public TestSimpleIdentification()
            TestName     = "Простая модель с идентификацией";
            TestFileName = "TestSimpleIdentification";

            Vector <double> mW = Exts.Vector(0, 0); Matrix <double> dW = Exts.Diag(0, 1.0);
            Vector <double> mNu = Exts.Vector(0); Matrix <double> dNu = Exts.Diag(1.0);
            Vector <double> mEta = Exts.Vector(0, 0.0); Matrix <double> dEta = Exts.Diag(0.27, 0);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Vector <double> > phi1 = (s, x) => Exts.Vector(x[0], x[0] * x[1]);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > phi2 = (s, x) => Exts.Diag(0.0, 1.0);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Vector <double> > psi1 = (s, x) => Exts.Vector(x[1]);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > psi2 = (s, x) => Exts.Matrix(0.1);

            RandomVector <Normal> NormalW  = new RandomVector <Normal>(mW, dW);
            RandomVector <Normal> NormalNu = new RandomVector <Normal>(mNu, dNu);
            ContinuousUniform     UniformW = new ContinuousUniform(-0.9, 0.9);

            Phi1 = phi1;
            Phi2 = phi2;
            Psi1 = psi1;
            Psi2 = psi2;
            Xi   = (s, x) => phi1(s, x) + phi2(s, x) * mW;
            Zeta = (s, x, y, k) => y - psi1(s, x) - psi2(s, x) * mNu;

            W      = (s) => NormalW.Sample();
            Nu     = (s) => NormalNu.Sample();
            DW     = dW;
            DNu    = dNu;
            X0     = () => Exts.Vector(UniformW.Sample(), 0.0);
            X0Hat  = mEta;
            DX0Hat = dEta;
        public (Vector <double>, Matrix <double>) Step(int t, Vector <double> y, Vector <double> xHat_, Matrix <double> kHat_, int n)
            Vector <double>[] x_mod = new Vector <double> [n];
            Vector <double>[] y_mod = new Vector <double> [n];

            //Parallel.For(0, n, new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = System.Environment.ProcessorCount }, i =>
            RandomVector <Normal> xHatDistr = new RandomVector <Normal>(xHat_, kHat_);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x_mod[i] = xHatDistr.Sample();
                if (t > 0)
                    x_mod[i] = Phi1(t, x_mod[i]) + Phi2(t, x_mod[i]) * W(t);
                y_mod[i] = Psi1(t, x_mod[i]) + Psi2(t, x_mod[i]) * Nu(t);

            Vector <double> f      = x_mod.Average();
            Matrix <double> kTilde = Exts.Cov(x_mod, x_mod);

            Vector <double>[] zetaTilde = new Vector <double> [n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                zetaTilde[i] = Zeta(t, f, y_mod[i], kTilde);

            Matrix <double> CovZetaTilde    = Exts.Cov(zetaTilde, zetaTilde);
            Matrix <double> InvCovZetaTilde = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(CovZetaTilde.RowCount, CovZetaTilde.ColumnCount, 0.0);

                InvCovZetaTilde = CovZetaTilde.PseudoInverse();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't inverse ZetaTilde");
            Matrix <double> H = Exts.Cov(x_mod.Subtract(f), zetaTilde) * InvCovZetaTilde;
            Vector <double> h = -H *zetaTilde.Average();

            Matrix <double> kHat = kTilde - Exts.Cov(x_mod.Subtract(f), zetaTilde) * H.Transpose();

            Vector <double> xHat__ = f + H * Zeta(t, f, y, kTilde) + h;

            return(xHat__, kHat);
Exemplo n.º 3

    #region Handlers
    void Start()
        GameObject _ArcContainer = new GameObject("Arc_Container");

