/// <summary>
        /// Converts a RawMaterialQCModel Model into a RawMaterialQC Entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The RawMaterialQCModel Model to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="to">The RawMaterialQC Entity to which to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of RawMaterialQC representing the RawMaterialQCModel Model.</returns>
        private static TPO.DL.Models.RawMaterialQC Bind(RawMaterialQCModel model, TPO.DL.Models.RawMaterialQC to)
            //to.PlantID = model.PlantID;
            //TODO:  Implement retrieving PlantID
            to.PlantID = 1;
            if (model.QCTechID != RawMaterialQCModel.INVALID_ID)
                to.QCTechUserID = model.QCTechID;
                to.QCTechUserID = null;
            to.RawMaterialReceivedID = model.RawMaterialReceivedID;
            to.VisualInspection      = model.VisuallyInspected;
            to.SpecGrav     = (double?)model.SpecificGravity;
            to.ColorCoA     = (double?)model.ColorTestCoA;
            to.ColorFS      = (double?)model.ColorTestFS;
            to.MFCoA        = (double?)model.MeltFlowTestCoA;
            to.MFFS         = (double?)model.MeltFlowTestFS;
            to.ACCoA        = (double?)model.AshContentTestCoA;
            to.ACFS         = (double?)model.AshContentTestFS;
            to.MoistCoA     = (double?)model.MoistureTestCoA;
            to.MoistFS      = (double?)model.MoistureTestFS;
            to.CBCoA        = (double?)model.CarbonBlackTestCoA;
            to.CBFS         = (double?)model.CarbonBlackTestFS;
            to.BoxCarTested = model.BoxCar;
            to.Comments     = model.Comments;

 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a RawMaterialQC Entity into a RawMaterialQCModel Model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The RawMaterialQC Entity to convert.</param>
 /// <param name="to">The RawMaterialQCModel Model to which to convert.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of RawMaterialQCModel representing the RawMaterialQC Entity.</returns>
 private static RawMaterialQCModel Bind(TPO.DL.Models.RawMaterialQC entity, RawMaterialQCModel to)
     to.ID       = entity.ID;
     to.PlantID  = entity.PlantID;
     to.QCTechID = entity.QCTechUserID.HasValue ? entity.QCTechUserID.Value : RawMaterialQCModel.INVALID_ID;
     to.RawMaterialReceivedID = entity.RawMaterialReceivedID;
     //Code and Lot are one way read and not passed back to model (i.e. read-only)
     to.RawMaterialCode    = entity.RawMaterialReceived.RawMaterial.Code;
     to.LotCode            = entity.RawMaterialReceived.LotNumber;
     to.VisuallyInspected  = entity.VisualInspection.HasValue ? entity.VisualInspection.Value : false;
     to.SpecificGravity    = entity.SpecGrav.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.SpecGrav.Value : 0;
     to.ColorTestCoA       = entity.ColorCoA.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.ColorCoA.Value : 0;
     to.ColorTestFS        = entity.ColorFS.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.ColorFS.Value : 0;
     to.MeltFlowTestCoA    = entity.MFCoA.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.MFCoA.Value : 0;
     to.MeltFlowTestFS     = entity.MFFS.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.MFFS.Value : 0;
     to.AshContentTestCoA  = entity.ACCoA.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.ACCoA.Value : 0;
     to.AshContentTestFS   = entity.ACFS.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.ACFS.Value : 0;
     to.MoistureTestCoA    = entity.MoistCoA.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.MoistCoA.Value : 0;
     to.MoistureTestFS     = entity.MoistFS.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.MoistFS.Value : 0;
     to.CarbonBlackTestCoA = entity.CBCoA.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.CBCoA.Value : 0;
     to.CarbonBlackTestFS  = entity.CBFS.HasValue ? (decimal)entity.CBFS.Value : 0;
     to.BoxCar             = entity.BoxCarTested;
     to.Comments           = entity.Comments;
     to.DateEntered        = entity.DateEntered;
     to.EnteredBy          = entity.EnteredBy;
     to.LastModified       = entity.LastModified;
     to.ModifiedBy         = entity.ModifiedBy;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a RawMaterialQCModel representing the RawMaterialQC record indicated by the provided ID.
        /// The RawMaterialQCModel returns also includes configuration data for the various test available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the RawMaterialQC record in the database.</param>
        /// <returns>A RawMaterialQCModel</returns>
        public RawMaterialQCModel GetRawMaterialQCModelByRawMaterialQCID(int id)
            RawMaterialQCModel model = null;

            using (RawMaterialsRepository repo = new RawMaterialsRepository())
                TPO.DL.Models.RawMaterialQC entity = repo.GetRawMaterialQCByID(id);
                if (entity != null)
                    model = Bind(entity, new RawMaterialQCModel());
                    RawMaterialTest testBL   = new RawMaterialTest();
                    Int32           rawMatID = 0;

