Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            int        id         = 0;
            RebarShape rebarShape = null;
            int        count      = 0;
            Curve      curve      = null;
            double     angle      = 0.0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref id);
            DA.GetData(1, ref rebarShape);
            DA.GetData(2, ref curve);
            DA.GetData(3, ref count);
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref angle))
            if (_useDegrees)
                angle = RhinoMath.ToRadians(angle);

            RebarGroup rebarGroup = new RebarGroup(id, new RebarSpacing(rebarShape, count, curve, angle));

            DA.SetData(0, rebarGroup);
            DA.SetDataList(1, rebarGroup.RebarGroupMesh);
            DA.SetDataList(2, rebarGroup.RebarGroupCurves);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Plane           insertPlane   = Plane.Unset;
            double          height        = 0.0;
            double          width         = 0.0;
            int             hooksType     = 0;
            double          hookLength    = 0.0;
            RebarProperties properties    = null;
            BendingRoller   bendingRoller = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref insertPlane);
            DA.GetData(1, ref height);
            DA.GetData(2, ref width);
            DA.GetData(3, ref hooksType);
            DA.GetData(4, ref hookLength);
            DA.GetData(5, ref properties);
            DA.GetData(6, ref bendingRoller);

            RebarShape rebarShape = new RebarShape(properties);

            rebarShape.BuildStirrupShape(insertPlane, height, width, bendingRoller, hooksType, hookLength);

            DA.SetData(0, rebarShape);
            DA.SetData(1, rebarShape.RebarMesh);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void testRebarSys()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            // Load rebar Shape
            FilteredElementCollector fecRebarShap = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarShape> iterRebarBarShapes = fecRebarShap.Cast <RebarShape>();

            RebarShape myRebarShape   = iterRebarBarShapes.FirstOrDefault <RebarShape>();
            ElementId  myRebarShapeId = myRebarShape.Id;

            // Select first Element (ex RebarSystem)
            Reference myRefRebar = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element,
                                                              "Pick a Rebar...");
            Element       mySysRebar   = doc.GetElement(myRefRebar);
            RebarInSystem myRebarInSys = mySysRebar as RebarInSystem;

            List <Subelement> myList = myRebarInSys.GetSubelements() as List <Subelement>;

            TaskDialog.Show("abc", "xyz" + myList.Count);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add stirrup bars into corbel with given options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options for Rebar Creation</param>
        private void PlaceStirrupBars(CorbelReinforcementOptions options)
            var filter = new FilteredElementCollector(options.RevitDoc)
                         .OfClass(typeof(RebarShape)).ToElements().Cast <RebarShape>()
                         .Where <RebarShape>(shape => shape.RebarStyle == RebarStyle.StirrupTie);

            RebarShape stirrupShape = null;

            foreach (RebarShape shape in filter)
                if (shape.Name.Equals("T1"))
                    stirrupShape = shape; break;

            Trapezoid profileCopy = m_profile.Clone();

            profileCopy.OffsetTop(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetLeft(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetBottom(m_hostDepth - m_hostCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetRight(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);

            XYZ    extruDir = (m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(1) - m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize();
            double offset   = m_corbelCoverDistance + 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter;

            XYZ origin = profileCopy.Vertical.GetEndPoint(0) + extruDir * offset;
            XYZ xAxis  = extruDir;
            XYZ yAxis  = (profileCopy.Vertical.GetEndPoint(1) - profileCopy.Vertical.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize();

            Rebar stirrupBars = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(options.RevitDoc, stirrupShape,
                                                           options.StirrupBarType, m_corbel, origin, xAxis, yAxis);

            double xLength = m_extrusionLine.Length - 2 * offset;
            double yLength = profileCopy.Vertical.Length;

            stirrupBars.SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(options.StirrupBarCount + 1, profileCopy.Top.Length, false, false, true);
            stirrupBars.ScaleToBox(origin, xAxis * xLength, yAxis * yLength);

            double space = profileCopy.Top.Length / options.StirrupBarCount;
            double step  = space * m_profile.Vertical.Length / (m_profile.Bottom.Length - m_profile.Top.Length);

            XYZ dirTop      = (m_profile.Top.GetEndPoint(0) - m_profile.Top.GetEndPoint(1)).Normalize();
            XYZ dirVertical = yAxis;
            XYZ deltaStep   = dirTop * space + dirVertical * step;

            origin = profileCopy.Top.GetEndPoint(0) + extruDir * offset;
            int count = (int)((m_profile.Vertical.Length - m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter) / step);

