Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AttachToNeighbors()
            global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(NeighborPipes.Count == 0);

            foreach (var entity in Manager.World.EnumerateIntersectingObjects(this.BoundingBox.Expand(0.1f), CollisionType.Static))
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(entity, this))
                var neighborPipe = entity as SteamPoweredObject;
                if (neighborPipe == null)

                var distance = (neighborPipe.Position - Position).Length2D();
                if (distance > 1.1f)


            Primitive = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void AddQuad(
     RawPrimitive Into,
     ExtendedVertex[] Verticies,
     short[] Indicies)
     Into.AddOffsetIndicies(Indicies, Into.VertexCount, 6);
     for (var vertex = 0; vertex < 4; ++vertex)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DetachFromNeighbors()
            foreach (var neighbor in NeighborPipes.Select(connection => Manager.FindComponent(connection)))
                if (neighbor is SteamPoweredObject neighborPipe)

            Primitive = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void CreateCosmeticChildren(ComponentManager manager)

            Sheet = new SpriteSheet(ContentPaths.Entities.Furniture.elevator, 32, 32);

            AddChild(new GenericVoxelListener(manager, Matrix.Identity, new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f), Vector3.Zero, (_event) =>
                Primitive = null;
            })).SetFlag(Flag.ShouldSerialize, false);

            UVs[0] = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(0, 0), out Bounds[0]);
            UVs[1] = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(1, 0), out Bounds[1]);
Exemplo n.º 5
        override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater)
            base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater);

            if (Primitive == null)
                var bounds = Vector4.Zero;
                var uvs    = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(2, 0), out bounds);

                Primitive = new RawPrimitive();

                Primitive.AddQuad(Matrix.Identity, Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);

            if (Primitive.VertexCount == 0)

            var under = new VoxelHandle(chunks, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(Position));

            if (under.IsValid)
                Color color = new Color(under.Sunlight ? 255 : 0, 255, 0);
                LightRamp = color;
                LightRamp = new Color(200, 255, 0);

            Color origTint = effect.VertexColorTint;

            effect.VertexColorTint = VertexColor;
            effect.LightRamp       = LightRamp;
            effect.World           = GlobalTransform;

            effect.MainTexture = Sheet.GetTexture();

            effect.EnableWind = false;

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            effect.VertexColorTint = origTint;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static void GenerateSliceGeometry(
     RawPrimitive Into,
     VoxelChunk Chunk,
     int LocalY,
     TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
     WorldManager World,
     SliceCache Cache)
     for (var x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; ++x)
         for (var z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; ++z)
             GenerateVoxelGeometry(Into, VoxelHandle.UnsafeCreateLocalHandle(Chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, LocalY, z)), TileSheet, World, Cache);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void GenerateHangingCornerFringe(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            Geo.TemplateFace Face,
            TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
            SliceCache Cache,
            GrassType decalType,
            Geo.TemplateCorner Corner,
            Vector3 Sag)
            var vertex = Cache.FaceGeometry[Corner.Vertex];

            Cache.TempVerticies[0] = new ExtendedVertex(
                vertex.Color, vertex.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), decalType.FringeTiles[2]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[2]));

            Cache.TempVerticies[1] = new ExtendedVertex(
                Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[Corner.EdgeA].Set ? Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[Corner.EdgeA].End :
                 + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Corner.EdgeA].Orientation).AsVector3() * 0.5f
                 + Sag),
                vertex.Color, vertex.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f), decalType.FringeTiles[2]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[2]));

            Cache.TempVerticies[2] = new ExtendedVertex(
                + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Corner.EdgeA].Orientation).AsVector3() * 0.5f
                + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Corner.EdgeB].Orientation).AsVector3() * 0.5f
                + Sag,
                vertex.Color, vertex.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), decalType.FringeTiles[2]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[2]));

            Cache.TempVerticies[3] = new ExtendedVertex(
                Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[Corner.EdgeB].Set ? Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[Corner.EdgeB].Start :
                 + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Corner.EdgeB].Orientation).AsVector3() * 0.5f
                 + Sag),
                vertex.Color, vertex.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.5f), decalType.FringeTiles[2]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[2]));

