// register x - initially loaded with x
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // control - control bit
        // other registers - initially 0
        // after computation register B changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            ulong power2 = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++, power2 *= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.AddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

            // if control == 0
            // then B register contains still 0
            // so we copy X register into B register
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);
        public static void AddModuloQFTPhi(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, ctrl, b, controls };
                comp.AddParametricGate("AddModuloQFTPhi", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            comp.AddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);
            comp.InverseAddQFTPhi(N, b);

            comp.CNot(ctrl, b[b.Width - 1]);

            comp.AddQFTPhi(N, b, ctrl);
            comp.InverseAddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);

            comp.SigmaX(b[b.Width - 1]);
            comp.CNot(ctrl, b[b.Width - 1]);
            comp.SigmaX(b[b.Width - 1]);

            comp.AddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // register A - initially loaded with a
        // register B - initially loaded with b
        // register C - initially 0, exactly one bit wider than A, stores overflow bit
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // after computation in register B: (a+b) mod N
        // other registers dont change their states
        // register B must be exactly one bit wider than A to store carry bit
        // register B must be exactly one bit wider than N to store carry bit
        // registers A, N must be the same length
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void AddModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            ulong valueN)
            RegisterRef carry    = b[b.Width - 1];
            RegisterRef overflow = c[c.Width - 1];

            comp.Add(a, b, c);
            comp.InverseAdd(N, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);

            //resetting N
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.Add(N, b, c);

            // now we have [(a+b) mod N] in B register
            // next steps lead to recover the initial state of registers N and overflow bit

            //setting N back
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(a, b, c);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register b - initially loaded with 0
        // after computation register b changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Secure version: throws Exceptions if arguments are invalid
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register x,
            Register b,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, x, b, control, valueA, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("CMultModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(x, b, valueN);

            Register a = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width - 1);
            Register c = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width);
            Register N = comp.NewRegister(valueN, x.Width - 1);

            comp.CMultModulo(a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN);

            comp.DeleteRegister(ref N);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref c);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref a);
 public static void InverseAddModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     Validate(a, b, N);
     comp.InverseAddModuloQFTPhi(a, N, ctrl, b, controls);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void InverseAddModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            ulong valueN)
            RegisterRef carry    = b[b.Width - 1];
            RegisterRef overflow = c[c.Width - 1];

            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(a, b, c);

            //resetting N:
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.InverseAdd(N, b, c);

            //setting N back:
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(N, b, c);
            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
        public static void ControlledUaGate(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register x, Register reg0, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("ControlledUaGate", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(x, N);

            int? invA = Quantum.Utils.InversionModulo((int)a, (int)N);

            if (invA == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No inversion for specified a = " + a);

            comp.MultModuloQFT(a, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control);
            comp.Swap(x, reg0, control);
            comp.InverseMultModuloQFT((ulong)invA, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Swap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(r1, r2);

            Register root    = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2, control);
            int      target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;
            int      ctrl    = control.OffsetToRoot;

            for (int i = 0; i < r1.Width; i++)
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target2 + i], root[target1 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target2 + i, target1 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void AddModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     Validate(a, b, N);
     comp.AddModuloQFTPhi(a, N, ctrl, b, controls);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void CNot(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef control)
            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control, target);
            int c = control.OffsetToRoot;
            int t = target.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(t, c);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void CNot(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef control)
            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control, target);
            int      c    = control.OffsetToRoot;
            int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(t, c);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Swaps the values of two given qubits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The <see cref="Quantum.QuantumComputer"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="r1">The reference to the first swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="r2">The reference to the second swapped qubit.</param>
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2);
            int target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target1, target2);
            root.CNot(target2, target1);
            root.CNot(target1, target2);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Swaps the values of two given qubits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The <see cref="Quantum.QuantumComputer"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="r1">The reference to the first swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="r2">The reference to the second swapped qubit.</param>
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
            Register root    = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2);
            int      target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target1, target2);
            root.CNot(target2, target1);
            root.CNot(target1, target2);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the least significant bit of sum of two given bits.
        /// Used with <see cref="Carry(QuantumComputer, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef)"/> to perform addition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The QuantumComputer instance.</param>
        /// <param name="refA">The reference to first qubit being sumed.</param>
        /// <param name="refB">The reference to second qubit being sumed.</param>
        /// <param name="refTarget">The reference to qubit for storing the result.</param>
        public static void Sum(this QuantumComputer comp,
                               RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
            Register root   = comp.GetRootRegister(refA, refB, refTarget);
            int      a      = refA.OffsetToRoot;
            int      b      = refB.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target = refTarget.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target, a);
            root.CNot(target, b);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Inversion of <see cref="Carry(QuantumComputer, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef)"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The QuantumComputer instance.</param>
        /// <param name="rc0">The reference to previous carry qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="ra0">The reference to qubit, for which the carry bit was computed, in the first register.</param>
        /// <param name="rb0">The reference to qubit, for which the carry bit was computed, in the second register.</param>
        /// <param name="rc1">The reference to qubit storing the resulted carry value.</param>
        public static void InverseCarry(this QuantumComputer comp,
                                        RegisterRef rc0, RegisterRef ra0, RegisterRef rb0, RegisterRef rc1)
            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1);
            int      c0   = rc0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      a0   = ra0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      b0   = rb0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      c1   = rc1.OffsetToRoot;

