void Control_Tick(RenderTargetUserControl sender, float delta)
     if (Tick != null)
         Tick(this, delta);
Exemplo n.º 2
		void renderTargetUserControl1_PreUpdate( RenderTargetUserControl sender )
			//update camera position
			renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = new Vec3( 0, 0, -1 );
			renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp = new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
			renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition = RendererWorld.Instance.DefaultCamera.Position + new Vec3( 0, 0, 15 );

			if( checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked )
				//create mesh object
				if( sceneNode == null )

				//show mesh object on the scene
				if( sceneNode != null )
					sceneNode.Visible = true;

				//override visibility (hide main scene objects, show from lists)
				List<SceneNode> sceneNodes = new List<SceneNode>();
				if( sceneNode != null )
					sceneNodes.Add( sceneNode );
				SceneManager.Instance.SetOverrideVisibleObjects( new SceneManager.OverrideVisibleObjectsClass(
					new StaticMeshObject[ 0 ], sceneNodes.ToArray(), new RenderLight[ 0 ] ) );

				////draw box by debug geometry
				//camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 );
				//camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( new Bounds( new Vec3( -1, -1, -1 ), new Vec3( 1, 1, 1 ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
        void renderTargetUserControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            RenderTargetUserControl control = (RenderTargetUserControl)sender;

            //free camera rotating
            if (Map.Instance != null && freeCameraEnabled && freeCameraMouseRotating)
                Vec2 mouse = control.GetMouseRelativeModeOffset().ToVec2() /

                SphereDir dir = freeCameraDirection;
                dir.Horizontal -= mouse.X;
                dir.Vertical   -= mouse.Y;

                dir.Horizontal = MathFunctions.RadiansNormalize360(dir.Horizontal);

                const float vlimit = MathFunctions.PI / 2 - .01f;
                if (dir.Vertical > vlimit)
                    dir.Vertical = vlimit;
                if (dir.Vertical < -vlimit)
                    dir.Vertical = -vlimit;

                freeCameraDirection = dir;
Exemplo n.º 4
        void renderTargetUserControl1_RenderUI(RenderTargetUserControl sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
            string text = "NeoAxis 3D Engine " + EngineVersionInformation.Version;

            renderer.AddText(text, new Vec2(.01f, .01f), HorizontalAlign.Left,
                             VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));
Exemplo n.º 5
        void renderTargetUserControl1_PreUpdate(RenderTargetUserControl sender)
            //update camera position
            renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = new Vec3(0, 0, -1);
            renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp   = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
            renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = RendererWorld.Instance.DefaultCamera.Position + new Vec3(0, 0, 15);

            if (checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked)
                //create mesh object
                if (sceneNode == null)

                //show mesh object on the scene
                if (sceneNode != null)
                    sceneNode.Visible = true;

                //override visibility (hide main scene objects, show from lists)
                List <SceneNode> sceneNodes = new List <SceneNode>();
                if (sceneNode != null)
                SceneManager.Instance.SetOverrideVisibleObjects(new SceneManager.OverrideVisibleObjectsClass(
                                                                    new StaticMeshObject[0], sceneNodes.ToArray(), new RenderLight[0]));

                ////draw box by debug geometry
                //camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 );
                //camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( new Bounds( new Vec3( -1, -1, -1 ), new Vec3( 1, 1, 1 ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void renderTargetUserControl1_Render(RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera)
            //update camera
            if (Map.Instance != null)
                Vec3   position;
                Vec3   forward;
                Degree fov;

                MapCamera mapCamera = Entities.Instance.GetByName("MapCamera_1") as MapCamera;
                if (mapCamera != null)
                    position = mapCamera.Position;
                    forward  = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
                    fov      = mapCamera.Fov;
                    position = Map.Instance.EditorCameraPosition;
                    forward  = Map.Instance.EditorCameraDirection.GetVector();
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                if (fov == 0)
                    fov = Map.Instance.Fov;

                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraNearFarClipDistance = Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp             = Vec3.ZAxis;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFov       = fov;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = position;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = forward;
Exemplo n.º 7
        void renderTargetUserControl1_RenderUI(RenderTargetUserControl sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
            string text = "NeoAxis Engine " + EngineVersionInformation.Version;

            renderer.AddText(text, new Vec2(.01f, .01f), HorizontalAlign.Left,
                             VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));

            renderer.AddText("Camera control: W A S D, right mouse", new Vec2(.99f, .99f),
                             HorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign.Bottom, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));
Exemplo n.º 8
        void renderTargetUserControl1_Tick(RenderTargetUserControl sender, float delta)
            //update network status
            NetworkConnectionStatuses status = NetworkConnectionStatuses.Disconnected;

            if (GameNetworkClient.Instance != null)
                status = GameNetworkClient.Instance.Status;
            labelNetworkStatus.Content = status.ToString();

