Exemplo n.º 1
    public void TestCLSIDRegistryPull()
        var comMapping = RegistryServices.GetComClsidMapping();

        //All windows systems should have more than 100 COMs registered... right???
        Assert.IsTrue(comMapping.Keys.Count() > 100);
        private static ThisEntityDetail MapToAPI(ThisEntity input)
            var output = new ThisEntityDetail()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                CTID                  = input.CTID,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                FriendlyName          = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name),
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 23,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

            //TODO - add pathway
            if (input.Pathways != null && input.Pathways.Any())
                output.HasPathways = new List <WMA.Outline>();
                foreach (var target in input.Pathways)
                    if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                        output.HasPathways.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, searchType));
                output.HasPathway  = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(output.HasPathways, "Has {0} Pathways(s)");
                output.HasPathways = null;

        public bool GetEnvelopePayload(ReadEnvelope item, SaveStatus status, ref string payload)
            if (item == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.EnvelopeIdentifier))
                status.AddError("A valid ReadEnvelope must be provided.");
            DateTime createDate         = new DateTime();
            DateTime envelopeUpdateDate = new DateTime();

            if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.CreatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out createDate))
                status.EnvelopeCreatedDate = createDate;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.UpdatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out envelopeUpdateDate))
                status.EnvelopeUpdatedDate = envelopeUpdateDate;
            payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
            string envelopeIdentifier = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
            string ctdlType           = RegistryServices.GetResourceType(payload);

            //string envelopeUrl = RegistryServices.GetEnvelopeUrl( envelopeIdentifier );

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an invoker for an activator's pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activator">The activator.</param>
        /// <param name="registry">The applicable component registry.</param>
        /// <returns>A func to call that invokes the pipeline.</returns>
        public static Func <ILifetimeScope, IEnumerable <Parameter>, T> GetPipelineInvoker <T>(this IInstanceActivator activator, IComponentRegistry registry)
            var services        = new RegistryServices(registry);
            var pipelineBuilder = new ResolvePipelineBuilder(PipelineType.Registration);

            activator.ConfigurePipeline(services, pipelineBuilder);

            var built = pipelineBuilder.Build();

            return((scope, parameters) =>
                // To get the sharing scope from what might be a container, we're going to resolve the lifetime scope.
                var lifetimeScope = scope.Resolve <ILifetimeScope>() as LifetimeScope;

                var request = new DefaultResolveRequestContext(
                    new ResolveOperation(lifetimeScope, lifetimeScope.DiagnosticSource),
                    new ResolveRequest(new TypedService(typeof(T)), Mocks.GetResolvableImplementation(), parameters),


                return (T)request.Instance;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get list of deleted records for the requested time period.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="startingDate">Date must be in UTC</param>
        /// <param name="endingDate">Date must be in UTC</param>
        /// <param name="pageNbr"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="pTotalRows"></param>
        /// <param name="statusMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <ReadEnvelope> GetDeleted(string community, string type, string startingDate, string endingDate, int pageNbr, int pageSize, ref int pTotalRows, ref string statusMessage)
            string document   = "";
            string filter     = "include_deleted=only";
            string serviceUri = RegistryServices.GetRegistrySearchUrl(community);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                filter += string.Format("&resource_type={0}", type.ToLower());

            SetPaging(pageNbr, pageSize, ref filter);
            SetDateFilters(startingDate, endingDate, ref filter);

            serviceUri += filter.Length > 0 ? filter : "";

            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();

                // Create a request for the URL.
                WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(serviceUri);

                // If required by the server, set the credentials.
                request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                HttpWebResponse response   = ( HttpWebResponse )request.GetResponse();
                Stream          dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                // Read the content.
                document = reader.ReadToEnd();

                // Cleanup the streams and the response.


                //Link contains links for paging
                var hdr = response.GetResponseHeader("Link");
                Int32.TryParse(response.GetResponseHeader("Total"), out pTotalRows);
                //20-07-02 mp - seems the header name is now X-Total
                if (pTotalRows == 0)
                    Int32.TryParse(response.GetResponseHeader("X-Total"), out pTotalRows);
                //map to the default envelope
                list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ReadEnvelope> >(document);
            catch (Exception exc)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(exc, "RegistryServices.GetDeleted");
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void TestCLSIDRegistryPathfind()
        var comMapping = RegistryServices.GetComClsidMapping();

        var paths = RegistryServices.GetRegisteredPathsForComFile("dao360.dll", comMapping);

        Assert.IsTrue(paths.Count == 1);
        Assert.IsTrue(paths.First() == "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\DAO\\dao360.dll");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void ConfigureContainers(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            DbSQL.Load(services, configuration);
            RedisCacheRegister.Load(services, configuration);
            AuthenticationRegister.Load(services, configuration);
            SwaggerRegister.Load(services, configuration);

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void Export()
            var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()
                Filter = "Registry files|*.reg",

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(Application.Current.MainWindow).Value)
                RegistryServices.ExportReg(saveFileDialog.FileName, this.IsHKLM);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static ThisEntityDetail MapToAPI(ThisEntity input)
            var output = new ThisEntityDetail()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                CTID                  = input.CTID,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                FriendlyName          = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name),
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 8,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

Exemplo n.º 10
        public ApplicationListViewModel(bool isHKLM = false)
            this.IsHKLM = isHKLM;

            this.Applications = new ObservableRangeCollection <ApplicationViewModel>(RegistryServices.GetApplications(this.RegistryKey));

            this.AddFolderCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.AddFolder);
            this.AddFilesCommand  = new DelegateCommand(this.AddFiles);

            this.SelectAllCommand   = new DelegateCommand(this.SelectAll);
            this.UnselectAllCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.UnselectAll);

            this.RegeditCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.Regedit);
            this.ImportCommand  = new DelegateCommand(this.Import, this.CanImport);
            this.ExportCommand  = new DelegateCommand(this.Export);

Exemplo n.º 11
        private void Import()
            var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog()
                Filter = "Registry files|*.reg",

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(Application.Current.MainWindow).Value)



Exemplo n.º 12
        public bool ImportByCtid(string ctid, SaveStatus status)
            //this is currently specific, assumes envelop contains a credential
            //can use the hack fo GetResourceType to determine the type, and then call the appropriate import method

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctid))
                status.AddError("ImportByCtid - a valid ctid must be provided");

            string statusMessage = "";
            string ctdlType      = "";

            //string payload = "";
                ReadEnvelope envelope = RegistryServices.GetEnvelopeByCtid(ctid, ref statusMessage, ref ctdlType);
                if (envelope == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelope.EnvelopeType))
                    string defCommunity = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("defaultCommunity");
                    string community    = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("additionalCommunity");
                    if (defCommunity != community)
                        envelope = RegistryServices.GetEnvelopeByCtid(ctid, ref statusMessage, ref ctdlType, community);
                if (envelope != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelope.EnvelopeIdentifier))
                    return(ImportEnvelope(envelope, ctdlType, status));
                    status.AddError(string.Format("ImportHelperServices.ImportByCTID. Registry Envelope was not found for: {0}", ctid));

                /*======OLD ===================
                 * payload = GetResourceGraphByCtid( ctid, ref ctdlType, ref statusMessage );
                 * if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(payload))
                 * {
                 *      string defCommunity = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue( "defaultCommunity" );
                 *      string community = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue( "additionalCommunity" );
                 *      if ( defCommunity != community )
                 *              payload = GetResourceGraphByCtid( ctid, ref ctdlType, ref statusMessage, community );
                 * }
                 * if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( payload ) )
                 * {
                 * LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile( 5, ctid + "_ImportByCtid.json", payload, "", false );
                 * LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 4, string.Format( "RegistryServices.ImportByCtid ctdlType: {0}, ctid: {1} ", ctdlType, ctid ) );
                 * ctdlType = ctdlType.Replace( "ceterms:", "" );
                 * switch ( ctdlType.ToLower() )
                 * {
                 * case "credentialorganization":
                 * case "qacredentialorganization":
                 * case "organization":
                 * return new ImportOrganization().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 * //break;CredentialOrganization
                 * case "assessmentprofile":
                 * return new ImportAssessment().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 * //break;
                 * case "learningopportunityprofile":
                 * return new ImportLearningOpportunties().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 * //break;
                 * case "conditionmanifest":
                 * return new ImportConditionManifests().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 * //break;
                 * case "costmanifest":
                 * return new ImportCostManifests().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 *              case "competencyframework":
                 *                      return new ImportCompetencyFramesworks().Import( payload, "", status );
                 *              case "conceptscheme":
                 *              case "skos:conceptscheme":
                 *                      return new ImportConceptSchemes().Import( payload, "", status );
                 *              case "pathway":
                 *                      return new ImportPathways().Import( payload, "", status );
                 *              case "pathwayset":
                 *                      return new ImportPathwaySets().Import( payload, "", status );
                 *              case "transfervalue":
                 *              case "transfervalueprofile":
                 *                      return new ImportTransferValue().Import( payload, "", status );
                 *              //break;
                 *              default:
                 * //default to credential
                 * return new ImportCredential().ImportByPayload( payload, status );
                 * //break;
                 * }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format("ImportCredential.ImportByCtid(). ctdlType: {0}", ctdlType));
                if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Path '@context', line 1") > 0)
                    status.AddWarning("The referenced registry document is using an old schema. Please republish it with the latest schema!");
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static WMA.CredentialDetail MapToAPI(ThisEntity input)
            var output = new WMA.CredentialDetail()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                CTID                  = input.CTID,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 1,
                CTDLTypeLabel         = input.CredentialType,
                CTDLType              = input.CredentialTypeSchema,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

            //output.CTDLType = record.CredentialType; ;
            //output.AgentSectorType = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks( org.AgentSectorType, "organization" );
            output.FriendlyName  = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name);
            output.AlternateName = input.AlternateName;

            //owned by and offered by
            //need a label link for header
            if (input.OwningOrganizationId > 0)
                output.OwnedByLabel = ServiceHelper.MapDetailLink("Organization", input.OrganizationName, input.OwningOrganizationId);
            var work = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline(input.OrganizationRole, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER);

            output.OwnedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "");
            work             = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline(input.OrganizationRole, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OFFERED_BY);
            output.OfferedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "Offered by {0} Organization(s)");