            AddQuad(Into, Cache.TempVerticies, QuadIndicies);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void GenerateFaceGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelHandle Voxel,
            Geo.TemplateFace Face,
            TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
            WorldManager World,
            SliceCache Cache)
            if (Face.CullType == Geo.FaceCullType.Cull && !IsFaceVisible(Voxel, Face, World.ChunkManager, out var neighbor))

            if (Face.Orientation == FaceOrientation.Top)
                if (Voxel.GrassType != 0)
                    var decalType = Library.GetGrassType(Voxel.GrassType);
                    PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, Face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, Face, Cache), TileSheet, decalType.Tile, true, 0.0f);

                    GenerateGrassFringe(Into, Voxel, Face, TileSheet, Cache, decalType);
                    PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, Face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, Face, Cache), TileSheet, SelectTile(Voxel.Type, Face.Orientation), true, 0.0f);

                AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);

                if (Voxel.DecalType != 0)
                    var decalType = Library.GetDecalType(Voxel.DecalType);
                    PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, Face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, Face, Cache), TileSheet, decalType.Tile, true, 0.02f);
                    AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);
                PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, Face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, Face, Cache), TileSheet, SelectTile(Voxel.Type, Face.Orientation), true, 0.0f);
                AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void GenerateVoxelGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelHandle Voxel,
            TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
            WorldManager World,
            SliceCache Cache)
            BuildDesignationGeometry(Into, Voxel, Cache, TileSheet, World);
            if (Voxel.IsEmpty && Voxel.IsExplored)

            var templateSolid = TemplateSolidLibrary.GetTemplateSolid(Voxel.Type.TemplateSolid);

            foreach (var face in templateSolid.Faces)
                GenerateFaceGeometry(Into, Voxel, face, TileSheet, World, Cache);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void GenerateEdgeFringe(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            Geo.TemplateFace Face,
            int EdgeIndex,
            TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
            SliceCache Cache,
            GrassType decalType,
            Vector3 Sag,
            float Scale)
            var start = Cache.FaceGeometry[Face.Edges[EdgeIndex].Start];
            var end   = Cache.FaceGeometry[Face.Edges[EdgeIndex].End];

            Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[EdgeIndex].Set = true;

            Cache.TempVerticies[0] = new ExtendedVertex(
                start.Color, start.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), decalType.FringeTiles[0]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[0]));

            Cache.TempVerticies[1] = new ExtendedVertex(
                end.Color, end.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), decalType.FringeTiles[0]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[0]));

            Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[EdgeIndex].End = end.Position + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[EdgeIndex].Orientation).AsVector3() * Scale + Sag;
            Cache.TempVerticies[2] = new ExtendedVertex(
                end.Color, end.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.5f), decalType.FringeTiles[0]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[0]));

            Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[EdgeIndex].Start = start.Position + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[EdgeIndex].Orientation).AsVector3() * Scale + Sag;
            Cache.TempVerticies[3] = new ExtendedVertex(
                start.Color, start.VertColor,
                TileSheet.MapTileUVs(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.5f), decalType.FringeTiles[0]), TileSheet.GetTileBounds(decalType.FringeTiles[0]));

            AddQuad(Into, Cache.TempVerticies, QuadIndicies);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void CreatBalloonMesh(Overworld Overworld)
            BalloonPrimitive = new RawPrimitive();
            if (IconTexture == null)
                IconTexture = AssetManager.GetContentTexture("GUI\\map_icons");
            var iconSheet = new SpriteSheet(IconTexture, 16, 16);
            var bounds    = Vector4.Zero;
            var uvs       = iconSheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(2, 0), out bounds);
            var angle     = MathFunctions.Rand() * (float)System.Math.PI;

                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                * Matrix.CreateScale(6.0f / Overworld.Width),
                Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);

                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                * Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                * Matrix.CreateScale(6.0f / Overworld.Width),
                Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static GeometricPrimitive CreateFromChunk(VoxelChunk Chunk, WorldManager World)

            var sliceStack = new List <RawPrimitive>();
            var sliceCache = new SliceCache();

            int maxViewingLevel  = World.Renderer.PersistentSettings.MaxViewingLevel;
            var terrainTileSheet = new TerrainTileSheet(512, 512, 32, 32);

            for (var localY = 0; localY < maxViewingLevel - Chunk.Origin.Y && localY < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++localY)
                RawPrimitive sliceGeometry = null;

                lock (Chunk.Data.SliceCache)
                    var cachedSlice = Chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY];

                    if (cachedSlice != null)
                        sliceStack.Add(cachedSlice); // Todo: Get rid of the raw primitive / geometric primitive bullshit entirely