            //moving free camera by keys
            if (Map.Instance != null && freeCameraEnabled)
                float cameraVelocity = 20;

                Vec3      pos = freeCameraPosition;
                SphereDir dir = freeCameraDirection;

                float step = cameraVelocity * delta;

                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.W) ||
                    pos += dir.GetVector() * step;
                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.S) ||
                    pos -= dir.GetVector() * step;
                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.A) ||
                    pos += new SphereDir(
                        dir.Horizontal + MathFunctions.PI / 2, 0).GetVector() * step;
                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.D) ||
                    pos += new SphereDir(
                        dir.Horizontal - MathFunctions.PI / 2, 0).GetVector() * step;
                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.Q))
                    pos += new Vec3(0, 0, step);
                if (renderTargetUserControl1.IsKeyPressed(Key.E))
                    pos += new Vec3(0, 0, -step);

                freeCameraPosition = pos;
Exemplo n.º 9
		void renderTargetUserControl1_PostUpdate( RenderTargetUserControl sender )
			if( checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked )
				//hide mesh object on the scene
				if( sceneNode != null )
					sceneNode.Visible = false;
				//reset overriding scene objects
 public int GetViewIndexByControl(RenderTargetUserControl control)
     for (int n = 0; n < views.Length; n++)
         if (views[n].Control == control)
Exemplo n.º 11
        void renderTargetUserControl1_PostUpdate(RenderTargetUserControl sender)
            if (checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked)
                //hide scene

                //reset overriding scene objects
Exemplo n.º 12
        void renderTargetUserControl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            RenderTargetUserControl control = (RenderTargetUserControl)sender;

            //free camera rotating
            if (freeCameraEnabled && e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && freeCameraMouseRotating)
                control.MouseRelativeMode = false;
                freeCameraMouseRotating   = false;
 void Control_RenderUI(RenderTargetUserControl sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
     if (RenderUI != null)
         int viewIndex = GetViewIndexByControl(sender);
         if (viewIndex != -1)
             RenderUI(this, viewIndex, renderer);
 void Control_Render(RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera)
     if (Render != null)
         int viewIndex = GetViewIndexByControl(sender);
         if (viewIndex != -1)
             Render(this, viewIndex, camera);
Exemplo n.º 15
        void renderTargetUserControl1_Render(RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera)
            //update camera
            if (Map.Instance != null)
                Vec3   position;
                Vec3   forward;
                Vec3   up;
                Degree fov;

                if (!freeCameraEnabled)
                    //usual camera

                    position = Vec3.Zero;
                    forward  = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                    //MapCamera mapCamera = Entities.Instance.GetByName( "MapCamera_0" ) as MapCamera;
                    //if( mapCamera != null )
                    //   position = mapCamera.Position;
                    //   forward = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
                    //   fov = mapCamera.Fov;
                    //free camera

                    position = freeCameraPosition;
                    forward  = freeCameraDirection.GetVector();
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraNearFarClipDistance = Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp             = up;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFov       = fov;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = position;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = forward;

            //update sound listener
            if (SoundWorld.Instance != null)
                SoundWorld.Instance.SetListener(camera.Position, Vec3.Zero, camera.Direction, camera.Up);

            //if( Map.Instance != null && !renderTargetUserControl1.MouseRelativeMode )
            //	RenderEntityOverCursor( camera );
Exemplo n.º 16
        void renderTargetUserControl1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            RenderTargetUserControl control = (RenderTargetUserControl)sender;

            //free camera rotating
            if (Map.Instance != null && freeCameraEnabled && e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                freeCameraMouseRotating    = true;
                freeCameraRotatingStartPos = control.GetFloatMousePosition();
                control.MouseRelativeMode  = true;
Exemplo n.º 17
 void renderTargetUserControl1_PostUpdate(RenderTargetUserControl sender)
     if (checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked)
         //hide mesh object on the scene
         if (sceneNode != null)
             sceneNode.Visible = false;
         //reset overriding scene objects
Exemplo n.º 18
        void renderTargetUserControl1_Tick(RenderTargetUserControl sender, float delta)
            RenderTargetUserControl control = sender;

            //moving free camera by keys
            if (Map.Instance != null && freeCameraEnabled)
                float cameraVelocity = 20;

                Vec3      pos = freeCameraPosition;
                SphereDir dir = freeCameraDirection;

                float step = cameraVelocity * delta;

