/// <summary>
        /// Tests for an intersection between a ray and a sphere
        /// </summary>
        public static Line3Intersection GetRayIntersection( Ray3 ray, Sphere3 sphere )
            Vector3	originToCentre = ray.Origin - sphere.Centre;

            float	a0	= originToCentre.SqrLength - ( sphere.SqrRadius );
            float	a1	= ray.Direction.Dot( originToCentre );
            float	discriminant;
            Point3	intersectionPt;

            if ( a0 <= 0 )
                //	1 intersection: The origin of the ray is inside the sphere
                discriminant = ( a1 * a1 ) - a0;
                float t = -a1 + Functions.Sqrt( discriminant );

                intersectionPt = ray.GetPointOnRay( t );
                return new Line3Intersection(  intersectionPt, ( intersectionPt - sphere.Centre ).MakeNormal( ), t );
            if ( a1 >= 0 )
                //	No intersections: Ray origin is outside the sphere, ray direction points away from the sphere
                return null;

            discriminant = ( a1 * a1 ) - a0;
            if ( discriminant < 0 )
                //	No intersections: Ray/sphere equation has no roots
                return null;

            if ( discriminant < 0.0001f )	//	TODO: Magic number
                //	1 intersection: Discriminant is close to zero - there's only root to the ray/sphere equation
                float t = -a1;
                intersectionPt = ray.GetPointOnRay( t );
                return new Line3Intersection(  intersectionPt, ( intersectionPt - sphere.Centre ).MakeNormal( ), t );

            //	2 intersections: 2 roots to the ray/sphere equation. Choose the closest
            float root = Functions.Sqrt( discriminant );
            float t0 = -a1 - root;
            float t1 = -a1 + root;

            float closestT = ( t0 < t1 ) ? t0 : t1;

            intersectionPt = ray.GetPointOnRay( closestT );
            return new Line3Intersection(  intersectionPt, ( intersectionPt - sphere.Centre ).MakeNormal( ), closestT );