            //QA for owner,not offerer
            if (input.OwningOrganization != null && input.OwningOrganization.Id > 0)
                if (input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient != null && input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient.Any())
                    output.OwnerQAReceived = ServiceHelper.MapQAReceived(input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient, searchType);
                //var inheritedRoles = SetupRoles( roleSet.ActingAgent.OrganizationRole_Recipient, loadedAgentIDs );
                //wrapper.QAFromOwner = inheritedRoles.QADirect;
            output.Meta_LastUpdated = input.EntityLastUpdated;
            output.Meta_StateId     = input.EntityStateId;
            output.EntityTypeId     = input.EntityTypeId;
            if (input.InLanguageCodeList != null && input.InLanguageCodeList.Any())
                //output.Meta_Language = input.InLanguageCodeList[ 0 ].TextTitle;
                output.InLanguage = new List <string>();
                foreach (var item in input.InLanguageCodeList)
                if (input.HasVerificationType_Badge)
                    output.CTDLTypeLabel += " + Badge Issued";
                output.Image = input.Image;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.AvailabilityListing))
                    output.AvailabilityListing = new List <string>()
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.AvailableOnlineAt))
                    output.AvailableOnlineAt = new List <string>()

                if (input.CopyrightHolderOrganization != null && input.CopyrightHolderOrganization.Any())
                    output.CopyrightHolder = new List <WMA.Outline>();
                    //output.CopyrightHolder2 = new List<WMA.LabelLink>();
                    foreach (var target in input.CopyrightHolderOrganization)
                        if (target != null && target.Id > 0)
                            //TODO - add overload to only get minimum data - like Link
                            output.CopyrightHolder.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, "organization"));

                            //var link = ServiceHelper.MapDetailLink( "organization", target.Name, target.Id );
                            //output.CopyrightHolder2.Add( link );
                    //or Link objects

                output.CredentialStatusType = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.CredentialStatusType, searchType);
                output.CredentialType       = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.CredentialTypeEnum, searchType);

                output.DateEffective     = input.DateEffective;
                output.ExpirationDate    = input.ExpirationDate;
                output.EstimatedDuration = ServiceHelper.MapDurationProfiles(input.EstimatedDuration);
                output.RenewalFrequency  = ServiceHelper.MapDurationItem(input.RenewalFrequency);
                if (input.DegreeConcentration != null && input.DegreeConcentration.Any())
                    output.DegreeConcentration = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.DegreeConcentration, searchType);
                if (input.DegreeMajor != null && input.DegreeMajor.Any())
                    output.DegreeMajor = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.DegreeMajor, searchType);
                if (input.DegreeMinor != null && input.DegreeMinor.Any())
                    output.DegreeMinor = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.DegreeMinor, searchType);
                if (input.EmbeddedCredentials != null && input.EmbeddedCredentials.Any())
                    output.HasPart2 = new List <WMA.Outline>();
                    foreach (var target in input.EmbeddedCredentials)
                        if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                            output.HasPart2.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, searchType));
                    output.HasPart  = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(output.HasPart2, "Includes {0} Credential(s)");
                    output.HasPart2 = null;
                if (input.IsPartOf != null && input.IsPartOf.Any())
                    output.IsPartOf2 = new List <WMA.Outline>();
                    foreach (var target in input.IsPartOf)
                        if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                            output.IsPartOf2.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, searchType));
                    output.IsPartOf  = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(output.IsPartOf2, "Is Part of {0} Credential(s)");
                    output.IsPartOf2 = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(thisClassName + ".MapToAPI. Section 1, Name: {0}, Id: [1}", input.Name, input.Id));

            //MapAddress( input, ref output );
            output.AvailableAt = ServiceHelper.MapAddress(input.Addresses);

            output.Image = input.Image;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.CredentialTypeSchema))
                output.Meta_Icon = WorkITSearchServices.GetCredentialIcon(input.CredentialTypeSchema.ToLower());
            output.IndustryType             = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.IndustryType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_NAICS);
            output.OccupationType           = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.OccupationType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_SOC);
            output.InstructionalProgramType = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.InstructionalProgramType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_CIP);
            output.IsReferenceVersion = input.IsReferenceVersion;
            if (input.Keyword != null && input.Keyword.Any())
                output.Keyword = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.Keyword, searchType);
            if (input.Subject != null && input.Subject.Any())
                output.Subject = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.Subject, searchType);
            output.AssessmentDeliveryType = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AssessmentDeliveryType, searchType);
            output.AudienceLevelType      = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AudienceLevelType, searchType);
            output.AudienceType           = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AudienceType, searchType);
            output.LearningDeliveryType   = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.LearningDeliveryType, searchType);

            //condition profiles
                output.Corequisite = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Corequisite, searchType);
                output.Recommends  = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Recommends, searchType);
                output.Renewal     = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Renewal, searchType);
                output.Requires    = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Requires, searchType);
                if (input.CommonConditions != null && input.CommonConditions.Any())
                    //these will likely just be mapped to specific conditions
                    output.CommonConditions = ServiceHelper.MapConditionManifests(input.CommonConditions, searchType);
                    if (output.CommonConditions != null && output.CommonConditions.Any())
                        foreach (var item in output.CommonConditions)
                            if (item.Requires != null && item.Requires.Any())
                                output.Requires = AppendConditions(item.Requires, output.Requires);
                            if (item.Recommends != null && item.Recommends.Any())
                                output.Recommends = AppendConditions(item.Recommends, output.Recommends);
                            if (item.Corequisite != null && item.Corequisite.Any())
                                output.Corequisite = AppendConditions(item.Requires, output.Corequisite);
                            if (item.Renewal != null && item.Renewal.Any())
                                output.Renewal = AppendConditions(item.Renewal, output.Renewal);
                //connection profiles
                if (input.CredentialConnections != null && input.CredentialConnections.Any())
                    //var list = input.CredentialConnections.Where( s => s.ConditionSubTypeId == 2 && s.ConnectionProfileTypeId == Entity_ConditionProfileManager.ConnectionProfileType_AdvancedStandingFor ).ToList();
                    //foreach ( var item in input.CredentialConnections )
                    //	//some default for 1??
                    //	if ( item.ConditionSubTypeId == 2 && item.ConnectionProfileTypeId == Entity_ConditionProfileManager.ConnectionProfileType_AdvancedStandingFor )
                    //		input.IsAdvancedStandingFor.Add( item );
                    //	else if ( item.ConditionSubTypeId == 2 && item.ConnectionProfileTypeId == Entity_ConditionProfileManager.ConnectionProfileType_AdvancedStandingFrom )
                    //		input.AdvancedStandingFrom.Add( item );
                    //	else if ( item.ConditionSubTypeId == 2 && item.ConnectionProfileTypeId == Entity_ConditionProfileManager.ConnectionProfileType_PreparationFor )
                    //		input.IsPreparationFor.Add( item );
                    //	else if ( item.ConditionSubTypeId == 2 && item.ConnectionProfileTypeId == Entity_ConditionProfileManager.ConnectionProfileType_PreparationFrom )
                    //		input.PreparationFrom.Add( item );
                    //	{
                    //		//????;
                    //	}

                output.AdvancedStandingFrom  = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.AdvancedStandingFrom, searchType);
                output.IsAdvancedStandingFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsAdvancedStandingFor, searchType);
                output.PreparationFrom  = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.PreparationFrom, searchType);
                output.IsPreparationFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsPreparationFor, searchType);
                output.IsRequiredFor    = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsRequiredFor, searchType);
                output.IsRecommendedFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsRecommendedFor, searchType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(thisClassName + ".MapToAPI. Section 2, Name: {0}, Id: [1}", input.Name, input.Id));
            //the following can be made a common method
            var dataMergedRequirements    = new MergedConditions();
            var dataMergedRecommendations = new MergedConditions();
            var dataConnections           = new ConnectionData();

            ServiceHelper.GetAllChildren(dataMergedRequirements, dataMergedRecommendations, dataConnections, input, null, null);
            //now pull out estimated durations
            if (dataMergedRequirements.TargetCredential != null && dataMergedRequirements.TargetCredential.Any())
                output.CredentialEstimatedDuration = ServiceHelper.GetAllDurations(dataMergedRequirements.CredentialsSansSelf(input.Id), "Estimated Time to Complete Required Embedded Credentials");
            if (dataMergedRequirements.TargetAssessment != null && dataMergedRequirements.TargetAssessment.Any())
                //output.AssessmentEstimatedDuration = ServiceHelper.GetAllDurationsOLD( dataMergedRequirements.TargetAssessment, "Estimated Time to Complete Required Assessments" );
                output.AssessmentEstimatedDuration = ServiceHelper.GetAllDurations(dataMergedRequirements.TargetAssessment, "Estimated Time to Complete Required Assessments");
            if (dataMergedRequirements.TargetLearningOpportunity != null && dataMergedRequirements.TargetLearningOpportunity.Any())
                output.LearningOpportunityEstimatedDuration = ServiceHelper.GetAllDurations(dataMergedRequirements.TargetLearningOpportunity, "Estimated Time to Complete Required Learning Opportunities");

            var dataAllCompetencies = ServiceHelper.GetAllCompetencies(dataMergedRequirements);

            var allCompetencies = dataAllCompetencies.RequiresByFramework
            var allFrameWorks = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (var frameWork in allCompetencies)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frameWork.CaSSViewerUrl) && !allFrameWorks.ContainsKey(frameWork.CaSSViewerUrl ?? ""))
                    allFrameWorks.Add(frameWork.CaSSViewerUrl, frameWork.Items.Select(m => m.TargetNode).ToList());
            var frameworkGraphs = new List <string>();

            foreach (var framework in allCompetencies)
                var uri = (framework.FrameworkUri ?? "").Replace("/resources/", "/graph/");
                if (framework.IsARegistryFrameworkUrl && framework.ExistsInRegistry)
                    var frameworkData = RegistryServices.GetRegistryData("", uri);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frameworkData) && frameworkData.IndexOf("<") != 0)                           //Avoid empty results and results like "<h2>Incomplete response received from application</h2>"

            if (dataAllCompetencies.RequiresByFramework.Count() > 0)
            if (dataAllCompetencies.AssessesByFramework.Count() > 0)
            if (dataAllCompetencies.TeachesByFramework.Count() > 0)
                if (input.CommonCosts != null && input.CommonCosts.Any())
                    output.CommonCosts   = ServiceHelper.MapCostManifests(input.CommonCosts, searchType);
                    output.EstimatedCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();
                    foreach (var item in output.CommonCosts)
                    output.CommonCosts = null;

                if (input.EstimatedCost != null && input.EstimatedCost.Any())
                    if (output.EstimatedCost == null)
                        output.EstimatedCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();

                    var estimatedCost = ServiceHelper.MapCostProfiles(input.EstimatedCost, searchType);
                    if (estimatedCost != null && estimatedCost.Any())
                //loop costs
                if (input.Requires.SelectMany(x => x.TargetLearningOpportunity.Where(y => y.EstimatedCost.Count() + y.CommonCosts.Count() > 0)).Count() > 0)
                    var list = input.Requires.SelectMany(x => x.TargetLearningOpportunity).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        if (item.CommonCosts.Any() || item.EstimatedCost.Any())
                            var commonCosts = ServiceHelper.MapCostManifests(item.CommonCosts, searchType);
                            output.LearningOpportunityCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();
                            if (commonCosts != null && commonCosts.Any())
                                foreach (var cc in commonCosts)
                        if (item.EstimatedCost != null && item.EstimatedCost.Any())
                            if (output.LearningOpportunityCost == null)
                                output.LearningOpportunityCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();

