Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual void HandleStandardCriterion(string channel, string nickname, BounceCriterion criterion)
            // add this join
            DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            RelevantJoins.Add(new JoinQuitEvent(channel, nickname, now));

            // calculate unban time
            DateTimeOffset unbanTimestamp = now.AddMinutes(criterion.BanDurationMinutes.Value);

            // check if the criterion is fulfilled
            if (CheckAndDebounce(channel, nickname, criterion, now))
                // unban after the set duration
                ConnectionManager.Timers.Register(unbanTimestamp, () => Unban(channel, nickname));
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual void HandleHourCriterion(string channel, string nickname, BounceCriterion criterion)
            // find the starting hour relative to today
            DateTimeOffset now        = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            DateTimeOffset today      = new DateTimeOffset(now.Date, now.Offset);
            DateTimeOffset todayStart = today.AddHours(criterion.StartingHour.Value);
            DateTimeOffset todayEnd   = today.AddHours(criterion.EndingHour.Value);

            if (todayEnd == todayStart)
                // no time range

            DateTimeOffset cutoff = (now >= todayStart)
                ? todayStart
                : todayStart.AddDays(-1);
            DateTimeOffset currentEnd;
            bool           isActive;

            if (todayEnd > todayStart)
                // daytime hours
                isActive   = (now >= todayStart && now < todayEnd);
                currentEnd = todayEnd;
                Debug.Assert(todayEnd < todayStart);

                // overnight hours
                if (now < todayEnd)
                    isActive   = true;
                    currentEnd = todayEnd;
                else if (now >= todayStart)
                    isActive   = true;
                    currentEnd = todayEnd.AddDays(1);
                    isActive = false;

            if (!isActive)
                // the entries are not interesting anymore

            // add this join
            RelevantJoins.Add(new JoinQuitEvent(channel, nickname, now));

            // check if the criterion is fulfilled
            if (CheckAndDebounce(channel, nickname, criterion, now))
                // unban at the end time
                ConnectionManager.Timers.Register(currentEnd, () => Unban(channel, nickname));