private static Paragraph GenerateRuns(Paragraph p, string Buffer)
            // Calculate positions of all tokens and use this to set
            // run styles when iterating through the string

            // in the same calculation note down location of tokens
            // so they can be ignored when loading strings into the buffer

            // Is this really needed?
            Regex pBold, pItalic, pUnderline, pHyperlink_description, pHyperlink;

            if (!CustomMode)
                pItalic = Patterns[rExKey.Asterisk];
                pItalic = Patterns[rExKey.Grave];

            pUnderline = Patterns[rExKey.Underscore];
            pBold = Patterns[rExKey.DblAsterisk];

            pHyperlink = Patterns[rExKey.Hyperlink];
            pHyperlink_description = Patterns[rExKey.Hyperlink_description];

            Ranges<int> Tokens = new Ranges<int>();
            Ranges<int> Bold = FindMatches(pBold, Buffer, ref Tokens);
            Ranges<int> Italic = FindMatches(pItalic, Buffer, ref Tokens);
            Ranges<int> Underline = FindMatches(pUnderline, Buffer, ref Tokens);

            Ranges<int> Tabs = FindTabs(new Regex(@"(\\t|[\\ ]{4})"), Buffer, ref Tokens);

            // TODO: make this a boolean , overload FindMatches or something.
            Ranges<int> Hyperlinks_description = FindMatches(pHyperlink_description, Buffer, ref Tokens);
            Ranges<int> Hyperlinks = FindMatches(pHyperlink, Buffer, ref Tokens);

            if ((Bold.Count()
                + Italic.Count()
                + Underline.Count()
                + Tabs.Count()
                + Hyperlinks_description.Count()
                + Hyperlinks.Count()) == 0)
                Run run = new Run();
                run.Append(new Text(Buffer)
                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                int CurrentPosition = 0;
                Run run;

                // This needs optimizing so it builds a string buffer before adding the run itself
                // might need to make this into a Switch statement also
                if (Hyperlinks_description.Count() == 1)
                    AppendHyperlink(Buffer, ref p, true);
                else if (Hyperlinks.Count() == 1)
                    AppendHyperlink(Buffer, ref p, false);
                    while (CurrentPosition < Buffer.Length)
                        if (!Tokens.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition) || Tabs.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition))
                            run = new Run();

                            if (Tabs.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition))
                                run.Append(new TabChar());
                                RunProperties rPr = new RunProperties();
                                if (Bold.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition)) rPr.Append(new Bold() { Val = new OnOffValue(true) });
                                if (Italic.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition)) rPr.Append(new Italic());
                                if (Underline.ContainsValue(CurrentPosition)) rPr.Append(new Underline() { Val = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.UnderlineValues.Single });

                                string TextBuffer = Buffer.Substring(CurrentPosition, 1);
                                run.Append(new Text(TextBuffer)
                                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
            return p;
        private void AppendText(BasicContentBlock element, Paragraph paragraph)
            TextContentBlock Text = (TextContentBlock)element;

            ParagraphProperties pPr = new ParagraphProperties();
            RunProperties       rPr = new RunProperties();

            Ranges <int> Tokens = new Ranges <int>();

            Italic = new PatternMatcher(ContentBlock.Models.ContentBlocks.Pattern.Italic);
            Italic.FindMatches(Text.Content, ref Tokens);

            Bold = new PatternMatcher(ContentBlock.Models.ContentBlocks.Pattern.Bold);
            Bold.FindMatches(Text.Content, ref Tokens);

            Underline = new PatternMatcher(ContentBlock.Models.ContentBlocks.Pattern.Underline);
            Underline.FindMatches(Text.Content, ref Tokens);

            BulletList = new PatternMatcher(Pattern.BulletList);
            BulletList.FindMatches(Text.Content, ref Tokens);

            if (!PatternsHaveMatches())
                run = new Run();
                run.Append(new Text(Text.Content)
                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

                int    pos    = 0;
                string buffer = "";

                while (pos < Text.Content.Length)
                    if (!Tokens.ContainsValue(pos))
                        buffer += Text.Content.Substring(pos, 1);
                    else if (buffer.Length > 0)
                        run = new Run();

                        Bold.SetFlagFor(pos - 1);
                        Italic.SetFlagFor(pos - 1);
                        Underline.SetFlagFor(pos - 1);
                        BulletList.SetFlagFor(pos - 1);

                        // this is the place where the code should be Refactored to catch the pattern and pass it properly

                        if (Bold.Flag)
                            rPr.Append(new Bold()
                                Val = new OnOffValue(true)
                        if (Italic.Flag)
                            rPr.Append(new Italic());
                        if (Underline.Flag)
                            rPr.Append(new Underline()
                                Val = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.UnderlineValues.Single
                        if (BulletList.Flag)
                            rPr.Append(new NumberingFormat()
                                Val = NumberFormatValues.Bullet

                        run.Append(new Text(buffer)
                            Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

                        //Need to do Some code changes to cath the text after Bold


                        buffer = "";


            ////Assign the properties to the paragraph and the run.
            //Paragraph para = new Paragraph()
            //    ParagraphProperties = pPr
            //Run runs = new Run(new Word.Text(Text.Content))
            //    RunProperties = rPr


