Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CheckDb(string date)
            //check if table allready exist
            var dtKtra = sqliteConn.DataTable_Sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='AgvData_" + date + "'");

            if (dtKtra.Rows.Count > 0)
                RecordDebug.Print("Table [AgvData_" + date + "] already exist");
                RecordDebug.Print("Upload data to table: [AgvData_" + date + "]");
                RecordDebug.Print("Create table [AgvData_" + date + "]");
                sqliteConn.Execute_NonSQL("CREATE TABLE [AgvData_" + date + "]( " +
                                          "[Id] BIGINT PRIMARY KEY," +
                                          "[Dept]   VARCHAR(50)      NULL," +
                                          "[Block]   VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[DateTime]   DATETIME      NULL," +
                                          "[Item]   VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Para1]  VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Value1] VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Para2]  VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Value2] VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Para3]  VARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                          "[Value3] VARCHAR(50) NULL)"
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CalculateSupplying(string date, string dept, string block, string agv, string time)
            RecordDebug.Print("Calcualate supplying detail for: " + agv + " ------- Dept: " + dept + " Block" + block);
            bool calAbNormal;

            DateTime startTime, stopTime, startAbnormal, stopAbnormal;
            Int32    count;
            string   part;
            int      route;

            string query = "select Dept, Block, DateTime, Item, para1, value1, Value2,Value3 FROM [AgvData_" + date + "] " +
                           "where Dept = '" + dept + "' and Block = '" + block + "' and Item = '" + agv + "'  and Para1 = 'Working status' ";// +

            var dtKtra = sqliteConn.DataTable_Sql(query);

            if (dtKtra.Rows.Count > 0)
                calAbNormal = false;
                count       = 0;
                while (count < dtKtra.Rows.Count - 3)
                    if ((dtKtra.Rows[count]["Value1"].ToString() == "SUPPLYING") &&
                        (dtKtra.Rows[count + 1]["Value1"].ToString() == "RETURNING") &&
                        (dtKtra.Rows[count + 2]["Value1"].ToString() == "FREE"))
                        if (calAbNormal)
                            stopAbnormal = DateTime.Parse(dtKtra.Rows[count]["DateTime"].ToString());
                            calAbNormal  = false;

                        startTime = DateTime.Parse(dtKtra.Rows[count]["DateTime"].ToString());
                        stopTime  = DateTime.Parse(dtKtra.Rows[count + 2]["DateTime"].ToString());
                        TimeSpan supplyTime = stopTime - startTime;

                        part  = dtKtra.Rows[count]["Value3"].ToString();
                        route = Int16.Parse(dtKtra.Rows[count]["Value2"].ToString());
                        SupplyDetail _supply = new SupplyDetail(date, dept, block, agv, part, route, startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
                                                                stopTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), Math.Round(supplyTime.TotalMinutes, 1));

                        AnalyseDetailByTime(date, dept, block, _supply);

                        count += 3;
                        if (!calAbNormal)
                            startAbnormal = DateTime.Parse(dtKtra.Rows[count]["DateTime"].ToString());
                            calAbNormal   = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void CalculateThread(object obj)
            StructDataToThread d     = (StructDataToThread)obj;
            string             date  = d._date;
            string             dept  = d._dept;
            string             block = d._block;

            string _StartShipTime        = "08:00:00";
            string _StartFirstBreakTime  = "09:50:00";
            string _EndFirstBreakTime    = "10:00:00";
            string _StartEatTime         = "11:40:00";
            string _EndEatTime           = "12:35:00";
            string _StartSecondBreakTime = "14:50:00";
            string _EndSecondBreakTime   = "14:00:00";
            string _EndShipTime          = "14:00:00";

            DateTime StartShipTime        = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _StartShipTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime StartFirstBreakTime  = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _StartFirstBreakTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime EndFirstBreakTime    = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _EndFirstBreakTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime StartEatTime         = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _StartEatTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime EndEatTime           = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _EndEatTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime StartSecondBreakTime = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _StartSecondBreakTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime EndSecondBreakTime   = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _EndSecondBreakTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime EndShipTime          = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + _EndShipTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string[] normalStt = { "NORMAL", "STOP_BY_CARD", "SAFETY", "NO_CART", "BATTERY_EMPTY", "OUT_OF_LINE", "EMERGENCY", "POLE_ERROR", "FREE" };
            //string agv;
            string time2 = "((cast(datetime as time)>='" + StartShipTime + "' and cast(datetime as time)<='" + StartFirstBreakTime + "') or " +
                           "(cast(datetime as time) >= '" + EndFirstBreakTime + "' and cast(datetime as time) <= '" + StartEatTime + "') or " +
                           "(cast(datetime as time) >= '" + EndEatTime + "' and cast(datetime as time) <= '" + StartSecondBreakTime + "') or " +
                           "(cast(datetime as time) >= '" + EndSecondBreakTime + "' and cast(datetime as time) <= '" + EndShipTime + "')) " +
                           "order by DateTime";
            string time = "(cast(datetime as time)>='" + StartShipTime + "' and cast(datetime as time) <= '" + EndShipTime + "') " +
                          "order by DateTime";

            string getAgv = "SELECT DISTINCT Item, Dept, Block FROM [AGVData_" + date + "] " +
                            "where Item like 'AGV%' and dept= '" + dept + "' and block = '" + block + "'";

            var listAgvs = sqliteConn.DataTable_Sql(getAgv);

            time = "and(cast(datetime as time) >= '08:00:00 AM' and cast(datetime as time) <= '17:00:00 PM') " + "order by DateTime";
            if (listAgvs.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < listAgvs.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string agv = listAgvs.Rows[i]["item"].ToString();
                    analyseData.CalculateSupplying(date, dept, block, agv, time);