        for (int i = 0; i < m_Arcs; i++)
            GameObject _Arc = new GameObject("Lightning_Arc_" + i.ToString());
            _Arc.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
            _Arc.AddComponent <LightningArc>();
            _Arc.GetComponent <LightningArc>().SetTransforms(m_StartPoint, m_EndPoint);
            _Arc.GetComponent <LightningArc>().SetMaterialColor(m_Material, new Color(
                                                                    Mathf.Abs(Random.Range(m_MeanColor.r * (1.0f - m_ColorOffsetPercentage), m_MeanColor.r * (1.0f + m_ColorOffsetPercentage))),
                                                                    Mathf.Abs(Random.Range(m_MeanColor.g * (1.0f - m_ColorOffsetPercentage), m_MeanColor.g * (1.0f + m_ColorOffsetPercentage))),
                                                                    Mathf.Abs(Random.Range(m_MeanColor.b * (1.0f - m_ColorOffsetPercentage), m_MeanColor.b * (1.0f + m_ColorOffsetPercentage)))));
            _Arc.GetComponent <LightningArc>().SetMode(m_Mode);
            _Arc.GetComponent <LightningArc>().SetParameters(
                Random.Range(m_MinSegments, m_MaxSegments + 1),
                Random.Range(m_MeanWidth * (1.0f - m_WidthOffsetPercentage), m_MeanWidth * (1.0f + m_WidthOffsetPercentage)),
                RandomVector.Range <Vector3>(m_MeanAmplitude * (1.0f - m_AmplitudeOffsetPercentage), m_MeanAmplitude * (1.0f + m_AmplitudeOffsetPercentage)),
                Random.Range(m_MeanFrequency * (1.0f - m_FrequencyOffsetPercentage), m_MeanFrequency * (1.0f + m_FrequencyOffsetPercentage)));
            _Arc.GetComponent <LightningArc>().Begin();

        GameObject _AudioContainer = new GameObject("Audio_Container");

        for (int i = 0; i < m_Sounds.Count; i++)
            if (m_Sounds[i] && m_Volumes[i] > 0.0f)
                GameObject _AS = new GameObject("AudioSource_" + i.ToString());
                _AS.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip        = m_Sounds[i];
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume      = m_Volumes[i];
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().pitch       = m_Pitches[i];
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().loop        = true;
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().maxDistance = Vector3.Distance(m_StartPoint.position, m_EndPoint.position) * 0.5f;
                _AS.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Run(Options o, string[] args)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.ScriptsFolder))
                o.ScriptsFolder = "..\\..\\..\\OutputScripts\\";

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter outputfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "parameters.txt"), true))
                outputfile.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}\t{string.Join(" ", args)}");

            // original continuous model
            // x_t = x_0 + \int_0^t Phi_1(x_t) dt + \int_0^t Phi_2(x_t) dW_t

            // discrete model:
            // x_{t+1} = Phi_1(x_t) + Phi_2(x_t) W_t

            // y_t = Psi_1(x_t) + Psi_2(x_t) Nu_t

            #region 3d model Ienkaran Arasaratnam, Simon Haykin, and Tom R. Hurd
            //mpdel params
            //double sigma1 = Math.Sqrt(0.2);
            //double sigma2 = 7.0 * 1e-3;
            //double sigma_r = 50;
            //double sigma_th = 0.1;
            //double sigma_ph = 0.1;

            // starting point
            //Vector<double> mEta = Exts.Vector(1000, 0, 2650, 150, 200, 0, 1.0);
            //Matrix<double> dEta = Exts.Diag(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            //RandomVector<Normal> NormalEta = new RandomVector<Normal>(mEta, dEta);
            //Func<Vector<double>> X0;
            ////X0 = () => NormalEta.Sample();
            //X0 = () => mEta;

            // dynamics
            //Func<Vector<double>, Vector<double>> Phi1 = (x) => Exts.Vector(x[1], -x[6] * x[3], x[3], x[6] * x[1], x[5], 0, 0);
            //Func<Matrix<double>> Phi2 = () => Exts.Diag(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            //Vector<double> mW = Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            //Matrix<double> dW = Exts.Diag(1e1, Math.Pow(sigma1, 2), 1e1, Math.Pow(sigma1, 2), 1e1, Math.Pow(sigma1, 2), Math.Pow(sigma2, 2));
            //RandomVector<Normal> NormalW = new RandomVector<Normal>(mW, dW);
            //Func<Vector<double>> W;
            //W = () => NormalW.Sample();

            // observations
            //Func<Vector<double>, Vector<double>> Psi1 = (x) => Utils.cart2sphere(Exts.Vector(x[0], x[2], x[4]));
            //Func<Matrix<double>> Psi2 = () => Exts.Diag(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            //Vector<double> mNu = Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0);
            //Matrix<double> dNu = Exts.Diag(Math.Pow(sigma_r, 2), Math.Pow(sigma_th, 2), Math.Pow(sigma_ph, 2));

