Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("PatientsList", new { QueueType = "OPD" }));

            RegistrationData registrationData = new RegistrationData();

            registrationData.BloodGroups         = db.BloodGroups.ToList();
            registrationData.Categories          = db.Companies.ToList();
            registrationData.IdentificationTypes = db.IdentificationTypes.ToList();
            registrationData.MainCategories      = db.CompanyTypes.ToList();
            registrationData.MaritalStatus       = db.MaritalStatus.ToList();
            registrationData.Relationships       = db.Relationships.ToList();
            registrationData.Salutations         = db.Salutations.ToList();
            registrationData.Religions           = db.Religions.ToList();

            if (db.Patients.Find(id) == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("PatientsList", new { QueueType = "OPD" }));
            registrationData.Patient = db.Patients.Find(id);

            return(View("EditRegistration", registrationData));
        public static string CreateToken(RegistrationData rd)
            string obj   = JsonSerializer.Serialize <RegistrationData>(rd);
            string token = SecurityMethods.GetSHA1Hash(obj);

        public Company CreateCompany(AddCompanyViewModel model, RegistrationData registrData, ContactInfo contactInfo)
            string logoPath = String.Empty;

            if (model.Logo != null)
                var path = Path.Combine(
                fileUploadService.Upload(path, model.Logo.FileName, model.Logo);
                logoPath = $"images/{model.NameCompany}/Logo/{model.Logo.FileName}";

            Company company = new Company
                NameCompany    = model.NameCompany,
                LegalFormId    = model.LegalFormId,
                PropertyTypeId = model.PropertyTypeId,
                INN            = model.InnCompany,
                CodeOKPO       = model.OkpoCompany,
                RegistrationNumberSocialFund = model.RegistrationNumberSocialFund,
                ResidencyId        = model.ResidencyId,
                CountryId          = model.CountryId,
                NumberOfEmployees  = model.NumberOfEmployees,
                RegistrationDataId = registrData.Id,
                ContactInfoId      = contactInfo.Id,
                Logo = logoPath

Exemplo n.º 4
 protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
     regData = (SerializationUtils.Deserialize(Request.Form["regData"])
                ?? TempData["regData"]
                ?? new RegistrationData()) as RegistrationData;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Account RegisterNewAccount(RegistrationData registrationData)
            long accountId = CreateNewAccount(registrationData);

            if (accountId == -1)
                es.ThrowInfoException("Login {0} is already in use", registrationData.Login);
            if (accountId == -2)
                es.ThrowInfoException("Email {0} is already in use", registrationData.Email);

            Account result = GetFullAccountByLogin(registrationData.Login);

            if (op.Value.Emails.SendRegisterEmailConfirmaion)

            if (op.Value.Notifications.NotifyAdminAccountRegistered)

Exemplo n.º 6
    public void sendRegistrationData(RegistrationData registrationData, MethodReferenceWithResponse responseHandler)
        Response response = (Response)gameObject.AddComponent("Response");

        Debug.Log("Sending registration request to Kii Cloud");

        if (registrationData.password.Equals(registrationData.passwordConfirm))
            Debug.Log("Creating user builder");
            KiiUser.Builder builder;
            builder = KiiUser.BuilderWithName(registrationData.username);
            KiiUser user = builder.Build();
            try {
                response.error   = false;
                response.message = "";
                Debug.Log("User registration successful");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                response.error   = true;
                response.message = e.Message;
            response.error   = true;
            response.message = "Passwords don't match!";

        // Calling response handler:
    public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] RegistrationData registration_data)
        string username              = registration_data.Username,
               email                 = registration_data.Email,
               email_confirmation    = registration_data.EmailConfirmation,
               password              = registration_data.Password,
               password_confirmation = registration_data.PasswordConfirmation;

        // Check if all required parameters are present and if the user does not allready exits
        if (!ModelState.IsValid || email != email_confirmation || password != password_confirmation)

        var existingAdmin = _context.Admin.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Username == username || t.Email == email);

        if (existingAdmin != null)

        // Register the new user
        var hassedPassword = PasswordHasher.Hash(password);

        var newAdmin = new Admin()
            Username = username, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, EmailConfirmed = false, Email = email, PasswordHash = hassedPassword.PasswordHash, PasswordSalt = hassedPassword.PasswordSalt


        newAdmin.EmailConfirmed = false;

        // Update the securitystamp of the user
        await UserManager().UpdateSecurityStampAsync(newAdmin);