            root.Toffoli(c1, c0, b0);
            root.CNot(b0, a0);
            root.Toffoli(c1, a0, b0);
        public static void MultModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register x, Register b, RegisterRef control)
            Validate(a, b, N);

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine("MultModulo i = {2}, a = {0}, N = {1}", a, N, i);
                comp.AddModuloQFTPhi(((((ulong)1 << i) * a) % N), N, ctrl, b, x[i], control);

Exemplo n.º 17
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void InverseCMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseCMultModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            // if control == 0
            // then the X register is copied into B register
            // so we uncopy it remaining 0
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);

            ulong power2 = (ulong)(Math.Pow(2, x.Width - 1));

            for (int i = x.Width - 1;
                 i >= 0;
                 i--, power2 /= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // inverse adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.InverseAddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static void PhaseKick(this QuantumComputer comp, double gamma, RegisterRef target, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     if (controls.Length == 0)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.PhaseKick(gamma, t);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target, comp.GetRootRegister(controls));
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.PhaseKick(gamma, t, controls.Select <RegisterRef, int>(x => x.OffsetToRoot).ToArray <int>());
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void InverseCPhaseShift(this QuantumComputer comp, int dist, RegisterRef target, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     if (controls.Length == 0)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.InverseCPhaseShift(dist, t);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target, comp.GetRootRegister(controls));
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.InverseCPhaseShift(dist, t, controls.Select <RegisterRef, int>(x => x.OffsetToRoot).ToArray <int>());
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void InverseSwap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2 };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseSwap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            comp.Swap(r1, r2);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void CPhaseShift(this QuantumComputer comp, int dist, RegisterRef target, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     if (controls.Length == 0)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.CPhaseShift(dist, t);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target, comp.GetRootRegister(controls));
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.CPhaseShift(dist, t, controls.Select<RegisterRef, int>(x => x.OffsetToRoot).ToArray<int>());
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void InverseSwap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseSwap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            comp.Swap(r1, r2, control);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void InverseSum(this QuantumComputer comp,
                                      RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, refA, refB, refTarget };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Sum", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            comp.Sum(refA, refB, refTarget);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static void RotateZ(this QuantumComputer comp, double gamma, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef?control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int      c    = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.RotateZ(gamma, t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.RotateZ(gamma, t);
        public static void MultModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, Register x, Register b, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, x, b, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("MultModuloQFT", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register ctrl = comp.NewRegister(0, 1);
            comp.MultModuloQFT(a, N, ctrl, x, b, control);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static void Hadamard(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef? control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int c = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Hadamard(t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static void Gate1(this QuantumComputer comp, Complex[,] matrix, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef?control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int      c    = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Gate1(matrix, t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Gate1(matrix, t);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static void Hadamard(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef?control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int      c    = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Hadamard(t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int      t    = target.OffsetToRoot;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static void Gate1(this QuantumComputer comp, Complex[,] matrix, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef? control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int c = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Gate1(matrix, t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.Gate1(matrix, t);
Exemplo n.º 30
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // control - control bit
        // other registers - initially 0
        // after computation register B changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("CMultModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            ulong power2 = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++, power2 *= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.AddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

            // if control == 0
            // then B register contains still 0
            // so we copy X register into B register
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);
        public static void InverseControlledUaGate(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register x, Register reg0, RegisterRef control)
            Validate(x, N);

            int? invA = Utils.InversionModulo((int)a, (int)N);

            if (invA == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No inversion for specified a");

