Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string folder = args.Length != 1 ? @"..\..\Resources\" : args[0];

            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} Files must be in folder {folder}. Use the first argument to specify another folder.");
            Console.Write($"{GetTimeStamp()} Enter # of neighbors [50-10000]: ");
            int neighbors;

            if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out neighbors))
                Console.Write("Unable to parse input.");
                neighbors = neighbors < 50 ? 50 : (neighbors > 10000 ? 10000 : neighbors);
            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} neighbors set to: {neighbors}");

            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} Loading data...");
            const string moviesFile          = "movie_titles.txt";
            const string trainingRatingsFile = "TrainingRatings.txt";
            const string testRatingsFile     = "TestingRatings.txt";

            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            MovieData movies = ParseMoviesData(File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(folder, moviesFile)));

            RatingData trainingRatings = ParseRatingData(File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(folder, trainingRatingsFile)));
            RatingData testRatings     = ParseRatingData(File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(folder, testRatingsFile)));

            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} Done.");

            DateTime now     = DateTime.Now;
            long     index   = 0;
            var      results = new List <Tuple <double /*predicted*/, double /*actual*/> >();

            //Parallel.ForEach(testRatings.GetUsers().TakeWhile(x => Interlocked.Read(ref index) < 5000), userId =>
            Parallel.ForEach(testRatings.GetUsers(), userId =>
                if (Interlocked.Add(ref index, 1) % 100 == 0)
                    PrintProgress(index, now, testRatings.GetUsersCount());

                var ratings = testRatings.GetUserRatings(userId);
                foreach (var movieRating in ratings)
                    double actual    = movieRating.Value;
                    double predicted = trainingRatings.PredictMovieRating(userId, movieRating.Key, neighbors);
                    lock (results)
                        results.Add(new Tuple <double, double>(predicted, actual));

            PrintProgress(index, now, testRatings.GetUsersCount());

            double mae  = CalculateMAE(results);
            double mape = CalculateMAPE(results);
            double rmsd = CalculateRMSD(results);

            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} MAE={mae} (Mean Absolute Error)");
            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} MAPE={mape} (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)");
            Console.WriteLine($"{GetTimeStamp()} RMSD={rmsd} (Root-mean-square deviation)");