                        if (GameSettings.Current.GrassMotes)


                    sliceGeometry = new RawPrimitive();

                    Chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY] = sliceGeometry;

                if (GameSettings.Current.CalculateRamps)
                    PrecomputeVoxelSlopesSlice(World.ChunkManager, Chunk, localY);

                if (GameSettings.Current.GrassMotes)

                GenerateSliceGeometry(sliceGeometry, Chunk, localY, terrainTileSheet, World, sliceCache);


            var chunkGeo = RawPrimitive.Concat(sliceStack);

            var r = new GeometricPrimitive();

            r.Vertices    = chunkGeo.Vertices;
            r.VertexCount = chunkGeo.VertexCount;
            r.Indexes     = chunkGeo.Indexes.Select(c => (ushort)c).ToArray();
            r.IndexCount  = chunkGeo.IndexCount;

Exemplo n.º 13
        override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater)
            base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater);

            if (Debugger.Switches.DrawRailNetwork)

            if (Primitive == null)
                Primitive = new RawPrimitive();
                var voxel = GetContainingVoxel();
                AddSideQuad(voxel, new GlobalVoxelOffset(1, 0, 0), (float)Math.PI * 0.5f, new Vector3(0.45f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
                AddSideQuad(voxel, new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, 0, 1), 0.0f, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.45f));
                AddSideQuad(voxel, new GlobalVoxelOffset(-1, 0, 0), (float)Math.PI * 0.5f, new Vector3(-0.45f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
                AddSideQuad(voxel, new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, 0, -1), 0.0f, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.45f));

            if (Primitive.VertexCount == 0)

            var under = new VoxelHandle(chunks, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(Position));

            if (under.IsValid)
                Color color = new Color(under.Sunlight ? 255 : 0, 255, 0);
                LightRamp = color;
                LightRamp = new Color(200, 255, 0);

            Color origTint = effect.VertexColorTint;

            if (!Active)
            effect.VertexColorTint = VertexColor;
            effect.LightRamp       = LightRamp;
            effect.World           = GlobalTransform;

            effect.MainTexture = Sheet.GetTexture();

            effect.EnableWind = false;

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            effect.VertexColorTint = origTint;
            if (!Active && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(previousEffect))
                effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques[previousEffect];
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void ResetPrimitive()
     Primitive = null;
Exemplo n.º 15
        override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater)
            base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater);

            if (Debugger.Switches.DrawRailNetwork)
                //Drawer3D.DrawBox(GetContainingVoxel().GetBoundingBox(), Color.White, 0.01f, true);
                //Drawer3D.DrawLine(GetContainingVoxel().GetBoundingBox().Center(), GlobalTransform.Translation, Color.White, 0.01f);
                var transform = Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)Math.PI * 0.5f * (float)Piece.Orientation) * GlobalTransform;
                if (Library.GetRailPiece(Piece.RailPiece).HasValue(out var piece))
                    foreach (var spline in piece.SplinePoints)
                        for (var i = 1; i < spline.Count; ++i)
                            Drawer3D.DrawLine(Vector3.Transform(spline[i - 1], transform),
                                              Vector3.Transform(spline[i], transform), Color.Purple, 0.1f);

                    foreach (var connection in piece.EnumerateConnections())
                        Drawer3D.DrawLine(Vector3.Transform(connection.Item1, transform) + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f),
                                          Vector3.Transform(connection.Item2, transform) + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f),
                                          Color.Brown, 0.1f);