                            var estimatedCost = ServiceHelper.MapCostProfiles(item.EstimatedCost, searchType);
                            if (estimatedCost != null && estimatedCost.Any())
                //asmt costs
                if (input.Requires.SelectMany(x => x.TargetAssessment.Where(y => y.EstimatedCost.Count() + y.CommonCosts.Count() > 0)).Count() > 0)
                    var list = input.Requires.SelectMany(x => x.TargetAssessment).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        if (item.CommonCosts.Any() || item.EstimatedCost.Any())
                            var commonCosts = ServiceHelper.MapCostManifests(item.CommonCosts, searchType);
                            output.AssessmentCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();
                            if (commonCosts != null && commonCosts.Any())
                                foreach (var cc in commonCosts)
                        if (item.EstimatedCost.Any() || item.EstimatedCost.Any())
                            if (output.AssessmentCost == null)
                                output.AssessmentCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();

                            var estimatedCost = ServiceHelper.MapCostProfiles(item.EstimatedCost, searchType);
                            if (estimatedCost != null && estimatedCost.Any())
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(thisClassName + ".MapToAPI. Section 3, Name: {0}, Id: [1}", input.Name, input.Id));

            if (input.FinancialAssistance != null && input.FinancialAssistance.Any())
                output.FinancialAssistance = ServiceHelper.MapFinancialAssistanceProfiles(input.FinancialAssistance, searchType);
            output.CredentialId = input.CredentialId;
            output.ISICV4       = input.ISICV4;

            output.Identifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.Identifier);
            MapProcessProfiles(input, ref output);
            output.SameAs = ServiceHelper.MapTextValueProfileTextValue(input.SameAs);
            //output.ProcessStandards = input.ProcessStandards;
            //output.ProcessStandardsDescription = input.ProcessStandardsDescription;
            output.ProcessStandards = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.ProcessStandards, "Process Standards", input.ProcessStandardsDescription);

            output.Revocation = ServiceHelper.MapRevocationProfile(searchType, input.Revocation);

            //these are can be links to existing credentials, likely to be in finder
            output.LatestVersion   = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.LatestVersion, "Latest Version");
            output.NextVersion     = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.NextVersion, "Next Version");
            output.PreviousVersion = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.PreviousVersion, "Previous Version");
            output.Supersedes      = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.Supersedes, "Supersedes");
            output.SupersededBy    = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.SupersededBy, "Superseded By");
            output.TargetPathway = ServiceHelper.MapPathwayToAJAXSettings(input.TargetPathway, "Has {0} Target Pathway(s)");

            output.VersionIdentifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.VersionIdentifierList, "Version Identifier");
                MapJurisdictions(input, ref output);
                //QA received
                //==> need to exclude 30-published by
                if (input.OrganizationRole.Any())
                    output.QAReceived = ServiceHelper.MapQAReceived(input.OrganizationRole, searchType);
                    var renewedBy2 = ServiceHelper.MapRoleReceived(input.OrganizationRole, searchType, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_RenewedBy);
                    var revokedBy2 = ServiceHelper.MapRoleReceived(input.OrganizationRole, searchType, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_RevokedBy);
                    output.RenewedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(renewedBy2, "Renewed by {0} Organization(s)");
                    output.RevokedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(revokedBy2, "Revoked by {0} Organization(s)");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(thisClassName + ".MapToAPI. Section 4, Name: {0}, Id: [1}", input.Name, input.Id));

Exemplo n.º 14
        private static MCD.LearningOpportunityDetail MapToAPI(ThisEntity input)
            var searchType = "learningopportunity";
            var output     = new MCD.LearningOpportunityDetail()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                CTID                  = input.CTID,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                FriendlyName          = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name),
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 7,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

            output.Meta_LastUpdated = input.EntityLastUpdated;
            output.Meta_StateId     = input.EntityStateId;
            if (input.InLanguageCodeList != null && input.InLanguageCodeList.Any())
                //output.Meta_Language = input.InLanguageCodeList[ 0 ].TextTitle;
                output.InLanguage = new List <string>();
                foreach (var item in input.InLanguageCodeList)
            if (input.OwningOrganizationId > 0)
                output.OwnedByLabel = ServiceHelper.MapDetailLink("Organization", input.OrganizationName, input.OwningOrganizationId);
            var work = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline(input.OrganizationRole, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER);

            output.OwnedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "");
            work             = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline(input.OrganizationRole, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OFFERED_BY);
            output.OfferedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "Offered by {0} Organization(s)");
            //QA for owner,not offerer
            if (input.OwningOrganization != null && input.OwningOrganization.Id > 0)
                if (input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient != null && input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient.Any())
                    output.OwnerQAReceived = ServiceHelper.MapQAReceived(input.OwningOrganization.OrganizationRole_Recipient, searchType);
            output.AssessmentMethodType        = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AssessmentMethodType, searchType);
            output.AssessmentMethodDescription = input.AssessmentMethodDescription;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.AvailabilityListing))
                output.AvailabilityListing = new List <string>()
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.AvailableOnlineAt))
                output.AvailableOnlineAt = new List <string>()
            //MapAddress( input, ref output );
            output.AvailableAt = ServiceHelper.MapAddress(input.Addresses);

            output.AudienceLevelType         = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AudienceLevelType, searchType);
            output.AudienceType              = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AudienceType, searchType);
            output.CreditUnitTypeDescription = input.CreditUnitTypeDescription;
            output.CreditValue = ServiceHelper.MapValueProfile(input.CreditValue, searchType);

            output.DateEffective           = input.DateEffective;
            output.ExpirationDate          = input.ExpirationDate;
            output.DeliveryType            = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.DeliveryType, searchType);
            output.DeliveryTypeDescription = input.DeliveryTypeDescription;
            output.EstimatedDuration       = ServiceHelper.MapDurationProfiles(input.EstimatedDuration);
            if (input.CommonCosts != null && input.CommonCosts.Any())
                output.CommonCosts   = ServiceHelper.MapCostManifests(input.CommonCosts, searchType);
                output.EstimatedCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();
                foreach (var item in output.CommonCosts)
                output.CommonCosts = null;

            if (input.EstimatedCost != null && input.EstimatedCost.Any())
                if (output.EstimatedCost == null)
                    output.EstimatedCost = new List <Models.Elastic.CostProfile>();

                var estimatedCost = ServiceHelper.MapCostProfiles(input.EstimatedCost, searchType);
                if (estimatedCost != null && estimatedCost.Any())
            if (input.FinancialAssistance != null && input.FinancialAssistance.Any())
                output.FinancialAssistance = ServiceHelper.MapFinancialAssistanceProfiles(input.FinancialAssistance, searchType);

            //condition profiles
            output.Corequisite    = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Corequisite, searchType);
            output.EntryCondition = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.EntryCondition, searchType);
            output.Recommends     = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Recommends, searchType);
            output.EntryCondition = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.EntryCondition, searchType);
            output.Requires       = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.Requires, searchType);
            if (input.CommonConditions != null && input.CommonConditions.Any())
                output.CommonConditions = ServiceHelper.MapConditionManifests(input.CommonConditions, searchType);
                if (output.CommonConditions != null && output.CommonConditions.Any())
                    foreach (var item in output.CommonConditions)
                        if (item.Requires != null && item.Requires.Any())
                            output.Requires = ServiceHelper.AppendConditions(item.Requires, output.Requires);
                        if (item.Recommends != null && item.Recommends.Any())
                            output.Recommends = ServiceHelper.AppendConditions(item.Recommends, output.Recommends);
                        if (item.Corequisite != null && item.Corequisite.Any())
                            output.Corequisite = ServiceHelper.AppendConditions(item.Requires, output.Corequisite);
                        if (item.EntryCondition != null && item.EntryCondition.Any())
                            output.EntryCondition = ServiceHelper.AppendConditions(item.EntryCondition, output.EntryCondition);
            //connection profiles
            output.AdvancedStandingFrom  = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.AdvancedStandingFrom, searchType);
            output.IsAdvancedStandingFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsAdvancedStandingFor, searchType);
            output.PreparationFrom  = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.PreparationFrom, searchType);
            output.IsPreparationFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsPreparationFor, searchType);
            output.IsRequiredFor    = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsRequiredFor, searchType);
            output.IsRecommendedFor = ServiceHelper.MapToConditionProfiles(input.IsRecommendedFor, searchType);
            if (input.HasPart != null && input.HasPart.Any())
                output.HasPart = new List <MCD.Outline>();
                foreach (var target in input.HasPart)
                    if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                        output.HasPart.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, searchType));
            if (input.IsPartOf != null && input.IsPartOf.Any())
                output.IsPartOf = new List <MCD.Outline>();
                foreach (var target in input.IsPartOf)
                    if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                        output.IsPartOf.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, searchType));
            output.Identifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.Identifier);
            output.IndustryType             = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.IndustryType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_NAICS);
            output.OccupationType           = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.OccupationType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_SOC);
            output.InstructionalProgramType = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.InstructionalProgramType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_CIP);
            output.IsReferenceVersion       = input.IsReferenceVersion;
            MapJurisdictions(input, ref output);

            if (input.Keyword != null && input.Keyword.Any())
                output.Keyword = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.Keyword, searchType);
            if (input.Subject != null && input.Subject.Any())
                output.Subject = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.Subject, searchType);
            output.LearningMethodType        = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.LearningMethodType, searchType);
            output.LearningMethodDescription = input.LearningMethodDescription;
            //none yet, leave here for likely additions
            //MapProcessProfiles( input, ref output );
            output.SameAs = ServiceHelper.MapTextValueProfileTextValue(input.SameAs);
            output.VersionIdentifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.VersionIdentifierList, "Version Identifier");
            //QA received
            //==> need to exclude 30-published by
            if (input.OrganizationRole.Any())
                output.QAReceived = ServiceHelper.MapQAReceived(input.OrganizationRole, searchType);

        public string Import(string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, string startingDate, string endingDate, int maxRecords, bool downloadOnly, ref int recordsImported, string sortOrder = "asc")
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_" + registryEntityType, true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Skipping import of {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
                return("Skipped import of " + registryEntityType);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Importing {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
            //JsonEntity input = new JsonEntity();
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();

            string   entityType = registryEntityType;
            CodeItem ci         = CodesManager.Codes_EntityType_Get(entityTypeId);

            if (ci != null && ci.Id > 0)
                entityType = ci.Title;
            int    pageNbr       = 1;
            int    pageSize      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importPageSize", 100);
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";
            //ThisEntity output = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();

            int cntr            = 0;
            int actualTotalRows = 0;
            int pTotalRows      = 0;

            int    exceptionCtr      = 0;
            string statusMessage     = "";
            bool   isComplete        = false;
            bool   importSuccessfull = true;

