Exemplo n.º 1
         * We want to protect against infinite recursion when the schema is recursive. We look into a thread local
         * to see if we have been into this if so, we execute the bypass function otherwise we execute the main function.
         * Before executing the main function, we ensure that we create a marker so that if we come back here recursively
         * we can detect it.
         * The infinite loop happens in ToString(), Equals() and GetHashCode() methods.
         * Though it does not happen for CanRead() because of the current implemenation of UnionSchema's can read,
         * it could potenitally happen.
         * We do a linear seach for the marker as we don't expect the list to be very long.
        private T protect <T>(Function <T> bypass, Function <T> main, RecordSchema that)
            if (seen == null)
                seen = new List <RecordSchemaPair>();

            else if (seen.Find((RecordSchemaPair rs) => rs.first == this && rs.second == that) != null)

            RecordSchemaPair p = new RecordSchemaPair(this, that);

            try { return(main()); }
            finally { seen.Remove(p); }
Exemplo n.º 2
         * We want to protect against infinite recursion when the schema is recursive. We look into a thread local
         * to see if we have been into this if so, we execute the bypass function otherwise we execute the main function.
         * Before executing the main function, we ensure that we create a marker so that if we come back here recursively
         * we can detect it.
         * The infinite loop happens in ToString(), Equals() and GetHashCode() methods.
         * Though it does not happen for CanRead() because of the current implemenation of UnionSchema's can read,
         * it could potenitally happen.
         * We do a linear seach for the marker as we don't expect the list to be very long.

        private T Protect <T>(Func <T> bypass, Func <T> main, RecordSchema that)
            if (seen == null)
                seen = new List <RecordSchemaPair>();

            else if (seen.FirstOrDefault((rs => rs.first == this && rs.second == that)) != null)

            var p = new RecordSchemaPair(this, that);