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                origin += deltaStep;
                Rebar stirrupBars2 = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(options.RevitDoc, stirrupShape,
                                                                options.StirrupBarType, m_corbel, origin, xAxis, yAxis);

                stirrupBars2.ScaleToBox(origin, xAxis * xLength, yAxis * (yLength - i * step));
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Token: 0x060001D5 RID: 469 RVA: 0x0000C760 File Offset: 0x0000A960
        private bool IsStirrup()
            RebarShape rebarShape = this.Rebar.Document.GetElement(this.Rebar.Element.GetShapeId()) as RebarShape;
            bool       flag       = rebarShape == null;

            return(flag || rebarShape.RebarStyle == (RebarStyle)1);
Exemplo n.º 6
        static public string getShapeNameAtIndex(Rebar rebar, int barPositionIndex)
            string shapeName = "";

            if (rebar == null)
            RebarFreeFormAccessor accessor = rebar.GetFreeFormAccessor();

            if (accessor == null)
            if (rebar.Document == null)

            ElementId  idShape = accessor.GetShapeIdAtIndex(barPositionIndex);
            RebarShape shape   = rebar.Document.GetElement(idShape) as RebarShape;

            if (shape == null)
            shapeName = shape.Name;
Exemplo n.º 7
        Stream(ArrayList data, RebarShape rebarShape)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(RebarShape)));

            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Object("GetRebarShapeDefinition()", rebarShape.GetRebarShapeDefinition()));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Rebar style", rebarShape.RebarStyle.ToString()));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Simple arc", rebarShape.SimpleArc));   // TBD: should be "IsSimpleArc"?
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Simple line", rebarShape.SimpleLine)); // TBD: should be "IsSimpleLine?"

            // TBD: how to call other functions?
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Curve           rebarCurve = null;
            RebarProperties props      = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref rebarCurve);
            DA.GetData(1, ref props);

            RebarShape rebarShape = new RebarShape(props);


            DA.SetData(0, rebarShape);
            DA.SetData(1, rebarShape.RebarMesh);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private RebarShape GetRebarShape(string nameRebarShape)
            RebarShape rebarShape = null;
            FilteredElementCollector rsCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            foreach (RebarShape rs in rsCollector)
                if (rs.Name == nameRebarShape)
                    rebarShape = rs;
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Curve           rebarCurve    = null;
            RebarProperties props         = null;
            BendingRoller   bendingRoller = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref rebarCurve);
            DA.GetData(1, ref props);
            DA.GetData(2, ref bendingRoller);

            RebarShape rebarShape = new RebarShape(props);

            rebarShape.PolylineToRebarShape(rebarCurve, bendingRoller);

            DA.SetData(0, rebarShape);
            DA.SetData(1, rebarShape.RebarMesh);
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            int        id         = 0;
            RebarShape rebarShape = null;
            Vector3d   vector     = new Vector3d();
            int        count      = 0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref id);
            DA.GetData(1, ref rebarShape);
            DA.GetData(2, ref vector);
            DA.GetData(3, ref count);

            RebarGroup rebarGroup = new RebarGroup(id, new RebarSpacing(rebarShape, vector, count));

            DA.SetData(0, rebarGroup);
            DA.SetDataList(1, rebarGroup.RebarGroupMesh);
            DA.SetDataList(2, rebarGroup.RebarGroupCurves);
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d     rectangle       = Rectangle3d.Unset;
            RebarProperties properties      = null;
            int             position        = 0;
            CoverDimensions coverDimensions = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref rectangle);
            DA.GetData(1, ref properties);
            DA.GetData(2, ref position);
            DA.GetData(3, ref coverDimensions);

            RebarShape rebarShape = new RebarShape(properties);

            rebarShape.BuildRectangleToLineBarShape(rectangle, position, coverDimensions);

            DA.SetData(0, rebarShape);
            DA.SetData(1, rebarShape.RebarMesh);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Present the main dialog for user to prepare the parameters for Rebar creation,
        /// and after that if user click the OK button, a new Rebar will be created.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            using (NewRebarForm form = new NewRebarForm(m_rvtUIDoc.Document))
                if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog())
                    RebarBarType barType  = form.RebarBarType;
                    RebarShape   barShape = form.RebarShape;

                    List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ> profilePoints = m_geometryData.ProfilePoints;
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ        origin        = profilePoints[0];
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ        yVec          = profilePoints[1] - origin;
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ        xVec          = profilePoints[3] - origin;

                    m_createdRebar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(m_rvtUIDoc.Document, barShape, barType, m_rebarHost, origin, xVec, yVec);

Exemplo n.º 14
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            int        id              = 0;
            RebarShape rebarShape      = null;
            Vector3d   vector          = new Vector3d();
            double     spacingDistance = double.NaN;
            int        spacingType     = 0;
            double     tolerance       = double.NaN;

            DA.GetData(0, ref id);
            DA.GetData(1, ref rebarShape);
            DA.GetData(2, ref vector);
            DA.GetData(3, ref spacingDistance);
            DA.GetData(4, ref spacingType);
            DA.GetData(5, ref tolerance);

            RebarGroup rebarGroup = new RebarGroup(id, new RebarSpacing(rebarShape, vector, spacingDistance, spacingType, tolerance));