        // Send an email to inform the Admin
        var token = await UserManager().GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(newAdmin);

        var uri = Url.ActionContext.HttpContext.Request.Scheme + "://"
                  + Url.ActionContext.HttpContext.Request.Host.Value
                  + Url.Action("ConfirmEmailPage", new { userId = newAdmin.Id, token = token });

        var subject          = "Admin account created";
        var to               = new EmailAddress(newAdmin.Email);
        var plainTextContent = $"Hello {newAdmin.Username}\n\nYour Admin account has just been created. Click on the link to active you account\n{uri}";
        var htmlContent      = $"Hello {newAdmin.Username}<br /><br />Your Admin account has just been created. Click on the link to active you account<br /><a href='{uri}'>{uri}</a><br />";
        var subsitutions     = new Dictionary <string, string>
            { ":subject", subject }

        await _mailService.SendEmailAsync(to, subject, plainTextContent, htmlContent, subsitutions);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the device with the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mac">Device's Mac address</param>
        /// <param name="sn">Device's Serial Number</param>
        /// <param name="model">Device's Model. Note that the model must be first created in the partner.syncpro.io portal</param>
        /// <param name="fwVersion">Device's FW version</param>
        /// <param name="partnerId">PartnerID - claim your at [email protected]</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the devices uuid and accessKey, which should be saved locally and used for every future API call.
        /// If fails, returns null.
        /// </returns>
        public static RegisterDeviceResponse RegisterDevice(string partnerId, string mac, string sn, string model, string fwVersion)
            //First, assemble device registration data
            RegistrationData deviceRegData = new RegistrationData(mac, sn, model, fwVersion, partnerId);

            //Send registration request with device registration data as string
            HttpsClientResponse res = WebMethods.RegisterDevice(deviceRegData);

            if (res.Code == 422)
                //Device is already registers
                throw new DeviceAlreadyRegisteredException("Error 422: Device is already registered");
            if (res.Code == 404)
                //Could not find supported device
                throw new DeviceModelNotFoundException("Error 404: Could not find supported device");

            if (res.Code != 201)
                Logging.Notice(@"SyncProApi \ RegisterDevice", res.Code.ToString() + ":" + res.ContentString);
                //Todo: Throw exception - Device already registered.
            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegisterDeviceResponse>(res.ContentString));
        public void Test_RegisterForCourse_StudentIsProfessor()
            MockDatabase <CourseSchedule> mockDB = new MockDatabase <CourseSchedule>(c => c.CourseSchedules);
            RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData(mockDB.Context);

            Student student = new Student
                StudentSchedules = new List <StudentSchedule>(),
                PersonId         = 5

            CourseSchedule schedule = new CourseSchedule
                Capacity         = 3,
                StudentSchedules = new List <StudentSchedule>
                    new StudentSchedule(),
                    new StudentSchedule()
                Schedule = new Schedule
                    StartTime  = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0),
                    TimeBlocks = 1
                ProfessorId = 5

            data.RegisterForCourse(student, schedule);

            Assert.Equal(schedule.StudentSchedules.ToList().Count, 2);
            mockDB.MockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Never());
Exemplo n.º 10
 public PersonalInformationViewModel(RegistrationData data)
     FirstName = data.FirstName;
     LastName  = data.LastName;
     Centre    = data.Centre;
     Email     = data.Email;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="OpenGenericFactoryRegistrationSource"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registrationData">Registration data.</param>
 /// <param name="activatorData">Activator data.</param>
 public OpenGenericFactoryRegistrationSource(
     RegistrationData registrationData,
     SimpleActivatorData activatorData)
     _registrationData = registrationData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(registrationData));
     _activatorData    = activatorData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(activatorData));
        public void SummaryPost_with_valid_information_registers_expected_admin()
            // Given
            const int    centreId   = 7;
            const int    jobGroupId = 1;
            const string email      = "right@email";
            const string professionalRegistrationNumber = "PRN1234";
            var          model = new SummaryViewModel
                Terms = true,
            var data = new RegistrationData
                FirstName    = "First",
                LastName     = "Name",
                Centre       = centreId,
                JobGroup     = jobGroupId,
                PasswordHash = "hash",
                Email        = email,
                ProfessionalRegistrationNumber    = professionalRegistrationNumber,
                HasProfessionalRegistrationNumber = true,

            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId)).Returns((false, email));
            A.CallTo(() => userDataService.GetAdminUserByEmailAddress(email)).Returns(null);
            A.CallTo(() => registrationService.RegisterCentreManager(A <AdminRegistrationModel> ._, A <int> ._, A <bool> ._))