            //Console.WriteLine("InverseControlledUa a = {0}, N = {1}", a, N);

            comp.MultModuloQFT((ulong)invA, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control);
            comp.Swap(reg0[0, reg0.Width - 1], x, control);
            comp.InverseMultModuloQFT(a, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control);
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // control - control bit
        // other registers - initially 0
        // after computation register B changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("CMultModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            ulong power2 = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++, power2 *= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.AddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

            // if control == 0
            // then B register contains still 0
            // so we copy X register into B register
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);
        public static void InverseControlledUaGate(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, Register x, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, x, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseControlledUaGate", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register ctrl = comp.NewRegister(0, 1);
            Register reg0 = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width);
            comp.InverseControlledUaGate(a, N, ctrl, x, reg0, control);
Exemplo n.º 34
        public static void AddModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, ctrl, b, controls };
                comp.AddParametricGate("AddModuloQFT", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(a, b, N);
            comp.AddModuloQFTPhi(a, N, ctrl, b, controls);
        public static void AddModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, ctrl, b, controls };
                comp.AddParametricGate("AddModuloQFT", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(a, b, N);
            comp.AddModuloQFTPhi(a, N, ctrl, b, controls);
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// The controlled Swap. Swaps the values of two given qubits, if the control qubit is set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The <see cref="Quantum.QuantumComputer"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="r1">The reference to the first swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="r2">The reference to the second swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="control">The reference to the control qubit.</param>
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
            Validate(r1, r2);

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2, control);
            int target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;
            int ctrl = control.OffsetToRoot;

            for (int i = 0; i < r1.Width; i++)
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target2 + i], root[target1 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target2 + i, target1 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// The controlled Swap. Swaps the values of two given qubits, if the control qubit is set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp">The <see cref="Quantum.QuantumComputer"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="r1">The reference to the first swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="r2">The reference to the second swapped qubit.</param>
        /// <param name="control">The reference to the control qubit.</param>
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
            Validate(r1, r2);

            Register root    = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2, control);
            int      target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;
            int      ctrl    = control.OffsetToRoot;

            for (int i = 0; i < r1.Width; i++)
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target2 + i], root[target1 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target2 + i, target1 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
Exemplo n.º 38
        // register A - initially loaded with a
        // register B - initially loaded with b
        // register C - initially 0, exactly one bit wider than A, stores overflow bit
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // after computation in register B: (a+b) mod N
        // other registers dont change their states
        // register B must be exactly one bit wider than A to store carry bit
        // register B must be exactly one bit wider than N to store carry bit
        // registers A, N must be the same length
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void AddModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, b, c, N, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("AddModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            RegisterRef carry    = b[b.Width - 1];
            RegisterRef overflow = c[c.Width - 1];

            comp.Add(a, b, c);
            comp.InverseAdd(N, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);

            //resetting N
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.Add(N, b, c);

            // now we have [(a+b) mod N] in B register
            // next steps lead to recover the initial state of registers N and overflow bit

            //setting N back
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(a, b, c);
Exemplo n.º 39
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register b - initially loaded with 0
        // after computation register b changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Secure version: throws Exceptions if arguments are invalid
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register x,
            Register b,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            Validate(x, b, valueN);

            Register a = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width - 1);
            Register c = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width);
            Register N = comp.NewRegister(valueN, x.Width - 1);

            comp.CMultModulo(a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN);

            comp.DeleteRegister(ref N);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref c);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref a);
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register b - initially loaded with 0
        // after computation register b changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Secure version: throws Exceptions if arguments are invalid
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register x,
            Register b,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            Validate(x, b, valueN);

            Register a = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width - 1);
            Register c = comp.NewRegister(0, x.Width);
            Register N = comp.NewRegister(valueN, x.Width - 1);

            comp.CMultModulo(a, b, c, N, x, control, valueA, valueN);

            comp.DeleteRegister(ref N);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref c);
            comp.DeleteRegister(ref a);
        public static void InverseAddModuloQFTPhi(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register b, params RegisterRef[] controls)
            comp.InverseAddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);

            comp.SigmaX(b[b.Width - 1]);
            comp.CNot(ctrl, b[b.Width - 1]);
            comp.SigmaX(b[b.Width - 1]);

            comp.AddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);
            comp.InverseAddQFTPhi(N, b, ctrl);

            comp.CNot(ctrl, b[b.Width - 1]);

            comp.AddQFTPhi(N, b);
            comp.InverseAddQFTPhi(a, b, controls);
Exemplo n.º 42
        // Swap two bits
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2 };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Swap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root    = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2);
            int      target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target1, target2);
            root.CNot(target2, target1);
            root.CNot(target1, target2);
Exemplo n.º 43
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void InverseAddModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            ulong valueN)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, b, c, N, valueN };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseAddModulo", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            RegisterRef carry    = b[b.Width - 1];
            RegisterRef overflow = c[c.Width - 1];

