Exemplo n.º 1
        RefCellObjInfo[] GetRefCellObjInfos(CELLRecord cell)
            var refCellObjInfos = new RefCellObjInfo[cell.RefObjs.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < cell.RefObjs.Length; i++)
                var refObjInfo = new RefCellObjInfo
                    RefObj = cell.RefObjs[i]
                // Get the record the RefObjDataGroup references.
                var refObj = (CELLRecord.RefObj)refObjInfo.RefObj;
                _data.objectsByIDString.TryGetValue(refObj.Name, out refObjInfo.ReferencedRecord);
                if (refObjInfo.ReferencedRecord != null)
                    var modelFileName = RecordUtils.GetModelFileName(refObjInfo.ReferencedRecord);
                    // If the model file name is valid, store the model file path.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFileName))
                        refObjInfo.ModelFilePath = modelFileName;
                refCellObjInfos[i] = refObjInfo;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> convert numbers to our secret format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        private static String Encode(String numStr, StorageAttribute attr, String picStr)
            PIC      pic      = new PIC(picStr, attr, 0);
            NUM_TYPE num_type = new NUM_TYPE(numStr, pic, 0);

            String encoded_num = num_type.toXMLrecord();

            encoded_num = Base64.encode(RecordUtils.byteStreamToString(encoded_num), ClientManager.Instance.getEnvironment().GetEncoding());
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal ExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal evaluate(StorageAttribute resType)
            ExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal expVal = null;
            String retVal;
            bool   isNull = false;

            if (computedByClient())
                expVal = ExpressionEvaluator.eval(_expBytes, resType, _task);
                RunTimeEvent rtEvt       = ClientManager.Instance.EventsManager.getLastRtEvent();
                Task         mprgCreator = null;

                if (rtEvt != null)
                    mprgCreator = rtEvt.getMainPrgCreator();

                // create a new command object only when necessary
                if (resType != _prevResType)
                    _cmdToServer = CommandFactory.CreateEvaluateCommand(_task.getTaskTag(), resType, _id, 0, mprgCreator);
                ClientManager.Instance.execRequestWithSubformRecordCycle(_cmdsToServer, _cmdToServer, this, _task);

                if (resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB && resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR)
                    retVal = _resultValue;
                else if (_resultValue != null && _resultValue.Equals(" "))
                    retVal = "";
                    retVal = RecordUtils.byteStreamToString(_resultValue);

                if (retVal == null)
                    isNull = true;
                // If we don't know what result type we got, and want to keep it, as in ExpCalc
                if (resType == StorageAttribute.NONE)
                    resType = _type;

                expVal = new ExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal(resType, isNull, retVal);
            _prevResType = resType;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute AddLocateCommand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exp"></param>
        public override void  Execute(rt.IResultValue res)
            MGDataCollection mgDataTab = MGDataCollection.Instance;

            Task     task     = (Task)mgDataTab.GetTaskByID(TaskTag);
            FieldDef fieldDef = task.DataView.getField((int)UserRange.veeIdx - 1);
            int      parsedLen;

            AddUserLocateDataViewCommand command = CommandFactory.CreateAddUserLocateDataviewCommand(TaskTag, UserRange);

            if (!UserRange.nullMin)
                command.Range.min = RecordUtils.deSerializeItemVal(UserRange.min, fieldDef.getType(), fieldDef.getSize(), true, fieldDef.getType(), out parsedLen);
            if (!UserRange.nullMax)
                command.Range.max = RecordUtils.deSerializeItemVal(UserRange.max, fieldDef.getType(), fieldDef.getSize(), true, fieldDef.getType(), out parsedLen);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// code to be used when RangeAdd is called on the server, with a local data field
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteAddRangeCommand()
            MGDataTable mgDataTab = MGDataTable.Instance;

            Task     task     = (Task)mgDataTab.GetTaskByID(TaskTag);
            FieldDef fieldDef = task.DataView.getField((int)UserRange.veeIdx - 1);
            int      parsedLen;

            AddUserRangeDataviewCommand command = CommandFactory.CreateAddUserRangeDataviewCommand(TaskTag, UserRange);

            command.Range = UserRange;
            if (!UserRange.nullMin)
                command.Range.min = RecordUtils.deSerializeItemVal(UserRange.min, fieldDef.getType(), fieldDef.getSize(), true, fieldDef.getType(), out parsedLen);
            if (!UserRange.nullMax)
                command.Range.max = RecordUtils.deSerializeItemVal(UserRange.max, fieldDef.getType(), fieldDef.getSize(), true, fieldDef.getType(), out parsedLen);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public RawWhoisSection Parse(IEnumerable <string> lines, string keyValueDelimitator = ":")
            if (lines == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("lines should not be null");

            var records = new Dictionary <string, StringBuilder>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            HashSet <string> localFieldNamesSet  = new HashSet <string>();
            List <string>    localFieldNamesList = new List <string>();

            string currentFieldName = null;

            string skipPartsOverrideType = null;

