Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void dgJobCollections_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            // If any null values within DataGrid's DataSource, DataGrid will change these
            // to &nbsp. Since passing data to the report, set any such cells' Text
            // property to an empty string, "", so &nbsp is not displayed in the report.
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Item.Cells.Count; i++)
                    if (e.Item.Cells[i].Text == "&nbsp;")
                        e.Item.Cells[i].Text = "";

            if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) && m_instructionId == int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[9].Text))
                pnlEnterInformation.Visible = true;
                btnReport.Enabled           = true;
                RdoBtnGrouper rbgCollection = (RdoBtnGrouper)e.Item.FindControl("rbgCollection");
                if (rbgCollection != null)
                    ViewState["DataGridItemIndex"] = e.Item.ItemIndex;
                    rbgCollection.Checked          = true;

                    // Get the docket numbers being collected at this point.
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void rbgCollection_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RdoBtnGrouper grouper = (RdoBtnGrouper)sender;

            if (grouper.Checked)
                btnReport.Enabled           = true;
                pnlEnterInformation.Visible = true;
                DataGridItem dgi = (DataGridItem)grouper.Parent.Parent;
                ViewState["DataGridItemIndex"] = dgi.ItemIndex;

                // Get the docket numbers being collected at this point.
                int instructionId = Convert.ToInt32(dgi.Cells[9].Text);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private int FindSelectedPoint()
            foreach (DataGridItem dgItem in dgDeliveryPoint.Items)
                // Get RdoBtnGrouper object
                RdoBtnGrouper selectRadioButton = dgItem.FindControl("selectRadioButton") as RdoBtnGrouper;

                if (selectRadioButton != null && selectRadioButton.Checked)
                    int pointId = Convert.ToInt32(selectRadioButton.Attributes["Value"]);

            // There are no buttons selected
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void btnAddToJob_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int collectDropId = 0;
            int PODId         = 0;

            Entities.POD podToAssign = null;

            // Find the Collect Drop ID for the selected collect drop portion
            foreach (DataGridItem cdsItem in dgCollectionDropSummary.Items)
                DataGrid dgCollectionDrop = (DataGrid)cdsItem.FindControl("dgCollectionDrop");
                foreach (DataGridItem cdItem in dgCollectionDrop.Items)
                    RdoBtnGrouper rbgCollectionDrop = (RdoBtnGrouper)cdItem.FindControl("rbgCollectionDrop");
                    if (rbgCollectionDrop.Checked)
                        collectDropId = int.Parse(cdItem.Cells[0].Text);

            // Find the POD ID of the selected POD
            foreach (DataGridItem PODItem in dgUnassignedPODs.Items)
                RdoBtnGrouper rbgPODId = (RdoBtnGrouper)PODItem.FindControl("rbgPODId");
                if (rbgPODId.Checked)
                    PODId       = int.Parse(PODItem.Cells[0].Text);
                    podToAssign = new Entities.POD(PODId, PODItem.Cells[1].Text, DateTime.Parse(PODItem.Cells[2].Text), m_jobId, collectDropId);

            if (podToAssign != null && collectDropId > 0 && PODId > 0)
                Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
                facPOD.AssignToJob(podToAssign, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);
                lblAddToJobError.Text    = "Select POD and drop to which to assign.";
                lblAddToJobError.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        ///	<summary>
        /// Load PCV
        ///	</summary>
        private void LoadPCV()
            // May be required to be  shown if PCV's are allowed to be deleted once created
            //chkDelete.Visible = true;
            //pnlPCVDeleted.Visible = true;

            if (ViewState["pcv"] == null)
                Facade.IPCV facPCV = new Facade.PCV();
                pcv = facPCV.GetForPCVId(m_PCVId);

                ViewState["pcv"] = pcv;
                pcv = (Entities.PCV)ViewState["pcv"];

            if (m_isUpdate)
                txtJobPCVId.Text = pcv.PCVId.ToString();
                txtJobPCVId.Text = m_jobId.ToString();

            txtVoucherNo.Text           = pcv.VoucherNo.ToString();
            txtNoOfPallets.Text         = pcv.NoOfPalletsReceived.ToString();
            dteDateOfIssue.SelectedDate = pcv.DateOfIssue;
            txtDepotId.Text             = pcv.DepotId.ToString();
            cboPCVStatus.Items.FindByValue(pcv.PCVStatusId.ToString()).Selected = true;
            cboPCVRedemptionStatus.Items.FindByValue(pcv.PCVRedemptionStatusId.ToString()).Selected = true;

            // Load dgDeliveryPoints with the relevant fields and markers
            int deliveryPointId = pcv.DeliverPointId;

            // Get point and mark it checked in the grid
            Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Facade.Point();
            DataSet       ds       = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(deliveryPointId, "DataSet");

            dgDeliveryPoint.DataSource = ds;

            foreach (DataGridItem dgItem in dgDeliveryPoint.Items)
                // Get RdoBtnGrouper object
                RdoBtnGrouper selectRadioButton = dgItem.FindControl("selectRadioButton") as RdoBtnGrouper;

                // Make the row highlight the radiobutton
                selectRadioButton.Checked = true;

            txtSignings.Text = pcv.NoOfSignings.ToString();

            //if (pcv.PCVStatus == ePCVStatus.NotApplicable)
            //	chkDelete.Checked = true;

            Header1.Title    = "Update PCV";
            Header1.subTitle = "Please make any changes neccessary.";
            btnAdd.Text      = "Update";