Exemplo n.º 1
        private static int RegionStockListCount(RegionStockRequest model)
            string sql = $@"WITH    c AS ( SELECT   *
  FROM     [Tuhu_bi].[dbo].[tbl_CarTireRecommendation] WITH ( NOLOCK )
              WHERE {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TireSize) ? "1=2" : "  TireSize = @TireSize  and vehicleid = @vehicleid ")} 
    SELECT  count(1)
    FROM    [Tuhu_bi].[dbo].[tbl_CarTireRecommendation_Region_StockList] AS stock
            WITH ( NOLOCK )
            LEFT JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog..vw_Products AS VMP WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON VMP.PID = stock.pid
            {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId) ? " left join " : " join ")}  c ON c.ProductId = VMP.PID
    WHERE   stock.cityID = @CityId
            AND ( stock.pid LIKE 'TR-%'
                  AND ( stock.pid LIKE '%' + @PID + '%'
                        OR @PID IS NULL
            AND ( @ProductName IS NULL
                  OR VMP.DisplayName LIKE '%' + @ProductName + '%'
            {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId) ? "  " : " and c.NoReduceStockGrade is not null ")}   ";

            using (var dbHelper = new SqlDbHelper(ConnectionHelper.GetDecryptConn("Tuhu_Gungnir_BI")))
                return(Convert.ToInt32(dbHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter[] {
                    new SqlParameter("@PID", model.PID),
                    new SqlParameter("@CityId", model.CityId),
                    new SqlParameter("@ProductName", model.ProductName),
                    new SqlParameter("@vehicleid", model.VehicleId),
                    new SqlParameter("@TireSize", model.TireSize)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <RegionStockModel> SelectRegionStockList(RegionStockRequest model, PagerModel pager)
            string sql = $@"WITH    c AS ( SELECT   *
               FROM     [Tuhu_bi].[dbo].[tbl_CarTireRecommendation] WITH ( NOLOCK )
                WHERE {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId)||string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TireSize)?"1=2": "  TireSize = @TireSize  and vehicleid = @vehicleid ")} 
    SELECT  stock.pid Pid ,
            VMP.DisplayName ,
            stock.defaultwareHouse AS DefaultStockName ,
            stock.defaultavailnums StockNum ,
            stock.defaultsafenums SafeStockNum ,
            stock.nationalavailnums AllStockNum ,
            stock.nationalsafenums AllSafeStockNum ,
            stock.centralavailnums CentralStockNum ,
            stock.centralsafenums CentralSafeStockNum ,
            stock.regionavailnums RegionavailNums ,
    FROM    [Tuhu_bi].[dbo].[tbl_CarTireRecommendation_Region_StockList] AS stock
            WITH ( NOLOCK )
            LEFT JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog..vw_Products AS VMP WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON VMP.PID = stock.pid
            {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId) ? " left join " : " join ")}  c ON c.ProductId = VMP.PID
    WHERE   stock.cityID = @CityId
            AND ( stock.pid LIKE 'TR-%'
                  AND ( stock.pid LIKE '%' + @PID + '%'
                        OR @PID IS NULL
            AND ( @ProductName IS NULL
                  OR VMP.DisplayName LIKE '%' + @ProductName + '%'
            {string.Format(string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VehicleId) ? "  " : " and c.NoReduceStockGrade is not null ")}  
    ORDER BY stock.cityID ,
            stock.pid DESC
            OFFSET ( @PageIndex - 1 ) * @PageSize ROWS
        FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY;";

            pager.TotalItem = RegionStockListCount(model);
            using (var dbHelper = new SqlDbHelper(ConnectionHelper.GetDecryptConn("Tuhu_Gungnir_BI")))
                return(dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter[] {
                    new SqlParameter("@PID", model.PID),
                    new SqlParameter("@CityId", model.CityId),
                    new SqlParameter("@ProductName", model.ProductName),
                    new SqlParameter("@PageIndex", pager.CurrentPage),
                    new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pager.PageSize),
                    new SqlParameter("@vehicleid", model.VehicleId),
                    new SqlParameter("@TireSize", model.TireSize)
                }).ConvertTo <RegionStockModel>().ToList());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static List <RegionStockModel> SelectRegionStockList(RegionStockRequest model, PagerModel pager)
 => DalStockoutStatus.SelectRegionStockList(model, pager);