public static BlockInfo?PickPiece(this IPiecePicker picker, IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers)
            Span <BlockInfo> buffer = stackalloc BlockInfo[1];
            var result = picker.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, 0, available.Length - 1, buffer);

            return(result == 1 ? (BlockInfo?)buffer[0] : null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal FastResume(BEncodedDictionary dict)
            CheckContent(dict, InfoHashKey);
            CheckContent(dict, BitfieldKey);
            CheckContent(dict, BitfieldLengthKey);

            // BEP52: Support backwards/forwards compatibility
            var infoHash = InfoHash.FromMemory(((BEncodedString)dict[InfoHashKey]).AsMemory());

            if (infoHash.Span.Length == 20)
                InfoHashes = InfoHashes.FromV1(infoHash);
                InfoHashes = InfoHashes.FromV2(infoHash);

            var data = ((BEncodedString)dict[BitfieldKey]).Span;

            Bitfield = new ReadOnlyBitField(data, (int)((BEncodedNumber)dict[BitfieldLengthKey]).Number);

            // If we're loading up an older version of the FastResume data then we
            if (dict.ContainsKey(UnhashedPiecesKey))
                data           = ((BEncodedString)dict[UnhashedPiecesKey]).Span;
                UnhashedPieces = new ReadOnlyBitField(data, Bitfield.Length);
                UnhashedPieces = new ReadOnlyBitField(Bitfield.Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override int PickPiece(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers, int startIndex, int endIndex, Span <BlockInfo> requests)
            if (available.AllFalse)

            if (requests.Length > 1)
                return(base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests));

            GenerateRarestFirst(available, otherPeers);

            while (rarest.Count > 0)
                BitField current   = rarest.Pop();
                int      requested = base.PickPiece(peer, current, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests);

                if (requested > 0)

        public static BlockInfo?PickPiece(this IPiecePicker picker, IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available)
            Span <BlockInfo> buffer = stackalloc BlockInfo[1];
            var picked = picker.PickPiece(peer, available, Array.Empty <IPeer> (), 0, available.Length - 1, buffer);

            return(picked == 1 ? (BlockInfo?)buffer[0] : null);
        public override bool IsInteresting(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField bitfield)
            if (temp is null || allPrioritisedPieces is null)

            if (ShouldRebuildSelectors())

            if (files.Count == 1 || files.TrueForAll(AllSamePriority))
                if (files[0].Priority == Priority.DoNotDownload)
                return(base.IsInteresting(peer, bitfield));
                if (temp.AllFalse)
                return(base.IsInteresting(peer, temp));
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal FastResume(InfoHashes infoHashes, ReadOnlyBitField bitfield, ReadOnlyBitField unhashedPieces)
            InfoHashes     = infoHashes ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(infoHashes));
            Bitfield       = new ReadOnlyBitField(bitfield);
            UnhashedPieces = new ReadOnlyBitField(unhashedPieces);

            for (int i = 0; i < Bitfield.Length; i++)
                if (bitfield[i] && unhashedPieces[i])
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The bitfield is set to true at index {i} but that piece is marked as unhashed.");
        public async Task SaveLoadFastResume()
            await Manager.HashCheckAsync(false);

            Manager.MutableBitField.SetAll(true).Set(0, false);
            Manager.UnhashedPieces.SetAll(false).Set(0, true);

            var origUnhashed = new ReadOnlyBitField(Manager.UnhashedPieces);
            var origBitfield = new ReadOnlyBitField(Manager.Bitfield);
            await Manager.LoadFastResumeAsync(await Manager.SaveFastResumeAsync());

            Assert.IsTrue(origUnhashed.SequenceEqual(Manager.UnhashedPieces), "#3");
            Assert.IsTrue(origBitfield.SequenceEqual(Manager.Bitfield), "#4");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override int PickPiece(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers, int startIndex, int endIndex, Span <BlockInfo> requests)
            // Invert 'bitfield' and AND it with the peers bitfield
            // Any pieces which are 'true' in the bitfield will not be downloaded
            if (Bitfield.AllFalse)
                return(base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests));

            if (Temp.AllFalse)

            return(base.PickPiece(peer, Temp, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests));
        public override int PickPiece(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers, int startIndex, int endIndex, Span <BlockInfo> requests)
            // Fast Path - the peer has nothing to offer
            if (available.AllFalse || temp == null)

            // Rebuild if any file changed priority
            if (ShouldRebuildSelectors())

            // Fast Path - As 'files' has been sorted highest priority first, all files
            // must be set to DoNotDownload if this is true.
            if (files[0].Priority == Priority.DoNotDownload)

            // Fast Path - If it's a single file, or if all the priorities are the same,
            // then we can just pick normally. No prioritisation is needed.
            if (files.Count == 1 || files.TrueForAll(AllSamePriority))
                return(base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests));

            // Start with the highest priority and work our way down.
            for (int i = 0; i < prioritised.Count; i++)
                if (!temp.AllFalse)
                    var result = base.PickPiece(peer, temp, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests);
                    if (result > 0)

            // None of the pieces from files marked as downloadable were available.
        public override int PickPiece(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers, int startIndex, int endIndex, Span <BlockInfo> requests)
            if (available.AllFalse)

            // If there's only one piece to choose then there isn't any midpoint.
            if (endIndex - startIndex < 2 || requests.Length > 1)
                return(base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, startIndex, endIndex, requests));

            // If there are two or more pieces to choose, ensure we always start *at least* one
            // piece beyond the start index.
            int midpoint  = Random.Next(startIndex + 1, endIndex);
            var requested = base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, midpoint, endIndex, requests);

            return(requested > 0 ? requested : base.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, startIndex, midpoint, requests));
Exemplo n.º 11
        void GenerateRarestFirst(ReadOnlyBitField peerBitfield, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers)
            // Move anything in the rarest buffer into the spares
            while (rarest.Count > 0)

            BitField current = (spares.Count > 0 ? spares.Pop() : new BitField(peerBitfield.Length)).From(peerBitfield);

            // Store this bitfield as the first iteration of the Rarest First algorithm.

            // Get a cloned copy of the bitfield and begin iterating to find the rarest pieces
            for (int i = 0; i < otherPeers.Count; i++)
                if (otherPeers[i].BitField.AllTrue)

                current = (spares.Count > 0 ? spares.Pop() : new BitField(current.Length)).From(current);

                // currentBitfield = currentBitfield & (!otherBitfield)
                // This calculation finds the pieces this peer has that other peers *do not* have.
                // i.e. the rarest piece.

                // If the bitfield now has no pieces we've completed our task
                if (current.AllFalse)

                // Otherwise push the bitfield on the stack and clone it and iterate again.
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new BitfieldMessage
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bitfield">The bitfield to use</param>
 public BitfieldMessage(ReadOnlyBitField bitfield)
     BitField  = bitfield;
     CanDecode = false;
 public static int PickPiece(this IPiecePicker picker, IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField available, IReadOnlyList <IPeer> otherPeers, Span <BlockInfo> requests)
     return(picker.PickPiece(peer, available, otherPeers, 0, available.Length - 1, requests));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public override bool IsInteresting(IPeer peer, ReadOnlyBitField bitfield)
 => !Temp.From(bitfield).NAnd(Bitfield).AllFalse &&
 base.IsInteresting(peer, Temp);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public IgnoringPicker(ReadOnlyBitField bitfield, IPiecePicker picker)
     : base(picker)
     Bitfield = bitfield;
     Temp     = new BitField(bitfield.Length);
 public InitialSeedingMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings)
     : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings, new InitialSeedUnchoker(manager))
     zero = new BitField(manager.Bitfield.Length);