            DA.SetData(0, rebarGroup);
            DA.SetDataList(1, rebarGroup.RebarGroupMesh);
            DA.SetDataList(2, rebarGroup.RebarGroupCurves);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a multi-planar bar into corbel with given options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options for Rebar Creation</param>
        private void PlaceMultiplanarRebar(CorbelReinforcementOptions options)
            Trapezoid profileCopy = m_profile.Clone();

                                  - options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter - 0.5 * options.MultiplanarBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetLeft(-m_corbelCoverDistance - 0.5 * options.MultiplanarBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetBottom(m_hostDepth - m_hostCoverDistance
                                     - options.HostStraightBarType.BarDiameter * 4
                                     - options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);
            profileCopy.OffsetRight(-m_corbelCoverDistance - options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter
                                    - 0.5 * options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter);


            XYZ origin, vx, vy;

            profileCopy.Boundary(out origin, out vx, out vy);

            XYZ        vecX     = vx.Normalize();
            XYZ        vecY     = vy.Normalize();
            RebarShape barshape = profileCopy.ConstructMultiplanarRebarShape(options.RevitDoc,
                                                                             0.5 * options.MultiplanarBarType.StirrupTieBendDiameter);
            Rebar newRebar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(
                options.RevitDoc, barshape,
                m_corbel, origin, vecX, vecY);

            XYZ    extruDir = (m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(1) - m_extrusionLine.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize();
            double offset   = m_corbelCoverDistance +
                              options.StirrupBarType.BarDiameter +
                              0.5 * options.MultiplanarBarType.BarDiameter;

            newRebar.ScaleToBoxFor3D(origin + extruDir * (m_extrusionLine.Length - offset),
                                     vx, vy, m_extrusionLine.Length - 2 * offset);
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d     rectangle       = Rectangle3d.Unset;
            RebarProperties properties      = null;
            BendingRoller   bendingRoller   = null;
            int             hooksType       = 0;
            CoverDimensions coverDimensions = null;
            double          hookLength      = 0.0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref rectangle);
            DA.GetData(1, ref properties);
            DA.GetData(2, ref bendingRoller);
            DA.GetData(3, ref hooksType);
            DA.GetData(4, ref hookLength);
            DA.GetData(5, ref coverDimensions);

            RebarShape rebarShape = new RebarShape(properties);

            rebarShape.BuildRectangleToStirrupShape(rectangle, bendingRoller, hooksType, coverDimensions, hookLength);

            DA.SetData(0, rebarShape);
            DA.SetData(1, rebarShape.RebarMesh);
        public void testRebar_FromCurve_Bot_Func(Document doc, Element myBeam, List <Face> myListFacePicked, double divideFac, double coverBar,
                                                 string myRebarShapeName, string myRebarTypeName)
            LocationCurve myLocBeam = myBeam.Location as LocationCurve;

            List <XYZ> myEndPoints = getPointCenterBottomLine(doc, myBeam);

            XYZ p1 = myEndPoints[0];
            XYZ p2 = myEndPoints[1];

            XYZ    Vp1p2      = p2 - p1;
            double p1p2Length = Vp1p2.GetLength();

            // Cover bar thickness = 25
            //			double coverBar = 25/304.8;

            XYZ p1_Rb = p1 + coverBar / p1p2Length * Vp1p2;

            XYZ p2_Rb = p1 + (1 - coverBar / p1p2Length) * Vp1p2;

            p1_Rb = new XYZ(p1_Rb.X, p1_Rb.Y, p1_Rb.Z + coverBar);
            p2_Rb = new XYZ(p2_Rb.X, p2_Rb.Y, p2_Rb.Z + coverBar);

            Line centerLineBeam = Line.CreateBound(p1_Rb, p2_Rb);

            XYZ v  = p2_Rb - p1_Rb;
            XYZ p  = p1_Rb - 0.1 * v;
            XYZ v1 = new XYZ(v.Y, -1 * v.X, v.Z);
            XYZ v2 = p2_Rb - p;

            List <double> myListDisSortFace = getAndSortDisOfEndFaces(myListFacePicked, p);

            double lengSeg = myListDisSortFace[myListDisSortFace.Count() - 1] - myListDisSortFace[0];
            //		    double divideFac = 6;

            XYZ ePR1 = p + ((myListDisSortFace[0] + lengSeg / divideFac) / v2.GetLength()) * v2;
            XYZ ePR2 = p + ((myListDisSortFace[myListDisSortFace.Count() - 1] - lengSeg / divideFac) / v2.GetLength()) * v2;

            Line curveOfRebar = Line.CreateBound(ePR1, ePR2);

            List <Curve> myShape = new List <Curve>()

            // RebarShape
            FilteredElementCollector fecRebarShape = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            RebarShape myRebarShape = fecRebarShape.Cast <RebarShape>().
                                      First <RebarShape>(myRebarShape2 => myRebarShape2.Name == myRebarShapeName);

            // Rebartype
            FilteredElementCollector fecRebarType = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
            RebarBarType myRebarType = fecRebarType.Cast <RebarBarType>().
                                       First <RebarBarType>(myRebarType2 => myRebarType2.Name == myRebarTypeName);