            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(a, b, c);

            //resetting N:
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.InverseAdd(N, b, c);

            //setting N back:
            comp.LoadNumber(N, valueN, overflow);

            comp.CNot(overflow, carry);
            comp.Add(N, b, c);
            comp.InverseAdd(a, b, c);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static void Sum(this QuantumComputer comp,
                               RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, refA, refB, refTarget };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Sum", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root   = comp.GetRootRegister(refA, refB, refTarget);
            int      a      = refA.OffsetToRoot;
            int      b      = refB.OffsetToRoot;
            int      target = refTarget.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target, a);
            root.CNot(target, b);
        public static void InverseMultModuloQFT(this QuantumComputer comp, ulong a, ulong N, RegisterRef ctrl, Register x, Register b, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, a, N, ctrl, x, b, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseMultModuloQFT", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(a, b, N);

            for (int i = x.Width - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                comp.InverseAddModuloQFTPhi(((((ulong)1 << i) * a) % N), N, ctrl, b, x[i], control);

Exemplo n.º 46
        // Oracle is working on input register x (of width n)
        // and output register y (of width 1)
        public static void Oracle(this QuantumComputer comp, int target, Register x, Register y)
            var controlBits = new RegisterRef[x.Width];

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                if ((target & (1 << i)) == 0)
                controlBits[i] = x[i];

            comp.Toffoli(y[0], controlBits);                    // Toffoli(<target_bit>, ... <control_bits> ...)

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                if ((target & (1 << i)) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 47
        public static void InverseCarry(this QuantumComputer comp,
                                        RegisterRef rc0, RegisterRef ra0, RegisterRef rb0, RegisterRef rc1)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1 };
                comp.AddParametricGate("InverseCarry", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1);
            int      c0   = rc0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      a0   = ra0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      b0   = rb0.OffsetToRoot;
            int      c1   = rc1.OffsetToRoot;

            root.Toffoli(c1, c0, b0);
            root.CNot(b0, a0);
            root.Toffoli(c1, a0, b0);
Exemplo n.º 48
        // register x - initially loaded with x
        // register N - initially loaded with N
        // control - control bit
        // other registers - initially 0
        // after computation register B changes and contains: [(a*x) mod N]
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void CMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            ulong power2 = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++, power2 *= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.AddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

            // if control == 0
            // then B register contains still 0
            // so we copy X register into B register
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);
Exemplo n.º 49
        public static void Carry(this QuantumComputer comp,
            RegisterRef rc0, RegisterRef ra0, RegisterRef rb0, RegisterRef rc1)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1 };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Carry", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1);
            int c0 = rc0.OffsetToRoot;
            int a0 = ra0.OffsetToRoot;
            int b0 = rb0.OffsetToRoot;
            int c1 = rc1.OffsetToRoot;

            root.Toffoli(c1, a0, b0);
            root.CNot(b0, a0);
            root.Toffoli(c1, c0, b0);
Exemplo n.º 50
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2, control };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Swap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Validate(r1, r2);

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2, control);
            int target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;
            int ctrl = control.OffsetToRoot;

            for (int i = 0; i < r1.Width; i++)
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target2 + i], root[target1 + i], root[ctrl]);
                //comp.Toffoli(root[target1 + i], root[target2 + i], root[ctrl]);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target2 + i, target1 + i, ctrl);
                root.Toffoli(target1 + i, target2 + i, ctrl);
Exemplo n.º 51
        // Swap two bits
        public static void Swap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, r1, r2 };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Swap", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(r1, r2);
            int target1 = r1.OffsetToRoot;
            int target2 = r2.OffsetToRoot;

