Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <(ReceiverLink receiverLink, string address)> CreateReceiverLink(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var tcs          = TaskUtil.CreateTaskCompletionSource <string>(cancellationToken);
            var receiverLink = new ReceiverLink(_session, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new Source
                Dynamic = true
            }, OnAttached);

            var address = await tcs.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);

            receiverLink.Closed -= OnClosed;
            return(receiverLink, address);

            void OnAttached(ILink link, Attach attach)
                if (attach != null && attach.Source is Source source)

            void OnClosed(IAmqpObject sender, Error error)
                if (error != null)
                    tcs.TrySetException(new CreateRpcClientException(error.Description, error.Condition));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Task Attach()
            Target target = new Target();
            Source source = CreateSource();

            Attach attach = new Attach
                Target        = target,
                Source        = source,
                RcvSettleMode = ReceiverSettleMode.First,
                SndSettleMode = (info.IsBrowser) ? SenderSettleMode.Settled : SenderSettleMode.Unsettled,
            string name;

            if (info.IsDurable)
                name = info.SubscriptionName;
                string destinationAddress = source.Address ?? "";
                name = "nms:receiver:" + info.Id
                       + (destinationAddress.Length == 0 ? "" : (":" + destinationAddress));

            // TODO: Add timeout
            var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

            receiverLink = new ReceiverLink(session.UnderlyingSession, name, attach, HandleOpened(tsc));
        public Task Attach()
            Target target = new Target();
            Source source = CreateSource();

            Attach attach = new Attach
                Target        = target,
                Source        = source,
                RcvSettleMode = ReceiverSettleMode.First,
                SndSettleMode = (info.IsBrowser) ? SenderSettleMode.Settled : SenderSettleMode.Unsettled,
            string name;

            if (info.IsDurable)
                name = info.SubscriptionName;
                string destinationAddress = source.Address ?? "";
                name = "nms:receiver:" + info.Id
                       + (destinationAddress.Length == 0 ? "" : (":" + destinationAddress));

            var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

            link = new ReceiverLink(session.UnderlyingSession, name, attach, (link1, attach1) => { taskCompletionSource.SetResult(true); });

            link.AddClosedCallback((sender, error) =>
                NMSException exception = ExceptionSupport.GetException(error, "Received Amqp link detach with Error for link {0}", info.Id);
                if (!taskCompletionSource.TrySetException(exception))

                    // If session is not closed it means that the link was remotely detached
                    if (!link.Session.IsClosed)
                        session.Connection.Provider.FireResourceClosed(info, exception);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IConsumer> CreateAsync(ConsumerConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            cancellationToken.Register(() => _tcs.TrySetCanceled());

            var source = new Source
                Address      = GetAddress(configuration),
                Capabilities = GetCapabilities(configuration),
                FilterSet    = GetFilterSet(configuration.FilterExpression, configuration.NoLocalFilter),

            var receiverLink = new ReceiverLink(_session, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), source, OnAttached);

            await _tcs.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);

            receiverLink.Closed -= OnClosed;
            return(new Consumer(_loggerFactory, receiverLink, _transactionsManager, configuration));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Task Attach()
            Target target = new Target();
            Source source = CreateSource();

            Attach attach = new Attach
                Target        = target,
                Source        = source,
                RcvSettleMode = ReceiverSettleMode.First,
                SndSettleMode = (info.IsBrowser) ? SenderSettleMode.Settled : SenderSettleMode.Unsettled,

            string receiverLinkName = null;

            string subscriptionName = info.SubscriptionName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriptionName))
                AmqpConnection connection = session.Connection;

                if (info.IsShared && !connection.Info.SharedSubsSupported)
                    validateSharedSubsLinkCapability = true;

                AmqpSubscriptionTracker subTracker = connection.SubscriptionTracker;

                // Validate subscriber type allowed given existing active subscriber types.
                if (info.IsShared && info.IsDurable)
                    if (subTracker.IsActiveExclusiveDurableSub(subscriptionName))
                        // Don't allow shared sub if there is already an active exclusive durable sub
                        throw new NMSException("A non-shared durable subscription is already active with name '" + subscriptionName + "'");
                else if (!info.IsShared && info.IsDurable)
                    if (subTracker.IsActiveExclusiveDurableSub(subscriptionName))
                        // Exclusive durable sub is already active
                        throw new NMSException("A non-shared durable subscription is already active with name '" + subscriptionName + "'");
                    else if (subTracker.IsActiveSharedDurableSub(subscriptionName))
                        // Don't allow exclusive durable sub if there is already an active shared durable sub
                        throw new NMSException("A shared durable subscription is already active with name '" + subscriptionName + "'");

                // Get the link name for the subscription. Throws if certain further validations fail.
                receiverLinkName = subTracker.ReserveNextSubscriptionLinkName(subscriptionName, info);

            if (receiverLinkName == null)
                string destinationAddress = source.Address ?? "";
                receiverLinkName = "nms:receiver:" + info.Id
                                   + (destinationAddress.Length == 0 ? "" : (":" + destinationAddress));

            // TODO: Add timeout
            var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

            receiverLink = new ReceiverLink(session.UnderlyingSession, receiverLinkName, attach, HandleOpened(tsc));