            // Hooktype
            FilteredElementCollector fec2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarHookType> iterRebarHookTypes = fec2.Cast <RebarHookType>();

            RebarHookType myRebarHookType = iterRebarHookTypes.First();

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "rebar test"))

                //				Rebar myRebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurvesAndShape(doc, myRebarShape, myRebarType,
                //				                                               null, null,
                //				                                               myBeam,v1,
                //				                                               myShape,
                //				                                               RebarHookOrientation.Left,
                //				                                               RebarHookOrientation.Left);
                Rebar myRebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, myRebarType,
                                                       null, null,
                                                       myBeam, v1,
                                                       RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Right,
                                                       true, false);

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the multi-planar Rebar Shape according to the trapezoid wire-frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="revitDoc">Revit DB Document</param>
        /// /// <param name="bendDiameter">OutOfPlaneBendDiameter for multi-planar shape</param>
        /// <returns>Created multi-planar Rebar Shape</returns>
        public RebarShape ConstructMultiplanarRebarShape(Document revitDoc, double bendDiameter)
            // Construct a segment definition with 2 lines.
            RebarShapeDefinitionBySegments shapedef = new RebarShapeDefinitionBySegments(revitDoc, 2);

            // Define parameters for the dimension.
            ElementId B  = SharedParameterUtil.GetOrCreateDef("B", revitDoc);
            ElementId H  = SharedParameterUtil.GetOrCreateDef("H", revitDoc);
            ElementId K  = SharedParameterUtil.GetOrCreateDef("K", revitDoc);
            ElementId MM = SharedParameterUtil.GetOrCreateDef("MM", revitDoc);

            // Set parameters default values according to the size Trapezoid shape.
            shapedef.AddParameter(B, Top.Length);
            shapedef.AddParameter(H, Bottom.Length - Top.Length);
            shapedef.AddParameter(K, Vertical.Length);
            shapedef.AddParameter(MM, 15);

            // Rebar shape geometry curves consist of Line S0 and Line S1.
            //         |Y       V1
            //         |--S0(B)--\ 
            //         |          \S1(H, K)
            //         |           \
            //         |

            // Define Segment 0 (S0)
            // S0's direction is fixed in positive X Axis.
            shapedef.SetSegmentFixedDirection(0, 1, 0);
            // S0's length is determined by parameter B
            shapedef.AddConstraintParallelToSegment(0, B, false, false);

            // Define Segment 1 (S1)
            // Fix S1's direction.
            shapedef.SetSegmentFixedDirection(1, Bottom.Length - Top.Length, -Vertical.Length);
            // S1's length in positive X Axis is parameter H.
            shapedef.AddConstraintToSegment(1, H, 1, 0, 1, false, false);
            // S1's length in negative Y Axis is parameter K.
            shapedef.AddConstraintToSegment(1, K, 0, -1, 1, false, false);

            // Define Vertex 1 (V1)
            // S1 at V1 is turn to right and the angle is acute.
            shapedef.AddBendDefaultRadius(1, RebarShapeVertexTurn.Right, RebarShapeBendAngle.Acute);

            // Check to see if it's full constrained.
            if (!shapedef.Complete)
                throw new Exception("Shape was not completed.");

            // Try to solve it to make sure the shape can be resolved with default parameter value.
            if (!shapedef.CheckDefaultParameterValues(0, 0))
                throw new Exception("Can't resolve rebar shape.");

            // Define multi-planar definition
            RebarShapeMultiplanarDefinition multiPlanarDef = new RebarShapeMultiplanarDefinition(bendDiameter);

            multiPlanarDef.DepthParamId = MM;

            // Realize the Rebar shape with creation static method.
            // The RebarStype is stirrupTie, and it will attach to the top cover.
            RebarShape newshape = RebarShape.Create(revitDoc, shapedef, multiPlanarDef,
                                                    RebarStyle.StirrupTie, StirrupTieAttachmentType.InteriorFace,
                                                    0, RebarHookOrientation.Left, 0, RebarHookOrientation.Left, 0);

            // Give a readable name
            newshape.Name = "API Corbel Multi-Shape " + newshape.Id;

            // Make sure we can see the created shape from the browser.
            IList <Curve> curvesForBrowser = newshape.GetCurvesForBrowser();

            if (curvesForBrowser.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("The Rebar shape is invisible in browser.");