            root.CNot(target1, target2);
            root.CNot(target2, target1);
            root.CNot(target1, target2);
Exemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Inversion of <see cref="Carry(QuantumComputer, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef)"/> method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comp">The QuantumComputer instance.</param>
 /// <param name="rc0">The reference to previous carry qubit.</param>
 /// <param name="ra0">The reference to qubit, for which the carry bit was computed, in the first register.</param>
 /// <param name="rb0">The reference to qubit, for which the carry bit was computed, in the second register.</param>
 /// <param name="rc1">The reference to qubit storing the resulted carry value.</param>
 public static void InverseCarry(this QuantumComputer comp,
     RegisterRef rc0, RegisterRef ra0, RegisterRef rb0, RegisterRef rc1)
     Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(rc0, ra0, rb0, rc1);
     int c0 = rc0.OffsetToRoot;
     int a0 = ra0.OffsetToRoot;
     int b0 = rb0.OffsetToRoot;
     int c1 = rc1.OffsetToRoot;
     root.Toffoli(c1, c0, b0);
     root.CNot(b0, a0);
     root.Toffoli(c1, a0, b0);
Exemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the least significant bit of sum of two given bits. 
 /// Used with <see cref="Carry(QuantumComputer, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef, RegisterRef)"/> to perform addition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comp">The QuantumComputer instance.</param>
 /// <param name="refA">The reference to first qubit being sumed.</param>
 /// <param name="refB">The reference to second qubit being sumed.</param>
 /// <param name="refTarget">The reference to qubit for storing the result.</param>
 public static void Sum(this QuantumComputer comp,
     RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
     Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(refA, refB, refTarget);
     int a = refA.OffsetToRoot;
     int b = refB.OffsetToRoot;
     int target = refTarget.OffsetToRoot;
     root.CNot(target, a);
     root.CNot(target, b);
Exemplo n.º 54
 public static void RotateZ(this QuantumComputer comp, double gamma, RegisterRef target, RegisterRef? control = null)
     if (control.HasValue)
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(control.Value, target);
         int c = control.Value.OffsetToRoot;
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.RotateZ(gamma, t, c);
         Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(target);
         int t = target.OffsetToRoot;
         root.RotateZ(gamma, t);
Exemplo n.º 55
 public static void Toffoli(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef target, params RegisterRef[] controls)
     Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(comp.GetRootRegister(controls), target);
     root.Toffoli(target.OffsetToRoot, controls.Select<RegisterRef, int>(x => x.OffsetToRoot).ToArray<int>());
Exemplo n.º 56
        public static void Sum(this QuantumComputer comp,
            RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, refA, refB, refTarget };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Sum", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            Register root = comp.GetRootRegister(refA, refB, refTarget);
            int a = refA.OffsetToRoot;
            int b = refB.OffsetToRoot;
            int target = refTarget.OffsetToRoot;
            root.CNot(target, a);
            root.CNot(target, b);
Exemplo n.º 57
        public static void InverseSum(this QuantumComputer comp,
            RegisterRef refA, RegisterRef refB, RegisterRef refTarget)
            if (comp.Group)
                object[] parameters = new object[] { comp, refA, refB, refTarget };
                comp.AddParametricGate("Sum", parameters);
                comp.Group = true;

            comp.Sum(refA, refB, refTarget);
        // Insecure version: registers widths etc. are not checked
        public static void InverseCMultModulo(
            this QuantumComputer comp,
            Register a,
            Register b,
            Register c,
            Register N,
            Register x,
            RegisterRef control,
            ulong valueA,
            ulong valueN)
            // if control == 0
            // then the X register is copied into B register
            // so we uncopy it remaining 0
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Width; i++)
                comp.Toffoli(b[i], control, x[i]);

            ulong power2 = (ulong)(Math.Pow(2, x.Width - 1));
            for (int i = x.Width - 1;
                i >= 0;
                i--, power2 /= 2)
                // loading A register with (2^i * a) mod N
                ulong toLoad = (valueA * power2) % valueN;
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);

                // inverse adding [(2^i * a) + B] modulo N
                comp.InverseAddModulo(a, b, c, N, valueN);

                // unloading [(2^i * a) mod N] from A register
                comp.LoadNumber(a, toLoad, control, x[i]);
Exemplo n.º 59
 public static void InverseSwap(this QuantumComputer comp, Register r1, Register r2, RegisterRef control)
     comp.Swap(r1, r2, control);
Exemplo n.º 60
 public static void InverseSwap(this QuantumComputer comp, RegisterRef r1, RegisterRef r2)
     comp.Swap(r1, r2);