/// <summary>
        /// uses hunger to release a specific amount of miasma into the air. This heals the rat king
        /// and his servants through a specific metabolism.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnDomain(EntityUid uid, RatKingComponent component, RatKingDomainActionEvent args)
            if (args.Handled)

            if (!TryComp <HungerComponent>(uid, out var hunger))

            //make sure the hunger doesn't go into the negatives
            if (hunger.CurrentHunger < component.HungerPerDomainUse)
                _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rat-king-too-hungry"), uid, Filter.Entities(uid));
            args.Handled          = true;
            hunger.CurrentHunger -= component.HungerPerDomainUse;

            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rat-king-domain-popup"), uid, Filter.Pvs(uid));

            var tileMix = _atmos.GetTileMixture(Transform(uid).Coordinates);

            if (tileMix != null)
                tileMix.AdjustMoles(Gas.Miasma, component.MolesMiasmaPerDomain);
        /// <summary>
        /// uses hunger to release a specific amount of miasma into the air. This heals the rat king
        /// and his servants through a specific metabolism.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnDomain(EntityUid uid, RatKingComponent component, RatKingDomainActionEvent args)
            if (args.Handled)

            if (!TryComp <HungerComponent>(uid, out var hunger))

            //make sure the hunger doesn't go into the negatives
            if (hunger.CurrentHunger < component.HungerPerDomainUse)
                _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rat-king-too-hungry"), uid, Filter.Entities(uid));
            args.Handled          = true;
            hunger.CurrentHunger -= component.HungerPerDomainUse;

            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rat-king-domain-popup"), uid, Filter.Pvs(uid));

            var transform = Transform(uid);
            var indices   = _xform.GetGridOrMapTilePosition(uid, transform);
            var tileMix   = _atmos.GetTileMixture(transform.GridUid, transform.MapUid, indices, true);

            tileMix?.AdjustMoles(Gas.Miasma, component.MolesMiasmaPerDomain);