                    //foreach (var neighborConnection in NeighborRails)
                    //    var neighbor = Manager.FindComponent(neighborConnection.NeighborID);
                    //    if (neighbor == null)
                    //        Drawer3D.DrawLine(Position, Position + Vector3.UnitY, Color.CornflowerBlue, 0.1f);
                    //    else
                    //        Drawer3D.DrawLine(Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), (neighbor as Body).Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), Color.Teal, 0.1f);

            if (!IsVisible)

            if (Primitive == null)
                var bounds = Vector4.Zero;
                var uvs    = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(Frame, out bounds);
                if (Library.GetRailPiece(Piece.RailPiece).HasValue(out var rawPiece))
                    var transform = Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)Math.PI * 0.5f * (float)Piece.Orientation);

                    var realShape = 0;
                    if (rawPiece.AutoSlope)
                        var transformedConnections = GetTransformedConnections();
                        var matchingNeighbor1      = NeighborRails.FirstOrDefault(n => (n.Position - transformedConnections[0].Item1 - new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)).LengthSquared() < 0.001f);
                        var matchingNeighbor2      = NeighborRails.FirstOrDefault(n => (n.Position - transformedConnections[1].Item1 - new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)).LengthSquared() < 0.001f);

                        if (matchingNeighbor1 != null && matchingNeighbor2 != null)
                            realShape = 3;
                        else if (matchingNeighbor1 != null)
                            realShape = 1;
                        else if (matchingNeighbor2 != null)
                            realShape = 2;

                    Primitive = new RawPrimitive();
                    Primitive.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-0.5f, VertexHeightOffsets[realShape, 0], 0.5f), transform), Color.White, Color.White, uvs[0], bounds));
                    Primitive.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.5f, VertexHeightOffsets[realShape, 1], 0.5f), transform), Color.White, Color.White, uvs[1], bounds));
                    Primitive.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.5f, VertexHeightOffsets[realShape, 2], -0.5f), transform), Color.White, Color.White, uvs[2], bounds));
                    Primitive.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-0.5f, VertexHeightOffsets[realShape, 3], -0.5f), transform), Color.White, Color.White, uvs[3], bounds));
                    Primitive.AddIndicies(new short[] { 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3 });

                    var       sideBounds = Vector4.Zero;
                    Vector2[] sideUvs    = null;

                    sideUvs = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(3, 4), out sideBounds);

                    AddScaffoldGeometry(transform, sideBounds, sideUvs, -1.0f, false);

                    if (realShape == 3)
                        AddScaffoldGeometry(transform, sideBounds, sideUvs, 0.0f, false);
                    else if (realShape == 1)
                        sideUvs = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(0, 4), out sideBounds);
                        AddScaffoldGeometry(transform, sideBounds, sideUvs, 0.0f, true);
                    else if (realShape == 2)
                        sideUvs = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(0, 4), out sideBounds);
                        AddScaffoldGeometry(transform, sideBounds, sideUvs, 0.0f, false);

                    // Todo: Make these static and avoid recalculating them constantly.
                    var bumperBackBounds  = Vector4.Zero;
                    var bumperBackUvs     = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(0, 5), out bumperBackBounds);
                    var bumperFrontBounds = Vector4.Zero;
                    var bumperFrontUvs    = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(1, 5), out bumperFrontBounds);
                    var bumperSideBounds  = Vector4.Zero;
                    var bumperSideUvs     = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(2, 5), out bumperSideBounds);

                    foreach (var connection in GetTransformedConnections())
                        var matchingNeighbor = NeighborRails.FirstOrDefault(n => (n.Position - connection.Item1).LengthSquared() < 0.001f);
                        if (matchingNeighbor == null && rawPiece.AutoSlope)
                            matchingNeighbor = NeighborRails.FirstOrDefault(n => (n.Position - connection.Item1 - new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)).LengthSquared() < 0.001f);

                        if (matchingNeighbor == null)
                            var bumperOffset = connection.Item1 - GlobalTransform.Translation;
                            var bumperGap    = Vector3.Normalize(bumperOffset) * 0.1f;
                            var bumperAngle  = AngleBetweenVectors(new Vector2(bumperOffset.X, bumperOffset.Z), new Vector2(0, 0.5f));

                            var xDiag = bumperOffset.X <-0.001f || bumperOffset.X> 0.001f;
                            var zDiag = bumperOffset.Z <-0.001f || bumperOffset.Z> 0.001f;

                            if (xDiag && zDiag)
                                var y = bumperOffset.Y;
                                bumperOffset  *= sqrt2;
                                bumperOffset.Y = y;

                                var endBounds = Vector4.Zero;
                                var endUvs    = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(6, 2), out endBounds);
                                    Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)Math.PI * 1.25f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateRotationY(bumperAngle)
                                    // This offset would not be correct if diagonals could slope.
                                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Sign(bumperOffset.X), 0.0f, Sign(bumperOffset.Z))),
                                    Color.White, Color.White, endUvs, endBounds);