            ////Vector<double> X_R2 = Exts.Vector(0, 0);
            ////Vector<double> mNu = Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0, 0);
            ////Matrix<double> dNu = Exts.Diag(Math.Pow(0.1 * Math.PI / 180, 2), Math.Pow(50, 2), Math.Pow(0.1 * Math.PI / 180, 2), Math.Pow(50, 2));
            ////Func<double, Vector<double>, Vector<double>> Psi1 = (s, x) => Exts.Stack(Utils.cart2pol(Exts.Vector(x[0], x[1]) - X_R1), Utils.cart2pol(Exts.Vector(x[0], x[1]) - X_R2));
            ////Func<double, Vector<double>, Matrix<double>> Psi2 = (s, x) => Exts.Diag(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            //RandomVector<Normal> NormalNu = new RandomVector<Normal>(mNu, dNu);
            //Func<Vector<double>> Nu;
            //Nu = () => NormalNu.Sample();

            //double h_state = 0.01;
            //double h_obs = 0.01;
            //double T = 1.0 + h_state / 2;


            #region 2d model with acceleration

            // model params
            double Alpha_n = o.alpha; // 0.05;
            double Beta_n  = o.beta;  //1.0;
            double Gamma_n = o.gamma; //0.5;

            // starting point
            Vector <double>         mEta        = Exts.Vector(0, 25000, 400, 10 * Math.PI / 180, Gamma_n / Alpha_n);
            Matrix <double>         dEta        = Exts.Diag(Math.Pow(o.DX0, 2), Math.Pow(o.DX0, 2), Math.Pow(115, 2), Math.Pow(15 * Math.PI / 180, 2), Math.Pow(Beta_n, 2) / 2 / Alpha_n);
            RandomVector <Normal>   NormalEta   = new RandomVector <Normal>(mEta, dEta);
            ContinuousUniform       UniformEtaV = new ContinuousUniform(200, 600);
            Func <Vector <double> > X0;
            X0 = () =>
                var x = NormalEta.Sample();
                x[2] = UniformEtaV.Sample();

            // dynamics
            Func <Vector <double>, Vector <double> > Phi1 = (x) => Exts.Vector(x[2] * Math.Cos(x[3]), x[2] * Math.Sin(x[3]), 0, x[4] / x[2], -Alpha_n * x[4] + Gamma_n);
            Func <Matrix <double> > Phi2 = () => Exts.Diag(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0);

            Vector <double>         mW      = Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            Matrix <double>         dW      = Exts.Diag(0, 0, 0, 0, Math.Pow(Beta_n, 2));
            Normal                  NormalW = new Normal(mW[4], Math.Sqrt(dW[4, 4]));
            Func <Vector <double> > W;
            W = () => Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0, 0, NormalW.Sample());

            // observations
            Vector <double> X_R1 = Exts.Vector(-10000, 10000);   // first radar location
            Vector <double> X_R2 = Exts.Vector(0, 0);            // second radar location

            Func <Vector <double>, Vector <double> > Psi1 = (x) => Exts.Stack(Utils.cart2pol(Exts.Vector(x[0], x[1]) - X_R1), Utils.cart2pol(Exts.Vector(x[0], x[1]) - X_R2));
            Func <Matrix <double> > Psi2 = () => Exts.Diag(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            Vector <double>         mNu      = Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Matrix <double>         dNu      = Exts.Diag(Math.Pow(0.1 * Math.PI / 180, 2), Math.Pow(50, 2), Math.Pow(0.1 * Math.PI / 180, 2), Math.Pow(50, 2));
            RandomVector <Normal>   NormalNu = new RandomVector <Normal>(mNu, dNu);
            Func <Vector <double> > Nu;
            Nu = () => NormalNu.Sample();

            double h_state = o.h_state; //0.01;
            double h_obs   = o.h_obs;   //1.0;
            double T       = o.T + h_state / 2;

            Func <int, Vector <double>, Vector <double> > Phi1_discr = (i, x) =>
                Vector <double> xx = x;
                for (double s = h_state; s < h_obs + h_state / 2; s += h_state)
                    xx += h_state * Phi1(xx);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > Phi2_discr = (i, x) => Math.Sqrt(h_obs) * Phi2();
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Vector <double> > Psi1_discr = (i, x) => Psi1(x);
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > Psi2_discr = (i, x) => Psi2();

