Exemplo n.º 1
        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
            if (m_Compressed)
                long absPos = offset;
                if (origin == SeekOrigin.Current)
                    absPos += m_Uncomp.Position;

                if (absPos < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot seek past the begining of the stream.");

                long pos = m_Uncomp.Position;
                m_Uncomp.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                while ((origin == SeekOrigin.End || absPos >= m_Uncomp.Length) && RawStream.Position < RawStream.Length)
                    int block = Raw.ReadInt32();
                    int ucLen = Raw.ReadInt32();
                    if (m_ReadBuff == null || m_ReadBuff.Length < block)
                        m_ReadBuff = new byte[block];

                    if (m_CompBuff == null || m_CompBuff.Length < ucLen)
                        m_CompBuff = new byte[ucLen];
                        ucLen = m_CompBuff.Length;

                    Raw.Read(m_ReadBuff, 0, block);

                    ZLibError error = ZLib.uncompress(m_CompBuff, ref ucLen, m_ReadBuff, block);
                    if (error != ZLibError.Z_OK)
                        throw new Exception("ZLib error uncompressing: " + error.ToString());

                    m_Uncomp.Write(m_CompBuff, 0, ucLen);

                m_Uncomp.Position = pos;
                return(m_Uncomp.Seek(offset, origin));
                return(RawStream.Seek(offset, origin));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
     if (m_IsCompressed)
         return(m_Buffer.Seek(offset, origin));
         return(RawStream.Seek(offset, origin));
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal NodeHeader ReadTree(ulong logical, byte level)
            var physical = MapToPhysical(logical);

            RawStream.Seek((long)physical, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var dataSize = level > 0 ? SuperBlock.NodeSize : SuperBlock.LeafSize;
            var buffer   = new byte[dataSize];

            RawStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            var result = NodeHeader.Create(buffer, 0);

            VerifyChecksum(result.Checksum, buffer, 0x20, (int)dataSize - 0x20);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable <short[, ]> Run()
            if (Format.Channels <= 0)
                yield break;

            if (ProgressNotifier != null)

            RawStream.Seek(0, SeekMode.Origin);
            uint decodedSize = 0;

            while (decodedSize < RawStream.Length)
                // Calculate the size of the block
                int blockLen = 0x2000;
                if (decodedSize + blockLen > RawStream.Length)
                    blockLen = (int)(RawStream.Length - decodedSize);

                // Decode
                yield return(DecodeBlock(blockLen));

                // Increase decoded size
                decodedSize += (uint)blockLen;

                // Show progress
                if (ProgressNotifier != null)
                    ProgressNotifier.Update((int)decodedSize, RawStream.Length);

            if (ProgressNotifier != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
        short[] DecodeChunk(int channel)
            var reader = new DataReader(RawStream);

            // Get header
            RawStream.Seek(0xF, SeekMode.Current);
            sbyte header = reader.ReadSByte();

            header = (sbyte)(header ^ 0x80);
            RawStream.Seek(-0x10, SeekMode.Current);

            // ... get scale
            byte scale = (byte)(header & 0xF);

            // ... get coefficients
            int    coefIdx = header >> 4;
            double coef1   = CoefficientTable[coefIdx, 0];
            double coef2   = CoefficientTable[coefIdx, 1];

            // Get all the samples in the chunk
            uint chunkData = 0;
            var  samples   = new short[Format.SamplesPerChunk];

            for (int i = 0; i < Format.SamplesPerChunk; i++, chunkData >>= 4)
                if (i % 8 == 0)
                    chunkData = reader.ReadUInt32() ^ 0x80808080;

                byte value = (byte)(chunkData & 0xF);
                samples[i] = DecodeSample(value, scale, coef1, coef2, channel);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void LoadRaw()
            ushort[,] vpred = new ushort[2, 2];
            ushort[] hpred = new ushort[2];
            ushort   csize;
            int      step  = 0;
            int      huff  = 0;
            int      split = 0;
            int      row;

            RawStream ifp = state.ifp;

            ifp.Seek(state.meta_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ushort ver0 = (ushort)ifp.ReadByte();
            ushort ver1 = (ushort)ifp.ReadByte();

            if (ver0 == 0x49 || ver1 == 0x58)
                ifp.Seek(2110, SeekOrigin.Current);

            if (ver0 == 0x46)
                huff = 2;
            if (state.tiff_bps == 14)
                huff += 3;

            vpred[0, 0] = ifp.get2();
            vpred[0, 1] = ifp.get2();
            vpred[1, 0] = ifp.get2();
            vpred[1, 1] = ifp.get2();

            int max = 1 << state.tiff_bps & 0x7fff;

            if ((csize = ifp.get2()) > 1)
                step = max / (csize - 1);
            if (ver0 == 0x44 && ver1 == 0x20 && step > 0)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < csize; i++)
                    state.curve[i * step] = ifp.get2();

                for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    state.curve[i] = (ushort)((state.curve[i - i % step] * (step - i % step) + state.curve[i - i % step + step] * (i % step)) / step);

                ifp.Seek(state.meta_offset + 562, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                split = ifp.get2();
            else if (ver0 != 0x46 && csize <= 0x4001)
                max = csize;
                ifp.ReadShorts(state.curve, max);

            int         tempIdx = 0;
            HuffmanTree htree   = new HuffmanTree(nikon_tree[huff], ref tempIdx);

            ifp.Seek(state.data_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (row = 0; row < state.height; row++)
                if (split != 0 && row == split)
                    tempIdx = 0;
                    htree   = new HuffmanTree(nikon_tree[huff], ref tempIdx);

                for (int col = 0; col < state.raw_width; col++)
                    int leaf = htree.ReadNextSymbolLength(ifp);
                    int len  = leaf & 15;
                    int shl  = leaf >> 4;
                    int diff = (((int)ifp.GetBits(len - shl) << 1) + 1) << shl >> 1;
                    if ((diff & (1 << (len - 1))) == 0)
                        diff -= (1 << len) - (shl == 0 ? 1 : 0);

                    if (col < 2)
                        vpred[row & 1, col] = (ushort)(vpred[row & 1, col] + diff);
                        hpred[col]          = vpred[row & 1, col];
                        hpred[col & 1] = (ushort)(hpred[col & 1] + diff);

                    if (hpred[col & 1] >= max)
                        throw new Exception("derror()");

                    if ((uint)(col - state.left_margin) < state.width)
                        state.BAYER_set(row, col - state.left_margin, state.curve[hpred[col & 1] & 0x3fff]);