Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ReceiveShimpmentOrder(ReceivedOrderDetails order)
        { /* command modify Products, ReceiveOrders, ReceiveOrderItems and ReturnOrderItems */
            List <Exception> errors = new List <Exception>();

            using (var context = new eRaceContext())
                var existing = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);

                if (order == null)
                    errors.Add(new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order), $"No {nameof(order)} was supplied for "));
                    if (existing.Closed == true)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <bool>("The order you are accessing is already closed.", nameof(existing.Closed), existing.Closed));
                    if (order.OrderID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The OrderID is required.", nameof(order.OrderID), order.OrderID));
                    if (order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The OrderID is required.", nameof(order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID), order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID));
                    if (order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID == 0)
                        errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The Employee ID is required.", nameof(order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID), order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID));

                    foreach (var item in order.ReceiveOrderItems)
                        var existingOrderDetail = context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID);
                        var itemsize            = context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).OrderUnitSize;
                        if (existingOrderDetail == null)
                            errors.Add(new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item.OrderDetailID), $"There is no Order Detail with the ID given."));
                        if (item.ItemQuantity < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The item quantity must be greater than 0", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));
                        if (item.ItemQuantity / itemsize >= context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).Quantity + 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The total amount received cannot exceed the amount ordered by 1 package.", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));

                    foreach (var item in order.Products)
                        if (item.QuantityReceived < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The number of received items must be postive. ", nameof(item.QuantityReceived), item.QuantityReceived));

                    foreach (var item in order.ReturnOrderItems)
                        if (item.ItemQuantity < 1)
                            errors.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("The number of returned items is required.", nameof(item.ItemQuantity), item.ItemQuantity));

                if (errors.Any())
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Unable to receive shipment.", errors);

                // ReceiveOrder
                var newReceiveOrder = new ReceiveOrder
                    OrderID     = order.ReceivedOrder.OrderID,
                    ReceiveDate = order.ReceivedOrder.ReceiveDate,
                    EmployeeID  = order.ReceivedOrder.EmployeeID

                int id = newReceiveOrder.ReceiveOrderID;

                // ReceiveOrderItems
                foreach (var item in order.ReceiveOrderItems)
                    var newReceiveOrderItem = new ReceiveOrderItem
                        ReceiveOrderID = id,
                        OrderDetailID  = item.OrderDetailID,
                        ItemQuantity   = item.ItemQuantity

                // ReturnOrderItems
                foreach (var item in order.ReturnOrderItems)
                    var newReturnOrderItem = new ReturnOrderItem
                        ReceiveOrderID  = id,
                        OrderDetailID   = item.OrderDetailID,
                        ItemQuantity    = item.ItemQuantity,
                        Comment         = item.Comment,
                        UnOrderedItem   = item.UnOrderedItem,
                        VendorProductID = item.VendorProductID

                // Products
                foreach (var item in order.Products)
                    var given = context.Products.Find(context.OrderDetails.Find(item.ProductID).ProductID);

                    if (given == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"The given product id of {item.ProductID} does not exist in the database.", nameof(item.ProductID));

                    given.QuantityOnHand  = given.QuantityOnHand + item.QuantityReceived;
                    given.QuantityOnOrder = given.QuantityOnOrder - item.QuantityReceived;

                    if (given.QuantityOnOrder < 0)
                        given.QuantityOnOrder = 0;

                    var existingProduct = context.Entry(given);

                    existingProduct.Property(nameof(given.QuantityOnHand)).IsModified  = true;
                    existingProduct.Property(nameof(given.QuantityOnOrder)).IsModified = true;

                // Check if the order has been filled
                var outstanding = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID).OrderDetails;
                var num         = 0;
                foreach (var item in outstanding)
                    if (context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).Quantity *context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).OrderUnitSize - (context.OrderDetails.Find(item.OrderDetailID).ReceiveOrderItems.Select(x => x.ItemQuantity)).FirstOrDefault() == 0)
                if (num == outstanding.Count)
                    var givenOrder = context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);

                    givenOrder.Closed  = true;
                    givenOrder.Comment = "Order Complete";

                    var existingOrder = context.Entry(givenOrder);

                    existingOrder.Property(nameof(givenOrder.Comment)).IsModified = true;
                    existingOrder.Property(nameof(givenOrder.Closed)).IsModified  = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ReceiveShipment(int orderid, List <TransactionItemPOCO> received, List <RejectedItemPOCO> rejected)
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            using (var context = new RaceContext())
                var closed = (from x in context.Orders
                              where x.OrderID == orderid
                              select x.Closed).FirstOrDefault();

                if (closed)
                    errors.Add("You cannot receive a closed order");
                else if (received.Any(x => x.ItemQuantity < 0))
                    errors.Add("You cannot have a negative received amount");
                    int newrecieveorderid = context.ReceiveOrders.Select(x => x.ReceiveOrderID).Max();

                    var recieveorderlist = new List <ReceiveOrderItem>();
                    var returnorderlist  = new List <ReturnOrderItem>();

                    foreach (var item in received)
                        int newrecieveorderitemid = context.ReceiveOrderItems.Select(x => x.ReceiveOrderItemID).Max();