            // When
            var result = controller.Summary(model);

            // Then
                () => registrationService.RegisterCentreManager(
                    A <AdminRegistrationModel> .That.Matches(
                        a =>
                        a.FirstName == data.FirstName &&
                        a.LastName == data.LastName &&
                        a.Email == data.Email ! &&
                        a.Centre == data.Centre !.Value &&
                        a.PasswordHash == data.PasswordHash ! &&
                        a.Active &&
                        a.Approved &&
                        a.IsCentreAdmin &&
                        a.IsCentreManager &&
                        !a.IsContentManager &&
                        !a.ImportOnly &&
                        !a.IsContentCreator &&
                        !a.IsTrainer &&
                        !a.IsSupervisor &&
                        a.ProfessionalRegistrationNumber == professionalRegistrationNumber
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static AbstractUser CreateUser(RegistrationData regData)
            AbstractUser user;

            switch (regData.RootType)
            case RootEnum.Candidate:
                user = new CandidateUser(++Instance.LastId);

            case RootEnum.Manager:
                user = new ManagerUser(++Instance.LastId);

            case RootEnum.Interviewer:
                user = new InterviewerUser(++Instance.LastId);

            case RootEnum.Admin:
                user = new AdminUser(++Instance.LastId);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(regData.RootType), regData.RootType, null);

            user.Profile = regData.Profile;

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// This method passes an Registration Data record to the API to insert the record into the Registration Table in the Event
        /// Registration database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="RegistrationData"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private RegistrationData AddRegistration(Form data)
            this.logger.Trace($"Calling Interface.AddNewRegistration from public form");
            Dictionary <string, string> detailList = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            detailList.Add("School Name", data.SchoolName);
            detailList.Add("Grad Year", data.GradYear.ToString());

            RegistrationData reg = new RegistrationData
                FirstName        = data.FirstName,
                LastName         = data.LastName,
                Address          = data.Address,
                City             = data.City,
                State            = data.State,
                Zipcode          = data.Zipcode,
                EmailAddress     = data.EmailAddress,
                Details          = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(detailList),
                PhoneNumber      = data.PhoneNumber,
                NumberAttending  = data.NbrAttending,
                ProgramEventGuid = Guid.Parse(data.SelectedEvent),
                DuplicateCheck   = false

            // todo: change this to return a status flag, message and data
            // returns a registration data record with ID, GUID,
            var response = Interface.AddNewRegistration(EventRegistrationId, reg);

            // RegistrationData newReg = Interface.AddNewRegistration(EventRegistrationId, reg);
            //if (!good reponse)
            // ?SEt error

Exemplo n.º 15
    public UserViewData Register([FromBody] RegistrationData registration_data)
        string username           = registration_data.Username,
               email              = registration_data.Email,
               email_confirmation = registration_data.EmailConfirmation;

        if (username != null && username != "" && email != null && email != "" && email == email_confirmation)
            var item = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Username == username || t.Email == email);
            if (item == null)
                var new_password_text = PasswordHasher.RandomPassword;
                var new_password      = PasswordHasher.Hash(new_password_text);
                item = new User()
                    Id = _context.User.Max(i => i.Id) + 1, Username = username, Email = email, PasswordHash = new_password.PasswordHash, PasswordSalt = new_password.PasswordSalt
                var apiKey           = StaticMailer._mailOptions.MailApiToken;
                var client           = new SendGridClient(apiKey);
                var from             = new EmailAddress(StaticMailer._mailOptions.MailFrom);
                var subject          = "User account created with temporary password.";
                var to               = new EmailAddress(item.Email);
                var plainTextContent = $"Your User temporary password has set. Your username and password combination is \n\nUsername: {item.Username}\nPassword: {new_password_text}\n";
                var htmlContent      = $"Your User temporary password has set. Your username and password combination is <br />Username: {item.Username}<br />Password: {new_password_text}<br />";
                var msg              = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(from, to, subject, plainTextContent, htmlContent);
                var response         = client.SendEmailAsync(msg).Result;


        throw new Exception("Cannot register.");
        public void Test_ScheduleCourse_ProfessorIsTeachingCourseAtSameTime()
            MockDatabase <CourseSchedule> mockDB = new MockDatabase <CourseSchedule>(c => c.CourseSchedules);
            RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData(mockDB.Context);

