void FixedUpdate()
                if (player == null || player.IsSleeping() || !player.IsConnected)

                float currentTime = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                if (currentTime - lastUpdate >= 0.5f)
                    bool flag1 = Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out RayHit, 3f, colliderRemovable);
                    ent        = flag1 ? RayHit.GetEntity() : null;
                    lastUpdate = currentTime;

                if (player.serverInput.IsDown(BUTTON.FIRE_PRIMARY))
                    if (currentTime - lastRemove >= 0.5f)
                        lastRemove = currentTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void cmdChatClone(BasePlayer player, string cmd, string[] args)
            String[] perms = permission.GetPermissions();

            // foreach (var perm in perms)
            // {
            //     Debug.Log(perm);
            // }

            //var player = (BasePlayer)caller.Object;
            //Debug.Log(player.userID); //ply stmid

            //Debug.Log(permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title +".admin"));
            var layers = LayerMask.GetMask("Construction", "Default", "Deployed", "Resource", "Terrain", "Water", "World", "Player (Server)", "AI", "Deployed", "Terrain", "World");
            //var playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)");
            //var targetLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)", "AI", "Deployed", "Construction");
            //var groundLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Construction", "Terrain", "World");

            RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();

            if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, float.MaxValue, layers))
                var entity = hit.GetEntity();
                if (entity != null)
                    PrintToChat(player, $"Cloned entity: {entity.PrefabName}");
                    this.spawnTarget = entity.PrefabName;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void FireBullet()
        float   damageAmount     = 10f;
        Vector3 vector3          = Vector3.op_Subtraction(((Component)this.muzzlePos).get_transform().get_position(), Vector3.op_Multiply(this.muzzlePos.get_forward(), 0.25f));
        Vector3 aimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection((float)this.aimCone, ((Component)this.muzzlePos).get_transform().get_forward(), true);

        this.ClientRPC <Vector3>((Connection)null, "CLIENT_FireGun", Vector3.op_Addition(vector3, Vector3.op_Multiply(aimConeDirection, 300f)));
        List <RaycastHit> list = (List <RaycastHit>)Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();

        GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(vector3, aimConeDirection), 0.1f, list, 300f, 1219701521, (QueryTriggerInteraction)0);
        for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index)
            RaycastHit hit    = list[index];
            BaseEntity entity = hit.GetEntity();
            if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity, (Object)null) || !Object.op_Equality((Object)entity, (Object)this) && !entity.EqualNetID((BaseNetworkable)this))
                if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)(entity as BaseCombatEntity), (Object)null))
                    HitInfo info = new HitInfo((BaseEntity)this, entity, DamageType.Bullet, damageAmount, ((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_point());
                    if (entity is BasePlayer || entity is BaseNpc)
                        Effect.server.ImpactEffect(new HitInfo()
                            HitPositionWorld = ((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_point(),
                            HitNormalWorld   = Vector3.op_UnaryNegation(((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_normal()),
                            HitMaterial      = StringPool.Get("Flesh")
        private void GetTargetEntity(BasePlayer player)
            bool flag = Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out raycastHit, 2f, Rust.Layers.Solid);

            if (!flag)

            BaseEntity entity;

            try {
                entity = raycastHit.GetEntity();
            } catch (NullReferenceException nre) {

            if (entity == null)

            MiniCopter mini = ((entity is MiniCopter) ? entity : entity.GetParentEntity()) as MiniCopter;

            if (mini != null)
                PushMini(player, mini);
            SendReply(player, GetMsg("Err - Can only push minicopter"), GetEnglishName(entity.ShortPrefabName));
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void FireGun(Vector3 targetPos, float aimCone, bool isCoax)
        Transform transforms = (isCoax ? this.coaxMuzzle : this.topTurretMuzzle);
        Vector3   vector3    = transforms.transform.position - (transforms.forward * 0.25f);
        Vector3   vector31   = targetPos - vector3;
        Vector3   modifiedAimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection(aimCone, vector31.normalized, true);

        targetPos = vector3 + (modifiedAimConeDirection * 300f);
        List <RaycastHit> list = Facepunch.Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();

        GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(vector3, modifiedAimConeDirection), 0f, list, 300f, 1219701521, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            RaycastHit item   = list[i];
            BaseEntity entity = item.GetEntity();
            if (!(entity != null) || !(entity == this) && !entity.EqualNetID(this))
                BaseCombatEntity baseCombatEntity = entity as BaseCombatEntity;
                if (baseCombatEntity != null)
                    this.ApplyDamage(baseCombatEntity, item.point, modifiedAimConeDirection);
                if (!(entity != null) || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
                    targetPos = item.point;
        base.ClientRPC <bool, Vector3>(null, "CLIENT_FireGun", isCoax, targetPos);
        Facepunch.Pool.FreeList <RaycastHit>(ref list);
Exemplo n.º 6
            void FixedUpdate()
                if (!player.IsConnected)
                    OnDestroy(); return;
                if (player.IsSleeping())

                float currentTime = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                if ((currentTime - lastUpdate >= refreshTime) && player.GetActiveItem()?.GetHeldEntity() is Hammer)
                    bool flag1 = Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out RayHit, distance, 2097152);
                    TargetEntity = flag1 ? RayHit.GetEntity() : null;
                    lastUpdate   = currentTime;
                if ((currentTime - lastHit >= refreshTime) && (state.IsDown(BUTTON.FIRE_PRIMARY) || state.WasJustPressed(BUTTON.FIRE_PRIMARY) || state.WasJustReleased(BUTTON.FIRE_PRIMARY)))
                    if (TargetEntity != null && TargetEntity is BuildingBlock && player.GetActiveItem()?.GetHeldEntity() is Hammer)
                        eh.CheckInput(TargetEntity, player);
                    lastHit = currentTime;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void customClear(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            if (args.Length >= 1)
                RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
                if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, float.MaxValue))
                    var entity = hit.GetEntity();
                    if (entity.GetBuildingPrivilege().authorizedPlayers.Any(x => x.userid == player.userID))
                        if (entity is SamSite)
                            String ID = entity.GetInstanceID().ToString();
                            //removing msgs
                            DynamicConfigFile warnings = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetDatafile("warningMsgs");
                            DynamicConfigFile firings  = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetDatafile("firingMsgs");

                            player.ChatMessage("custom Messages removed");
                            player.ChatMessage("you are not looking at a SAM Site!");
                        player.ChatMessage("you are not authorized here!");
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void CustomFiring(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
     if (args.Length >= 1)
         RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
         if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, float.MaxValue))
             var entity = hit.GetEntity();
             if (entity.GetBuildingPrivilege().authorizedPlayers.Any(x => x.userid == player.userID))
                 if (entity is SamSite)
                     setCustomMsg(true, entity.GetInstanceID(), args[0]);
                     player.ChatMessage("custom Message saved");
                     player.ChatMessage("you are not looking at a SAM Site!");
                 player.ChatMessage("you are not authorized here!");
Exemplo n.º 9
        void EntKillProcess(BasePlayer player)
            bool flag1 = Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out RayHit, 10f, layermask);

            baseEntity = flag1 ? RayHit.GetEntity() : null;
            if (baseEntity == null)
            if (baseEntity is BasePlayer)
            if (EntKillOwnOnly && player.userID != baseEntity.OwnerID)
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void ServerUse_Strike()
        BasePlayer ownerPlayer = base.GetOwnerPlayer();

        if (ownerPlayer == null)
        Vector3 vector3  = ownerPlayer.eyes.position;
        Vector3 vector31 = ownerPlayer.eyes.BodyForward();

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            List <RaycastHit> list = Facepunch.Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();
            GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(vector3 - (vector31 * (i == 0 ? 0f : 0.2f)), vector31), (i == 0 ? 0f : this.attackRadius), list, this.effectiveRange + 0.2f, 1219701521, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);
            bool flag = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                RaycastHit item   = list[j];
                BaseEntity entity = item.GetEntity();
                if (!(entity == null) && (!(entity != null) || !(entity == ownerPlayer) && !entity.EqualNetID(ownerPlayer)) && (!(entity != null) || !entity.isClient) && !(entity.Categorize() == ownerPlayer.Categorize()))
                    float single = 0f;
                    foreach (DamageTypeEntry damageType in this.damageTypes)
                        single += damageType.amount;
                    entity.OnAttacked(new HitInfo(ownerPlayer, entity, DamageType.Slash, single * this.npcDamageScale));
                    HitInfo hitInfo = Facepunch.Pool.Get <HitInfo>();
                    hitInfo.HitPositionWorld = item.point;
                    hitInfo.HitNormalWorld   = -vector31;
                    if (entity is BaseNpc || entity is BasePlayer)
                        hitInfo.HitMaterial = StringPool.Get("Flesh");
                        hitInfo.HitMaterial = StringPool.Get((item.GetCollider().sharedMaterial != null ? item.GetCollider().sharedMaterial.GetName() : "generic"));
                    Facepunch.Pool.Free <HitInfo>(ref hitInfo);
                    flag = true;
                    if (!(entity != null) || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
            Facepunch.Pool.FreeList <RaycastHit>(ref list);
            if (flag)
Exemplo n.º 11
    public void ServerUse_Strike()
        BasePlayer ownerPlayer = this.GetOwnerPlayer();