                        int orderDetailID = (from x in context.Products
                                             from y in x.OrderDetails
                                             where x.ItemName == item.ItemName && y.OrderID == orderid
                                             select y.OrderDetailID).FirstOrDefault();

                        recieveorderlist.Add(new ReceiveOrderItem()
                            ReceiveOrderItemID = newrecieveorderitemid,
                            ReceiveOrderID     = newrecieveorderid,
                            OrderDetailID      = orderDetailID,
                            ItemQuantity       = item.ItemQuantity,
                            OrderDetail        = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                                  where x.OrderDetailID == orderDetailID
                                                  select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                            ReceiveOrder = (from x in context.ReceiveOrders
                                            where x.ReceiveOrderID == newrecieveorderid
                                            select x).FirstOrDefault()

                    if (rejected.Count() > 0)
                        foreach (var item in rejected)
                            int newreturnorderitemid = context.ReturnOrderItems.Select(x => x.ReturnOrderItemID).Max();

                            int orderDetailID = (from x in context.Products
                                                 from y in x.OrderDetails
                                                 where x.ItemName == item.ItemName && y.OrderID == orderid
                                                 select y.OrderDetailID).FirstOrDefault();

                            returnorderlist.Add(new ReturnOrderItem()
                                ReturnOrderItemID = newreturnorderitemid,
                                ReceiveOrderID    = newrecieveorderid,
                                OrderDetailID     = orderDetailID,
                                UnOrderedItem     = null,
                                ItemQuantity      = item.ItemQuantity,
                                Comment           = item.Reason,
                                VendorProductID   = null,
                                OrderDetail       = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                                     where x.OrderDetailID == orderDetailID
                                                     select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                                ReceiveOrder = (from x in context.ReceiveOrders
                                                where x.ReceiveOrderID == newrecieveorderid
                                                select x).FirstOrDefault()

                    ReceiveOrder receiveOrder = new ReceiveOrder
                        ReceiveOrderID = newrecieveorderid,
                        OrderID        = orderid,
                        ReceiveDate    = DateTime.Now,
                        EmployeeID     = 56,
                        Employee       = (from x in context.Employees
                                          where x.EmployeeID == 56
                                          select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Order = (from x in context.Orders
                                 where x.OrderID == orderid
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault(),
                        ReceiveOrderItems = recieveorderlist,
                        ReturnOrderItems  = returnorderlist

                    foreach (var item in recieveorderlist.ToList())
                        ReceiveOrderItem receiveOrderItem = new ReceiveOrderItem
                            ReceiveOrderItemID = item.ReceiveOrderItemID,
                            ReceiveOrderID     = item.ReceiveOrderID,
                            OrderDetailID      = item.OrderDetailID,
                            ItemQuantity       = item.ItemQuantity,
                            OrderDetail        = item.OrderDetail,
                            ReceiveOrder       = item.ReceiveOrder

                        var query = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                     join prod in context.Products on x.ProductID equals prod.ProductID
                                     where x.OrderDetailID == receiveOrderItem.OrderDetailID
                                     select prod).FirstOrDefault();

                        query.QuantityOnHand  = query.QuantityOnHand + receiveOrderItem.ItemQuantity;
                        query.QuantityOnOrder = query.QuantityOnOrder - receiveOrderItem.ItemQuantity;

                    if (returnorderlist.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var item in returnorderlist.ToList())
                            ReturnOrderItem returnOrderItem = new ReturnOrderItem()
                                ReturnOrderItemID = item.ReturnOrderItemID,
                                ReceiveOrderID    = item.ReceiveOrderID,
                                OrderDetailID     = item.OrderDetailID,
                                UnOrderedItem     = item.UnOrderedItem,
                                ItemQuantity      = item.ItemQuantity,
                                Comment           = item.Comment,
                                VendorProductID   = item.VendorProductID,
                                OrderDetail       = item.OrderDetail,
                                ReceiveOrder      = item.ReceiveOrder

                            var query = (from x in context.OrderDetails
                                         join prod in context.Products on x.ProductID equals prod.ProductID
                                         where x.OrderDetailID == returnOrderItem.OrderDetailID
                                         select prod).FirstOrDefault();

                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Receive Shipment", errors);