                                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 0.3f, -0.2f)
                                * Matrix.CreateRotationY(bumperAngle)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation(bumperOffset + bumperGap),
                                Color.White, Color.White, bumperBackUvs, bumperBackBounds);

                                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 0.3f, -0.2f)
                                * Matrix.CreateRotationY(bumperAngle)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation(bumperOffset),
                                Color.White, Color.White, bumperFrontUvs, bumperFrontBounds);

                            if (VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(GetContainingVoxel()).RampType == RampType.None)
                                    Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateRotationY(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.18f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateRotationY(bumperAngle)
                                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(bumperOffset),
                                    Color.White, Color.White, bumperSideUvs, bumperSideBounds);

                                    Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateRotationY(-(float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(-0.3f, 0.3f, 0.18f)
                                    * Matrix.CreateRotationY(bumperAngle)
                                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(bumperOffset),
                                    Color.White, Color.White, bumperSideUvs, bumperSideBounds);

            // Everything that draws should set it's tint, making this pointless.

            var under = new VoxelHandle(chunks, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(Position));

            if (under.IsValid)
                Color color = new Color(under.Sunlight ? 255 : 0, 255, 0);
                LightRamp = color;
                LightRamp = new Color(200, 255, 0);

            Color origTint = effect.VertexColorTint;

            if (!Active)
            effect.VertexColorTint = VertexColor;
            effect.LightRamp       = LightRamp;
            effect.World           = GlobalTransform;

            effect.MainTexture = Sheet.GetTexture();

            effect.EnableWind = false;

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            effect.VertexColorTint = origTint;
            if (!Active)
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static void GenerateGrassFringe(RawPrimitive Into, VoxelHandle Voxel, Geo.TemplateFace Face, TerrainTileSheet TileSheet, SliceCache Cache, GrassType decalType)
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                Cache.EdgeFringeTempVerticies[i].Set = false;

            if (Face.Edges != null)
                for (var e = 0; e < Face.Edges.Length; ++e)
                    var fringeNeighbor = VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(Voxel, OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[e].Orientation));
                    if (fringeNeighbor.IsValid)
                        if (fringeNeighbor.IsEmpty)
                            GenerateEdgeFringe(Into, Face, e, TileSheet, Cache, decalType, new Vector3(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f), 0.5f);
                            var above = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(fringeNeighbor);
                            if (above.IsValid && !above.IsEmpty)
                                GenerateEdgeFringe(Into, Face, e, TileSheet, Cache, decalType, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), -0.1f);
                            else if (fringeNeighbor.GrassType == 0 || (fringeNeighbor.GrassType != Voxel.GrassType && Library.GetGrassType(fringeNeighbor.GrassType).FringePrecedence < decalType.FringePrecedence))
                                GenerateEdgeFringe(Into, Face, e, TileSheet, Cache, decalType, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f), 0.5f);

            if (Face.Corners != null)
                for (var c = 0; c < Face.Corners.Length; ++c)
                    var cornerNeighbor = VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(Voxel, OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Face.Corners[c].EdgeA].Orientation) + OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Face.Corners[c].EdgeB].Orientation));

                    var manhattanA = VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(Voxel, OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Face.Corners[c].EdgeA].Orientation));
                    var manhattanB = VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(Voxel, OrientationHelper.GetFaceNeighborOffset(Face.Edges[Face.Corners[c].EdgeB].Orientation));

                    if (manhattanA.IsValid && !manhattanA.IsEmpty && manhattanA.GrassType == Voxel.GrassType)

                    if (manhattanB.IsValid && !manhattanB.IsEmpty && manhattanB.GrassType == Voxel.GrassType)

