Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ScanRecieveItems_Execute(object sender, PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            ReceiverPackage RP = (ReceiverPackage)e.PopupWindowViewCurrentObject;
            //string erromsg;

            MessageOptions options = new MessageOptions();
            //if (CBL.SoComplianceCheck(so, out erromsg) == 0)

            //    options.Duration = 20000;
            //    options.Message = string.Format("Sales Order for {0} has been entered", so.CustomerNumber.CustomerName);
            //    options.Type = InformationType.Success;
            //    options.Web.Position = InformationPosition.Right;
            //    options.Win.Caption = "Success";
            //    options.Win.Type = WinMessageType.Alert;

            //    options.Duration = 20000;
            //    options.Message = string.Format("Sales Order for {0} has been entered is in Compliance due to the following {1}", so.CustomerNumber.CustomerName, erromsg);
            //    options.Type = InformationType.Warning;
            //    options.Web.Position = InformationPosition.Right;
            //    options.Win.Caption = "Success Need Compliance";
            //    options.Win.Type = WinMessageType.Alert;
            //options.OkDelegate = () => {
            //    IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Customer));
            // DetailView newTaskDetailView = Application.CreateDetailView(os, os.CreateObject<ItemRequest>());
            // Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowViewInPopupWindow(newTaskDetailView);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ReceiptPackageItem_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            ReceiverPackage             IR   = (ReceiverPackage)e.CurrentObject;
            int                         iOID = IR.Oid;
            ReceiptPackageItemsScanForm form = new ReceiptPackageItemsScanForm(IR);

            form.Text = IR.RecPackageType.ToString() + ": " + IR.DocumentRefNo.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ReceiptPackageItemsScanForm(ReceiverPackage ir)
     RP = ir;