Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the necessary prerequisites for OriginRelationshipViewModel
        /// </summary>
        public async Task LoadViewModel(RelatedFeatureQueryResult relatedFeatureQueryResult, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)
            if (relatedFeatureQueryResult.Count() > 0)
                OriginRelatedRecords = new ObservableCollection <PopupManager>();

                foreach (var relatedRecord in relatedFeatureQueryResult)
                    // load feature to be able to access popup
                    if (relatedRecord is ArcGISFeature loadableFeature)
                        await loadableFeature.LoadAsync();
                    var popupManager = new PopupManager(new Popup(relatedRecord, relatedRecord.FeatureTable.PopupDefinition));

                    RelationshipInfo = relationshipInfo;

                // sort list if more than one record
                if (OriginRelatedRecords.Count > 1)
                    OriginRelatedRecords = new ObservableCollection <PopupManager>(OriginRelatedRecords.OrderByDescending(x => x.DisplayedFields.First().Value));
        private static TreeNode CreateChildNode(HeapCell aParent, HeapCell aCell, RelationshipInfo aRelationshipDescriptor /* optional */)
            StringBuilder caption = new StringBuilder();

            caption.Append("[" + aCell.Address.ToString("x8") + "] ");
            if (aRelationshipDescriptor != null)
                caption.Append("[" + aRelationshipDescriptor.LinkAddressOffsetWithinFromCell.ToString("d4") + "] ");
            caption.Append("[" + aCell.PayloadLength.ToString("d6") + "] ");
            System.Drawing.Color foreColour = Color.Black;
            if (aCell.Symbol != null)
                foreColour = Color.Blue;
                caption.Append("No symbol");
                foreColour = Color.LightGray;
            TreeNode node = new TreeNode(caption.ToString());

            node.ForeColor = foreColour;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override void PrepareContent(HeapCellArrayWithStatistics aCells, HeapStatistics aStats, RawItem aRawItem)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aCells.Count == 1);
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aRawItem.Tag != null && aRawItem.Tag is RelationshipInfo);
         HeapCell            cell    = aCells[0];
         RelationshipManager relMgr  = cell.RelationshipManager;
         RelationshipInfo    relInfo = (RelationshipInfo)aRawItem.Tag;
         StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
         msg.AppendFormat("This is an embedded reference to the cell at address 0x{0}", relInfo.ToCell.Address.ToString("x8"));
         if (relInfo.ToCell.Symbol != null)
             msg.AppendFormat(", which is an instance of a {0} object.", relInfo.ToCell.SymbolString);
         msg.Append(System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine);
         msg.AppendFormat("In total, this cell references {0} other cell(s), and is referenced by {1} cell(s)", relMgr.EmbeddedReferencesTo.Count, relMgr.ReferencedBy.Count);
         msg.Append(System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine);
         iLbl_Description.Text = msg.ToString();
         base.PrepareContent(aCells, aStats, aRawItem);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override int GetHashCode()
         return((ParentReference.Id.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ RelationshipInfo.GetHashCode());
        // Handle a new selected comment record in the table view.
        private async void CommentsTableSource_ServiceRequestCommentSelected(object sender, ServiceRequestCommentSelectedEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = (ArcGISMapImageLayer)_myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features for features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

                // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
                IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(e.SelectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

                // Get the first result.
                RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

                // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
                ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;
                if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                    UIAlertController alert = UIAlertController.Create("No Feature", "Related feature not found.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                    alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                    PresentViewController(alert, true, null);


                // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
                await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

                // Get the service request geometry (point).
                MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

                // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
                Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Cyan, 14);

                // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
                Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

                // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                new UIAlertView("Error", ex.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
        public void HasMany()
            IRelationshipBuilder relService = ObtainService();

            TableDefinition blogTable;
            TableDefinition postTable;

            BuildBlogPostsStructure(out blogTable, out postTable);

            ActiveRecordDescriptor desc       = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Blog");
            ActiveRecordDescriptor targetDesc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Post");

            RelationshipInfo info = new RelationshipInfo(AssociationEnum.HasMany, desc, targetDesc);

            info.ChildCol = new ColumnDefinition("blog_id", false, true, true, false, OleDbType.Numeric);

            ActiveRecordPropertyRelationDescriptor propDesc = relService.Build(info);