            CourseSchedule existingCourseSchedule = new CourseSchedule
                Schedule = new Schedule {
                    StartTime = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0), TimeBlocks = 2
            Person professor = new Person {
                PersonId = 5, CourseSchedules = new List <CourseSchedule> {
            Schedule schedule = new Schedule {
                StartTime = new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0), TimeBlocks = 1
            Course course = new Course
                CourseSchedules = new List <CourseSchedule>

            data.ScheduleCourse(course, schedule, professor, 3);

            mockDB.MockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny <CourseSchedule>()), Times.Never());
            mockDB.MockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Never());
        public void Test_GetNumberOfStudentsInCourse()
            MockDatabase <CourseSchedule> mockDB = new MockDatabase <CourseSchedule>(c => c.CourseSchedules);
            RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData(mockDB.Context);

            CourseSchedule schedule = new CourseSchedule
                Capacity         = 3,
                StudentSchedules = new List <StudentSchedule>
                    new StudentSchedule {
                        Enrolled = true
                    new StudentSchedule {
                        Enrolled = false
                    new StudentSchedule {
                        Enrolled = true


            int expected = 2;
            int actual   = data.GetNumberOfStudentsInCourse(schedule);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void SetAdminRegistrationData(int centreId)
            var adminRegistrationData = new RegistrationData(centreId);

Exemplo n.º 19
        private static IRegistrationData GetRegistrationData(RegulationType regulationType)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter username");
            var username = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter password");
            var password = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter email");
            var email = Console.ReadLine();

            var regularData = new RegistrationData()
                Username = username,
                Password = password,
                Email    = email

            switch (regulationType)
            case RegulationType.Regular:

            case RegulationType.Danish:

            case RegulationType.Polish:

                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented regulation type");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public async Task PerformAnnouncement(RegistrationToken token)
            var config           = _configuration.Value;
            var registrationData = new RegistrationData()
                EndpointPort     = config.OwnHttpPort,
                RegistrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SessionId        = token.SessionId,
                UserId           = token.UserId,
                Username         = token.Username

            var registrationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(registrationData);

            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) {
                var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, config.HubUrl + "/Registrations/AnnounceRegistration")
                    Content = new StringContent(registrationJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

                var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request);

                if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Non-Successful status code for registration");
 public void sendRegistrationData(RegistrationData registrationData, MethodReferenceWithResponse responseHandler)
     Response response = (Response)gameObject.AddComponent<Response>();
     bool inHandler = true;
     Debug.Log("Attempting registration...");
     if (registrationData.password.Equals (registrationData.passwordConfirm)) {
         Debug.Log("Creating user builder");
         KiiUser.Builder builder;
         builder = KiiUser.BuilderWithName (registrationData.username);
         KiiUser user = builder.Build();
         Debug.Log("Attempting signup...");
         user.Register(registrationData.password, (KiiUser user2, Exception e) => {
             if (e != null) {
                 response.error = true;
                 response.message = "Signup failed: " + e.ToString();
                 inHandler = false;
                 Debug.Log ("Signup failed: " + e.ToString());
             } else {
                 response.error = false;
                 response.message = "";
                 inHandler = false;
                 Debug.Log ("Signup succeeded");
     } else {
         response.error = true;
         response.message = "Passwords don't match!";
         inHandler = false;
     // Calling response handler:
     while(inHandler) {}
Exemplo n.º 22
    private void txtCredit_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TextBox txtCredit = (TextBox)sender;

        uint chknum;

        if (!uint.TryParse(txtCredit.Text, out chknum))
            lblAlertAdvisor.Text = "กรุณาระบุ จำนวนหน่วยกิตเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น";
            lblAlertAdvisor.Text = "";
            int course_index = Convert.ToInt16(txtCredit.ID.Substring(6));
            List <RegistrationData> ApproveRegisData = new List <RegistrationData>();
            RegistrationData        Select_Course    = studentRegisData[course_index - 1];

            if (Session["ApproveRegis"] != null)
                ApproveRegisData = (List <RegistrationData>)Session["ApproveRegis"];
                foreach (RegistrationData data in ApproveRegisData)
                    if (Select_Course.Academic_Year == data.Academic_Year && Select_Course.Semester == data.Semester && Select_Course.Course_Code == data.Course_Code && Select_Course.Sec_No == data.Sec_No && Select_Course.SubSec_No == data.SubSec_No)
                        data.Credit = Convert.ToUInt16(txtCredit.Text);

