Exemplo n.º 1
        // Component Events

        private void buttonConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (this.NtrClient? == null) this.NtrClient? = new NtrClient();

            if (this.NtrClient?.IsConnected ?? false)
            this.buttonConnect.Enabled = false;
            this.txtIpAddress.Enabled  = false;

            this.NtrClient?.SetServer(txtIpAddress.Text, 8000);

            this.ReadMemoryType    = ReadMemoryType.None;
            this.ReadNtrStringType = ReadNtrStringType.None;

            this.Config.IpAddress = txtIpAddress.Text;

            new Task(() =>
                int Retry = 0;
                LogLine("Trying to connect to {0}", txtIpAddress.Text);
                } while (!NtrClient.IsConnected && ++Retry < 3);
                if (!NtrClient.IsConnected)
                    LogLine("Unable to connect. :(");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void buttonEditorCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            new Task(() =>
                UInt32 Address = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorAddress.Text, 16);
                UInt32 Length  = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorLength.Text, 16);

                if (!IsValidMemregion(Address, Length))
                    LogLine("Invalid Address / Length. No valid memregions found!");

                if (cbPointer.Checked)
                    UInt32 PtrOffset = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorOffset.Text, 16);
                    if (!WaitForReadMemory(Address, 4, GetPid()))

                    Address  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(this.ReadMemory, 0);
                    Address += PtrOffset;

                this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.CreateEditorCode;
                this.NtrClient?.SendReadMemPacket(Address, Length, GetPid());
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void buttonDumpAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                UInt32 Pid = GetPid();
                if (Pid != 0xffffffff && cmbMemlayout.Items.Count > 0)
                    //(sender as Button).Enabled = false;
                    this.ReadAllMemIndex = 0;

                    // I'm sorry
                    int LastMemEnd = Convert.ToInt32(this.cmbMemlayout.Items[cmbMemlayout.Items.Count - 1].ToString().Split(" | ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray()[1], 16);

                    this.DumpData = new byte[LastMemEnd];

                    String   mem0 = this.cmbMemlayout.Items[0].ToString();
                    String[] m    = mem0.Split(" | ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray();
                    if (m.Length == 3)
                        UInt32 Start = Convert.ToUInt32(m[0], 16);
                        UInt32 Size  = Convert.ToUInt32(m[2], 16);

                        // must be a valid memregion. No need to check it.
                        this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.DumpAllMemregions;

                        this.NtrClient.SendReadMemPacket(Start, Size, Pid);
            catch (Exception) { }
Exemplo n.º 4
        // this will freeze the window application. Run in a separate thread/task
        private Boolean WaitForReadMemory(UInt32 Address, UInt32 Length, UInt32 Pid)
            if (this.NtrClient == null)
                LogLine("NtrClient is null");

            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.Wait;
            this.ReadMemory     = null;

            this.NtrClient.SendReadMemPacket(Address, Length, Pid);
            LogLine("Send packet");
            int RefreshRate  = 100;
            int MaxRetry     = 100;
            int CurrentRetry = 0;

                if (CurrentRetry == MaxRetry)
                    LogLine("Timed out. {0} tries @{1}ms (Total {2}ms)", CurrentRetry, RefreshRate, CurrentRetry * RefreshRate);
            } while (!NewReadMemory);
            NewReadMemory = false;
            //LogLine("Is RM null? {0}", ReadMemory == null);
            return(ReadMemory != null);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void buttonEditModeRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UInt32 Address = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditModeAddress.Text, 16);
            UInt32 Length  = GetEditModeLength();

            if (!IsValidMemregion(Address, Length))
                LogLine("Invalid Address / Length. No valid memregions found!");

            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.EditMode;
            this.NtrClient?.SendReadMemPacket(Address, Length, GetPid());
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void buttonDumpMemoryFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UInt32 Address = Convert.ToUInt32(txtDumpMemAddrStart.Text, 16);
            UInt32 Length  = Convert.ToUInt32(txtDumpMemAddrLength.Text, 16);

            if (!IsValidMemregion(Address, Length))
                LogLine("Invalid Address / Length. No valid memregions found!");

            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.DumpAsFile;
            this.NtrClient?.SendReadMemPacket(Address, Length, GetPid());
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void buttonDumpMemoryConsole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UInt32 Address = Convert.ToUInt32(txtDumpMemAddrStart.Text, 16);
            UInt32 Length  = Convert.ToUInt32(txtDumpMemAddrLength.Text, 16);

            if (Length > MAX_CONSOLE_DUMP)
                Length = MAX_CONSOLE_DUMP;
                LogLine("Length exceeded 0x{0:X}, shortened to 0x{0:X}", MAX_CONSOLE_DUMP);

            if (!IsValidMemregion(Address, Length))
                LogLine("Invalid Address / Length. No valid memregions found!");