Exemplo n.º 19
        // Token: 0x060001D7 RID: 471 RVA: 0x0000C80C File Offset: 0x0000AA0C
        internal override void WriteToUnitechnik(ICollection <ExportReinfData> exportedElements)
            bool flag = this.Rebar == null;

            if (!flag)
                bool flag2 = base.IronSetsSchematic.none <List <ItGeCurve3d> >();
                if (flag2)
                    ItFailures.PostFailure(ItFailures.CAMInvalidRebarShape, this.Rebar.Id);
                    exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                        Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                        ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsFailure
                    bool ironSetsSchematicAreInvalid = base.IronSetsSchematicAreInvalid;
                    if (ironSetsSchematicAreInvalid)
                        ItFailures.PostFailure(ItFailures.CAMUnsupportedRebarShapeExportedAsStraightBar, this.Rebar.Id);
                    bool flag3 = SteelGroupElementRebar.IsMultiplanar(this.Rebar);
                    if (flag3)
                        exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                            Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                            ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsMountPart
                        bool flag4 = base.IronSetsSchematic.any((List <ItGeCurve3d> ls) => ls.OfType <ItGeCircArc3d>().any <ItGeCircArc3d>());
                        if (flag4)
                            exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                                Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                                ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsMountPart
                            bool flag5 = SteelGroupElementRebar.IsStraightBarsInXYPlane(base.IronSetsSchematic);
                            if (flag5)
                                exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                                    Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                                    ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsRodstock
                                RebarShape rebarShape = this.Rebar.Document.GetElement(this.Rebar.Element.GetShapeId()) as RebarShape;
                                bool       flag6      = rebarShape.RebarStyle == (RebarStyle)1;
                                if (flag6)
                                    exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                                        Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                                        ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsMountPart
                                    bool flag7 = SteelGroupElementRebar.IsValidBendingFormForUnitechnikFreeForm(base.IronSetsSchematic);
                                    if (flag7)
                                        exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                                            Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                                            ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsFreeForm
                                        exportedElements.Add(new ExportReinfData
                                            Id         = this.Rebar.Id,
                                            ExportedAs = ExportReinfData.ExportType.AsMountPart
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void testRebar_FromShape()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            // Pick Rebar

            List <int> myListIdCategoryRebar = new List <int>();


            // Select first Element (ex beam)
            Reference myRefBeam = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, new FilterByIdCategory(myListIdCategoryRebar), "Pick a Beam...");
            //Get element1 from ref
            Element myBeam = doc.GetElement(myRefBeam);


            LocationCurve myLocBeam = myBeam.Location as LocationCurve;

            Line centerLinebeam = myLocBeam.Curve as Line;

            XYZ p = centerLinebeam.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ q = centerLinebeam.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ v = p - q;

            XYZ v1 = v.CrossProduct(p);

            List <Curve> myShape = new List <Curve>()

            // Rebartype
            FilteredElementCollector fec1 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarBarType> iterRebarBarTypes = fec1.Cast <RebarBarType>();

            RebarBarType myRebarType = iterRebarBarTypes.First();

            // RebarShape
            FilteredElementCollector fec3 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarShape> iterRebarBarShapes = fec3.Cast <RebarShape>();

            RebarShape myRebarShape = iterRebarBarShapes.First();

            // Hooktype
            FilteredElementCollector fec2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarHookType> iterRebarHookTypes = fec2.Cast <RebarHookType>();

            RebarHookType myRebarHookType = iterRebarHookTypes.First();

            XYZ ORIGIN = new XYZ(q.X, q.Y, q.Z - 25 / 304.8);

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "rebar test"))

                Rebar bar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(doc, myRebarShape, myRebarType, myBeam, ORIGIN, v, new XYZ(0, 0, 1));

                List <Curve> myCenterLineOfRebar = bar.GetCenterlineCurves(false, false, false, MultiplanarOption.IncludeOnlyPlanarCurves, 0) as List <Curve>;

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Present a dialog to customize a RebarShape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void createShapeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Make sure the name is not null or empty.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Please give a name to create a rebar shape.");

            // Make sure the input name is started with letter and
            // just contains letters, numbers and underlines.
            Regex regex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]\\w+$");

            if (!regex.IsMatch(nameTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Please input the name starting with letter and just containing letters, numbers and underlines. String is " + nameTextBox.Text.ToString());

            // Create a RebarShapeDefinition.
            RebarShapeDef shapeDef = null;

            if (byArcradioButton.Checked)
                // Create arc shape.
                RebarShapeDefinitionByArc     arcShapeDefinition = null;
                RebarShapeDefinitionByArcType arcType            = (RebarShapeDefinitionByArcType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RebarShapeDefinitionByArcType), arcTypecomboBox.Text);
                if (arcType != RebarShapeDefinitionByArcType.Spiral)
                    arcShapeDefinition = new RebarShapeDefinitionByArc(m_rvtDoc, arcType);
                    // Set default value for Spiral-Shape definition.
                    arcShapeDefinition = new RebarShapeDefinitionByArc(m_rvtDoc, 10.0, 3.0, 0, 0);
                shapeDef = new RebarShapeDefByArc(arcShapeDefinition);
            else if (bySegmentsradioButton.Checked)
                // Create straight segments shape.
                int segmentCount = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(segmentCountTextBox.Text, out segmentCount) && segmentCount > 0)
                    shapeDef = new RebarShapeDefBySegment(new RebarShapeDefinitionBySegments(m_rvtDoc, segmentCount));
                    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Please input a valid positive integer as segments count.");