                Session["ApproveRegis"] = ApproveRegisData;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Register_Returns_BadRequest(
            string email,
            string password,
            string firstName,
            string lastName)
            // Arrange
            var loginService        = Substitute.For <ILoginService>();
            var registrationService = Substitute.For <IRegistrationService>();
            var authController      =
                new AuthController(loginService, registrationService);
            var registrationData = new RegistrationData()
                Email     = email,
                Password  = password,
                FirstName = firstName,
                LastName  = lastName

            // Act
            var actionResult = authController.Register(registrationData);

            // Assert
            var isBadRequest = actionResult is BadRequestObjectResult;

Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult UserProfile(UserProfileModel model)
            // Set States on the model. We need to do this because only the value selected
            // in the DropDownList is posted back, not the whole list of states
            model.States       = GetStatesFromDB();
            model.Roles        = GetRolesFromDB();
            model.FacilityList = GetFacilityListFromDB();

            // In case everything is fine - i.e. "FirstName", "LastName" and "State" are entered/selected,
            // redirect a user to the "ViewProfile" page, and pass the user object along via Session
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // get ready to call service layer to do some work

                // pedestrain way
                RegistrationData regData1 = new RegistrationData {
                    Name = model.GetName, State = model.State

                // kool kidz sez, yuz AutoMapper 5.
                Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <UserProfileModel, RegistrationData>());
                RegistrationData regData2 = Mapper.Map <RegistrationData>(model);

                // Call the service
                bool result = DoAllTheThings.RegisterUser(regData2);

                // Show results
                Session["UserProfileModel"] = model;

            // Something is not right - re-render the registration page, keeping user-entered data
            // and display validation errors
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void ChangeStatus(RegistrationData model)
                Registration obj = (from a in dbRegistration.Table
                                    where a.Id == model.Id
                                    select a).FirstOrDefault <Registration>();

                if (obj.Status == true)
                    obj.Status = false;
                    obj.Status = true;

            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static void CreateHeader(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            RegistrationData registrationData = GetRegistrationData();

            ColumnText column1 = Document.GetNewColumn(50, Document.Height - 17, 100, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_GV_212, column1, Document.GetLargeFont(true));

            //VOSA Logo
            var rawData = ImageHelper.LoadFromResourcesAsByteArray("Vosa");

            Document.AddImage(rawData, 100, 45, Document.Width - 115, Document.Height - 60);

            var column2 = new ColumnText(Document.ContentByte);

            column2.SetSimpleColumn(50, Document.Height - 50, 500, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_REGISTER_OF_TACHOGRAPH_PLAQUES_ISSUES, column2, Document.GetLargeFont(true));
            Document.DrawLine(50, Document.Top - 38, 540, Document.Top - 38);

            ColumnText column3 = Document.GetNewColumn(50, Document.Height - 80, 200, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_NAME_OF_TACHOGRAPH_CENTER, column3);
            Document.DrawLine(200, Document.Top - 63, 540, Document.Top - 63);

            //Tachograph Centre Name
            ColumnText centreNameColumn = Document.GetNewColumn(210, Document.Height - 80, 600, 100);

            Document.AddSmallParagraph(GetCompanyName(registrationData), centreNameColumn);

            ColumnText column4 = Document.GetNewColumn(50, Document.Height - 105, 220, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_SEAL_OF_TACHOGRAPH_CENTER, column4);
            Document.DrawLine(220, Document.Top - 87, 320, Document.Top - 87);

            //Seal number
            ColumnText sealNumberColumn = Document.GetNewColumn(230, Document.Height - 104, 300, 100);

            Document.AddSmallParagraph(registrationData.SealNumber, sealNumberColumn);

            ColumnText column5 = Document.GetNewColumn(50, Document.Height - 130, 435, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_REGISTER_BETWEEN, column5);
            Document.DrawLine(145, Document.Top - 111, 220, Document.Top - 111);

            //Register Start Date
            ColumnText startColumn = Document.GetNewColumn(145, Document.Height - 128, 220, 100);

            Document.AddSmallParagraph(start.ToString(Constants.DateFormat), startColumn);

            ColumnText column6 = Document.GetNewColumn(230, Document.Height - 130, 435, 100);

            Document.AddParagraph(Resources.TXT_AND, column6);
            Document.DrawLine(258, Document.Top - 111, 344, Document.Top - 111);

            //Register end date
            ColumnText endColumn = Document.GetNewColumn(258, Document.Height - 128, 350, 100);