            Assert.IsNotNull(propDesc as ActiveRecordHasManyDescriptor);
            Assert.AreEqual("Posts", propDesc.PropertyName);
            Assert.AreEqual(targetDesc, propDesc.TargetType);
            Assert.AreEqual("blog_id", propDesc.ColumnName);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Handle a new selected comment record in the table view.
        private async void CommentsListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the selected comment feature. If there is no selection, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = e.AddedItems[0] as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0] as ArcGISMapImageLayer;

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features for features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

            // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

            // Get the first result.
            RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

            // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
            ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;

            if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Related feature not found.", "No Feature");

            // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
            await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

            // Get the service request geometry (point).
            MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

            // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
            Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 14);

            // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
            Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
 /// <summary>
 /// Rule applied to origin relationships to determine if they are valid in the context of this application
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsValidOriginRelationship(this RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)
     if ((relationshipInfo.Cardinality == RelationshipCardinality.OneToMany || relationshipInfo.Cardinality == RelationshipCardinality.OneToOne) &&
         relationshipInfo.Role == RelationshipRole.Origin)
        private void Relationship_Insert_Or_Delete_After(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
            RelationshipInfo     RelationshipObj     = (RelationshipInfo)e.Object;
            RelationshipNameInfo RelationshipNameObj = RelationshipNameInfo.Provider.Get(RelationshipObj.RelationshipNameId);

            if (IsCustomAdhocRelationshipName(RelationshipNameObj))
                TreeNode LeftNode = new DocumentQuery().WhereEquals("NodeID", RelationshipObj.LeftNodeId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (RelHelper.IsStagingEnabled(LeftNode.NodeSiteID))
                    DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(LeftNode.NodeSiteName, LeftNode.NodeAliasPath, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, LeftNode.TreeProvider);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool Equals(ExportedRelationDefinition other)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))

            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))

            return(ParentReference.Id.Equals(other.ParentReference.Id) && RelationshipInfo.Equals(other.RelationshipInfo));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void okButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (_association == AssociationEnum.Undefined)
                cancelButton_Click(sender, e);

                RelationshipInfo info = new RelationshipInfo(_association, _descriptor, SelectedTarget);

                info.ParentCol        = SelectedParentCol;
                info.ChildCol         = SelectedRelatedCol;
                info.AssociationTable = SelectedAssociationTable;

                info.Where     = where.Text;
                info.OrderBy   = order.Text;
                info.OuterJoin = outerJoin.Text;

                // TODO: Add checkbox for proxy
                info.UseProxy = false;

                info.Insert  = insertButton.Checked;
                info.Update  = updateButton.Checked;
                info.Lazy    = lazyButton.Checked;
                info.Cascade = cascade.SelectedText;

                ActiveRecordPropertyRelationDescriptor prop = _relationBuilder.Build(info);

            catch (Exception ex)
                String message = String.Format("Something is missing... \r\n\r\n{0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        public void HasÁndBelongsToMany()
            IRelationshipBuilder relService = ObtainService();

            DatabaseDefinition dbdef = new DatabaseDefinition("alias");

            TableDefinition compTable = new TableDefinition("companies", dbdef);

            compTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("id", true, false, true, false, OleDbType.Integer));
            compTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("name", false, false, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar));

            TableDefinition peopleTable = new TableDefinition("people", dbdef);

            peopleTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("id", true, false, true, false, OleDbType.Integer));
            peopleTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("name", false, false, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar));

            TableDefinition assocTable = new TableDefinition("companiespeople", dbdef);

            assocTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("comp_id", true, true, true, false, OleDbType.Integer));
            assocTable.AddColumn(new ColumnDefinition("person_id", true, true, false, false, OleDbType.Integer));

            ActiveRecordDescriptor desc       = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Company");
            ActiveRecordDescriptor targetDesc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Person");

            RelationshipInfo info = new RelationshipInfo(AssociationEnum.HasAndBelongsToMany, desc, targetDesc);

            info.AssociationTable = assocTable;
            info.ParentCol        = new ColumnDefinition("comp_id", false, true, false, true, OleDbType.Integer);
            info.ChildCol         = new ColumnDefinition("person_id", false, true, false, true, OleDbType.Integer);

            ActiveRecordPropertyRelationDescriptor propDesc = relService.Build(info);

