.Now).ToString();

                service_orderTableAdapter daServiceOrder = new service_orderTableAdapter();
                daServiceOrder.Update(record);  // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                repairsDataSet.AcceptChanges(); // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                //Send Id to details view
                HttpCookie cID = new HttpCookie("ID"); // Cokkie variable named cID to hold a value
                cID.Value = id.ToString();
                Session["editRedirect"] = "repairStarted"; // session for details view to see if its a redirect or not
                Response.Redirect("details.aspx");         // Redirect the user to Edit page on btn click

                //  }
                //    this.Label1.Visible = true;
                //    this.Label1.Text = "❌ Record Updation Failed";
                //    this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red;

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Servicevalidation())
                    DataRow service = RepairsDataSet.service.NewRow(); // Create a new row of service table in memory
                    //update record with user's input
                    service[1] = this.txtName.Text;
                    service[2] = this.txtDescription.Text;
                    service[3] = this.txtPrice.Text;
                    RepairsDataSet.service.Rows.Add(service); // add the rows to the dataset

                    serviceTableAdapter daService = new serviceTableAdapter();
                    daService.Update(service);      // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                    RepairsDataSet.AcceptChanges(); // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                    //Refresh the page to show the record being deleted
                    // Response.Redirect("Services.aspx"); // Redirect the user to dexpage on to show created data
                    this.Label1.Visible   = true;
                    this.Label1.Text      = "✔ Record Successfully Created";
                    this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                    this.Label1.Visible   = true;
                    this.Label1.Text      = "❌ Record Creation Failed";
                    this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Edit Button click
        protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //check a record has been selected
            if (id != -1 && Servicevalidation())
                DataRow record = repairsDataSet.service.FindByid(id); // find the related Record

                    //update record with user's input
                    record[1] = this.txtName.Text;
                    record[2] = this.txtDescription.Text;
                    record[3] = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtPrice.Text);
                    serviceTableAdapter daservice = new serviceTableAdapter();
                    daservice.Update(record);       // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                    repairsDataSet.AcceptChanges(); // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                    this.Label1.Visible = true;
                    Label1.Text         = "✔ Record Successfully Updated";
                    //  Response.Redirect("Services.aspx"); // Redirect the user to Edit page on btn click
                    this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    this.Label1.Visible   = true;
                    Label1.Text           = "❌ Record Updation Failed";
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Repairvalidation())
                    DataRow serviceOrder = RepairsDataSet.service_order.NewRow(); // Create a new row of service_order table in memory

                    //update record with user's input
                    serviceOrder[3] = this.txtIssue.Text;
                    if (this.radInWarranty.Checked)
                        serviceOrder[4] = 1;
                        serviceOrder[4] = 0;
                    serviceOrder[5] = this.ddlReceipt.SelectedValue;
                    serviceOrder[6] = this.ddlService.SelectedValue;
                    serviceOrder[7] = this.ddlEquipment.SelectedValue;
                    serviceOrder[8] = this.ddlEmployee.SelectedValue;

                    RepairsDataSet.service_order.Rows.Add(serviceOrder); // add the rows to the dataset

                    service_orderTableAdapter daSericeOrder = new service_orderTableAdapter();
                    daSericeOrder.Update(serviceOrder); // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                    RepairsDataSet.AcceptChanges();     // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                    //Send Id to details view to show added record
                    HttpCookie cID = new HttpCookie("ID");  // Cokkie variable named cID to hold a value
                    cID.Value = serviceOrder[0].ToString(); // get the id of the newly added row/record
                    Session["createRedirect"] = true;       // session for details view to see if its a redirect or not
                    this.lblStatus.Visible = true;
                    this.lblStatus.Text    = "❌ Record Creation Failed";
Exemplo n.º 5
        //Edit btn
        protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //check a record has been selected
            if (id != -1 && Repairvalidation())
                    DataRow record = repairsDataSet.service_order.FindByid(id); // find the related Record

                    //update the record with user's input
                    record[3] = this.txtIssue.Text;
                    if (this.radInWarranty.Checked)
                        record[4] = 1;
                        record[4] = 0;
                    record[5] = this.ddlReceipt.SelectedValue;
                    record[6] = this.ddlService.SelectedValue;
                    record[7] = this.ddlEquipment.SelectedValue;
                    record[8] = this.ddlEmployee.SelectedValue;

                    service_orderTableAdapter daServiceOrder = new service_orderTableAdapter();
                    daServiceOrder.Update(record);  // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                    repairsDataSet.AcceptChanges(); // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                    //Send Id to details view
                    HttpCookie cID = new HttpCookie("ID"); // Cokkie variable named cID to hold a value
                    cID.Value = id.ToString();
                    Session["editRedirect"] = "true";  // session for details view to see if its a redirect or not
                    Response.Redirect("details.aspx"); // Redirect the user to Edit page on btn click
                    this.Label1.Visible   = true;
                    this.Label1.Text      = "❌ Record Updation Failed";
                    this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void btnDeleteConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (id != -1)
                    DataRow record = RepairsDataSet.service.FindByid(id);      // Find and add the record to tbe record variable

                    record.Delete();                                           // Deletes the record in memory

                    serviceTableAdapter daservice = new serviceTableAdapter(); // table adapter to service table (Service adapter)
                    daservice.Update(record);                                  // Call update method on the service adapter so it updates the table in memory ( All changes made are applied - CRUD)
                    RepairsDataSet.AcceptChanges();                            // Call accept method on the dataset so it update the chanmges to the database

                    //Refresh the page to show the record being deleted
                    Session["deleteMsg"] = "true";
                    this.Label1.Text     = "✔ Record Deleted Successfully";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("constraint"))
                        Session["deleteMsg"] = "false";
                        this.Label1.Text      = "❌ Record Deletion Failed";
                        this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red;