Inheritance: LocalityAttribute
    public void LoadRegionAttributeModTest()

        Debug.Log("loading region attribute mod file...");

        RegionAttribute.LoadRegionAttributesFile(Path.Combine("Mods", "Base", "RegionAttributes", "region_attributes.json"));

        foreach (RegionAttribute regionAttribute in RegionAttribute.Attributes.Values)
            Debug.Log("generated region attribute: " + regionAttribute.Name);
    private static RegionAttribute CreateRegionAttribute(LoadedRegionAttribute attr)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(
            throw new ArgumentException("region attribute id can't be null or empty");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(
            throw new ArgumentException("region attribute name can't be null or empty");

        if (attr.variants == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("region attribute's variants can't be null");

        if (attr.phraseAssociations == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("region phrase attribute's association strings can't be null");

        Adjective[] adjectives = null;
        string[]    variants   = null;

        if (attr.adjectives != null)
            adjectives = new Adjective[attr.adjectives.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < attr.adjectives.Length; i++)
                string adj = attr.adjectives[i].Trim();

                adjectives[i] = Adjective.TryGetAdjectiveOrAdd(adj);

        variants = attr.variants;

        for (int i = 0; i < variants.Length; i++)
            variants[i] = variants[i].Trim();

        RegionAttribute regionAttribute = new RegionAttribute(,, adjectives, variants, attr.regionConstraints, attr.phraseAssociations, attr.secondary);

 private static void AddAttribute(Dictionary <string, RegionAttribute> attributes, RegionAttribute attribute)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey(attribute.Id))
         attributes[attribute.Id] = attribute;
         attributes.Add(attribute.Id, attribute);