            Assert.IsNotNull(propDesc as ActiveRecordHasAndBelongsToManyDescriptor);
            Assert.AreEqual("People", propDesc.PropertyName);
            Assert.AreEqual(targetDesc, propDesc.TargetType);
            Assert.AreEqual("person_id", propDesc.ColumnName);
            Assert.AreEqual("comp_id", (propDesc as ActiveRecordHasAndBelongsToManyDescriptor).ColumnKey);
Exemplo n.º 13
		public void HasMany()
			IRelationshipBuilder relService = ObtainService();

			TableDefinition blogTable;
			TableDefinition postTable;

			BuildBlogPostsStructure(out blogTable, out postTable);

			ActiveRecordDescriptor desc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Blog");
			ActiveRecordDescriptor targetDesc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Post");

			RelationshipInfo info = new RelationshipInfo( AssociationEnum.HasMany, desc, targetDesc );
			info.ChildCol = new ColumnDefinition("blog_id", false, true, true, false, OleDbType.Numeric);

			ActiveRecordPropertyRelationDescriptor propDesc = relService.Build( info );
			Assert.IsNotNull(propDesc as ActiveRecordHasManyDescriptor);
			Assert.AreEqual( "Posts", propDesc.PropertyName );
			Assert.AreEqual( targetDesc, propDesc.TargetType );
			Assert.AreEqual( "blog_id", propDesc.ColumnName );
Exemplo n.º 14
        private RelationshipInfo GetRelationship(string key, string otherKey, bool initialize = false)
            RelationshipInfo relationship;

            if (m_relationships == null || !m_relationships.ContainsKey(key))
                if (!initialize)

                // Setup return value
                relationship = new RelationshipInfo();

                var dict = new Dictionary <string, RelationshipInfo>();
                dict.Add(otherKey, relationship);

                if (m_relationships == null)
                    m_relationships = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, RelationshipInfo> >();
                m_relationships.Add(key, dict);

                var dict = m_relationships[key];
                if (!dict.TryGetValue(otherKey, out relationship) && initialize)
                    relationship = new RelationshipInfo();
                    dict.Add(otherKey, relationship);

Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     If the relationship instance is present in both directions, is this the direction that would be kept.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relInfo">Relationship info</param>
        /// <param name="direction">Current direction</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool WouldDiscardIfDuplicate(RelationshipInfo relInfo, Direction direction)
            // Prefer the 'CloneEntities', then the 'CloneRef', finally the 'Drop'.
            // All things being equal, prefer the forward copy

            if (relInfo.CloneAction == relInfo.ReverseCloneAction)
                return(direction == Direction.Reverse);

            var curAction = direction == Direction.Forward ? relInfo.CloneAction : relInfo.ReverseCloneAction;
            var revAction = direction == Direction.Forward ? relInfo.ReverseCloneAction : relInfo.CloneAction;

            if (curAction == CloneActionEnum_Enumeration.CloneEntities || revAction == CloneActionEnum_Enumeration.Drop)
            if (curAction == CloneActionEnum_Enumeration.Drop || revAction == CloneActionEnum_Enumeration.CloneEntities)

            return(direction == Direction.Forward);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves records related to a feature based on information from the relationship info
        /// </summary>
        internal static async Task <IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> > GetRelatedRecords(this FeatureTable featureTable, Feature feature, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)
            var parameters = new RelatedQueryParameters(relationshipInfo);

            if (featureTable is ServiceFeatureTable serviceFeatureTable)
                return(await serviceFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync((ArcGISFeature)feature, parameters, QueryFeatureFields.LoadAll));
            else if (featureTable is GeodatabaseFeatureTable geodatabaseFeatureTable)
                return(await geodatabaseFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync((ArcGISFeature)feature, parameters));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves a related table based on information from the relationship info
 /// </summary>
 internal static ArcGISFeatureTable GetRelatedFeatureTable(this FeatureTable featureTable, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)
     if (featureTable is ServiceFeatureTable serviceFeatureTable)
     else if (featureTable is GeodatabaseFeatureTable geodatabaseFeatureTable)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void PaintContent(Graphics aGraphics, HeapCellMetaData aMetaData, HeapCell aCell, uint aAddress, Point aPosition, Size aBoxSize, Size aPaddingSize)
            // Get the cell colour that is associated with the cell symbol object type
            aMetaData.CellBoxColor = ColourForHeapCell(aCell);
            SymRect boxRect = new SymRect(aPosition, aBoxSize);


            // Draw actual cell
            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(aMetaData.CellBoxColor))
                aGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, boxRect.Rectangle);