                    if (cornerNeighbor.IsValid)
                        if (cornerNeighbor.IsEmpty) // Todo: Do not generate fringe if horizontal neighbors are occupied.
                        // Todo: Also - needs to use corners set by edge fringe when they are at different heights. Maybe specify which edges the corner is in between?
                            GenerateHangingCornerFringe(Into, Face, TileSheet, Cache, decalType, Face.Corners[c], new Vector3(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f));
                            var above = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(cornerNeighbor);
                            if (above.IsValid && !above.IsEmpty)
                            else if (cornerNeighbor.GrassType == 0 || (cornerNeighbor.GrassType != Voxel.GrassType && Library.GetGrassType(cornerNeighbor.GrassType).FringePrecedence < decalType.FringePrecedence))
                                GenerateHangingCornerFringe(Into, Face, TileSheet, Cache, decalType, Face.Corners[c], new Vector3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static void BuildDesignationGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelHandle Voxel,
            SliceCache Cache,
            TerrainTileSheet TileSheet,
            WorldManager World)
            // Todo: Store designations per chunk.
            foreach (var designation in World.PersistentData.Designations.EnumerateDesignations(Voxel).ToList())
                if ((designation.Type & World.Renderer.PersistentSettings.VisibleTypes) != designation.Type) // If hidden by player, do not draw.

                var designationProperties = Library.GetDesignationTypeProperties(designation.Type).Value;
                var designationVisible    = false;

                if (designationProperties.DrawType == DesignationDrawType.PreviewVoxel)
                    designationVisible = Voxel.Coordinate.Y < World.Renderer.PersistentSettings.MaxViewingLevel;
                    designationVisible = VoxelHelpers.DoesVoxelHaveVisibleSurface(World, Voxel);

                if (designationVisible &&
                    Library.GetVoxelPrimitive(Library.DesignationVoxelType).HasValue(out BoxPrimitive designationPrimitive))
                    switch (designationProperties.DrawType)
                    case DesignationDrawType.FullBox:
                        var solid = TemplateSolidLibrary.GetTemplateSolid(Voxel.Type.TemplateSolid);
                        for (var f = 0; f < solid.Faces.Count; ++f)
                            var face = solid.Faces[f];
                            if (face.CullType == Geo.FaceCullType.Cull && !IsFaceVisible(Voxel, face, World.ChunkManager, out var neighbor))

                            PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, face, Cache), TileSheet, new Point(0, 0), false, 0.02f);
                            SetVertexTint(Cache.FaceGeometry, designationProperties.Color);
                            AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);

                    case DesignationDrawType.TopBox:
                        var solid = TemplateSolidLibrary.GetTemplateSolid(Voxel.Type.TemplateSolid);
                        for (var f = 0; f < solid.Faces.Count; ++f)
                            var face = solid.Faces[f];
                            if (face.Orientation != FaceOrientation.Top)
                            if (face.CullType == Geo.FaceCullType.Cull && !IsFaceVisible(Voxel, face, World.ChunkManager, out var neighbor))

                            PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, face, Cache), TileSheet, new Point(0, 0), false, 0.02f);
                            SetVertexTint(Cache.FaceGeometry, designationProperties.Color);
                            AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);

                    case DesignationDrawType.PreviewVoxel:
                        if (Library.GetVoxelType(designation.Tag.ToString()).HasValue(out VoxelType voxelType))
                            var solid = TemplateSolidLibrary.GetTemplateSolid(voxelType.TemplateSolid);
                            for (var f = 0; f < solid.Faces.Count; ++f)
                                var face = solid.Faces[f];
                                if (face.CullType == Geo.FaceCullType.Cull && !IsFaceVisible(Voxel, face, World.ChunkManager, out var neighbor))

                                PrepVerticies(World, Voxel, face, Cache, GetVoxelVertexExploredNeighbors(Voxel, face, Cache), TileSheet, SelectTile(voxelType, face.Orientation), false, 0.0f);
                                SetVertexTint(Cache.FaceGeometry, designationProperties.Color);
                                AddQuad(Into, Cache.FaceGeometry, QuadIndicies);
Exemplo n.º 18
        override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater)
            base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater);

            if (Debugger.Switches.DrawPipeNetwork)
                foreach (var neighborConnection in NeighborPipes)
                    var neighbor = Manager.FindComponent(neighborConnection);
                    if (neighbor == null)
                        Drawer3D.DrawLine(Position, Position + Vector3.UnitY, Color.CornflowerBlue, 0.1f);
                        Drawer3D.DrawLine(Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), (neighbor as GameComponent).Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), new Color(SteamPressure, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f);