            int startHookAngle = 0;
            int endHookAngle   = 0;
            RebarHookOrientation startHookOrientation = RebarHookOrientation.Left;
            RebarHookOrientation endHookOrientation   = RebarHookOrientation.Left;

            bool doCreate = false;

            using (NewRebarShapeForm form = new NewRebarShapeForm(m_rvtDoc, shapeDef))
                // Present a form to customize the shape.
                if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog())
                    doCreate = true;
                    if (form.NeedSetHooks)
                        // Set hooks for rebar shape.
                        startHookAngle       = form.StartHookAngle;
                        endHookAngle         = form.EndHookAngle;
                        startHookOrientation = form.StartHookOrientation;
                        endHookOrientation   = form.EndHookOrientation;

            if (doCreate)
                // Create the RebarShape.
                RebarShape createdRebarShape = RebarShape.Create(m_rvtDoc, shapeDef.RebarshapeDefinition, null,
                                                                 RebarStyle.Standard, StirrupTieAttachmentType.InteriorFace,
                                                                 startHookAngle, startHookOrientation,
                                                                 endHookAngle, endHookOrientation,
                createdRebarShape.Name = nameTextBox.Text.Trim();

                // Add the created shape to the candidate list.
                shapesComboBox.SelectedItem = createdRebarShape;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void Stream(ArrayList data, RebarShape rebarShape)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(RebarShape)));

             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Object("GetRebarShapeDefinition()", rebarShape.GetRebarShapeDefinition()));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Rebar style", rebarShape.RebarStyle.ToString()));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Simple arc", rebarShape.SimpleArc));      // TBD: should be "IsSimpleArc"?
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Simple line", rebarShape.SimpleLine));    // TBD: should be "IsSimpleLine?"

             // TBD: how to call other functions?
Exemplo n.º 23
        Stream(ArrayList data, ElementType sym)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(ElementType)));

            // no data at this level yet

            AnnotationSymbolType annoType = sym as AnnotationSymbolType;

            if (annoType != null)
                Stream(data, annoType);

            AreaReinforcementType areaReinforcementType = sym as AreaReinforcementType;

            if (areaReinforcementType != null)
                Stream(data, areaReinforcementType);

            AreaTagType areaTagType = sym as AreaTagType;

            if (areaTagType != null)
                Stream(data, areaTagType);

            BeamSystemType beamSystemType = sym as BeamSystemType;

            if (beamSystemType != null)
                Stream(data, beamSystemType);

            DimensionType dimType = sym as DimensionType;

            if (dimType != null)
                Stream(data, dimType);

            FabricSheetType fabricST = sym as FabricSheetType;

            if (fabricST != null)
                Stream(data, fabricST);

            FabricWireType fabricWT = sym as FabricWireType;

            if (fabricWT != null)
                Stream(data, fabricWT);

            GroupType groupType = sym as GroupType;

            if (groupType != null)
                Stream(data, groupType);

            HostObjAttributes hostAtt = sym as HostObjAttributes;

            if (hostAtt != null)
                Stream(data, hostAtt);

            InsertableObject insObj = sym as InsertableObject;

            if (insObj != null)
                Stream(data, insObj);

            LevelType levelType = sym as LevelType;

            if (levelType != null)
                Stream(data, levelType);

            LineAndTextAttrSymbol lineAndTextAttr = sym as LineAndTextAttrSymbol;

            if (lineAndTextAttr != null)
                Stream(data, lineAndTextAttr);

            LoadTypeBase loadTypeBase = sym as LoadTypeBase;

            if (loadTypeBase != null)
                Stream(data, loadTypeBase);

            MEPBuildingConstruction mepBldConst = sym as MEPBuildingConstruction;

            if (mepBldConst != null)
                Stream(data, mepBldConst);

            PathReinforcementType pathReinforcementType = sym as PathReinforcementType;

            if (pathReinforcementType != null)
                Stream(data, pathReinforcementType);

            RebarBarType rebarBarType = sym as RebarBarType;

            if (rebarBarType != null)
                Stream(data, rebarBarType);

            RebarCoverType rebarCoverType = sym as RebarCoverType;

            if (rebarCoverType != null)
                Stream(data, rebarCoverType);

            RebarHookType rebarHookType = sym as RebarHookType;

            if (rebarHookType != null)
                Stream(data, rebarHookType);

            RebarShape rebarShape = sym as RebarShape;

            if (rebarShape != null)
                Stream(data, rebarShape);

            RoomTagType roomTagType = sym as RoomTagType;

            if (roomTagType != null)
                Stream(data, roomTagType);

            SpaceTagType spaceTagType = sym as SpaceTagType;

            if (spaceTagType != null)
                Stream(data, spaceTagType);

            TrussType trussType = sym as TrussType;

            if (trussType != null)
                Stream(data, trussType);

            DistributionSysType distSysType = sym as DistributionSysType;

            if (distSysType != null)
                Stream(data, distSysType);