            HeapCell.TRegion region = aMetaData.Region;
            if (region == HeapCell.TRegion.EHeader && aMetaData.CellBoxIndex == 0)
                // If first box, we show the number of inwards links to the cell
                boxRect.Inflate(KShrinkSize, KShrinkSize);

                // Draw the fill
                Color lightenColor = ColourUtils.Lighten(aMetaData.CellBoxColor);
                using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(lightenColor))
                    aGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, boxRect.Rectangle);
                lightenColor = ColourUtils.Lighten(lightenColor);
                using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(lightenColor, KHeaderBoxWidth))
                    aGraphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, boxRect.Rectangle);

                // Draw the count
                PaintBoxedTextWithLuminanceHandling(aCell.RelationshipManager.EmbeddedReferencesTo.Count.ToString(), aGraphics, Color.Black, boxRect);
                // If we're in the payload section, then get the raw item corresponding to the address we are drawing
                RawItem rawItem = aMetaData.RawItem;
                if (rawItem != null && rawItem.Tag != null && rawItem.Tag is HeapLib.Relationships.RelationshipInfo)
                    RelationshipInfo relInfo = (RelationshipInfo)rawItem.Tag;

                    // Make the box a bit smaller
                    boxRect.Inflate(KShrinkSize, KShrinkSize);

                    // Draw the fill
                    Color lightenColor = ColourUtils.Lighten(aMetaData.CellBoxColor);
                    using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(lightenColor))
                        aGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, boxRect.Rectangle);
                    lightenColor = ColourUtils.Lighten(lightenColor);
                    using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(lightenColor, KHeaderBoxWidth))
                        aGraphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, boxRect.Rectangle);

                        // If it's a clean reference, then draw a diagonal line to decorate the box reference
                        if (relInfo.IsCleanLink)
                            Point linePosStart = boxRect.TopLeft;
                            linePosStart.X += KHeaderBoxLineCornerOffset;
                            Point linePosEnd = boxRect.TopLeft;
                            linePosEnd.Y += KHeaderBoxLineCornerOffset;
                            aGraphics.DrawLine(borderPen, linePosStart, linePosEnd);
        public void GetRegistration_ContainerControlledCollectionWithDecorator_ContainsExpectedListOfRelationships()
            // Arrange
            var expectedRelationship = new RelationshipInfo
                ImplementationType = typeof(RealCommandHandlerDecorator),
                Lifestyle = Lifestyle.Transient,
                Dependency = new DependencyInfo(typeof(ICommandHandler<RealCommand>), Lifestyle.Transient)

            var container = ContainerFactory.New();


            // RealCommandHandlerDecorator only takes a dependency on ICommandHandler<RealCommand>
            container.RegisterDecorator(typeof(ICommandHandler<>), typeof(RealCommandHandlerDecorator));


            var producer = container.GetRegistration(typeof(IEnumerable<ICommandHandler<RealCommand>>));

            // Act
            var relationships = producer.GetRelationships();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, relationships.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, relationships.Count(actual => expectedRelationship.Equals(actual)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinationRelationshipViewModel"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public OriginRelationshipViewModel(RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo, ConnectivityMode connectivityMode)
     RelationshipInfo = relationshipInfo;
     ConnectivityMode = connectivityMode;
        public void GetRegistration_ContainerUncontrolledCollectionWithDecorator_ContainsExpectedListOfRelationships()
            // Arrange
            var expectedRelationship = new RelationshipInfo
                ImplementationType = typeof(RealCommandHandlerDecorator),
                Lifestyle = Lifestyle.Transient,
                Dependency = new DependencyInfo(typeof(ICommandHandler<RealCommand>), Lifestyle.Unknown)

            var container = ContainerFactory.New();

            IEnumerable<ICommandHandler<RealCommand>> containerUncontrolledCollection =
                new ICommandHandler<RealCommand>[] { new StubCommandHandler(), new RealCommandHandler() };


            // RealCommandHandlerDecorator only takes a dependency on ICommandHandler<RealCommand>
            container.RegisterDecorator(typeof(ICommandHandler<>), typeof(RealCommandHandlerDecorator));

            // Verify() ensures that all Relationships are built.

            var r = container.GetCurrentRegistrations();