            // derivatives for the Extended Kalman Filter
            Func <Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > dPhi = (x) => Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(5, 5, new double[5 * 5] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                Math.Cos(x[3]), Math.Sin(x[3]), 0, -x[4] / Math.Pow(x[2], 2), 0,
                -x[2] * Math.Sin(x[3]), x[2] * Math.Cos(x[3]), 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1.0 / x[2], -Alpha_n
            }); // Column-major order

            Func <Vector <double>, Matrix <double> > dPsi = (x) =>
                var x1   = x - X_R1.Stack(Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0));
                var r1r1 = x1[0] * x1[0] + x1[1] * x1[1];
                var r1   = Math.Sqrt(r1r1);
                var x2   = x - X_R2.Stack(Exts.Vector(0, 0, 0));
                var r2r2 = x2[0] * x2[0] + x2[1] * x2[1];
                var r2   = Math.Sqrt(r2r2);
                return(Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(4, 5, new double[5 * 4] {
                    -x1[1] / r1r1, x1[0] / r1, -x2[1] / r2r2, x2[0] / r2,
                    x1[0] / r1r1, x1[1] / r1, x2[0] / r2r2, x2[1] / r2,
                    0, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 0
                })); // Column-major order
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Matrix <double>, (Vector <double>, Matrix <double>)> Ricatti = (i, x, P) =>
                Vector <double> xx = x;
                Matrix <double> PP = P;
                for (double s = h_state; s < h_obs + h_state / 2; s += h_state)
                    PP += h_state * (dPhi(xx) * PP + PP * dPhi(xx).Transpose() + Phi2() * dW * Phi2().Transpose());
                    xx += h_state * (Phi1(xx) + Phi2() * mW);
                return(xx, PP);

            //trivial estimate
            Func <int, Vector <double>, Vector <double>, Matrix <double>, (Vector <double>, Matrix <double>)> DummyEstimate = (i, y, x, P) =>
                Vector <double> xx = x;
                Matrix <double> PP = P;
                for (double s = h_state; s < h_obs + h_state / 2; s += h_state)
                    PP += h_state * (dPhi(xx) * PP + PP * dPhi(xx).Transpose() + Phi2() * dW * Phi2().Transpose());
                    xx += h_state * (Phi1(xx) + Phi2() * mW);
                return((0.5 * (Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[0], y[1])) + X_R1 + Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[2], y[3])) + X_R2)).Stack(Exts.Vector(xx[2], xx[3], xx[4])), PP);


            int N = (int)(T / h_obs);

            Func <DiscreteVectorModel> ModelGenerator = () =>
                DiscreteVectorModel model = null;

                int             n                 = 0;
                double          h_tolerance       = h_state / 2.0;
                double          t_nextobservation = h_obs;
                Vector <double> State             = X0();
                Vector <double> Obs;

                model = new DiscreteVectorModel(Phi1_discr, Phi2_discr, Psi1_discr, Psi2_discr, (i) => W(), (i) => Nu(), X0(), true);
                //for (double s = 0; s < T; s += h_obs)
                //    model.Step();
                for (double s = h_state; s < T; s += h_state)
                    if (s > 0)
                        State = State + h_state * Phi1(State) + Math.Sqrt(h_state) * Phi2() * W();
                    if (Math.Abs(s - t_nextobservation) < h_tolerance)
                        Obs = Psi1(State) + Psi2() * Nu();
                        t_nextobservation += h_obs;

                        model.Trajectory.Add(n, new Vector <double>[] { State, Obs });

            // filter params file names
            string CMNFFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "cmnf.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CMNFFileName))
                CMNFFileName = o.CMNFFileName;
            string BCMNFFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "bcmnf.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.BCMNFFileName))
                BCMNFFileName = o.BCMNFFileName;
            string UKFFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "ukf.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.UKFFileName))
                UKFFileName = o.UKFFileName;
            string UKFOptStepwiseNMFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "ukfoptstepwiseNM.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.UKFStepwiseNelderMeadFileName))
                UKFOptStepwiseNMFileName = o.UKFStepwiseNelderMeadFileName;
            string UKFOptIntegralNMFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "ukfoptintegralNM.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.UKFIntegralNelderMeadFileName))
                UKFOptIntegralNMFileName = o.UKFIntegralNelderMeadFileName;
            string UKFOptStepwiseRandFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "ukfoptstepwiserand.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.UKFStepwiseRandomShootFileName))
                UKFOptStepwiseRandFileName = o.UKFStepwiseRandomShootFileName;
            string UKFOptIntegralRandFileName = Path.Combine(o.OutputFolder, "ukfoptintegralrand.params");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.UKFIntegralRandomShootFileName))
                UKFOptIntegralRandFileName = o.UKFIntegralRandomShootFileName;