            MEPCurveType mepCurType = sym as MEPCurveType;

            if (mepCurType != null)
                Stream(data, mepCurType);

            FluidType fluidType = sym as FluidType;

            if (fluidType != null)
                Stream(data, fluidType);

            PipeScheduleType pipeSchedType = sym as PipeScheduleType;

            if (pipeSchedType != null)
                Stream(data, pipeSchedType);

            VoltageType voltType = sym as VoltageType;

            if (voltType != null)
                Stream(data, voltType);

            WireType wireType = sym as WireType;

            if (wireType != null)
                Stream(data, wireType);

            ModelTextType modelTxtType = sym as ModelTextType;

            if (modelTxtType != null)
                Stream(data, modelTxtType);
Exemplo n.º 24
        //private void setBeJoined(Document doc, Element myBeJoined)

        //    ICollection<ElementId> myListElemIdsJoined = JoinGeometryUtils.GetJoinedElements(doc, myBeJoined);

        //    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Switch Join"))
        //    {
        //        trans.Start();
        //        foreach (ElementId myElemId in myListElemIdsJoined)
        //        {

        //            if (!JoinGeometryUtils.IsCuttingElementInJoin(doc, doc.GetElement(myElemId), myBeJoined))
        //            {
        //                JoinGeometryUtils.SwitchJoinOrder(doc, doc.GetElement(myElemId), myBeJoined);
        //            }

        //        }

        //        trans.Commit();
        //    }

        public void Rebar_FromCurve_Top_Func(Document doc, Element myBeam, List <Face> myListFacePicked, double divideFac, double coverBar,
                                             string myRebarShapeName, string myRebarTypeName)
            //BoundingBox beam
            BoundingBoxXYZ myBoundBeam = myBeam.get_BoundingBox(null);
            double         hBeam       = myBoundBeam.Max.Z - myBoundBeam.Min.Z;

            LocationCurve myLocBeam = myBeam.Location as LocationCurve;

            Line myLocLine = myLocBeam.Curve as Line;

            XYZ p = myLocLine.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ q = myLocLine.GetEndPoint(1);

            XYZ v = q - p;

            XYZ pE = p - 0.5 * v;
            XYZ vE = q - pE;

            XYZ vRB = new XYZ(v.Y, -1 * v.X, v.Z);

            List <double> myListDisSortFace = getAndSortDisOfEndFaces(myListFacePicked, pE);

            double lengSeg_1 = myListDisSortFace[1] - myListDisSortFace[0];
            double lengSeg_2 = myListDisSortFace[3] - myListDisSortFace[2];

            XYZ ePR1_XY = pE + ((myListDisSortFace[1] - lengSeg_1 / divideFac) / vE.GetLength()) * vE;
            XYZ ePR2_XY = pE + ((myListDisSortFace[2] + lengSeg_2 / divideFac) / vE.GetLength()) * vE;

            XYZ ePR1 = new XYZ(ePR1_XY.X, ePR1_XY.Y, myBoundBeam.Max.Z - coverBar);
            XYZ ePR2 = new XYZ(ePR2_XY.X, ePR2_XY.Y, myBoundBeam.Max.Z - coverBar);

            Line curveOfRebar = Line.CreateBound(ePR1, ePR2);

            List <Curve> myShape = new List <Curve>()

            // RebarShape
            FilteredElementCollector fecRebarShape = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            RebarShape myRebarShape = fecRebarShape.Cast <RebarShape>().
                                      First <RebarShape>(myRebarShape2 => myRebarShape2.Name == myRebarShapeName);

            // Rebartype
            FilteredElementCollector fecRebarType = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
            RebarBarType myRebarType = fecRebarType.Cast <RebarBarType>().
                                       First <RebarBarType>(myRebarType2 => myRebarType2.Name == myRebarTypeName);

            // Hooktype
            FilteredElementCollector fec2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarHookType> iterRebarHookTypes = fec2.Cast <RebarHookType>();

            RebarHookType myRebarHookType = iterRebarHookTypes.First();

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "rebar test"))

                Rebar myRebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, myRebarType,
                                                       null, null,
                                                       myBeam, vRB,
                                                       RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Right,
                                                       true, false);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void GetFraming()
            if (VolumeParametrA < 100)
                throw new ArgumentException("Значение A должно быть больше 100");
            if (VolumeParametrB < 50)
                throw new ArgumentException("Значение B должно быть больше 50");
            if (RebarSpace < 50)
                throw new ArgumentException("Значение RebarSpace должно быть больше 50");

            Options geoOptions = new Options()
                View = doc.ActiveView,
                IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true
            GeometryElement geoElement = host.get_Geometry(geoOptions);

            FaceArray faceArray = new FaceArray();

            foreach (GeometryObject geoObject in geoElement)
                Solid geoSolid = geoObject as Solid;
                if (null != geoSolid)
                    faceArray = geoSolid.Faces;