            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                //19-09-22 chg to use RegistryServices to remove duplicate services
                list = RegistryServices.Search(registryEntityType, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community, sortOrder);

                //list = RegistryImport.GetLatest( registryEntityType, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community );

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        //importNote = registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range ";

                        //Console.WriteLine( thisClassName + importNote );
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range. ");
                    else if (cntr < actualTotalRows)
                        //if no data found and have not processed actual rows, could have been an issue with the search.
                        //perhaps should be an error to ensure followup
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("**************** WARNING -Import for '{0}' didn't find data on this pass, but has only processed {1} of an expected {2} records.", registryEntityType, cntr, actualTotalRows));
                        LoggingHelper.LogError(string.Format("**************** WARNING -Import for '{0}' didn't find data on this pass, but has only processed {1} of an expected {2} records.", registryEntityType, cntr, actualTotalRows), true, "Finder Import Ended Early");
                if (pageNbr == 1)
                    actualTotalRows = pTotalRows;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {0} Found {1} records to process.", registryEntityType, pTotalRows));

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)

                    importSuccessfull = ProcessEnvelope(item, registryEntityType, entityTypeId, cntr, downloadOnly);

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords)
                } //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords))
                    isComplete = true;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {2} EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} for {2} ", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType));
                else if (cntr >= actualTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
                    //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 2, string.Format( "Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} for {2}", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType ) );
                //if ( pageNbr * pageSize < pTotalRows )
                //	pageNbr++;
                //	isComplete = true;
            importResults = string.Format("Import {0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", registryEntityType, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, importResults);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;

            recordsImported += cntr;

        public bool ProcessEnvelope(ReadEnvelope item, string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, int cntr, bool doingDownloadOnly = false)
            bool importSuccessfull = false;

            if (item == null || item.DecodedResource == null)

            int newImportId = 0;
            var status      = new SaveStatus
                DoingDownloadOnly = doingDownloadOnly,
                ValidationGroup   = string.Format("{0} Import", registryEntityType)

            DateTime started            = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime envelopeUpdateDate = new DateTime();
            DateTime createDate         = new DateTime();

            if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.CreatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out createDate))
            if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.UpdatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out envelopeUpdateDate))

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. {1} CTID {2}, Updated: {3} ", cntr, registryEntityType, item.EnvelopeCetermsCtid, envelopeUpdateDate.ToString()));
            var messages = new List <string>();

            string importError = "";

            importSuccessfull = false;
            //var documentPublishedBy = item.documentPublishedBy ?? ""
            //21-01-28 mp - moving common code back here to improve maintenance
            if (item.documentPublishedBy != null)
                //only providing DocumentPublishedBy where apparantly a 3PP
                if (item.documentOwnedBy == null || (item.documentPublishedBy != item.documentOwnedBy))
                    status.DocumentPublishedBy = item.documentPublishedBy;
                //will need to check elsewhere
                //OR as part of import check if existing one had 3rd party publisher

            string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();

            status.EnvelopeId = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
            var    ctid             = item.EnvelopeCetermsCtid;
            var    envelopeCtdlType = item.EnvelopeCtdlType;
            string ctdlType         = RegistryServices.GetResourceType(payload);

            //string envelopeUrl = RegistryServices.GetEnvelopeUrl( envelopeIdentifier );
            LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile(UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("logFileTraceLevel", 5), item.EnvelopeCetermsCtid + "_" + ctdlType, payload, "", false);
                switch (entityTypeId)
                case 1:
                    //importSuccessfull = credImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope( item, status );
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("Organization") > -1 || ctdlType.IndexOf("LearningOpportunity") > -1 || ctdlType.IndexOf("Assessment") > -1)
                        //how can this happen????
                        //- expected as the FTS search will also search blank nodes
                        importError = string.Format("*****WHILE DOING A CREDENTIAL IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid);
                        //status.AddError( importError );
                        //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, importError );
                    //else if ( ctdlType != envelopeCtdlType )
                    //	LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, "___skipping blank node" );
                        importSuccessfull = credImportMgr.ImportV3(payload, status);


                case 2:
                    //importSuccessfull = orgImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope( item, status );
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("Organization") > -1)
                        importSuccessfull = orgImportMgr.ImportV3(payload, status);
                        //how can this happen????
                        importError = string.Format("*****WHILE DOING AN ORGANIZATION IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid);
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, importError);

                case 3:
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("Assessment") > -1)
                        importSuccessfull = asmtImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                        //how can this happen????
                        importError = string.Format("*****WHILE DOING AN Assessment IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid);
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, importError);


                case 7:
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("LearningOpportunity") > -1)
                        importSuccessfull = loppImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                        //how can this happen????
                        //importError = string.Format( "*****WHILE DOING A LearningOpportunity IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid );
                        //status.AddError( importError );
                        //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, importError );

                case 8:        //
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("Pathway") > -1)
                        importSuccessfull = pathwayImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                        //how can this happen????
                        //importError = string.Format( "*****WHILE DOING A Pathway IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid );
                        //status.AddError( importError );
                        //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, importError );

                case 9:        //
                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Rubrics ({1}) are not handled at this time. ", cntr, entityTypeId));

                case 10:
                case 17:
                    if (ctdlType.IndexOf("CompetencyFramework") > -1)
                        importSuccessfull = cfImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                        //how can this happen????
                        //importError = string.Format( "*****WHILE DOING A CompetencyFramework IMPORT (#{0}), A RECORD OF TYPE: '{1}', CTID: '{2}' WAS ENCOUNTERED! *********************", cntr, ctdlType, ctid );
                        //status.AddError( importError );
                        //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, importError );


                case 11:        //concept scheme
                    //DisplayMessages( string.Format( "{0}. Concept Schemes ({1}) are not handled at this time. ", cntr, entityTypeId ) );
                    importSuccessfull = new ImportConceptSchemes().ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                case 19:
                    importSuccessfull = cndManImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                case 20:
                    importSuccessfull = cstManImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                case 23:
                    importSuccessfull = new ImportPathwaySets().ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                    //DisplayMessages( string.Format( "{0}. PathwaySets ({1}) are not handled at this time. ", cntr, entityTypeId ) );


                case 26:
                    importSuccessfull = tvpImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);
                    //DisplayMessages( string.Format( "{0}. TransferValueProfiles ({1}) are not handled at this time. ", cntr, entityTypeId ) );


                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. RegistryImport. Unhandled Entity type encountered: {1} ", cntr, entityTypeId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Path '@context', line 1") > 0)
                    importError = "The referenced registry document is using an old schema. Please republish it with the latest schema!";
                    LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(registryEntityType + " Exception encountered in envelopeId: {0}", item.EnvelopeIdentifier), true, "CredentialFinder Import exception");
                    importError = ex.Message;

                //make continue on exceptions an option
                //if ( maxExceptions > 0 && exceptionCtr > maxExceptions )
                //    //arbitrarily stop if large number of exceptions
                //    importNote = string.Format( thisClassName + " - {0} Many exceptions ({1}) were encountered during import - abandoning.", entityType, exceptionCtr );
                //    //Console.WriteLine( importNote );
                //    LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, importNote );
                //    LoggingHelper.LogError( importNote, true, thisClassName + "- many exceptions" );
                //    isComplete = true;
                //    break;
                if (!importSuccessfull)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importError))
                        importError = string.Join("\r\n", status.GetAllMessages().ToArray());
                //store document
                //add indicator of success
                newImportId = importMgr.Add(item, entityTypeId, status.Ctid, importSuccessfull, importError, ref messages);
                if (newImportId > 0 && status.Messages != null && status.Messages.Count > 0)
                    //add indicator of current recored
                    string msg = string.Format("========= Messages for {4}, EnvelopeIdentifier: {0}, ctid: {1}, Id: {2}, rowId: {3} =========", item.EnvelopeIdentifier, status.Ctid, status.DocumentId, status.DocumentRowId, registryEntityType);
                    //ensure status has info on the current context, so can be include in messages. Or N/A. The message has the Import.Staging record as the parent
                    importMgr.AddMessages(newImportId, status, ref messages);

                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(started);
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("         Total Duration: {0:N2} seconds ", duration.TotalSeconds));
            }             //finally

Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle deleted records for the requested time period
        /// Save to file systems with prefix of Deleted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community"></param>
        /// <param name="maxRecords"></param>
        /// <param name="recordsDeleted"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string HandleDeletes(string community, int maxRecords, ref int recordsDeleted)
            int pageNbr  = 1;
            int pageSize = 50;
            //string importError = "";
            //may want to just do all types!
            string              type     = "";
            List <string>       messages = new List <string>();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();
            SaveStatus          status   = new SaveStatus();
            int    pTotalRows            = 0;
            int    cntr          = 0;
            bool   isComplete    = false;
            int    exceptionCtr  = 0;
            string statusMessage = "";
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  DELETE Check for: '{0}' to '{1}' ===", StartingDate, EndingDate));
            //registryImport.StartingDate = "2017-10-29T00:00:00";
                while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                    list = GetDeleted(community, type, StartingDate, EndingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage);

                    if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                        isComplete = true;
                        if (pageNbr == 1)
                            importNote = "Deletes: No records where found for date range ";
                            //Console.WriteLine( thisClassName + ".HandleDeletes() - " + importNote );
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("Download.Main.HandleDeletes() Community: {0} - ", community) + importNote);
                    foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)
                        string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();

                        string ctdlType = RegistryServices.GetResourceType(payload);
                        string ctid     = item.EnvelopeCtid;

                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(6, string.Format("{0}. ctdlType: {1} ctid: {2} ", cntr, ctdlType, ctid));
                            //only need the envelopeId and type
                            //so want a full delete, or set EntityStateId to 0 - just as a precaution
                            messages = new List <string>();
                            //action - place in a deleted folder?
                            LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile(1, "Deleted_" + ctdlType + "_" + ctid, payload, "", false);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format("Exception encountered in envelopeId: {0}", item.EnvelopeIdentifier), false, "CredentialFinder Import exception");
                            //importError = ex.Message;