            RecordDebug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " finish calculate " + dept + " " + block);
            //RecordDebug.stopTime = Environment.TickCount;
            //RecordDebug.Print("Total time to calculate: " + ((RecordDebug.stopTime - RecordDebug.startTime) / 1000).ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OpenAndCalculate(object obje)
            string date  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._date;
            string dept  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._dept;
            string block = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._block;
            string path  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._filePath;

            RawList = new List <RawData>();

            List <string> s = new List <string>();

            s = File.ReadLines(path).ToList();
            RecordDebug.Print("Start copy at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
            int          startTime = Environment.TickCount;
            FileStream   fStream   = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
            StreamReader sReader   = new StreamReader(fStream);
            int          count     = 0;

            while (!sReader.EndOfStream)
                string   line   = sReader.ReadLine();
                string[] values = line.Split(',');
                RawData  r      = new RawData
                    Dept     = dept,
                    Block    = block,
                    DateTime = DateTime.Parse(values[0]),
                    Item     = values[1],
                    Para1    = values[2],
                    Value1   = values[3],
                    Para2    = values[4],
                    Value2   = values[5],
                    Para3    = values[6],
                    Value3   = values[7]

            int   stopTime = Environment.TickCount;
            float copyTime = (stopTime - startTime) / 1000;

            RecordDebug.Print("Copy time: " + copyTime.ToString());
            RecordDebug.Print("Start calculate at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));

            Calculate(date, dept, block);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Calculate(string date, string dept, string block)
            List <string> listAGV = RawList
                                    .Select(a => a.Item)
                                    .Where(a => a.StartsWith("AGV"))
                                    .GroupBy(a => a)
                                    .Select(a => a.First())

            for (int i = 0; i < listAGV.Count; i++)
                RecordDebug.Print("Calculating supplying detail for " + listAGV[i]);
                CalculateSupplyTime(date, dept, block, listAGV[i]);
            RecordDebug.Print("Finish calculate supplying detail at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 6
 public MainForm()
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void OpenAndCalculate(object obje)
            string date  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._date;
            string dept  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._dept;
            string block = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._block;
            string path  = ((StructDataToThread)obje)._filePath;

            List <string> s = new List <string>();

            s = File.ReadLines(path).ToList();
            RecordDebug.Print("Start copy at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
            int          startTime = Environment.TickCount;
            FileStream   fStream   = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
            StreamReader sReader   = new StreamReader(fStream);
            int          count     = 0;

            while (!sReader.EndOfStream)
                string   line   = sReader.ReadLine();
                string[] values = line.Split(',');
                sqliteConn.Execute_NonSQL("insert into [AgvData_" + date + "](Dept,Block,DateTime,Item,Para1,Value1,Para2,Value2,Para3,Value3)" +
                                          "values('" + dept + "','" + block + "','" + values[0] + "','" + values[1] + "','" + values[2] + "','" + values[3] + "','" + values[4] + "','" +
                                          values[5] + "','" + values[6] + "','" + values[7] + "')");


            int   stopTime = Environment.TickCount;
            float copyTime = (stopTime - startTime) / 1000;

            RecordDebug.Print("Copy time: " + copyTime.ToString());
            RecordDebug.Print("Start calculate at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));

            string getDept  = "SELECT DISTINCT Dept FROM [AGVData_" + date + "]";
            var    listDept = sqliteConn.DataTable_Sql(getDept);

            if (listDept.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int deptNum = 0; deptNum < listDept.Rows.Count; deptNum++)
                    dept = listDept.Rows[deptNum]["Dept"].ToString();
                    string getBlock = "SELECT DISTINCT Block FROM [AGVData_" + date + "] " +
                                      "where Dept= '" + listDept.Rows[deptNum]["Dept"].ToString() + "'";
                    var listBlock = sqliteConn.DataTable_Sql(getBlock);
                    if (listBlock.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < listBlock.Rows.Count; blockNum++)
                            block = listBlock.Rows[blockNum]["Block"].ToString();
                            //CalculateThread(new StructDataToThread() { _date = date, _dept = dept, _block = block });

                            Thread calculateThread = new Thread((obj) =>
                                StructDataToThread st = (StructDataToThread)obj;
                            calculateThread.Name = date + " " + dept + " " + block;
                            calculateThread.Start(new StructDataToThread()
                                _date = date, _dept = dept, _block = block

                            block = "";
                    dept = "";