Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process data removal, and send to the client
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="InArray"></param>
        public void ProcessDataRemoval <T>(T[] InArray)
            //Unfortunately we need to copy our array, and send that.
            T[] OutData = new T[InArray.Length];
            Array.Copy(InArray, OutData, OutData.Length);
            RemovalCommandAttribute RemovalCommand = (RemovalCommandAttribute)typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RemovalCommandAttribute), false)[0];

            Callback.GetType().GetMethod(RemovalCommand.RemovalCommand).Invoke(Callback, new object[] { OutData });
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle our update data with a dictionary system
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="S"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="IncomingData"></param>
        /// <param name="OutgoingData"></param>
        /// <param name="ArrayType"></param>
        /// <param name="DataSource"></param>
        private static void HandleUpdateData <S, T>(Array InArray, ref Dictionary <S, T> OutgoingData, String ArrayType, String DataSource)
            T[] IncomingData = (T[])InArray;

            //Capture the old and new data
            //MM_Notification.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Received {0:#,##0} {1} from {2} on {3}.", IncomingData.Length, ArrayType, DataSource, DateTime.Now);

            //First, find our attribute data for updates and removes
            UpdateCommandAttribute  UpdateCommand      = null;
            RemovalCommandAttribute RemoveCommand      = null;
            DoNotRemoveAttribute    DoNotRemoveCommand = null;

            foreach (object obj in typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(false))
                if (obj is UpdateCommandAttribute)
                    UpdateCommand = (UpdateCommandAttribute)obj;
                else if (obj is RemovalCommandAttribute)
                    RemoveCommand = (RemovalCommandAttribute)obj;
                else if (obj is DoNotRemoveAttribute)
                    DoNotRemoveCommand = (DoNotRemoveAttribute)obj;

            //Make sure we have the proper index information for our remove command
            List <PropertyInfo> IndexInfo = new List <PropertyInfo>();

            foreach (String str in RemoveCommand.IndexColumn.Split(','))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))

            //Build our list of changes, and send out
            List <T>          UpdatedData = new List <T>();
            Dictionary <S, T> OldData     = OutgoingData;
            Dictionary <S, T> NewData     = new Dictionary <S, T>();

            //Now, go line by line and check for our values
            T FoundT;

            foreach (T InLine in IncomingData)
                S Index = default(S);
                if (typeof(S) == typeof(int))
                    Index = (S)IndexInfo[0].GetValue(InLine);
                else if (typeof(S) == typeof(String))
                    String ThisIndex = "";
                    foreach (PropertyInfo pI in IndexInfo)
                        ThisIndex += pI.GetValue(InLine).ToString();
                    Index = (S)(object)ThisIndex;

                if (!OutgoingData.TryGetValue(Index, out FoundT))
                else if (!MM_Comparable.IsDataIdentical(InLine, FoundT))
                if (!NewData.ContainsKey(Index))
                    NewData.Add(Index, InLine);

            //Now, swap in our new data and track anything missing - old data now is tracking anything left has been removed
            OutgoingData = NewData;
            if (DoNotRemoveCommand == null)
                foreach (S Index in NewData.Keys)

            //If we have changed data, send it out.
            //if (UpdatedData.Count != 0 || OldData.Count != 0)

            T[] UpdatesToSend    = UpdatedData.ToArray();
            T[] RemovalsToHandle = OldData.Values.ToArray();

            //Update our timestamp
            MM_Server.UpdateTimestamp(typeof(T), IncomingData.Length);

            //Send out notifications to our clients
            // if (UpdatesToSend.Length > 0)
            foreach (MM_WCF_Interface Interface in MM_Server.ConnectedUserList)
                if (Interface.User.LoggedOnTime != default(DateTime))
                        MM_WCF_Interface.SendMessage(Interface.User.UserId, UpdateCommand.UpdateCommand, UpdatesToSend);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MM_Notification.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Unable to send {0} to {1}: {2}", UpdateCommand.UpdateCommand, Interface.User.UserName, ex);

            if (RemovalsToHandle.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoveCommand.RemovalCommand) && DoNotRemoveCommand == null)
                foreach (MM_WCF_Interface Interface in MM_Server.ConnectedUserList)
                    if (Interface.User.LoggedOnTime != default(DateTime))
                            MM_WCF_Interface.SendMessage(Interface.User.UserId, RemoveCommand.RemovalCommand, RemovalsToHandle);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MM_Notification.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Unable to send {0} to {1}: {2}", RemoveCommand.RemovalCommand, Interface.User.UserName, ex);