                        if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords)
                    }                     //foreach ( ReadEnvelope item in list )

                    if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords) || cntr > pTotalRows)
                        isComplete = true;
                        DisplayMessages(string.Format("Delete EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} ", cntr, pTotalRows));
                }                 //while
                                  //delete from elastic
                if (cntr > 0)
                    messages = new List <string>();

                importResults = string.Format("HandleDeletes - Processed {0} records, with {1} exceptions. \r\n", cntr, exceptionCtr);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                    importResults += importNote;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, "Import.HandleDeletes");
            //actually only attepted at this time, need to account for errors!
            recordsDeleted = cntr;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void Regedit()
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static WMA.OrganizationDetail MapToAPI(Organization input, OrganizationManager.OrganizationRequest request)
            var output = new WMA.OrganizationDetail()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                FriendlyName          = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name),
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 2,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

            if (input.ISQAOrganization)
                output.CTDLType      = "ceterms:QACredentialOrganization";
                output.CTDLTypeLabel = "Quality Assurance Organization";
                output.CTDLType      = "ceterms:CredentialOrganization";
                output.CTDLTypeLabel = "Credentialing Organization";

            //output.CTDLType = record.AgentDomainType;
            output.AgentSectorType = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AgentSectorType, "organization");
            output.AgentType       = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.AgentType, "organization");
            //TODO consider using LabelLink to provide both the URL and description
            output.AgentPurpose = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.AgentPurpose, "Purpose", input.AgentPurposeDescription);
            //output.AgentPurpose = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink( input.AgentPurpose, "Purpose" );

            //output.AgentPurposeDescription = input.AgentPurposeDescription;
            output.AlternateName = input.AlternateName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.AvailabilityListing))
                output.AvailabilityListing = new List <string>()
                output.AvailabilityListing = input.AvailabilityListings;
            output.CTID = input.CTID;
            if (input.Emails != null && input.Emails.Any())
                output.Email = input.Emails.Select(s => s.TextValue).ToList();

            output.Meta_LastUpdated = input.EntityLastUpdated;
            output.Meta_StateId     = input.EntityStateId;
            output.EntityTypeId     = input.EntityTypeId;
            output.FoundingDate     = input.FoundingDate;
            output.FriendlyName     = input.FriendlyName;
            output.Identifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.Identifier);
            output.DUNS       = input.ID_DUNS;
            output.FEIN       = input.ID_FEIN;
            output.IPEDSID    = input.ID_IPEDSID;
            output.ISICV4     = input.ID_ISICV4;
            output.LEICode    = input.ID_LEICode;
            output.NECS       = input.ID_NECS;
            output.OPEID      = input.ID_OPEID;
            output.Image        = input.Image;
            output.IndustryType = ServiceHelper.MapReferenceFrameworkLabelLink(input.IndustryType, searchType, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_NAICS);
            //output.IsReferenceVersion = record.IsReferenceVersion;
            if (input.Keyword != null && input.Keyword.Any())
                output.Keyword = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.Keyword, "organization");

            //output.MissionAndGoalsStatement = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink( input.MissionAndGoalsStatement, "Mission Statement" );
            //output.MissionAndGoalsStatementDescription = input.MissionAndGoalsStatementDescription;
            output.MissionAndGoalsStatement = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.MissionAndGoalsStatement, "Mission Statement", input.MissionAndGoalsStatementDescription);

            //this is NOT pertinent to organization
            //output.OrganizationId = org.OrganizationId;
            //output.OrganizationName = org.OrganizationName;
            //output.OrganizationSubjectWebpage = "";
            output.ServiceType = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLinks(input.ServiceType, "organization");
            output.SameAs      = ServiceHelper.MapTextValueProfileTextValue(input.SameAs);
            output.SocialMedia = ServiceHelper.MapTextValueProfileTextValue(input.SocialMediaPages);

            //output.TransferValueStatement = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink( input.TransferValueStatement, "Transfer Value Statement" );
            //output.TransferValueStatementDescription = input.TransferValueStatementDescription;
            output.TransferValueStatement = ServiceHelper.MapPropertyLabelLink(input.TransferValueStatement, "Transfer Value Statement", input.TransferValueStatementDescription);

            //input.FriendlyName = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode ( input.Name );
            var links = new List <WMA.LabelLink>();

            output.Connections = null;
            if (input.TotalCredentials > 0)
                //output.CredentialsSearch = ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink( org.Id, org.Name, org.TotalCredentials, "Owns/Offers {0} Credential(s)", "credential" );

                //output.Connections.Add( output.CredentialsSearch );
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalCredentials, "Owns/Offers {0} Credential(s)", "credential", ref links);
            if (input.TotalLopps > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalLopps, "Owns/Offers {0} Learning Opportunity(ies)", "learningopportunity", ref links);
            if (input.TotalAssessments > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalAssessments, "Owns/Offers {0} Assesment(s)", "assessment", ref links);

            if (input.TotalPathwaySets > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalPathwaySets, "Owns {0} Pathway Set(s)", "pathwayset", ref links);
            if (input.TotalPathways > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalPathways, "Owns {0} Pathway(s)", "pathway", ref links);
            if (input.TotalTransferValueProfiles > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalTransferValueProfiles, "Owns {0} Transfer Value Profiles(s)", "transfervalue", ref links);

            if (input.TotalFrameworks > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalFrameworks, "Owns {0} Competency Framework(s)", "competencyframework", ref links);

            if (input.TotalConceptSchemes > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.TotalConceptSchemes, "Owns {0} Concept Scheme(s)", "conceptscheme", ref links);

            //21-03-10 combining revokes and renews
            if (input.RevokesCredentials > 0 || input.RenewsCredentials > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.RevokesCredentials + input.RenewsCredentials, "Renews/Revokes {0} Credential(s)", "credential", ref links, "11, 13");
            //if ( org.RegulatesCredentials > 0 )
            //	ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink( org.Id, org.Name, org.RegulatesCredentials, "Regulates {0} Credential(s)", "credential", ref links, "12" );
            //if ( input.RenewsCredentials > 0 )
            //	ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink( input.Id, input.Name, input.RenewsCredentials, "Renews {0} Credential(s)", "credential", ref links, "13" );

            if (links.Any())
                output.Connections = links;
            //need to handle other roles: renews, revokes, regulates
            //QA performed
            output.QAPerformed = new List <WMA.LabelLink>();
            links = new List <WMA.LabelLink>();
            if (input.QAPerformedOnCredentialsCount > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapQAPerformedLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.QAPerformedOnCredentialsCount, "QA Identified as Performed on {0} Credential(s)", "credential", ref links);

            if (input.QAPerformedOnOrganizationsCount > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapQAPerformedLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.QAPerformedOnOrganizationsCount, "QA Identified as Performed on {0} Organization(s)", "organization", ref links);
            if (input.QAPerformedOnAssessmentsCount > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapQAPerformedLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.QAPerformedOnAssessmentsCount, "QA Identified as Performed on {0} Assessment(s)", "assessment", ref links);

            if (input.QAPerformedOnLoppsCount > 0)
                ServiceHelper.MapQAPerformedLink(input.Id, input.Name, input.QAPerformedOnLoppsCount, "QA Identified as Performed on {0} Learning Opportunity(ies)", "learningopportunity", ref links);

            if (links.Any())
                output.QAPerformed = links;

            //21-03-12 these should be populated now. Be sure to remove them from QaReceived.
            //need to be consistent. Seems this property will use acting agent, but dept/sub will use participating agent
            output.ParentOrganization = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToAJAX(input.ParentOrganizations, "Has Parent Organization");
            if (input.ParentOrganization != null && input.ParentOrganization.Any())
                var parents = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline(input.ParentOrganizations, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_PARENT_ORG);
                if (parents != null && parents.Any())
                    //just return one for now
                    //output.ParentOrganizationOutline = parents[ 0 ];
            output.Department      = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToAJAX(input.OrganizationRole_Dept, "Has {0} Departments(s)");
            output.SubOrganization = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToAJAX(input.OrganizationRole_Subsidiary, "Has {0} Suborganization(s)");

            //==> need to exclude 30-published by
            //also check for 20, 21 and move to dept, subsidiary, parent
            var qaroles = "1,2,10,12";

            if (input.OrganizationRole_Recipient.Any())
                output.QAReceived = ServiceHelper.MapQAReceived(input.OrganizationRole_Recipient, searchType);

                 * output.QAReceived = new List<WMA.OrganizationRoleProfile>();
                 * foreach ( var item in input.OrganizationRole_Recipient )
                 * {
                 *      var orp = new WMA.OrganizationRoleProfile()
                 *      {
                 *              Label = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( item.ProfileName ) ? item.ParentSummary : item.ProfileName,
                 *              Description = item.Description ?? ""
                 *      };
                 *      if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( orp.Label ) )
                 *      {
                 *              if ( item.ActingAgent != null && item.ActingAgent.Id > 0 )
                 *              {
                 *                      orp.Label = item.ActingAgent.Name;
                 *                      orp.Description = item.ActingAgent.Description;
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 *      if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( item.ActingAgent.CTID ) )
                 *              orp.URL = item.ActingAgent.SubjectWebpage;
                 *      else
                 *              orp.URL = externalFinderSiteURL + string.Format( "organization/{0}", input.Id );
                 *      bool isPublishedByRole = false;
                 *      if ( item.AgentRole != null && item.AgentRole.Items.Any() )
                 *      {
                 *              foreach ( var ar in item.AgentRole.Items )
                 *              {
                 *                      //no link
                 *                      if ( ar.Id == 30 )
                 *                      {
                 *                              //if published by, probably will not have other roles!
                 *                              //continue;
                 *                              isPublishedByRole = true;
                 *                              break;
                 *                      } else if ( ar.Id == 20 || ar.Id == 21 || ar.Id == 22)
                 *                      {
                 *                              //skip dept, subsidiary and parent
                 *                              continue;
                 *                      }
                 *                      //should this be the reverseTitle?
                 *                      if ( item.ActingAgent != null && item.ActingAgent.Id > 0 )
                 *                      {
                 *                              //if role is QA, include all 4 in link
                 *                              ServiceHelper.MapEntitySearchLink( item.ActingAgent.Id, item.ActingAgent.Name, 0, ar.Name, searchType, ref orp.Roles, qaroles );//ar.Id.ToString()
                 *                      } else
                 *                              orp.Roles.Add( new WMA.LabelLink() { Label = ar.Name } );
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 *      if ( !isPublishedByRole && orp.Roles.Any() )
                 *              output.QAReceived.Add( orp );
                 * }
            MapAddress(input, ref output);

            if (request.IncludingManifests)
            MapManifests(input, ref output, request);

            //process profiles
            MapProcessProfiles(input, ref output, request);

            MapJurisdictions(input, ref output);
            MapVerificationServiceProfile(input, ref output, request);

Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve an envelop from the registry and do import
        /// Custom version for Import from Finder.Import
        /// TODO - THIS IS SOMEWHAT HIDDEN HERE - easy to forget when adding new classes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelopeId"></param>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportByEnvelopeId(string envelopeId, SaveStatus status)
            //this is currently specific, assumes envelop contains a credential
            //can use the hack for GetResourceType to determine the type, and then call the appropriate import method

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelopeId))
                status.AddError("ImportByEnvelope - a valid envelope id must be provided");

            string statusMessage = "";
            string ctdlType      = "";

                ReadEnvelope envelope = RegistryServices.GetEnvelope(envelopeId, ref statusMessage, ref ctdlType);
                if (envelope == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelope.EnvelopeType))
                    string defCommunity = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("defaultCommunity");
                    string community    = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("additionalCommunity");
                    if (defCommunity != community)
                        envelope = RegistryServices.GetEnvelope(envelopeId, ref statusMessage, ref ctdlType, community);

                if (envelope != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelope.EnvelopeIdentifier))
                    return(ImportEnvelope(envelope, ctdlType, status));
                    //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 4, string.Format( "RegistryServices.ImportByEnvelopeId ctdlType: {0}, EnvelopeId: {1} ", ctdlType, envelopeId ) );
                    //ctdlType = ctdlType.Replace( "ceterms:", "" );

                    //switch ( ctdlType.ToLower() )
                    //	case "credentialorganization":
                    //	case "qacredentialorganization": //what distinctions do we need for QA orgs?
                    //	case "organization":
                    //		return new ImportOrganization().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	//break;CredentialOrganization
                    //	case "assessmentprofile":
                    //		return new ImportAssessment().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	//break;
                    //	case "learningopportunityprofile":
                    //		return new ImportLearningOpportunties().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	//break;
                    //	case "conditionmanifest":
                    //		return new ImportAssessment().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	//break;
                    //	case "costmanifest":
                    //		return new ImportLearningOpportunties().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	case "competencyframework":
                    //		return new ImportCompetencyFramesworks().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	case "conceptscheme":
                    //		return new ImportConceptSchemes().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	case "pathway":
                    //		return new ImportPathways().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	case "pathwaysset":
                    //		return new ImportPathwaySets().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );
                    //	case "transfervalueprofile":
                    //		return new ImportTransferValue().CustomProcessEnvelope( envelope, status );

                    //	case "job":
                    //	case "occupation":
                    //	case "rating":
                    //	case "rubric":
                    //	case "task":
                    //	case "workrole":
                    //	{
                    //		LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, string.Format( "ImportByEnvelopeId. {0} ({1}-{2}) is not handled at this time. ", ctdlType, envelope.EnvelopeCtdlType, envelope.EnvelopeCetermsCtid ) );
                    //		return false;
                    //	}

                    //	//break;
                    //	default:
                    //		//default to credential
                    //		//actually should have an edit for this.
                    //		return new ImportCredential().CustomProcessRequest( envelope, status );
                    //		//break;
                    status.AddError(string.Format("ImportHelperServices.ImportByEnvelopeId. Registry Envelope was not found for: {0}", envelopeId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format("RegistryServices`.ImportByEnvelopeId(). ctdlType: {0}", ctdlType));
                if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Path '@context', line 1") > 0)
                    status.AddWarning("The referenced registry document is using an old schema. Please republish it with the latest schema!");
Exemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //NOTE: consider the IOER approach that all candidate records are first downloaded, and then a separate process does the import

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, "======================= STARTING IMPORT =======================");
            TimeZone zone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
            // Demonstrate ToLocalTime and ToUniversalTime.
            DateTime local     = zone.ToLocalTime(DateTime.Now);
            DateTime universal = zone.ToUniversalTime(DateTime.Now);

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, "Local time: " + local);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, "Universal time: " + universal);

            //need to determine how to get last start date
            //may be run multiple times during day, so use a schedule type
            string scheduleType      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("scheduleType", "daily");
            int    deleteAction      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("deleteAction", 0);
            bool   doingDownloadOnly = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("DoingDownloadOnly", false);

            string defaultCommunity    = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("defaultCommunity");
            string additionalCommunity = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("additionalCommunity");

            #region  Import Type/Arguments
            if (args != null)
                if (args.Length >= 1)
                    scheduleType = args[0];

                if (args.Length == 2)
                    var altCommunity = args[1];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(altCommunity) && altCommunity.ToLower() == additionalCommunity.ToLower())
                        //has to match additional to be valid
                        defaultCommunity = additionalCommunity;

            RegistryImport registryImport = new RegistryImport(defaultCommunity);

            string startingDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString();
            //typically will want this as registry server is UTC (+6 hours from central)
            bool usingUTC_ForTime = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("usingUTC_ForTime", true);

            string endingDate    = "";
            string importResults = "";

            //could ignore end date until a special scedule type of adhoc is used, then read the dates from config
            importResults = DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Schedule type: {0} ", scheduleType));
            int minutes = 0;

            if (Int32.TryParse(scheduleType, out minutes))
                //may want more flexibility and use input parms
                if (minutes < 1 || minutes > 1440)                 //doesn't really matter
                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("invalid value encountered for Minutes option: {0} - defaulting to 60.", scheduleType));
                    minutes = 60;
                if (usingUTC_ForTime)
                    //UTC is +6 hours (360 minutes), so subtract entered minutes and add to current time
                    // ex: If -60, want 5 hours (360 - 60)
                    minutes = minutes * -1;
                    //startingDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( minutes ).ToString( "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" );
                    startingDate = zone.ToUniversalTime(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(minutes)).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    //no end date?
                    endingDate = "";
                    startingDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-minutes).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    //the server date is UTC, so if we leave enddate open, we will get the same stuff all day, so setting an endate to the current hour
                    endingDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Community: {0}, Updates since: {1} {2}", defaultCommunity, startingDate, usingUTC_ForTime ? " (UTC)" : ""));
            else if (scheduleType == "sinceLastRun")
                SiteActivity lastRun = ActivityServices.GetLastImport();
                if (usingUTC_ForTime)
                    startingDate = zone.ToUniversalTime(lastRun.Created).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    startingDate = lastRun.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                endingDate    = "";
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Updates since: {0} {1}", startingDate, usingUTC_ForTime ? " (UTC)" : ""));
            else if (scheduleType == "adhoc")
                startingDate = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("startingDate", "");
                endingDate   = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("endingDate", "");
                DateTime dtcheck = System.DateTime.Now;                                         //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, string.Format( " - Updates from: {0} to {1} ", startingDate, endingDate ) );

                if (usingUTC_ForTime)
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(startingDate, out dtcheck))
                        startingDate = zone.ToUniversalTime(dtcheck).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(endingDate, out dtcheck))
                        endingDate = zone.ToUniversalTime(dtcheck).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    //no end date?
                    //endingDate = "";
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Updates from: {0} to {1} for community: {2}", startingDate, endingDate, defaultCommunity));
            else if (scheduleType == "hourly")
                if (usingUTC_ForTime)
                    //6 hour diff, so add 5 hours, equiv to +6 hours - 1 hour
                    startingDate = zone.ToUniversalTime(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    startingDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    //format into: 2016-08-01T23:59:59
                    //the server date is UTC, so if we leave enddate open, we will get the same stuff all day, so setting an endate to the current hour
                    endingDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, string.Format( " - Updates since: {0} ", startingDate ) );
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Updates since: {0} {1}, community: {2}", startingDate, usingUTC_ForTime ? " (UTC)" : "", defaultCommunity));
                //assume daily
                startingDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                //format into: 2016-08-01T23:59:59
                endingDate = "";
                //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, string.Format( " - Updates since: {0} ", startingDate ) );
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + DisplayMessages(string.Format(" - Updates since: {0} ", startingDate));
            if (!doingDownloadOnly)
            //set to zero to handle all, or a number to limit records to process
            //partly for testing
            //although once can sort by date, we can use this, and update the start date
            int maxImportRecords = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("maxImportRecords", 50);


            //Actions: 0-normal; 1-DeleteOnly; 2-SkipDelete
            int recordsDeleted = 0;
            if (deleteAction < 2)
                //handle deleted records
                importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + HandleDeletes(defaultCommunity, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, ref recordsDeleted);
            int recordsImported = 0;
            if (deleteAction != 1)
                //do manifests
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_condition_manifest_schema", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("condition_manifest_schema", CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_CONDITION_MANIFEST, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_cost_manifest_schema", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("cost_manifest_schema", CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_COST_MANIFEST, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);

                //handle credentials
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_credential", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("credential", CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_CREDENTIAL, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);
                //handle assessments
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_assessment_profile", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("assessment_profile", CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_ASSESSMENT_PROFILE, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);

                //handle learning opps
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_learning_opportunity_profile", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("learning_opportunity_profile", CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_LEARNING_OPP_PROFILE, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_competency_frameworks", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + new CompetencyFramesworksImport().Import(startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, defaultCommunity, doingDownloadOnly);

                //new pathways
                //if ( UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue( "importing_pathways", true ) )
                //	importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + new CompetencyFramesworksImport().Import( startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly );

                //handle organizations
                //might be better to do last, then can populate placeholders, try first
                if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_organization", true))
                    importResults = importResults + "<br/>" + registryImport.Import("organization", 2, startingDate, endingDate, maxImportRecords, doingDownloadOnly, ref recordsImported);

                if (!doingDownloadOnly && recordsImported > 0)
                    if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("processingPendingRecords", true))
                        //import pending
                        string pendingStatus = new RegistryServices().ImportPending();

                        importResults = importResults + "<br/>TODO: add stats from ImportPending.";

            if (!doingDownloadOnly)
                if (recordsImported > 0 || recordsDeleted > 0)
                    //update elastic if not included - probably will always delay elastic, due to multiple possible updates
                    //may want to move this to services for use by other process, including adhoc imports
                    if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("delayingAllCacheUpdates", true))
                        //update elastic if a elasticSearchUrl exists
                        if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("elasticSearchUrl") != "")
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  UpdateElastic  ***************** "));

                    if (recordsImported > 0)
                        //set all resolved records in Import_EntityResolution to be resolved.
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  SetAllResolvedEntities  ***************** "));
                        new ImportManager().SetAllResolvedEntities();

                    //update code table counts
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  UpdateCodeTableCounts  ***************** "));
                    new CacheManager().UpdateCodeTableCounts();