            Document.AddSmallParagraph(end.ToString(Constants.DateFormat), endColumn);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public LearnerInformationViewModel(RegistrationData data, bool isSelfRegistration)
     JobGroup = data.JobGroup;
     ProfessionalRegistrationNumber    = data.ProfessionalRegistrationNumber;
     HasProfessionalRegistrationNumber = data.HasProfessionalRegistrationNumber;
     IsSelfRegistrationOrEdit          = isSelfRegistration;
Exemplo n.º 28
    public void sendRegistrationData(RegistrationData registrationData, MethodReferenceWithResponse responseHandler)
        Response response = (Response)gameObject.AddComponent<Response>();

        Debug.Log("Sending registration request to Kii Cloud");

        if (registrationData.password.Equals (registrationData.passwordConfirm)) {
            Debug.Log("Creating user builder");
            KiiUser.Builder builder;
            builder = KiiUser.BuilderWithName (registrationData.username);
            KiiUser user = builder.Build();
            try {
                    user.Register (registrationData.password);
                    response.error = false;
                    response.message = "";
                    Debug.Log ("User registration successful");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                    response.error = true;
                    response.message = e.Message;
                    Debug.Log (e.Message);
        } else {
            response.error = true;
            response.message = "Passwords don't match!";

        // Calling response handler:
Exemplo n.º 29
        public async Task StoreRegistrationAsync(RegistrationData registrationData)
            if (registrationData is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(registrationData));

            await InitAsync();

            var currentRegistrations = await GetCurrentRegistrationsAsync();

            if (currentRegistrations.Any(reg => reg.SessionId == registrationData.SessionId))

            var matchingRegistrations = currentRegistrations.Where(reg => reg.UserId == registrationData.UserId).ToArray();

            foreach (var registration in matchingRegistrations)

            var updatedRegistrationsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentRegistrations);
            await _redisDb.StringSetAsync(RegistrationsKey, updatedRegistrationsJson);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void SummaryPost_with_admin_registration_not_allowed_throws_error(
            bool autoRegistered,
            string autoRegisterManagerEmail,
            string userEmail
            // Given
            const int centreId = 7;
            var       model    = new SummaryViewModel
                Terms = true,
            var data = new RegistrationData {
                Centre = centreId, Email = userEmail

            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreName(centreId)).Returns("My centre");
            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId))
            .Returns((autoRegistered, autoRegisterManagerEmail));

            // When
            var result = controller.Summary(model);

            // Then
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void PersonalInformationPost_with_correct_unique_email_is_allowed()
            // Given
            const int    centreId = 7;
            const string email    = "right@email";
            var          model    = new PersonalInformationViewModel
                FirstName = "Test",
                LastName  = "User",
                Centre    = centreId,
                Email     = email,
            var data = new RegistrationData(centreId);

            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId)).Returns((false, email));
            A.CallTo(() => userDataService.GetAdminUserByEmailAddress(email)).Returns(null);

            // When
            var result = controller.PersonalInformation(model);

            // Then
            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId)).MustHaveHappened(1, Times.Exactly);
            A.CallTo(() => userDataService.GetAdminUserByEmailAddress(email)).MustHaveHappened(1, Times.Exactly);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void PersonalInformationPost_with_email_already_in_use_fails_validation()
            // Given
            const int    centreId = 7;
            const string email    = "right@email";
            var          model    = new PersonalInformationViewModel
                FirstName = "Test",
                LastName  = "User",
                Centre    = centreId,
                Email     = email,
            var data = new RegistrationData(centreId);

            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId)).Returns((false, email));
            A.CallTo(() => userDataService.GetAdminUserByEmailAddress(email)).Returns(new AdminUser());

            // When
            var result = controller.PersonalInformation(model);

            // Then
            A.CallTo(() => centresDataService.GetCentreAutoRegisterValues(centreId)).MustHaveHappened(1, Times.Exactly);
            A.CallTo(() => userDataService.GetAdminUserByEmailAddress(email)).MustHaveHappened(1, Times.Exactly);
            public void FromAndToMustDiffer()
                var ad = new LightweightAdapterActivatorData(new TypedService(typeof(object)), (c, p, t) => new object());
                var rd = new RegistrationData(new TypedService(typeof(object)));

                Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
                    new LightweightAdapterRegistrationSource(rd, ad));
            public AdaptingFromOneServiceToAnother()
                var ad = new LightweightAdapterActivatorData(_from, (c, p, t) => new object());
                var rd = new RegistrationData(_to);
                _subject = new LightweightAdapterRegistrationSource(rd, ad);