            // Act
            var registration = container.GetRegistration(typeof(IEnumerable<ICommandHandler<RealCommand>>));
            var relationships = registration.GetRelationships();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, relationships.Length);
                "Actual relationship: " + RelationshipInfo.ToString(relationships[0]));
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization code for the OriginRelationshipViewModel
        /// </summary>
        public Task InitializeAsync(RelatedFeatureQueryResult relatedFeatureQueryResult, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)
            if (_initTcs == null)
                _initTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
                // Run initialization
                LoadViewModel(relatedFeatureQueryResult, relationshipInfo).ContinueWith(t =>
                    // When init completes, set the task to complete

 public OriginRelationship(ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo, ObservableCollection <OriginRelationshipViewModel> originRelationshipViewModelCollection)
     RelatedTable     = relatedTable;
     RelationshipInfo = relationshipInfo;
     OriginRelationshipViewModelCollection = originRelationshipViewModelCollection;
        private void UpdateTable()
            HeapCell cell = Cell;

            if (cell != null)
                // Work out our raw item offset and how many raw items to create in this operation
                SymbianUtils.RawItems.RawItemCollection rawItems = cell.RawItems;
                int rawItemIndexStart = DisplayRawDataItemIndex;
                int rawItemIndexEnd   = Math.Min(rawItems.Count, rawItemIndexStart + KNumberOfRowsPerPage);
                for (int rawItemIndex = rawItemIndexStart; rawItemIndex < rawItemIndexEnd; rawItemIndex++)
                    SymbianUtils.RawItems.RawItem rawEntry = rawItems[rawItemIndex];
                    XPTable.Models.Row            row      = new XPTable.Models.Row();

                    // Cell 1: address
                    XPTable.Models.Cell cellAddress = new XPTable.Models.Cell(rawEntry.Address.ToString("x8"));

                    // Cell 2: raw data
                    XPTable.Models.Cell cellRawData = new XPTable.Models.Cell(rawEntry.OriginalData.ToString("x8"));

                    // Cell 3: interpreted data
                    XPTable.Models.Cell cellInterpretedData = new XPTable.Models.Cell(rawEntry.Data.ToString("x8"));

                    // Cell 4: characterised data
                    XPTable.Models.Cell cellCharacterisedData = new XPTable.Models.Cell(rawEntry.OriginalCharacterisedData);

                    // Update style of "interpreted data" if there is a link to another cell.
                    RelationshipInfo relationshipDescriptor = (rawEntry.Tag != null && rawEntry.Tag is RelationshipInfo) ? (RelationshipInfo)rawEntry.Tag : null;
                    if (relationshipDescriptor != null)
                        // The colour depends on whether it is a clean link or not. Clean means whether or not the
                        // link points to the start of the specified cell.
                        HeapCell linkedCell = relationshipDescriptor.ToCell;
                        if (relationshipDescriptor.IsCleanLink)
                            cellInterpretedData.ForeColor   = Color.Blue;
                            cellInterpretedData.ToolTipText = "Link to start of: " + linkedCell.SymbolString + " @ 0x" + linkedCell.Address.ToString("x8");
                            cellInterpretedData.ForeColor   = Color.DarkBlue;
                            cellInterpretedData.ToolTipText = "Link within: " + linkedCell.SymbolString + " @ 0x" + linkedCell.Address.ToString("x8");

                        cellInterpretedData.Font = new Font(iTable_RawItems.Font, FontStyle.Underline);
                        cellInterpretedData.Tag  = linkedCell;

                    // Finish construction

            // Try to select first item
            if (iTable_RawItems.TableModel.Rows.Count > 0)
                iTable_RawItems.EnsureVisible(0, 0);
                iTable_RawItems.TableModel.Selections.SelectCell(0, 0);

Exemplo n.º 25
		public void HasÁndBelongsToMany()
			IRelationshipBuilder relService = ObtainService();

			DatabaseDefinition dbdef = new DatabaseDefinition("alias");

			TableDefinition compTable = new TableDefinition("companies", dbdef );
			compTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("id", true, false, true, false, OleDbType.Integer) );
			compTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("name", false, false, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar) );

			TableDefinition peopleTable = new TableDefinition("people", dbdef );
			peopleTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("id", true, false, true, false, OleDbType.Integer) );
			peopleTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("name", false, false, false, false, OleDbType.VarChar) );

			TableDefinition assocTable = new TableDefinition("companiespeople", dbdef );
			assocTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("comp_id", true, true, true, false, OleDbType.Integer) );
			assocTable.AddColumn( new ColumnDefinition("person_id", true, true, false, false, OleDbType.Integer) );