                    //send summary email
                    string message = string.Format("<h2>Import Results</h2><p>{0}</p>", importResults);
                    EmailManager.NotifyAdmin(string.Format("Credential Finder Import Results ({0})", envType), message);
                    new ActivityServices().AddActivity(new SiteActivity()
                        ActivityType = "System", Activity = "Import", Event = "End", Comment = string.Format("Summary: {0} records were imported, {1} records were deleted.", recordsImported, recordsDeleted), SessionId = "batch job", IPAddress = "local"
                    new ActivityServices().AddActivity(new SiteActivity()
                        ActivityType = "System", Activity = "Import", Event = "End", Comment = "No data was found to import", SessionId = "batch job", IPAddress = "local"

            //summary, and logging
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, "======================= all done ==============================");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public string Import(string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, string startingDate, string endingDate, int maxRecords, bool downloadOnly, ref int recordsImported)
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_" + registryEntityType, true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Skipping import of {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
                return("Skipped import of " + registryEntityType);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Importing {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
            //JsonEntity input = new JsonEntity();
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();
            //EntityServices mgr = new EntityServices();
            ImportServiceHelpers importMgr = new ImportServiceHelpers();
            string   entityType            = registryEntityType;
            CodeItem ci = CodesManager.Codes_EntityType_Get(entityTypeId);

            if (ci != null && ci.Id > 0)
                entityType = ci.Title;
            int    pageNbr       = 1;
            int    pageSize      = 25;
            string importError   = "";
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";
            //ThisEntity output = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();

            int cntr       = 0;
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            int        exceptionCtr      = 0;
            string     statusMessage     = "";
            bool       isComplete        = false;
            bool       importSuccessfull = true;
            int        newImportId       = 0;
            SaveStatus status            = new SaveStatus();

            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                //19-09-22 chg to use RegistryServices to remove duplicate services
                list = RegistryServices.Search(registryEntityType, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community);

                //list = RegistryImport.GetLatest( registryEntityType, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community );

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        //importNote = registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range ";

                        //Console.WriteLine( thisClassName + importNote );
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range. ");

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)
                    string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                    newImportId = 0;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. {1} EnvelopeIdentifier {2} ", cntr, registryEntityType, item.EnvelopeIdentifier));
                    messages = new List <string>();
                    status   = new SaveStatus();
                    status.DoingDownloadOnly = downloadOnly;
                    status.ValidationGroup   = string.Format("{0} Import", registryEntityType);
                    importError       = "";
                    importSuccessfull = false;

                        //Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "{0}. {1} EnvelopeIdentifier {2} ", cntr, registryEntityType, item.EnvelopeIdentifier ) );
                        if (payload.IndexOf("@graphXXX") > 0)
                            DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. {1} Import Encountered an envelope using @graph which is not handled yet: {2} ", cntr, entityTypeId, item.EnvelopeIdentifier));
                            switch (entityTypeId)
                            case 1:
                                importSuccessfull = credImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                            case 2:
                                importSuccessfull = orgImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                            case 3:
                                importSuccessfull = asmtImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                            case 7:
                                importSuccessfull = loppImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                            case 19:
                                importSuccessfull = cndManImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                            case 20:
                                importSuccessfull = cstManImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(item, status);

                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Invalid Entity type encountered: {1} ", cntr, entityTypeId));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Path '@context', line 1") > 0)
                            importError = "The referenced registry document is using an old schema. Please republish it with the latest schema!";
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format(entityType + " Exception encountered in envelopeId: {0}", item.EnvelopeIdentifier), false, "CredentialFinder Import exception");
                            importError = ex.Message;

                        //make continue on exceptions an option
                        if (maxExceptions > 0 && exceptionCtr > maxExceptions)
                            //arbitrarily stop if large number of exceptions
                            importNote = string.Format(thisClassName + " - {0} Many exceptions ({1}) were encountered during import - abandoning.", entityType, exceptionCtr);
                            //Console.WriteLine( importNote );
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, importNote);
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(importNote, true, thisClassName + "- many exceptions");
                            isComplete = true;
                        if (!importSuccessfull)
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importError))
                                importError = string.Join("\r\n", status.GetAllMessages().ToArray());
                        //store document
                        //add indicator of success
                        newImportId = importMgr.Add(item, entityTypeId, status.Ctid, importSuccessfull, importError, ref messages);
                        if (newImportId > 0 && status.Messages != null && status.Messages.Count > 0)
                            //add indicator of current recored
                            string msg = string.Format("========= Messages for {4}, EnvelopeIdentifier: {0}, ctid: {1}, Id: {2}, rowId: {3} =========", item.EnvelopeIdentifier, status.Ctid, status.DocumentId, status.DocumentRowId, registryEntityType);
                            importMgr.AddMessages(newImportId, status, ref messages);
                    } //finally

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords)
                } //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords) || cntr > pTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {2} EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} ", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType));
                //if ( pageNbr * pageSize < pTotalRows )
                //	pageNbr++;
                //	isComplete = true;
            importResults = string.Format("Import {0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", registryEntityType, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;

            recordsImported += cntr;

Exemplo n.º 23
        public string Retrieve(string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, string startingDate, string endingDate, int maxRecords, bool downloadOnly, ref int recordsImported, string sortOrder = "asc")
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_" + registryEntityType, true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Skipping import of {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
                return("Skipped import of " + registryEntityType);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Importing {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
            //JsonEntity input = new JsonEntity();
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();

            int    pageNbr       = 1;
            int    pageSize      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importPageSize", 100);
            string importError   = "";
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";
            //ThisEntity output = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();

            int cntr       = 0;
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            int    exceptionCtr      = 0;
            string statusMessage     = "";
            bool   isComplete        = false;
            bool   importSuccessfull = true;
            int    newImportId       = 0;

            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                //19-09-22 chg to use RegistryServices to remove duplicate services
                list = Search(registryEntityType, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community, sortOrder);

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range. ");
                if (pageNbr == 1)
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {0} Found {1} records to process.", registryEntityType, pTotalRows));

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)

                    string envelopeIdentifier = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
                    string ctid    = item.EnvelopeCetermsCtid;
                    string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. {1} ctid {2} ", cntr, registryEntityType, ctid));

                    string ctdlType    = RegistryServices.GetResourceType(payload);
                    string envelopeUrl = RegistryHelper.GetEnvelopeUrl(envelopeIdentifier);

                    //LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 5, "		envelopeUrl: " + envelopeUrl );
                    //to overwrite an existing file, suppress the date prefix (" "), or use an alternate prefix
                    LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile(1, registryEntityType + "_" + ctid, payload, "", false);

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords)
                }                 //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords))
                    isComplete = true;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {2} EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} for {2} ", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType));
                else if (cntr >= pTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
            importResults = string.Format("Import {0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", registryEntityType, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, importResults);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;

            recordsImported += cntr;

Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Retrieve(string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, int maxRecords, ref int recordsImported, ref List <string> importSummary, string sortOrder = "asc")
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_" + registryEntityType, true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Skipping import of {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
                importSummary.Add("Skipped import of " + registryEntityType);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Importing {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));

            //bool downloadOnly
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();

            int    pageNbr       = 1;
            int    pageSize      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importPageSize", 100);
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";
            //ThisEntity output = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();
            var savingDocumentToFileSystem = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("savingDocumentToFileSystem", true);
            var savingDocumentToDatabase   = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("savingDocumentToDatabase", false);

            int cntr       = 0;
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            int    exceptionCtr  = 0;
            string statusMessage = "";
            bool   isComplete    = false;

            //var request = new SearchRequest()
            //	StartingDate = startingDate,
            //	EndingDate = endingDate,
            //	OwningOrganizationCTID = owningOrganizationCTID,
            //	PublishingOrganizationCTID = publishingOrganizationCTID,
            //	DownloadOnly = downloadOnly
            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                //19-09-22 chg to use RegistryServices to remove duplicate services
                list = Search(registryEntityType, StartingDate, EndingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community, OwningOrganizationCTID, PublishingOrganizationCTID, sortOrder);

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range. ");
                if (pageNbr == 1)
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {0} Found {1} records to process.", registryEntityType, pTotalRows));

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)

                    string   envelopeIdentifier = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
                    string   ctid               = item.EnvelopeCtid;
                    string   payload            = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                    DateTime createDate         = new DateTime();
                    DateTime envelopeUpdateDate = new DateTime();
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.CreatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out createDate))
                        //status.SetEnvelopeCreated( createDate );
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.UpdatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out envelopeUpdateDate))
                        //status.SetEnvelopeUpdated( envelopeUpdateDate );
                    //payload contains the graph from DecodedResource
                    //var ctdlType = RegistryServices.GetResourceType( payload );
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. {1} ctid {2}, lastUpdated: {3} ", cntr, registryEntityType, ctid, envelopeUpdateDate));

                    //Save file to file system
                    //existing files will be overridden. , suppress the date prefix (" "), or use an alternate prefix
                    if (savingDocumentToFileSystem)
                        LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile(1, registryEntityType + "_" + ctid, payload, "", false);

                    #region future: define process to generic record to a database.
                    //TODO - add optional save to a database
                    //		- will need entity type, ctid, name, description (maybe), created and lastupdated from envelope,payload
                    //		- only doing adds, allows for history, user can choose to do updates
                    if (savingDocumentToDatabase)
                        var graphMainResource = RegistryServices.GetGraphMainResource(payload);
                        var resource          = new CredentialRegistryResource()
                            EntityType              = graphMainResource.Type,
                            CTID                    = ctid,
                            DownloadDate            = DateTime.Now,
                            Created                 = createDate,
                            LastUpdated             = envelopeUpdateDate,
                            CredentialRegistryGraph = payload
                        if (entityTypeId == 10)
                            resource.Name = graphMainResource.CeasnName.ToString();
                            resource.Name           = graphMainResource.Name.ToString();
                            resource.Description    = graphMainResource.Description.ToString();
                            resource.SubjectWebpage = graphMainResource.SubjectWebpage;
                        statusMessage = "";
                        //optionally save record to a database
                        if (new DatabaseServices().Add(resource, ref statusMessage) == 0)
                            //error handling

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords)
                }                 //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords))
                    isComplete = true;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {2} EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} for {2} ", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType));
                else if (cntr >= pTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
            importResults = string.Format("Import {0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", registryEntityType, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, importResults);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;
            recordsImported += cntr;