                _adaptedTo = _subject.RegistrationsFor(_to, s => _adaptedFrom);
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// http://tent.io/docs/app-auth
        /// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10654383/wcf-post-json-object
        /// http://blog.manglar.com/json-post-request/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="timeout"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RegisterApplication(string server, RegistrationData registrationData, int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

                #region Request
                HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}/apps", server)) as HttpWebRequest;

                request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
                request.Timeout = timeout;
                request.ContentType = TENT_CONTENT_TYPE;
                request.Accept = TENT_CONTENT_TYPE;

                DataContractJsonSerializer requestJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(RegistrationData));
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
                requestJsonSerializer.WriteObject(writer.BaseStream, registrationData);


                #region Response
                using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                    if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format(
                            "Server error (HTTP {0}: {1}).",
                        DataContractJsonSerializer responseJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(RegistrationData));

                        RegistrationData jsonResponse = responseJsonSerializer.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream()) as RegistrationData;

                        // Testing - this whole thing isn't done yet. We're through step one, but now we need to keep slingin shit back and forth
                        // until the OAuth is completed.
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        responseJsonSerializer.WriteObject(ms, jsonResponse);
                        ms.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
                        return sr.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public OpenGenericRegistrationSource(
            RegistrationData registrationData,
            ReflectionActivatorData activatorData)
            if (registrationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("registrationData");
            if (activatorData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("activatorData");

            OpenGenericServiceBinder.EnforceBindable(activatorData.ImplementationType, registrationData.Services);

            _registrationData = registrationData;
            _activatorData = activatorData;
        public LightweightAdapterRegistrationSource(
            RegistrationData registrationData,
            LightweightAdapterActivatorData activatorData)
            if (registrationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(registrationData));
            if (activatorData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(activatorData));

            _registrationData = registrationData;
            _activatorData = activatorData;

            if (registrationData.Services.Contains(activatorData.FromService))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, LightweightAdapterRegistrationSourceResources.FromAndToMustDiffer, activatorData.FromService));
Exemplo n.º 38
        private static void ScanAssembly(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, Assembly assembly)
            var types = assembly.GetTypes()
                .Where(type => (type.IsClass && !type.IsAbstract) && (!type.IsGenericTypeDefinition && !type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate))))

            foreach (var type in types)
                var implementedInterfaces = GetImplementedInterfaces(type);
                if (!implementedInterfaces.Any())

                if (!HasMarkerAttribute(type))
                    var interfaceName = "I" + type.Name;
                    if (implementedInterfaces.All(interfaceType => interfaceType.Name != interfaceName))

                var typedService = new TypedService(type);
                var data = new RegistrationData(typedService);

                        t =>
                            if (t.FullName == null)
                                return new TypedService(t.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
                            return new TypedService(t);

                if (IsSingleInstancing(typedService.ServiceType))
                    data.Sharing = InstanceSharing.Shared;
                    data.Lifetime = new RootScopeLifetime();
                else if (IsInstancingPerLifetimeScope(typedService.ServiceType))
                    data.Sharing = InstanceSharing.Shared;
                    data.Lifetime = new MatchingScopeLifetime(LifetimeScopeTags.RequestScope);

                var registration = RegistrationBuilder.CreateRegistration(
                    Guid.NewGuid(), data, new ConcreteReflectionActivatorData(typedService.ServiceType).Activator, data.Services);

        public LightweightAdapterRegistrationSource(
            RegistrationData registrationData,
            LightweightAdapterActivatorData activatorData)
            if (registrationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("registrationData");
            if (activatorData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("activatorData");

            _registrationData = registrationData;
            _activatorData = activatorData;

            if (registrationData.Services.Contains(activatorData.FromService))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                    "The service {0} cannot be both the adapter's from and to parameters - these must differ.", activatorData.FromService));
        public OpenGenericDecoratorRegistrationSource(
            RegistrationData registrationData,
            OpenGenericDecoratorActivatorData activatorData)
            if (registrationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("registrationData");
            if (activatorData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("activatorData");

            OpenGenericServiceBinder.EnforceBindable(activatorData.ImplementationType, registrationData.Services);

            if (registrationData.Services.Contains((Service)activatorData.FromService))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                    "The service {0} cannot be both the adapter's from and to parameters - these must differ.", activatorData.FromService));

            _registrationData = registrationData;
            _activatorData = activatorData;
        public OpenGenericDecoratorRegistrationSource(
            RegistrationData registrationData,
            OpenGenericDecoratorActivatorData activatorData)
            if (registrationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("registrationData");
            if (activatorData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("activatorData");