            RebarShape   rebarShape   = GetRebarShape(NameRebarShape);
            RebarBarType rebarBarType = GetRebarBarType(NameRebarBarType);

            using (TransactionGroup tg = new TransactionGroup(doc
                                                              , "TransactionGroupSlabReinforcement_3"))
                foreach (PlanarFace planarFace in faceArray)
                    if (planarFace.FaceNormal.Z == 0)
                        XYZ origin = GetOrigin(planarFace
                                               , VolumeParametrA / coof
                                               , NameRebarShape);

                        using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "SlabReinforcement_3"))

                            if (NameRebarShape == "Стж_Г")
                                XYZ xVec = planarFace.FaceNormal;
                                XYZ yVec = -planarFace.XVector;

                                Rebar rebar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(doc, rebarShape
                                                                         , rebarBarType, host, origin, xVec, yVec);
                                if (null != rebar)
                                    bool barsOnNormalSide;
                                    if (planarFace.YVector == new XYZ(0, 1, 0))
                                        barsOnNormalSide = true;
                                        barsOnNormalSide = false;

                                    int numberOfBarPositions = (int)Math.Round
                                        ((planarFace.GetBoundingBox().Max.V - (2 * 50 / coof))
                                         (RebarSpace / coof)
                                         + 1)

                                    double spacing         = RebarSpace / coof;
                                    bool   includeFirstBar = true;
                                    bool   includeLastBar  = true;

                                                                  , spacing, barsOnNormalSide
                                                                  , includeFirstBar, includeLastBar);
                                    foreach (Parameter para in rebar.Parameters)
                            if (NameRebarShape == "Стж_П")
                                XYZ xVec = -planarFace.XVector;
                                XYZ yVec = -planarFace.FaceNormal;

                                Rebar rebar = Rebar.CreateFromRebarShape(doc, rebarShape
                                                                         , rebarBarType, host, origin, xVec, yVec);
                                if (null != rebar)
                                    bool barsOnNormalSide;
                                    if (planarFace.YVector == new XYZ(0, 1, 0))
                                        barsOnNormalSide = true;
                                        barsOnNormalSide = false;

                                    int numberOfBarPositions = (int)Math.Round
                                        ((planarFace.GetBoundingBox().Max.V - (2 * 50 / coof))
                                         (RebarSpace / coof)
                                         + 1)

                                    double spacing         = RebarSpace / coof;
                                    bool   includeFirstBar = true;
                                    bool   includeLastBar  = true;

                                                                  , spacing, barsOnNormalSide
                                                                  , includeFirstBar, includeLastBar);
                                    foreach (Parameter para in rebar.Parameters)
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void testRebar_FromShapeAndCurve_Bot()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            List <int> myListIdCategoryRebar = new List <int>();


            // Select first Element (ex beam)
            Reference myRefBeam = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, new FilterByIdCategory(myListIdCategoryRebar), "Pick a Beam...");
            //Get element1 from ref
            Element myBeam = doc.GetElement(myRefBeam);

//			doc.Regenerate();

            LocationCurve myLocBeam = myBeam.Location as LocationCurve;

            List <XYZ> myEndPoints = getPointCenterBottomLine(myBeam);

            XYZ p1 = myEndPoints[0];
            XYZ p2 = myEndPoints[1];

            XYZ    Vp1p2      = p2 - p1;
            double p1p2Length = Vp1p2.GetLength();

            // Cover bar thickness = 25
            double coverBar = 25 / 304.8;

            XYZ p1_Rb = p1 + coverBar / p1p2Length * Vp1p2;

            XYZ p2_Rb = p1 + (1 - coverBar / p1p2Length) * Vp1p2;

            p1_Rb = new XYZ(p1_Rb.X, p1_Rb.Y, p1_Rb.Z + coverBar);
            p2_Rb = new XYZ(p2_Rb.X, p2_Rb.Y, p2_Rb.Z + coverBar);

            Line curveOfRebar = Line.CreateBound(p1_Rb, p2_Rb);

            List <Curve> myShape = new List <Curve>()

            Line centerLineBeam = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2);

            XYZ p = centerLineBeam.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ q = centerLineBeam.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ v = p - q;

            XYZ v1 = new XYZ(v.Y, -1 * v.X, v.Z);

            // RebarShape
            FilteredElementCollector fec3 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarShape> iterRebarBarShapes = fec3.Cast <RebarShape>();

            RebarShape myRebarShape = iterRebarBarShapes.First();

            // Rebartype
            FilteredElementCollector fec1 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarBarType> iterRebarBarTypes = fec1.Cast <RebarBarType>();

            RebarBarType myRebarType = iterRebarBarTypes.First();

            // Hooktype
            FilteredElementCollector fec2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            IEnumerable <RebarHookType> iterRebarHookTypes = fec2.Cast <RebarHookType>();

            RebarHookType myRebarHookType = iterRebarHookTypes.First();

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "rebar test"))

                Rebar myRebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurvesAndShape(doc, myRebarShape, myRebarType,
                                                               null, null,
                                                               myBeam, v1,
                //myRebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(4,1,true, true, true);