            // Will store the first key found in the record
            string firstKey = null;

            // Will store the first value of the first key found in the record
            // If the value of the first key actually spans multiple lines,
            // this variable will only contain the first line of the value
            string firstKeyValue = null;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                // Afrinic contains an invalid line like: DUMMY for 5490
                // TODO: Remove this if
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) && !line.StartsWith("dummy for ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !line.StartsWith("#") && !line.StartsWith("%"))
                    // StringSplitOptions.None means leep empty records
                    var parts = line.Split(new string[] { keyValueDelimitator }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                     * If skipParts > 0 we need to remove one or more fields before we continue.
                     * We do this for RWhois records. For these types of records we set skipParts to 1
                     * to ignore the first field (network field below). Example:
                     * network:Class-Name:network
                     * network:ID:NET-207-115-64-0-19
                     * network:Auth-Area:
                    if (this.skipParts > 0 && parts.Length >= this.skipParts)
                        if (skipPartsOverrideType == null)
                            skipPartsOverrideType = parts[0];
                        else if (skipPartsOverrideType != parts[0])
                            // TODO: Log when the record type suddenly changes

                        var newParts = new string[parts.Length - this.skipParts];
                        Array.Copy(parts, this.skipParts, newParts, 0, newParts.Length);
                        parts = newParts;

                    if (parts.Length >= 2)
                        // If there are at least two parts it means we can parse both a key and a value
                        var key   = parts[0].Trim();
                        var value = string.Join(keyValueDelimitator, parts, 1, parts.Length - 1).Trim();

                        if (key.Length > 0)
                            currentFieldName = key;
                            this.AddToRecord(records: records, fieldName: currentFieldName, newValueLine: value);

                            if (firstKey == null)
                                firstKey      = key;
                                firstKeyValue = value;

                            if (!localFieldNamesSet.Contains(key))
                        //// TODO: else log
                    else if (parts.Length == 1)
                        if (currentFieldName != null)
                            // If there is at least one part
                            var value = parts[0];
                            this.AddToRecord(records: records, fieldName: currentFieldName, newValueLine: value);
                        //// TODO: else log
                    //// TODO: else log
                //// TODO: else log

            string sectionType = null;
            string sectionId   = null;

            if (skipPartsOverrideType != null)
                sectionType = skipPartsOverrideType;

                // If the records do not contain a Class-Name but this is a RWhois record
                // where the type is the first column, then create a Class-Name record
                if (!records.ContainsKey("Class-Name"))
                    // TODO: Log
                    records["Class-Name"] = new StringBuilder(skipPartsOverrideType);

            // Try to locate the Class-Name and ID, wherever they are in the records
            var extractedClassName = RecordUtils.FindValueForKey(records, "Class-Name");
            var extractedId        = RecordUtils.FindFirstValueForKeys(records, new List <string>()

            if (sectionType == null && extractedClassName != null)
                sectionType = extractedClassName;

            if (sectionId == null && extractedId != null)
                sectionId = extractedId;

            // We could not extract the type yet, so we will go looking for the value in the first
            // record of the section
            if (sectionType == null && firstKey != null)
                sectionType = firstKey;
            //// TODO: else log

            // We could not extract the ID yet, so we will go looking for the key in the first
            // record of the section
            if (sectionId == null && firstKeyValue != null)
                sectionId = firstKeyValue;
            //// TODO: else log

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sectionType) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sectionId) && records.Count > 0)
                HashSet <string> globalFieldNamesSet;
                List <string>    globalFieldNamesList;

                if (!this.TypeToFieldNamesSet.TryGetValue(sectionType, out globalFieldNamesSet))
                    globalFieldNamesSet = new HashSet <string>();
                    this.TypeToFieldNamesSet.Add(sectionType, globalFieldNamesSet);

                if (!this.TypeToFieldNamesList.TryGetValue(sectionType, out globalFieldNamesList))
                    globalFieldNamesList = new List <string>();
                    this.TypeToFieldNamesList.Add(sectionType, globalFieldNamesList);

                foreach (var fieldName in localFieldNamesSet)
                    if (!globalFieldNamesSet.Contains(fieldName))

                return(new RawWhoisSection(sectionType, sectionId, records));
            //// TODO: else log