                Drawer3D.DrawBox(GetBoundingBox(), Color.Red, 0.01f, false);
                Drawer3D.DrawLine(Position, Position + Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)Math.PI / 2 * (float)Orientation)), new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0.03f);

            if (!DrawPipes)

            if (Primitive == null)
                var bounds = Vector4.Zero;
                var uvs    = Sheet.GenerateTileUVs(new Point(0, 0), out bounds);

                Primitive = new RawPrimitive();

                foreach (var connection in NeighborPipes)
                    var neighbor = Manager.FindComponent(connection) as GameComponent;
                    if (neighbor == null)

                    var orientationToNeighbor = OrientationHelper.DetectOrientationFromVector(new Vector3(neighbor.Position.X - this.Position.X, 0.0f, neighbor.Position.Z - this.Position.Z));
                    var pipeAngle             = Math.PI * 0.5f * ((float)Orientation - (float)orientationToNeighbor);

                        Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
                        * Matrix.CreateScale(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)
                        * Matrix.CreateRotationX((float)Math.PI * 0.5f)
                        //* Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 0.3f, -0.2f)
                        * Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)pipeAngle),
                        //* Matrix.CreateTranslation(bumperOffset + bumperGap),
                        Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);

            if (Primitive.VertexCount == 0)

            var under = new VoxelHandle(chunks, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(Position));

            if (under.IsValid)
                Color color = new Color(under.Sunlight ? 255 : 0, 255, 0);
                LightRamp = color;
                LightRamp = new Color(200, 255, 0);

            Color origTint = effect.VertexColorTint;

            if (!Active)
            effect.VertexColorTint = VertexColor;
            effect.LightRamp       = LightRamp;
            effect.World           = GlobalTransform;

            effect.MainTexture = Sheet.GetTexture();

            effect.EnableWind = false;

            foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            effect.VertexColorTint = origTint;
            if (!Active)
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void AttachNeighbor(uint ID)
     Primitive = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void DetachNeighbor(uint ID)
     NeighborPipes.RemoveAll(connection => connection == ID);
     Primitive = null;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void CreateMesh(GraphicsDevice Device, Overworld Overworld)
            var numVerts = (Overworld.Width + 1) * (Overworld.Height + 1);

            LandMesh = new VertexBuffer(Device, VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexDeclaration, numVerts, BufferUsage.None);
            var verts = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[numVerts];

            int i = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x <= Overworld.Width; x += 1)
                for (int y = 0; y <= Overworld.Height; y += 1)
                    var landHeight = Overworld.Map.Height((x < Overworld.Width) ? x : x - 1, (y < Overworld.Height) ? y : y - 1);
                    verts[i].Position          = new Vector3((float)x / Overworld.Width, landHeight * HeightScale, (float)y / Overworld.Height);
                    verts[i].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2((float)x / Overworld.Width, (float)y / Overworld.Height);

                    var normal = new Vector3(
                        Overworld.Map.Height(MathFunctions.Clamp(x + 1, 0, Overworld.Width - 1), MathFunctions.Clamp(y, 0, Overworld.Height - 1)) - Overworld.Height,
                        Overworld.Map.Height(MathFunctions.Clamp(x, 0, Overworld.Width - 1), MathFunctions.Clamp(y + 1, 0, Overworld.Height - 1)) - Overworld.Height);
                    verts[i].Normal = normal;



            var indices = SetUpTerrainIndices((Overworld.Width + 1), (Overworld.Height + 1));

            LandIndex = new IndexBuffer(Device, typeof(int), indices.Length, BufferUsage.None);

            // Create tree mesh.

            TreePrimitive = new RawPrimitive();
            if (IconTexture == null)
                IconTexture = AssetManager.GetContentTexture("GUI\\map_icons");
            var iconSheet = new SpriteSheet(IconTexture, 16, 16);

            for (int x = 0; x < Overworld.Width; x += 1)
                for (int y = 0; y < Overworld.Height; y += 1)
                    if (!MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.05f))
                    var elevation = Overworld.Map.Height(x, y);
                    if (elevation <= Overworld.GenerationSettings.SeaLevel)
                    if (Library.GetBiome(Overworld.Map.Map[x, y].Biome).HasValue(out var biome))
                        if (biome.Icon.X > 0 || biome.Icon.Y > 0)
                            var bounds = Vector4.Zero;
                            var uvs    = iconSheet.GenerateTileUVs(biome.Icon, out bounds);
                            var angle  = MathFunctions.Rand() * (float)System.Math.PI;

