Exemplo n.º 1
    public void RewardPrompt(RandomReward reward)
        Notification n = GameObject.Instantiate(GameControl.control.notificationPrefab, GameControl.control.transform, false).GetComponent <Notification>();

        n.RewardPrompt(reward, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reward.yesString));
Exemplo n.º 2
    public RandomReward RandomWonExploreReward()
        Cat  speaker = getRandomCat();
        uint silver  = getRandomSilver();
        // UnityAction incrementGold = () => { GameControl.control.IncrementGold(1); };
        UnityAction incrementSilver = () =>

        RandomReward[] rewards = new RandomReward[] {
            new RandomReward("..Oh no! " + speaker.Name + " is running away!", "Wait", "call", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " returns with " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " hears and ignores your call.", GameControl.control.transform);
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("Upon returning, " + speaker.Name + " gives you " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "! \"My hooman must be hungry!\" " + speaker.Name + " yelps.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " greets your return with " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "! \"I must feed my clumsy hooman,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"You did so good! Let's celebrate!\" " + speaker.Name + " throws " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " your way in celebration!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Great job, cats ♡ I'm so proud of you!\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Yay, welcome back! You did so good!\" " + speaker.Name + " throws " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " in the air in celebration!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Thanks for your hard work ♡ You deserve this!\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"You've done so much ♡ You cats must be tired! Here!\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("You come home to " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!\n\"Just for you,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"My hooman returns! I love my hooman.\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " out of love.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
        return(rewards[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rewards.Length)]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RandomBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RandomRewardChoosingWindow rrcw = new RandomRewardChoosingWindow();

            rrcw.Owner = this;
            if (rrcw.ShowDialog() == false)
            int SW = RandomRewardChoosingWindow.LastRewardLevel();
            var x  = RandomReward.GenerateTreasure(SW);

            x.Name = $"Losowy skarb poziomu {SW}";
            EquipmentWindow eqw = new EquipmentWindow(x, lista);

Exemplo n.º 4
    public void InitRandomWelcomeReward()
        Cat         speaker         = getRandomCat();
        uint        silver          = getRandomSilver();
        UnityAction incrementGold   = () => { GameControl.control.IncrementGold(1); };
        UnityAction incrementSilver = () =>

        RandomReward[] rewards = new RandomReward[] {
            new RandomReward("\"Welcome back!\" " + speaker.Name + " greets you with " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " greets you by burping up " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " at your feet!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"The hooman's back!\" " + speaker.Name + " attacks your feet, then coughs up " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " on the floor.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Yay, you're back!\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " as thanks for being a good owner!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"You're back! I missed you,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows.", "Pet", "Feed", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " purs and gifts you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " gobbles " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + " and gifts a" + CatIAP.goldStr + " in thanks!", GameControl.control.transform, () => { GameControl.control.DecrementSilver(silver); incrementGold(); }).RewardBackground();
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Welcome back!\" " + speaker.Name + " says, hacks up " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ", then walks away.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hi hooman! These represent my love for you!\" " + speaker.Name + " offers " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hello, pillow!\" " + speaker.Name + " meows.", "Pet", "Shoo", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " in thanks. \"Good pillow.\"", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hooman, look, look at what I found!\" " + speaker.Name + " reveals a pile of " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", null, null, incrementGold, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hooman, please accept my gift of love.\" " + speaker.Name + " pushes " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " to you.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"I missed you. Pet me!\" " + speaker.Name + " demands.", "Pet", "Shoo", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " purs and leaves you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"I missed you. Pet me!\" " + speaker.Name + " demands.", "Pet", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("\"<i>With your eyes!</i>\" " + speaker.Name + " runs away, leaving " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " behind.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Welcome back! Have you eaten enough today?\" " + speaker.Name + " gives you " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"A fun fact about me: I hope you have a good day and I love you!\" " + speaker.Name + " gives you " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"My hooman came back! I love my hooman.\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " out of love.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Favorite hooman! How are you?\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " out of love.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"The hooman who makes me happy is back,\" " + speaker.Name + " gifts you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " in appreciation.", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"!! My hooman! I'm less lonely now,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows, and drops a" + CatIAP.goldStr + " at your feet.", null, null, incrementGold, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"My hooman's back! I thought I lost you,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows, gifting you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", null, null, incrementGold, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hooman, where did you go? It got lonely,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows, offering " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", null, null, incrementGold, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
        RewardPrompt(rewards[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rewards.Length)]);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public RandomReward RandomMainReward()
        Cat         speaker         = getRandomCat();
        uint        silver          = getRandomSilver();
        UnityAction incrementGold   = () => { GameControl.control.IncrementGold(1); };
        UnityAction incrementSilver = () =>

        RandomReward[] rewards = new RandomReward[] {
            new RandomReward("\"A fun fact about me: I love you lots!\" " + speaker.Name + " gives you " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " found a" + CatIAP.goldStr + " on the floor!", null, null, incrementGold, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " found " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " on the floor!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " boops you, drops " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " at your feet, then runs away!", null, null, incrementSilver, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hooman! I demand a hug!\" " + speaker.Name + " meows.", "Hug", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " wraps around you and gifts you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " in affection.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Meow?\" " + speaker.Name + " asks.", "Answer", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("\"What?\" You ask.\n\"For you!\" " + speaker.Name + " offers " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " is pushing something out of sight..", "check out", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("It's a hidden stash of dust bunnies, hair ties, and " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " is chewing on something!", "check out", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " chokes, then coughs up " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " pulls your face in for a boop!", "Boop", "Turn away", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " gifts you " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " in affection!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " sits on you.", "Move", "Wait", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " humphs and runs away.", GameControl.control.transform, null);
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " gifts " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " as thanks for being a good pillow!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("..! " + speaker.Name + " is playing with something!", "check out", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("It's a" + CatIAP.goldStr + "!", GameControl.control.transform, incrementGold).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " walks toward you..", "Pet", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("\"What? Can't I enjoy a good meal in peace?\" " + speaker.Name + " walks away haughtily, taking the" + CatIAP.silverStr + " with them.", GameControl.control.transform, null);
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " avoids your pat, drops " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " at your feet, and runs away.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("..BURP. " + speaker.Name + " suddenly burps up " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", "Stare", "Pet", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("\"What? Can't I enjoy a good meal in peace?\" " + speaker.Name + " walks away haughtily, taking the" + CatIAP.silverStr + " with them.", GameControl.control.transform, null);
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " purrs affectionately.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("\"Hey. Hey. Hey,\" " + speaker.Name + " pats your face. \"I'm hungry.\"", "Feed", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("\"Oooh, thank you!\" " + speaker.Name + " chomps up " + silver + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", GameControl.control.transform, () => { GameControl.control.DecrementSilver(silver); });
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " is staring at you.", "Pet", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " ducks and runs away, leaving " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + " behind.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward(speaker.Name + " is covering something with their paws!", "check out", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("It's a secret stash of" + CatIAP.silverStr + "! \"I didn't steal them,\" " + speaker.Name + " meows. ..Suspicious.", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, null, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
            new RandomReward("56585983ulllcipppp[o;;;;e;e;;;;;;. " + speaker.Name + " goes to step on the keyboard again - ", "Shoo", "Ignore", () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify(speaker.Name + " humphs and runs away, leaving " + silver + "" + CatIAP.silverStr + ".", GameControl.control.transform, incrementSilver).RewardBackground();
            }, () => {
                GameControl.control.Notify("fght4ljkhghgfr5656aaaaaaa", GameControl.control.transform, null);
            }, speaker.getCatAsset().meow),
        return(rewards[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rewards.Length)]);