                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.W) ||
                    pos += dir.GetVector() * step;
                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.S) ||
                    pos -= dir.GetVector() * step;
                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.A) ||
                    pos += new SphereDir(
                        dir.Horizontal + MathFunctions.PI / 2, 0).GetVector() * step;
                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.D) ||
                    pos += new SphereDir(
                        dir.Horizontal - MathFunctions.PI / 2, 0).GetVector() * step;
                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Q))
                    pos += new Vec3(0, 0, step);
                if (control.IsKeyPressed(Keys.E))
                    pos += new Vec3(0, 0, -step);

                freeCameraPosition = pos;
Exemplo n.º 19
        void renderTargetUserControl1_Render(RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera)
            //update camera
            if (Map.Instance != null)
                Vec3   position;
                Vec3   forward;
                Vec3   up;
                Degree fov;

                //find first MapCamera object on the map
                MapCamera mapCamera = FindFirstMapCamera();
                if (mapCamera != null)
                    position = mapCamera.Position;
                    forward  = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    if (mapCamera.Fov != 0)
                        fov = mapCamera.Fov;
                        fov = Map.Instance.Fov;
                    position = Vec3.Zero;
                    forward  = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraNearFarClipDistance = Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp             = up;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFov       = fov;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = position;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = forward;

            //update sound listener
            if (SoundWorld.Instance != null)
                SoundWorld.Instance.SetListener(camera.Position, Vec3.Zero, camera.Direction, camera.Up);
Exemplo n.º 20
        void InitWorkAreaControl()

            if (workAreaViewsConfiguration != ViewsConfigurations.NoViews)
                initializedWorkAreaViewsConfiguration = workAreaViewsConfiguration;

                workAreaControl         = new MultiViewRenderTargetControl();
                workAreaControl.Visible = false;

                Rect[] rectangles = null;

                switch (workAreaViewsConfiguration)
                case ViewsConfigurations.OneView:
                    rectangles = new Rect[] { new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1) };

                case ViewsConfigurations.FourViews:
                    rectangles = new Rect[]
                        new Rect(0, 0, .498f, .495f),
                        new Rect(.502f, 0, 1, .495f),
                        new Rect(0, .505f, .498f, 1),
                        new Rect(.502f, .505f, 1, 1),


                workAreaControl.Render   += workAreaControl_Render;
                workAreaControl.RenderUI += workAreaControl_RenderUI;

                //subscribe events to first view
                RenderTargetUserControl control = workAreaControl.Views[0].Control;
                control.KeyDown   += renderTargetUserControl1_KeyDown;
                control.KeyUp     += renderTargetUserControl1_KeyUp;
                control.MouseDown += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseDown;
                control.MouseUp   += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseUp;
                control.MouseMove += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseMove;
                control.Tick      += renderTargetUserControl1_Tick;
Exemplo n.º 21
        void renderTargetUserControl1_PreUpdate(RenderTargetUserControl sender)
            if (checkBoxOverrideSceneObjects.Checked)
                //update camera position
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraNearFarClipDistance = new Range(.1f, 10000);
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraProjectionType      = ProjectionTypes.Perspective;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraOrthoWindowHeight   = 100;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp             = new Vec3(0, 0, 1);
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFov       = 80;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = new Vec3(2, 20, 17);
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = (new Vec3(0, 0, 0) - renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition).GetNormalize();

                //create scene
                if (!sceneCreated)

                //show scene

                SceneManager.Instance.SetOverrideVisibleObjects(new SceneManager.OverrideVisibleObjectsClass(
                                                                    new StaticMeshObject[0], sceneNodes.ToArray(), lights.ToArray()));

                ////draw box by debug geometry
                //camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 );
                //camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( new Bounds( new Vec3( -1, -1, -1 ), new Vec3( 1, 1, 1 ) ) );
                //update camera position
                Camera defaultCamera = RendererWorld.Instance.DefaultCamera;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraNearFarClipDistance = new Range(defaultCamera.NearClipDistance, defaultCamera.FarClipDistance);
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraProjectionType      = defaultCamera.ProjectionType;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraOrthoWindowHeight   = defaultCamera.OrthoWindowHeight;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFixedUp             = defaultCamera.FixedUp;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraFov       = defaultCamera.Fov;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraPosition  = defaultCamera.Position;
                renderTargetUserControl1.CameraDirection = defaultCamera.Direction;
        public void SetViewsConfiguration(Rect[] rectangles)

            views = new View[rectangles.Length];

            for (int viewIndex = 0; viewIndex < views.Length; viewIndex++)
                RenderTargetUserControl control = new RenderTargetUserControl();