			ActiveRecordDescriptor desc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Company");
			ActiveRecordDescriptor targetDesc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor("Person");

			RelationshipInfo info = new RelationshipInfo( AssociationEnum.HasAndBelongsToMany, desc, targetDesc );
			info.AssociationTable = assocTable;
			info.ParentCol = new ColumnDefinition("comp_id", false, true, false, true, OleDbType.Integer);
			info.ChildCol = new ColumnDefinition("person_id", false, true, false, true, OleDbType.Integer);

			ActiveRecordPropertyRelationDescriptor propDesc = relService.Build( info );
			Assert.IsNotNull(propDesc as ActiveRecordHasAndBelongsToManyDescriptor);
			Assert.AreEqual( "People", propDesc.PropertyName );
			Assert.AreEqual( targetDesc, propDesc.TargetType );
			Assert.AreEqual( "person_id", propDesc.ColumnName );
			Assert.AreEqual( "comp_id", (propDesc as ActiveRecordHasAndBelongsToManyDescriptor).ColumnKey);
        public RelationshipInfo Create(PersonInfo person1, PersonInfo person2, bool?isPartnership, ParentChildDirection?isParentChild)
            // init
            var id = new long[] { person1.Id, person2.Id }
            .OrderBy(x => x)

            // match
            var match = this._Items
                        .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Person1Id == id[0] && x.Person2Id == id[1]);

            if (match == null)
                // create
                match = new RelationshipInfo()
                    Person1Id = id[0],
                    Person2Id = id[1],

                // add

            // partnership
            if (isPartnership.HasValue)
                // init
                match.IsPartnership = match.IsPartnership.Ensure(isPartnership.Value);

            // parent/child
            if (isParentChild.HasValue)
                // init
                var isReversed = (id[0] != person1.Id);
                var value      = isParentChild.Value;
                if (isReversed)
                    switch (value)
                    case ParentChildDirection.Person1IsParentOfPerson2:
                        value = ParentChildDirection.Person2IsParentOfPerson1;

                    case ParentChildDirection.Person2IsParentOfPerson1:
                        value = ParentChildDirection.Person1IsParentOfPerson2;

                        throw new NotSupportedException();

                // done
                match.IsParentChild = match.IsParentChild.Ensure(value);

            // done
Exemplo n.º 27
        // When a comment is clicked, get the related feature (service request) and select it on the map.
        private async void CommentsListBox_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the clicked record (ArcGISFeature) using the list position. If one is not found, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = _commentFeatures[e.Position] as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = _myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0] as ArcGISMapImageLayer;

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features to features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

            // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

            // Get the first result.
            RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

            // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
            ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;

            if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                // Report to the user that a related feature was not found, then return.
                AlertDialog.Builder alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                AlertDialog         alert        = alertBuilder.Create();
                alert.SetMessage("Related feature not found.");


            // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
            await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

            // Get the service request geometry (point).
            MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

            // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
            Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 14);

            // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
            Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
            await _myMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static ClientRelationship CreateNew(RelationshipInfo address)
     return(new ClientRelationship(address.Id, address.RelatedClientId, address.RelationshipTypeId, address.IsIndex, address.ClientId));
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinationRelationshipViewModel"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public DestinationRelationshipViewModel(RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo, ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable, ConnectivityMode connectivityMode)
     RelationshipInfo = relationshipInfo;
     FeatureTable     = relatedTable;
     ConnectivityMode = connectivityMode;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static void ShowRelationship_UpdateRelationship(UIRelationship __instance, RelationshipInfo _info)
            var  t       = Traverse.Create(__instance);
            Text expText = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("expbar").GetValue <Slider>().GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

            if (expText != null)
            if (showFavExp.Value)
                GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Text");
                gameObject.transform.SetParent(t.Field("expbar").GetValue <Slider>().transform, false);
                expText = gameObject.AddComponent <Text>();
                FavorabilityData favorability = Game.GameData.Community[t.Field("currentId").GetValue <string>()].Favorability;
                expText.text      = favorability.Exp + " / " + favorability.GetMaxExpByLevel(favorability.Level);
                expText.font      = Game.Resource.Load <Font>("Assets/Font/kaiu.ttf");
                expText.fontSize  = 25;
                expText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
                expText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(120f, 40f);
                expText.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-5f, 50f, 0f);