            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.DumpAsConsole;
            this.NtrClient?.SendReadMemPacket(Address, Length, GetPid());
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void HandleReadMemory(byte[] Buffer)
            ReadMemoryType Rmt = this.ReadMemoryType;

            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.None;

            this.ReadMemory = Buffer;

            if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.None)
                LogLine("HRM: " + ByteArrayToHexString(Buffer));
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.Wait)
                // kind of messy, but it works - for now
                this.NewReadMemory = true;
                LogLine("HRM: " + ByteArrayToHexString(Buffer));
            if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.DumpAsFile)
                new DirectoryInfo("Dump").Create();

                File.WriteAllBytes("Dump\\" + txtDumpMemFilename.Text, Buffer);
                LogLine("Saved 0x{0:X} bytes to {1}", Buffer.Length, txtDumpMemFilename.Text);
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.DumpAsConsole)
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.CreateCode)
                List <byte> byteCode = new List <byte>();

                UInt32 Address = Convert.ToUInt32(txtBaseAddress.Text, 16);
                UInt32 Length  = Convert.ToUInt32(txtBaseLength.Text, 16);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetProcessName()))
                    LogLine("Process name is null or empty. WHY?!??");

                //byteCode.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("BASE")); // magic
                ////byte[] DataBuffer = Compression.Compress(Buffer, COMPRESSION_MODE);

                //String Base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Compression.Compress(byteCode.ToArray(), COMPRESSION_MODE));

                String Base64 = ToBase64Code(Address, GetProcessName(), Buffer);
                this.txtBaseCode.TryInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    this.txtBaseCode.Text = Base64;
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.CreateEditorCode)
                List <byte> byteCode = new List <byte>();

                UInt32 Address   = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorAddress.Text, 16);
                UInt32 Length    = Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorLength.Text, 16);
                UInt32 PtrOffset = cbPointer.Checked ? Convert.ToUInt32(txtEditorOffset.Text, 16) : 0xffffffffu;

                String Base64 = ToBase64Code(Address, GetProcessName(), Buffer, PtrOffset);
                this.txtEditorBase.TryInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    this.txtEditorBase.Text = Base64;

                this.txtEditorByte.TryInvoke(new Action(() => this.txtEditorByte.Text = ByteArrayToHexString(Buffer)));
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.EditMode)
                UInt32 l = GetEditModeLength();
                if (Buffer.Length != GetEditModeLength())
                    LogLine("Expected {0:X}, received {1:X} bytes", GetEditModeLength(), Buffer.Length);


                Boolean IsLittleEndian = cbEditModeLittleEndian.Checked;

                if (!IsLittleEndian)
                    Buffer = Buffer.Reverse().ToArray();

                UInt32 Hex = 0u;
                for (int i = 0; i < Buffer.Length && i < 4; i++)
                    Hex |= (uint)(Buffer[i] << (int)((l - 1) * 8 - (8 * i)));

                txtEditModeHex.TryInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    String k = Convert.ToString(Hex, 16).ToUpper().PadLeft(8, '0');

                    txtEditModeHex.Text = k;

                txtEditModeDecimal.TryInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    txtEditModeDecimal.Text = Hex.ToString();
            else if (Rmt == ReadMemoryType.DumpAllMemregions)
                // add 00 padding

                LogLine("Current Index: {0}", ReadAllMemIndex);

                this.cmbMemlayout.TryInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    if (this.ReadAllMemIndex < this.cmbMemlayout.Items.Count)
                        String pMem      = this.cmbMemlayout.Items[this.ReadAllMemIndex - 1].ToString();
                        UInt32 pMemStart = Convert.ToUInt32(pMem.Split(" | ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray()[0], 16);
                        UInt32 pMemEnd   = Convert.ToUInt32(pMem.Split(" | ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray()[1], 16);

                        String mem0 = this.cmbMemlayout.Items[this.ReadAllMemIndex].ToString();
                        LogLine("Memregion: {0}", mem0);
                        String[] m = mem0.Split(" | ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray();
                        if (m.Length == 3)
                            UInt32 Start = Convert.ToUInt32(m[0], 16);
                            UInt32 Size  = Convert.ToUInt32(m[2], 16);
                            // must be a valid memregion. No need to check it.

                            Buffer.CopyTo(DumpData, (int)pMemStart);
                            LogLine("Added padding... {0:X08} => {1:X08} = {2:X08}", pMemEnd, Start, Start - pMemEnd);

                            this.ReadMemoryType = ReadMemoryType.DumpAllMemregions;

                            this.NtrClient.SendReadMemPacket(Start, Size, GetPid());
                        new Task(() =>
                            LogLine("Now writing file...");
                            FileInfo k = new FileInfo("Dump\\" + txtDumpAll.Text);
                            File.WriteAllBytes(k.FullName, DumpData.ToArray());
                            LogLine("Wrote file: {0}", k.FullName);
                            DumpData = null;