                                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                                * Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle)
                                * Matrix.CreateScale(2.0f / Overworld.Width)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation((float)x / Overworld.Width, elevation * HeightScale + 1.0f / Overworld.Width, (float)y / Overworld.Height),
                                Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);

                                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                                * Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)System.Math.PI / 2)
                                * Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle)
                                * Matrix.CreateScale(2.0f / Overworld.Width)
                                * Matrix.CreateTranslation((float)x / Overworld.Width, elevation * HeightScale + 1.0f / Overworld.Width, (float)y / Overworld.Height),
                                Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static Texture2D RenderPatternIcons(GraphicsDevice device, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content, Gui.JsonTileSheet Sheet)

            var shader = new Shader(Content.Load <Effect>(ContentPaths.Shaders.TexturedShaders), true);

            var sqrt  = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(Patterns.Count)));
            var width = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(sqrt * Sheet.TileWidth);

            var fitHorizontal = width / Sheet.TileWidth;
            var rowCount      = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)Patterns.Count / (float)fitHorizontal);
            var height        = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(rowCount * Sheet.TileHeight);

            RenderTarget2D toReturn  = new RenderTarget2D(device, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 16, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
            var            tileSheet = new SpriteSheet(ContentPaths.rail_tiles, 32);

            shader.MainTexture             = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.rail_tiles);
            shader.SelfIlluminationEnabled = true;
            shader.SelfIlluminationTexture = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Terrain.terrain_illumination);
            shader.EnableShadows           = false;
            shader.EnableLighting          = false;
            shader.ClippingEnabled         = false;
            shader.CameraPosition          = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            shader.VertexColorTint         = Color.White;
            shader.LightRamp                = Color.White;
            shader.SunlightGradient         = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.sungradient);
            shader.AmbientOcclusionGradient = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.ambientgradient);
            shader.TorchlightGradient       = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.torchgradient);

            Viewport oldview = device.Viewport;
            int      rows    = height / Sheet.TileWidth;
            int      cols    = width / Sheet.TileWidth;

            device.ScissorRectangle  = new Rectangle(0, 0, Sheet.TileWidth, Sheet.TileHeight);
            device.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullNone;
            device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            Vector3 half = Vector3.One * 0.5f;

            half = new Vector3(half.X, half.Y, half.Z);

            foreach (EffectPass pass in shader.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                int ID = 0;

                foreach (var type in Patterns)
                    int row = ID / cols;
                    int col = ID % cols;

                    var xboundsMin = 0;
                    var xboundsMax = 0;
                    var yboundsMin = 0;
                    var yboundsMax = 0;

                    var primitive = new RawPrimitive();
                    foreach (var piece in type.Pieces)
                        var rawPiece = RailLibrary.GetRailPiece(piece.RailPiece);
                        var bounds   = Vector4.Zero;
                        var uvs      = tileSheet.GenerateTileUVs(rawPiece.Tile, out bounds);
                            Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)Math.PI * 0.5f * (float)piece.Orientation)
                            * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(piece.Offset.X, 0.0f, piece.Offset.Y)),
                            Color.White, Color.White, uvs, bounds);

                        xboundsMin = Math.Min(xboundsMin, piece.Offset.X);
                        xboundsMax = Math.Max(xboundsMax, piece.Offset.X);
                        yboundsMin = Math.Min(yboundsMin, piece.Offset.Y);
                        yboundsMax = Math.Max(yboundsMax, piece.Offset.Y);

                    float xSize = xboundsMax - xboundsMin + 1;
                    float ySize = yboundsMax - yboundsMin + 1;

                    var cameraPos = new Vector3(xboundsMin + (xSize / 2), 2.0f, yboundsMax + 1.0f);

                    device.Viewport = new Viewport(col * Sheet.TileWidth, row * Sheet.TileHeight, Sheet.TileWidth, Sheet.TileHeight);
                    shader.View     = Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPos,
                                                          new Vector3((xboundsMin + (xSize / 2)), 0.0f, yboundsMin),
                    shader.Projection     = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 10);
                    shader.World          = Matrix.Identity;
                    shader.CameraPosition = cameraPos;

            device.Viewport = oldview;