Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Print data about the specified chunk controller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chunkID"></param>
 public static void PrintChunkControllerRecords(int chunkControllerID, LevelTerrainManager terrainManager) {
   if (terrainManager.tryToGetChunkControllerByID(chunkControllerID, out ChunkController chunkController)) {
     World.Debug.log($"Logs for chunk controller on object : {chunkController.gameObject.name}\n"
       + $"Is Active: {chunkController.isActive}\n"
       + $"Is Meshed: {chunkController.isMeshed}\n"
       + "Edit History:\n"
       + RecordedInterfaceHelper.FormatRecordsMarkdown(chunkController.getRecordedEvents()));
   } else World.Debug.logError($"Tried to get data for non existant chunk controller: {chunkControllerID}");
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Print data about the specified chunk
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chunkID"></param>
 static void PrintChunkDataRecords(Coordinate chunkID, int? lastXMessages = null) {
   if (chunkID != Coordinate.Invalid) {
     Chunk testChunk = World.Current.activeLevel.getChunk(chunkID);
     World.Debug.log($"Logs for chunk with ID: {chunkID}\n"
       + $"Chunk is currently {(testChunk.isLockedForWork ? "locked" : "unlocked")} for {testChunk.adjustmentLockType}\n"
       + $"Current Resolution: {testChunk.currentResolution}\n"
       + "Edit History:\n"
       + RecordedInterfaceHelper.FormatRecordsMarkdown(testChunk.getRecordedEvents(lastXMessages)));
   } else World.Debug.logError($"Tried to get data for no chunk");