            // filters
            List <(FilterType, string)> filters = new List <(FilterType, string)>();
            if (o.CMNF)
                filters.Add((FilterType.CMNF, CMNFFileName));
            if (o.BCMNF)
                filters.Add((FilterType.BCMNF, BCMNFFileName));
            if (o.MCMNF)
                filters.Add((FilterType.MCMNF, string.Empty));
            if (o.UKF)
                filters.Add((FilterType.UKFNoOptimization, UKFFileName));
            if (o.UKFStepwiseNelderMead)
                filters.Add((FilterType.UKFStepwise, UKFOptStepwiseNMFileName));
            if (o.UKFIntegralNelderMead)
                filters.Add((FilterType.UKFIntegral, UKFOptIntegralNMFileName));
            if (o.UKFStepwiseRandomShoot)
                filters.Add((FilterType.UKFStepwiseRandomShoot, UKFOptStepwiseRandFileName));
            if (o.UKFIntegralRandomShoot)
                filters.Add((FilterType.UKFIntegralRandomShoot, UKFOptIntegralRandFileName));
            if (o.EKF)
                filters.Add((FilterType.EKF, string.Empty));
            if (o.Dummy)
                filters.Add((FilterType.Dummy, string.Empty));

            // test environment
            TestEnvironmentVector testEnv = new TestEnvironmentVector()
                TestName     = "Target tracking",
                TestFileName = "TargetTracking",
                Phi1         = Phi1_discr,
                Phi2         = Phi2_discr,
                Psi1         = Psi1_discr,
                Psi2         = Psi2_discr,
                dPhi         = (i, x) => dPhi(x),
                dPsi         = (i, x) => dPsi(x),
                Xi           = (i, x) => Phi1_discr(i, x) + Phi2_discr(i, x) * mW,
                //Zeta = (i, x, y, k) => (y - Psi1_discr(i, x) - Psi2_discr(i, x) * mNu).Stack(Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[0], y[1]))+X_R1).Stack(Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[2], y[3]))+X_R2),
                Zeta  = (i, x, y, k) => (y - Psi1_discr(i, x) - Psi2_discr(i, x) * mNu),
                Alpha = (i, x) => Phi1_discr(i, x) + Phi2_discr(i, x) * mW,
                Gamma = (i, x, y) => (y).Stack(Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[0], y[1])) + X_R1).Stack(Utils.pol2cart(Exts.Vector(y[2], y[3])) + X_R2),
                //Gamma = (i, x, y) => y - Psi1_discr(i, x) - Psi2_discr(i, x) * mNu,
                nMCMNF         = o.MCMNFTrainCount,
                W              = (i) => W(),
                Nu             = (i) => Nu(),
                DW             = dW,
                DNu            = dNu,
                X0             = () => X0(),
                X0Hat          = mEta,
                DX0Hat         = dEta,
                Predict        = Ricatti,
                DummyEstimate  = DummyEstimate,
                ModelGenerator = ModelGenerator