            //return importResults;
        public RegistryObject(string payload)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(payload))
                dictionary = RegistryServices.JsonToDictionary(payload);
                if (payload.IndexOf("@graph") > 0 && payload.IndexOf("@graph\": null") == -1)
                    IsGraphObject = true;
                    //get the graph object
                    object graph = dictionary["@graph"];
                    //serialize the graph object
                    var glist = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(graph);
                    //parse graph in to list of objects
                    JArray graphList = JArray.Parse(glist);

                    var main = graphList[0].ToString();
                    BaseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistryBaseObject>(main);
                    CtdlType   = BaseObject.CdtlType;
                    Ctid       = BaseObject.Ctid;
                    //not important to fully resolve yet
                    if (BaseObject.Name != null)
                        Name = BaseObject.Name.ToString();
                        if (Name.IndexOf("{") > -1 && Name.IndexOf(":") > 1)
                            int pos    = Name.IndexOf("\"", Name.IndexOf(":"));
                            int endpos = Name.IndexOf("\"", pos + 1);
                            if (pos > 1 && endpos > pos)
                                Name = Name.Substring(pos + 1, endpos - (pos + 1));
                        //if ( BaseObject.Name is LanguageMap )

                    else if (CtdlType == "ceasn:CompetencyFramework")
                        Name = (BaseObject.CompetencyFrameworkName ?? "").ToString();
                        Name = "?????";

                    //if ( BaseObject.Name.GetType())

                    //check if old resource or standalone resource
                    BaseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistryBaseObject>(payload);
                    CtdlType   = BaseObject.CdtlType;
                    Ctid       = BaseObject.Ctid;
                    Name       = BaseObject.Name.ToString();
                    if (Name.IndexOf("{") > -1 && Name.IndexOf(":") > 1)
                        int pos    = Name.IndexOf("\"", Name.IndexOf(":"));
                        int endpos = Name.IndexOf("\"", pos + 1);
                        if (pos > 1 && endpos > pos)
                            Name = Name.Substring(pos + 1, endpos - (pos + 1));
                CtdlType = CtdlType.Replace("ceterms:", "");
                CtdlType = CtdlType.Replace("ceasn:", "");
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static string HandleDeletes(string community, string startingDate, string endingDate, int maxRecords, ref int recordsDeleted)
            int pageNbr  = 1;
            int pageSize = 50;
            //string importError = "";
            //may want to just do all types!
            string              type     = "";
            List <string>       messages = new List <string>();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();
            SaveStatus          status   = new SaveStatus();
            int    pTotalRows            = 0;
            int    cntr          = 0;
            bool   isComplete    = false;
            int    exceptionCtr  = 0;
            string statusMessage = "";
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===                   DELETES                   ===", thisClassName));
            //startingDate = "2017-10-29T00:00:00";
                while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                    list = RegistryImport.GetDeleted(community, type, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage);

                    if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                        isComplete = true;
                        if (pageNbr == 1)
                            importNote = "Deletes: No records where found for date range ";
                            //Console.WriteLine( thisClassName + ".HandleDeletes() - " + importNote );
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, thisClassName + ".HandleDeletes() - " + importNote);
                    foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)
                        string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();

                        string ctdlType = RegistryServices.GetResourceType(payload);
                        string ctid     = RegistryServices.GetCtidFromUnknownEnvelope(item);
                        //may not be available in database, may want to use ctid
                        string envelopeIdentifier = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
                        string envelopeUrl        = RegistryServices.GetEnvelopeUrl(item.EnvelopeIdentifier);
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(5, "		envelopeUrl: "+ envelopeUrl);

                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(6, string.Format("{0}. EnvelopeIdentifier: {1} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier));
                            //only need the envelopeId and type
                            //so want a full delete, or set EntityStateId to 4 or greater - just as a precaution
                            messages = new List <string>();
                            status   = new SaveStatus();
                            status.ValidationGroup = "Deletes";
                            //importError = "";
                            //each delete method will add an entry to SearchPendingReindex.
                            //at the end of the process, call method to handle all the deletes
                            switch (ctdlType.ToLower())
                            case "credentialorganization":
                            case "qacredentialorganization":
                            case "organization":
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting {3} by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid, ctdlType));
                                if (!new OrganizationManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                            case "assessmentprofile":
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting Assessment by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid));
                                if (!new AssessmentManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                            case "learningopportunityprofile":
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting LearningOpportunity by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid));
                                if (!new LearningOpportunityManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                            case "conditionmanifest":
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting ConditionManifest by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid));
                                if (!new ConditionManifestManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                            case "costmanifest":
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting CostManifest by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid));
                                if (!new CostManifestManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                            case "competencyframework":                                     //CompetencyFramework
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting CompetencyFramework by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{2} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctid));
                                if (!new EducationFrameworkManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));

                                //default to credential
                                DisplayMessages(string.Format("{0}. Deleting Credential ({2}) by EnvelopeIdentifier/ctid: {1}/{3} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier, ctdlType, ctid));
                                if (!new CredentialManager().Delete(envelopeIdentifier, ctid, ref statusMessage))
                                    DisplayMessages(string.Format("  Delete failed: {0} ", statusMessage));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format("Exception encountered in envelopeId: {0}", item.EnvelopeIdentifier), false, "CredentialFinder Import exception");
                            //importError = ex.Message;

                        if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords)
                    }                     //foreach ( ReadEnvelope item in list )

                    if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords) || cntr > pTotalRows)
                        isComplete = true;
                        DisplayMessages(string.Format("Delete EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} ", cntr, pTotalRows));
                }                 //while
                                  //delete from elastic
                if (cntr > 0)
                    messages = new List <string>();
                    ElasticServices.HandlePendingDeletes(ref messages);

                importResults = string.Format("HandleDeletes - Processed {0} records, with {1} exceptions. \r\n", cntr, exceptionCtr);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                    importResults += importNote;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, "Import.HandleDeletes");
            //actually only attepted at this time, need to account for errors!
            recordsDeleted = cntr;
        public string Import(string startingDate, string endingDate, int maxRecords, string community, bool downloadOnly = false)
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_competency_frameworks", true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, "===  *****************  Skipping import of Competency Frameworks  ***************** ");
                return("Skipped import of competency_frameworks");

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  {0}  ***************** ", thisClassName));
            JsonEntity          input    = new JsonEntity();
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();
            EntityServices      mgr      = new EntityServices();
            string type = "competency_framework";

            int           pageNbr       = 1;
            int           pageSize      = 75;
            string        importError   = "";
            string        importResults = "";
            string        importNote    = "";
            ThisEntity    output        = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages      = new List <string>();

            //the nbr of records needs to be monitored, to determine the optimum
            //NOTE: consider the IOER approach that all candidate records are first downloaded, and then a separate process does the import

            int cntr       = 0;
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            int        exceptionCtr      = 0;
            string     statusMessage     = "";
            bool       isComplete        = false;
            bool       importSuccessfull = true;
            int        newImportId       = 0;
            SaveStatus status            = new SaveStatus();

            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                list = RegistryServices.Search(type, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, community);

                //list = GetLatest( type, startingDate, endingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, community );

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        importNote = "Competency Frameworks: No records where found for date range ";
                        //Console.WriteLine( thisClassName + importNote );
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, thisClassName + importNote);

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)
                    string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. EnvelopeIdentifier: {1} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier));
                    status = new SaveStatus();
                    status.DoingDownloadOnly = downloadOnly;
                    importError       = "";
                    importSuccessfull = false;

                        //Console.WriteLine( string.Format( "{0}. Competency Frameswork Envelope Identifier {1} ", cntr, item.EnvelopeIdentifier ) );

                        importSuccessfull = entityImportMgr.ProcessEnvelope(mgr, item, status);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Path '@context', line 1") > 0)
                            importError = "The referenced registry document is using an old schema. Please republish it with the latest schema!";
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, string.Format("Exception encountered in envelopeId: {0}", item.EnvelopeIdentifier), false, "CredentialFinder Import exception");
                            importError = ex.Message;
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, " show exception to use getting related envelopeId " + ex.Message);

                        //make continue on exceptions an option
                        if (maxExceptions > 0 && exceptionCtr > maxExceptions)
                            //arbitrarily stop if large number of exceptions
                            importNote = string.Format(thisClassName + " - Many exceptions ({0}) were encountered during import - abandoning.", exceptionCtr);
                            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, importNote);
                            LoggingHelper.LogError(importNote, true, thisClassName + "- many exceptions");
                            isComplete = true;
                        if (!importSuccessfull)
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importError))
                                importError = string.Join("\r\n", status.GetAllMessages().ToArray());
                        //store document
                        //add indicator of success
                        newImportId = importMgr.Add(item, entityTypeId, status.Ctid, importSuccessfull, importError, ref messages);
                        if (newImportId > 0 && status.Messages != null && status.Messages.Count > 0)
                            importMgr.AddMessages(newImportId, status, ref messages);
                    } //finally

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords)
                } //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords) || cntr == pTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (cntr < pTotalRows)
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("CompetencyFramesworkImport EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} ", cntr, pTotalRows));
            } //
            importResults = string.Format("{0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", thisClassName, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;

            //always call, as deletes are not tracked
            if (UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("updateCompetencyFrameworkReportTotals", false) == true)
        private static WMA.TransferValueProfile MapToAPI(ThisEntity input)
            var output = new WMA.TransferValueProfile()
                Meta_Id               = input.Id,
                CTID                  = input.CTID,
                Name                  = input.Name,
                FriendlyName          = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(input.Name),
                Description           = input.Description,
                SubjectWebpage        = input.SubjectWebpage,
                EntityTypeId          = 26,
                StartDate             = input.StartDate,
                EndDate               = input.EndDate,
                CredentialRegistryURL = RegistryServices.GetResourceUrl(input.CTID),
                RegistryData          = ServiceHelper.FillRegistryData(input.CTID)

            if (input.OwningOrganizationId > 0)
                output.OwnedByLabel = ServiceHelper.MapDetailLink("Organization", input.OrganizationName, input.OwningOrganizationId);

            var orgOutline = ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(input.OwningOrganization, "organization");

            //var work = ServiceHelper.MapOrganizationRoleProfileToOutline( input.OrganizationRole, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER );
            output.OwnedBy = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(orgOutline, "Owning Organization");
            output.Identifier = ServiceHelper.MapIdentifierValue(input.Identifier);
            output.TransferValue = ServiceHelper.MapValueProfile(input.TransferValue, "");
            var work = new List <WMA.Outline>();

            foreach (var target in input.TransferValueFor)
                if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                    work.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, ""));
            output.TransferValueFor = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "Includes {0} Transfer Value For");

            work = new List <WMA.Outline>();
            foreach (var target in input.TransferValueFrom)
                if (target != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.Name))
                    work.Add(ServiceHelper.MapToOutline(target, ""));
            output.TransferValueFrom = ServiceHelper.MapOutlineToAJAX(work, "Includes {0} Transfer Value From");
            if (input.DevelopmentProcess.Any())
                output.DevelopmentProcess = ServiceHelper.MapAJAXProcessProfile("Development Process", "", input.DevelopmentProcess);

            output.InLanguage = null;
Exemplo n.º 29
    public void TestRegFileKeyRetrieval()
        var data = RegistryServices.ParseRegFile(TestRegFile);