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///   evaluate the expression and return the result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "resType">is the expected type </param>
        /// <param name = "length">of expected Alpha string </param>
        /// <returns> evaluated value or null if value evaluated to null (by ExpressionEvaluator) </returns>
        internal String evaluate(StorageAttribute resType, int length)
            ExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal expVal = null;
            String retVal = null;

            if (computedByClient())
                expVal = ExpressionEvaluator.eval(_expBytes, resType, _task);


                if (expVal.IsNull)
                    // even if actual dotnet obj is null, we need to return blobPrefix
                    if (expVal.Attr == StorageAttribute.DOTNET)
                        retVal = expVal.ToMgVal();
                        retVal = null;
                else if (resType == StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR && expVal.Attr == StorageAttribute.BLOB)
                    if (VectorType.validateBlobContents(expVal.StrVal))
                        retVal = expVal.ToMgVal();
                        retVal = null;
                else if (expVal.Attr == StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR &&
                         resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR && resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB)
                    retVal = null;
                    retVal = expVal.ToMgVal();
                RunTimeEvent rtEvt       = ClientManager.Instance.EventsManager.getLastRtEvent();
                Task         mprgCreator = null;

                if (rtEvt != null)
                    mprgCreator = rtEvt.getMainPrgCreator();

                // create a new command object only when necessary
                if (resType != _prevResType)
                    _cmdToServer = CommandFactory.CreateEvaluateCommand(_task.getTaskTag(), resType, _id, length, mprgCreator);
                ClientManager.Instance.execRequestWithSubformRecordCycle(_cmdsToServer, _cmdToServer, this, _task);

                if (resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB && resType != StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR)
                    retVal = _resultValue;
                else if (_resultValue != null && _resultValue.Equals(" "))
                    retVal = "";
                    retVal = RecordUtils.byteStreamToString(_resultValue);
            _prevResType = resType;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the fields data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fldValInBytes"></param>
        /// <param name="recFlags"></param>
        /// <param name="isCurrRec"></param>
        protected override void fillFieldsData(byte[] fldValInBytes, String recFlags)
            Object           val = null;
            String           tmp = null;
            int              parsedLen = 0;
            int              i, j, from, size;
            StorageAttribute currType;
            bool             useHex;
            FieldDef         fld = null;
            bool             valueNotPassed;

            from = getFromFldIdx(false);
            size = getSizeFld(false);
            int destinationFieldIndex = 0;

            for (i = from, j = 0; j < size; i++, j++)
                fld      = getFieldsTab().getField(i);
                currType = fld.getType();

                useHex = (ClientManager.Instance.getEnvironment().GetDebugLevel() > 1 ||
                          currType == StorageAttribute.ALPHA ||
                          currType == StorageAttribute.UNICODE ||

                // Qcr #940443 : Old fashion flags are still being used by resident table. So check them 1st coz we  might get exception otherwise.
                // The flags for resident are very simple, only 2 options. '.' = false, '/' = true.
                // We keep using it for resident, since in the server side we do not know if we are creating the xml for richclient or for BC at the creation stage.
                // Since we couldn't create different flags for rich, we will use the old flags here.
                if ((byte)(recFlags[j]) == '.')
                    _flags[i] = 0;
                else if ((byte)(recFlags[j]) == '/')
                    _flags[i] = 1;
                else // New flags style. For the view.
                    // Each flag will appear in the xml in 2 chars representing hex value ("42" for 0x42).
                    tmp       = recFlags.Substring(j * 2, 2);
                    _flags[i] = Convert.ToByte(tmp, 16);

                // save the ind that the value was not passed from the server.
                valueNotPassed = (FLAG_VALUE_NOT_PASSED == (byte)(_flags[i] & FLAG_VALUE_NOT_PASSED));
                _flags[i]      = (byte)(_flags[i] & ~FLAG_VALUE_NOT_PASSED);

                _flagsHistory[i] = _flags[i];

                if (valueNotPassed)
                    if (FLAG_NULL == (byte)(_flags[i] & FLAG_NULL))
                        // null ind is on, just put any value in the field.
                        val = fld.getDefaultValue();
                        // copy the existing value from the existing curr rec.
                        val = ((Record)_dataview.getCurrRec()).GetFieldValue(i);
                    DBField dbField = destinationColumnList[destinationFieldIndex++];
                    val = RecordUtils.deSerializeItemVal(fldValInBytes, (StorageAttribute)dbField.Attr, dbField.Length, dbField.Storage, ref parsedLen);

                _fieldsData[i] = val;
            setInitialFldVals(false, false);