                    TPO.DL.Models.RawMaterialReceived rawMaterialReceived =
                        new TPOMVCApplicationEntities().RawMaterialReceiveds.Where(w => w.ID == model.RawMaterialReceivedID).First();

                    model.QCConfiguration = testBL.GetQCConfigurationByRawMaterial(rawMaterialReceived.RawMaterial.ID);

        // GET: /RawMaterialQC/
        public ActionResult Index(int?id, bool unlocked = false)
            TPOMVCApplicationEntities db = new TPOMVCApplicationEntities();
            var RawMat = db.RawMaterialQCs.Where(s => s.RawMaterialReceivedID != null).ToList();

            TPO.BL.RawMaterials.RawMaterial RawMatList = new TPO.BL.RawMaterials.RawMaterial();
            ViewBag.RawMaterialQCList = RawMatList.GetRawMaterials();

            //TODO: Refactor after RawMaterialModel is completed to use intID
            List <RawMaterialModel> rawMatListFromBL = RawMatList.GetRawMaterials();
            var QCList = db.Users.Where(s => s.ID != null).ToList();

            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> rawMaterialSelectList = from s in rawMatListFromBL
                                                                 select new SelectListItem
                Value = s.RawMaterialCode,
                Text  = (s.RawMaterialCode + " | " + s.RawMaterialName)
            //IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList = from s in RawMat
            //                                         select new SelectListItem
            //                                         {
            //                                             Value = s.RawMaterialID,
            //                                             Text = s.RawMaterialID + " | " + s.RawMaterialLotID.ToString()
            //                                         };

            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> lotSelectList = from s in RawMaterialReceivedRepo.GetAll()
                                                         select new SelectListItem
                Value = s.LotNumber,
                Text  = s.LotNumber + " | " + s.LastModified.ToShortDateString()

            //IEnumerable<SelectListItem> lotSelectList = from s in RawMat
            //                                            select new SelectListItem
            //                                            {
            //                                                Value = s.RawMaterialLotID,
            //                                                Text = (s.RawMaterialLotID.Length != 11 ? s.RawMaterialLotID : s.RawMaterialLotID) + " | " +
            //                                                s.DateEntered.ToShortDateString() +
            //                                                " | " + s.LastModified.ToShortDateString()
            //                                            };

            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> lotTestList = from s in RawMat
                                                       select new SelectListItem
                Value = s.ID.ToString(),
                Text  = s.DateEntered.ToShortDateString() + " | " + s.BoxCarTested

            //new SelectList()
            ViewBag.RawMaterialQC             = new SelectList(rawMaterialSelectList, "Value", "Text");
            ViewBag.RawMaterialLotQC          = new SelectList(lotSelectList, "Value", "Text");
            ViewBag.RawMaterialQCLotTest      = new SelectList(lotTestList, "Value", "Text");
            ViewBag.RawMaterialQCLastModified = new SelectList(RawMat, "ID", "LastModified");
            ViewBag.RawMaterialEnteredBy      = new SelectList(QCList, "ID", "FullName");

            TPO.BL.RawMaterials.RawMaterialQC qcBL = new TPO.BL.RawMaterials.RawMaterialQC();

            //if (id != null)
            //    RawMaterialQCModel model = qcBL.GetRawMaterialQCModelByRawMaterialQCID(id ?? Convert.ToInt32(id));
            //    RawMaterialQCModel model = new RawMaterialQCModel();

            RawMaterialQCModel model = qcBL.GetRawMaterialQCModelByRawMaterialQCID(id ?? Convert.ToInt32(id));

            if (model == null)
                model = new RawMaterialQCModel();

            var tests = (from t in db.RawMaterialQCs
                         where t.RawMaterialReceived.ID == t.RawMaterialReceivedID
                         select t).ToList();

            ViewBag.QCItems = tests;