        if (Object.op_Equality((Object)ownerPlayer, (Object)null))
        Vector3 position = ownerPlayer.eyes.position;
        Vector3 vector3  = ownerPlayer.eyes.BodyForward();

        for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1)
            List <RaycastHit> list = (List <RaycastHit>)Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();
            GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(Vector3.op_Subtraction(position, Vector3.op_Multiply(vector3, index1 == 0 ? 0.0f : 0.2f)), vector3), index1 == 0 ? 0.0f : this.attackRadius, list, this.effectiveRange + 0.2f, 1219701521, (QueryTriggerInteraction)0);
            bool flag = false;
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < list.Count; ++index2)
                RaycastHit hit    = list[index2];
                BaseEntity entity = hit.GetEntity();
                if (!Object.op_Equality((Object)entity, (Object)null) && (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity, (Object)null) || !Object.op_Equality((Object)entity, (Object)ownerPlayer) && !entity.EqualNetID((BaseNetworkable)ownerPlayer)) && ((!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity, (Object)null) || !entity.isClient) && !(entity.Categorize() == ownerPlayer.Categorize())))
                    float num = 0.0f;
                    foreach (DamageTypeEntry damageType in this.damageTypes)
                        num += damageType.amount;
                    entity.OnAttacked(new HitInfo((BaseEntity)ownerPlayer, entity, DamageType.Slash, num * this.npcDamageScale));
                    HitInfo info = (HitInfo)Pool.Get <HitInfo>();
                    info.HitPositionWorld = ((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_point();
                    info.HitNormalWorld   = Vector3.op_UnaryNegation(vector3);
                    info.HitMaterial      = entity is BaseNpc || entity is BasePlayer?StringPool.Get("Flesh") : StringPool.Get(Object.op_Inequality((Object)hit.GetCollider().get_sharedMaterial(), (Object)null) ? hit.GetCollider().get_sharedMaterial().GetName() : "generic");

                    // ISSUE: cast to a reference type
                    Pool.Free <HitInfo>((M0&)ref info);
                    flag = true;
                    if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity, (Object)null) || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
            // ISSUE: cast to a reference type
            Pool.FreeList <RaycastHit>((List <M0>&) ref list);
            if (flag)
Exemplo n.º 12
    public virtual void FireGun(
        Vector3 targetPos,
        float aimCone,
        Transform muzzleToUse   = null,
        BaseCombatEntity target = null)
        if (this.IsOffline())
        if (Object.op_Equality((Object)muzzleToUse, (Object)null))
            muzzleToUse = this.muzzlePos;
        Vector3 vector3_1        = Vector3.op_Subtraction(((Component)this.GetCenterMuzzle()).get_transform().get_position(), Vector3.op_Multiply(this.GetCenterMuzzle().get_forward(), 0.25f));
        Vector3 forward          = ((Component)this.GetCenterMuzzle()).get_transform().get_forward();
        Vector3 aimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection(aimCone, forward, true);

        targetPos = Vector3.op_Addition(vector3_1, Vector3.op_Multiply(aimConeDirection, 300f));
        List <RaycastHit> list = (List <RaycastHit>)Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();

        GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(vector3_1, aimConeDirection), 0.0f, list, 300f, 1219701521, (QueryTriggerInteraction)0);
        for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index)
            RaycastHit hit     = list[index];
            BaseEntity entity1 = hit.GetEntity();
            if ((!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity1, (Object)null) || !Object.op_Equality((Object)entity1, (Object)this) && !entity1.EqualNetID((BaseNetworkable)this)) && (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)target, (Object)null) || !Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity1, (Object)null) || (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)((Component)entity1).GetComponent <BasePlayer>(), (Object)null) || entity1.EqualNetID((BaseNetworkable)target))))
                BaseCombatEntity entity2 = entity1 as BaseCombatEntity;
                if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity2, (Object)null))
                    this.ApplyDamage(entity2, ((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_point(), aimConeDirection);
                if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)entity1, (Object)null) || entity1.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
                    targetPos = ((RaycastHit) ref hit).get_point();
                    Vector3 vector3_2 = Vector3.op_Subtraction(targetPos, vector3_1);
                    ((Vector3) ref vector3_2).get_normalized();
        this.ClientRPC <uint, Vector3>((Connection)null, "CLIENT_FireGun", StringPool.Get(((Object)((Component)muzzleToUse).get_gameObject()).get_name()), targetPos);
        // ISSUE: cast to a reference type
        Pool.FreeList <RaycastHit>((List <M0>&) ref list);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void cmdChatDespawn(BasePlayer player, string cmd, string[] args)
            var layers = LayerMask.GetMask("Construction", "Default", "Deployed", "Resource", "Terrain", "Water", "World", "Player (Server)", "AI", "Deployed", "Terrain", "World");

            RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();

            if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, float.MaxValue, layers))
                var entity = hit.GetEntity();
                if (entity != null && entity.IsDestroyed == false)
                    PrintToChat(player, $"Despawned entity: {entity.PrefabName}");

Exemplo n.º 14
    public void FireBullet()
        float   single   = 10f;
        Vector3 vector3  = this.muzzlePos.transform.position - (this.muzzlePos.forward * 0.25f);
        Vector3 vector31 = this.muzzlePos.transform.forward;
        Vector3 modifiedAimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection((float)this.aimCone, vector31, true);
        Vector3 vector32 = vector3 + (modifiedAimConeDirection * 300f);

        base.ClientRPC <Vector3>(null, "CLIENT_FireGun", vector32);
        List <RaycastHit> list = Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();

        GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(vector3, modifiedAimConeDirection), 0.1f, list, 300f, 1219701521, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            RaycastHit item   = list[i];
            BaseEntity entity = item.GetEntity();
            if (!(entity != null) || !(entity == this) && !entity.EqualNetID(this))
                if (entity is BaseCombatEntity)
                    HitInfo hitInfo = new HitInfo(this, entity, DamageType.Bullet, single, item.point);
                    if (entity is BasePlayer || entity is BaseNpc)
                        Effect.server.ImpactEffect(new HitInfo()
                            HitPositionWorld = item.point,
                            HitNormalWorld   = -item.normal,
                            HitMaterial      = StringPool.Get("Flesh")
                if (!(entity != null) || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
                    vector32 = item.point;
Exemplo n.º 15
    public virtual void FireGun(Vector3 targetPos, float aimCone, Transform muzzleToUse = null, BaseCombatEntity target = null)
        if (this.IsOffline())
        if (muzzleToUse == null)
            muzzleToUse = this.muzzlePos;
        Vector3 centerMuzzle             = this.GetCenterMuzzle().transform.position - (this.GetCenterMuzzle().forward * 0.25f);
        Vector3 vector3                  = this.GetCenterMuzzle().transform.forward;
        Vector3 modifiedAimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection(aimCone, vector3, true);

        targetPos = centerMuzzle + (modifiedAimConeDirection * 300f);
        List <RaycastHit> list = Facepunch.Pool.GetList <RaycastHit>();

        GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(centerMuzzle, modifiedAimConeDirection), 0f, list, 300f, 1219701521, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            RaycastHit item   = list[i];
            BaseEntity entity = item.GetEntity();
            if ((!(entity != null) || !(entity == this) && !entity.EqualNetID(this)) && (!(target != null) || !(entity != null) || !(entity.GetComponent <BasePlayer>() != null) || entity.EqualNetID(target)))
                BaseCombatEntity baseCombatEntity = entity as BaseCombatEntity;
                if (baseCombatEntity != null)
                    this.ApplyDamage(baseCombatEntity, item.point, modifiedAimConeDirection);
                if (!(entity != null) || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles())
                    targetPos = item.point;
                    vector3   = (targetPos - centerMuzzle).normalized;
        base.ClientRPC <uint, Vector3>(null, "CLIENT_FireGun", StringPool.Get(muzzleToUse.gameObject.name), targetPos);
        Facepunch.Pool.FreeList <RaycastHit>(ref list);