                View view = new View(this, rectangles[viewIndex], control);
                views[viewIndex] = view;


                if (viewIndex == 0)
                    view.Control.Tick += Control_Tick;
                view.Control.Render   += Control_Render;
                view.Control.RenderUI += Control_RenderUI;
Exemplo n.º 23
        void workAreaControl_Render(MultiViewRenderTargetControl sender, int viewIndex, Camera camera)
            //update camera
            if (Map.Instance != null)
                Vec3   position;
                Vec3   forward;
                Vec3   up;
                Degree fov;

                if (!freeCameraEnabled)
                    //usual camera mode

                    //add here your special camera management code and set "freeCameraEnabled = false;"

                    position = Vec3.Zero;
                    forward  = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                    //MapCamera mapCamera = Entities.Instance.GetByName( "MapCamera_0" ) as MapCamera;
                    //if( mapCamera != null )
                    //   position = mapCamera.Position;
                    //   forward = mapCamera.Rotation * new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
                    //   fov = mapCamera.Fov;
                    //free camera mode
                    position = freeCameraPosition;
                    forward  = freeCameraDirection.GetVector();
                    up       = Vec3.ZAxis;
                    fov      = Map.Instance.Fov;

                //update control
                RenderTargetUserControl control = workAreaControl.Views[viewIndex].Control;

                if (viewIndex == 0)
                    //first view
                    control.CameraNearFarClipDistance = Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance;
                    control.CameraFixedUp             = up;
                    control.CameraFov       = fov;
                    control.CameraPosition  = position;
                    control.CameraDirection = forward;
                    //all views except first view. set orthographic camera projection.
                    control.CameraNearFarClipDistance = Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance;
                    control.CameraProjectionType      = ProjectionTypes.Orthographic;
                    control.CameraOrthoWindowHeight   = 30;

                    Vec3 lookAt = position;

                    switch (viewIndex)
                    case 1:
                        control.CameraFixedUp   = Vec3.ZAxis;
                        control.CameraDirection = -Vec3.XAxis;
                        control.CameraPosition  = lookAt - control.CameraDirection * 100;

                    case 2:
                        control.CameraFixedUp   = Vec3.ZAxis;
                        control.CameraDirection = -Vec3.YAxis;
                        control.CameraPosition  = lookAt - control.CameraDirection * 100;

                    case 3:
                        control.CameraFixedUp   = Vec3.YAxis;
                        control.CameraDirection = -Vec3.ZAxis;
                        control.CameraPosition  = lookAt - control.CameraDirection * 100;

            //update sound listener
            if (viewIndex == 0 && SoundWorld.Instance != null)
                SoundWorld.Instance.SetListener(camera.Position, Vec3.Zero, camera.Direction, camera.Up);

            //draw 2D graphics as 3D by means DebugGeometry
            if (workAreaViewsConfiguration == ViewsConfigurations.FourViews && viewIndex == 3)
                const float cameraOffset = 10;
                Vec3        center       = camera.Position + camera.Direction * cameraOffset;

                //draw box
                Vec3[] positions;
                int[]  indices;
                GeometryGenerator.GenerateBox(new Vec3(10, 4, 1), out positions, out indices);
                Mat4 transform = new Mat4(Mat3.Identity, center);
                camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue(.5f, 0, 0);
                camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer(positions, indices, transform, false, true);
                camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0);
                camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer(positions, indices, transform, true, true);

                //draw axes
                camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue(1, 0, 0);
                camera.DebugGeometry.AddArrow(center, center + new Vec3(5, 0, 0));
                camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue(0, 1, 0);
                camera.DebugGeometry.AddArrow(center, center + new Vec3(0, 5, 0));
                camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue(0, 0, 1);
                camera.DebugGeometry.AddArrow(center, center + new Vec3(0, 0, 5));
Exemplo n.º 24
 void renderTargetUserControl1_Tick(RenderTargetUserControl sender, float delta)
Exemplo n.º 25
 void renderTargetUserControl1_RenderUI(RenderTargetUserControl sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
     //example of text rendering
     //renderer.AddText( "NeoAxis 3D Engine " + EngineVersionInformation.Version, new Vec2( 0, 0 ), HorizontalAlign.Left,
     //   VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue( 1, 0, 0 ) );
Exemplo n.º 26
 void renderTargetUserControl1_Render(RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera)
 internal View(MultiViewRenderTargetControl owner, Rect rectangle, RenderTargetUserControl control)
     this.owner     = owner;
     this.rectangle = rectangle;
     this.control   = control;
Exemplo n.º 28
		void renderTargetUserControl1_RenderUI( RenderTargetUserControl sender, GuiRenderer renderer )
			//example of text rendering
			//renderer.AddText( "NeoAxis 3D Engine " + EngineVersionInformation.Version, new Vec2( 0, 0 ), HorizontalAlign.Left,
			//   VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue( 1, 0, 0 ) );
Exemplo n.º 29
		void renderTargetUserControl1_Render( RenderTargetUserControl sender, Camera camera )