            OpenGenericServiceBinder.EnforceBindable(activatorData.ImplementationType, registrationData.Services);

            if (registrationData.Services.Contains((Service)activatorData.FromService))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, OpenGenericDecoratorRegistrationSourceResources.FromAndToMustDiffer, activatorData.FromService));

            _registrationData = registrationData;
            _activatorData = activatorData;
Exemplo n.º 42
		public AssemblyRegistrar( CommandLineParser parser )
			m_parser = parser;
			m_regData = new RegistrationData( parser.RegistrationPath, parser.IsProtectOnly );
 public void Notify(RegistrationData registrationData)
    protected void btnSave_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (Page.IsValid)
            // step 1: create account using registration model (single user role)
            int curr_default_role_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserRoles.SelectedValue);

            RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData();
            data.scope_id = 1;
            data.invite_code = "";
            data.space_code = "";
            data.campaign_code = "";
            data.mobile_number = "";
            data.email = txtEmail.Text;
            data.username = txtUserName.Text;
            data.password = "";
            data.firstname = txtFirstName.Text;
            data.lastname = txtLastName.Text;
            data.degrees = "";
            data.position = "";
            data.agency = "";
            data.division = "";
            data.address = "";
            data.address2 = "";
            data.city = "";
            data.state = "";
            data.postal_code = "";
            data.work_phone = "";
            data.first_event = "";
            data.dob = "";
            data.gender = "";
            data.ethnicity = "";
            data.race = "";
            data.profession = "";
            data.employment_setting = "";
            data.employment_location = "";
            data.employment_sites = "";
            data.registration_type = "manager";
            data.registration_notes = "";
            data.default_role_id = curr_default_role_id;
            data.browser = "";
            data.platform = "";

            qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User();
            user = UserFunctions.RegisterNewUser(data);

            user.RegistrationNotes = txtRegistrationNotes.Text;
            user.RegistrationType = ddlRegistrationTypes.SelectedValue;

            // process functional roles
            if (plhFunctionalRoles.Visible == true)
                string sqlCode = string.Empty;
                string returnMessage = string.Empty;
                qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();

                // first delete all existing roles
                sqlCode = "DELETE FROM qLrn_UserFunctionalRoles WHERE UserID = " + user.UserID;

                // create records for all new roles
                int n;
                string selectedItems = string.Empty;

                n = 0;
                foreach (ListItem item in cblFunctionalRoles.Items)
                    if (item.Selected)
                        sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qLrn_UserFunctionalRoles (UserID, FunctionalRoleID)";
                        sqlCode += " VALUES (" + user.UserID + "," + item.Value + ")";

                        if (n > 0)
                            selectedItems += "," + item.Value;
                            selectedItems += item.Value;

                int daysBetweenTrainings = 0;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Learning_DaysBetweenTrainings"]))
                    daysBetweenTrainings = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Learning_DaysBetweenTrainings"]);
                int daysTillUnavailable = 5000;
                DateTime seedDate = DateTime.Now;
                string trainingMode = "open";
                string surveyRequired = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Learning_SurveyRequired"]);

                qLrn_UserTraining.manageUserTrainings(user.UserID, daysBetweenTrainings, daysTillUnavailable, trainingMode, "add", 0, seedDate, surveyRequired);

                // redirect to new user tools page
                Response.Redirect("member-profile.aspx?userID=" + user.UserID);
        public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service,
            Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
            var serviceWithType = service as IServiceWithType;
            if (serviceWithType != null)
                object instance;
                if (_core.TryResolve(serviceWithType.ServiceType, out instance))
                    var data = new RegistrationData(service)
                        Sharing = InstanceSharing.Shared,
                        Lifetime = new RootScopeLifetime()

                    yield return
                        RegistrationBuilder.CreateRegistration(Guid.NewGuid(), data,
                            new ProvidedInstanceActivator(instance), new[] { service });
Exemplo n.º 46
 protected virtual void SetLifetimeScope(DependencyLifecycle lifecycle, RegistrationData data)
     if (lifecycle == DependencyLifecycle.SingleInstance)
         data.Sharing = InstanceSharing.Shared;
         data.Lifetime = new RootScopeLifetime();
     if (lifecycle == DependencyLifecycle.TransientInstance)
         data.Sharing = InstanceSharing.None;
         data.Lifetime = new CurrentScopeLifetime();
         "SetLifetimeScope(DependencyLifecycle dependencyLifecycle, IRegistrationBuilder<object, ConcreteReflectionActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle> builder)");