            if (o.Bulk)
                testEnv.GenerateBundleSamples(o.T, o.TrainCount, o.OutputFolder);
                testEnv.Initialize(o.T, o.TrainCount, o.OutputFolder, filters, o.Save, o.Load);
                if (o.Sift)
                    testEnv.Sifter = (x) => Math.Sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]) > o.SiftBound;
                if (o.Aggregate)
                    testEnv.Aggregate(o.OutputFolder, o.OutputFolder, !o.NoBin, !o.NoText);
                if (!o.Skip)
                    if (o.SamplesCount == 0)
                        testEnv.GenerateBundles(o.BundleCount, o.TestCount, o.OutputFolder, o.Parallel, o.ParallelismDegree, !o.NoBin, !o.NoText);
                        if (!o.NoPython)
                            testEnv.RunScript(Path.Combine(o.ScriptsFolder, ""), o.OutputFolder);
                        if (o.SamplesCount == 1)
                            if (!o.NoPython)
                                testEnv.RunScript(Path.Combine(o.ScriptsFolder, ""), o.OutputFolder);
                                testEnv.RunScript(Path.Combine(o.ScriptsFolder, ""), o.OutputFolder);
                            for (int i = 0; i < o.SamplesCount; i++)
                                testEnv.GenerateOne(o.OutputFolder, i);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public (Vector <double>, Matrix <double>) Step(int t, Vector <double> y, Vector <double> xHat_, Matrix <double> kHat_)
            Vector <double>[] x_mod     = new Vector <double> [Models.Count()];
            Vector <double>[] y_mod     = new Vector <double> [Models.Count()];
            Vector <double>[] xiHat_mod = new Vector <double> [Models.Count()];

            RandomVector <Normal> xHatDistr = new RandomVector <Normal>(xHat_, kHat_);

            int selected = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Models.Count(); i++)
                //if (Models[i].Trajectory[t][1].InBounds(y - SigmaNu, y + SigmaNu))
                //    x_mod[i] = Models[i].Trajectory[t][0];
                //    y_mod[i] = Models[i].Trajectory[t][1];
                //    xiHat_mod[i] = Xi(t, xHat[i]);
                //    selected++;
                x_mod[i] = xHatDistr.Sample();
                if (t > 0)
                    x_mod[i] = Phi1(t, x_mod[i]) + Phi2(t, x_mod[i]) * W(t);
                y_mod[i]     = Psi1(t, x_mod[i]) + Psi2(t, x_mod[i]) * Nu(t);
                xiHat_mod[i] = Xi(t, xHatDistr.Sample());
                //    Models[i].Trajectory[t][0] = x_mod[i];
                //    Models[i].Trajectory[t][1] = y_mod[i];

            int good = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Models.Count(); i++)
                if (y_mod[i].InBounds(y - SigmaNu, y + SigmaNu))
            //Console.WriteLine($"selected: {selected}, total good: {good}");

            Matrix <double> CovXiHat    = Exts.Cov(xiHat_mod, xiHat_mod);
            Matrix <double> InvCovXiHat = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(CovXiHat.RowCount, CovXiHat.ColumnCount, 0.0);

            if (CovXiHat.FrobeniusNorm() > 0)
                    InvCovXiHat = CovXiHat.PseudoInverse();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Can't inverse XiHat");
            Matrix <double> F      = Exts.Cov(x_mod, xiHat_mod) * InvCovXiHat;
            Vector <double> f      = x_mod.Average() - F * xiHat_mod.Average();
            Matrix <double> kTilde = Exts.Cov(x_mod, x_mod) - Exts.Cov(x_mod, xiHat_mod) * F.Transpose();

            Vector <double>[] xTilde    = new Vector <double> [Models.Count()];
            Vector <double>[] zetaTilde = new Vector <double> [Models.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < Models.Count(); i++)
                xTilde[i]    = F * xiHat_mod[i] + f;
                zetaTilde[i] = Zeta(t, xTilde[i], y_mod[i], kTilde);

            Matrix <double> CovZetaTilde    = Exts.Cov(zetaTilde, zetaTilde);
            Matrix <double> InvCovZetaTilde = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(CovZetaTilde.RowCount, CovZetaTilde.ColumnCount, 0.0);

                InvCovZetaTilde = CovZetaTilde.PseudoInverse();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't inverse ZetaTilde");
            Matrix <double> H = Exts.Cov(x_mod.Subtract(f), zetaTilde) * InvCovZetaTilde;
            Vector <double> h = -H *zetaTilde.Average();

            Matrix <double> kHat = kTilde - Exts.Cov(x_mod.Subtract(f), zetaTilde) * H.Transpose();

            Vector <double> xTilde__ = F * Xi(t, xHat_) + f;
            Vector <double> xHat__   = xTilde__ + H * Zeta(t, xTilde__, y, kTilde) + h;

            for (int i = 0; i < Models.Count(); i++)
                xHat[i] = xTilde[i] + H * zetaTilde[i] + h;

            return(xHat__, kHat);