Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GetBytes()
            // Build array of random integer structs.
            int randomStructNumber = 1000;

            RandomIntStruct[] randomIntegers = new RandomIntStruct[randomStructNumber];

            for (int x = 0; x < randomStructNumber; x++)
                randomIntegers[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Convert integer struct to bytes.
            // "New" and "Old" refer to original and optimized code paths. "New" is a micro-optimized path since 1.4.0.
            byte[] bytesUnmanagedNew      = Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.GetBytes(randomIntegers);
            byte[] bytesUnmanagedOriginal = Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.GetBytes(randomIntegers, false);

            // From bytes back to struct array.
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.FromArray(bytesUnmanagedNew, out RandomIntStruct[] newRandomIntegersCopy);
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.FromArray(bytesUnmanagedOriginal, out RandomIntStruct[] oldRandomIntegersCopy, false);

            // From span back to struct array.
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.FromArray(new Span <byte>(bytesUnmanagedNew), out RandomIntStruct[] newSpanRandomIntegersCopy);

            // Compare both arrays.
            Assert.Equal(randomIntegers, newRandomIntegersCopy);
            Assert.Equal(randomIntegers, oldRandomIntegersCopy);
            Assert.Equal(randomIntegers, newSpanRandomIntegersCopy);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void FromToPtr()
            // Build array of random integer structs.
            int randomStructNumber = 1000;

            RandomIntStruct[] randomIntegers = new RandomIntStruct[randomStructNumber];

            for (int x = 0; x < randomStructNumber; x++)
                randomIntegers[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Allocate memory for these structs.
            IntPtr memoryPtr = _currentProcess.Allocate(Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.GetSize <RandomIntStruct>(randomStructNumber));

            // Write random int struct array to pointer.
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.ToPtr(memoryPtr, randomIntegers);

            // Read back struct array from pointer.
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.FromPtr <RandomIntStruct>(memoryPtr, out var randomIntegersCopy, randomStructNumber);

            // Now compare old and new array.
            Assert.Equal(randomIntegers, randomIntegersCopy);

            // Cleanup
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SafeReadWrite(Reloaded.Memory.Sources.IMemory memorySource)
            // Prepare
            int structSize = Struct.GetSize <RandomIntStruct>();

            IMemoryTools.SwapExternalMemorySource(ref memorySource, _helloWorldProcess);
            IntPtr pointer = memorySource.Allocate(structSize);

            /* Start Test */

            // Generate random int struct to read/write to.
            var randomIntStruct = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Run the change permission function to deny read/write access.
            try { memorySource.ChangePermission(pointer, structSize, Kernel32.Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_NOACCESS); }
            catch (NotImplementedException) { return; } // ChangePermission is optional to implement

            // Throws corrupted state exception if operations fail until restore.
            memorySource.SafeWrite(pointer, ref randomIntStruct);
            memorySource.SafeRead(pointer, out RandomIntStruct randomIntStructCopy);

            // Restore or NETCore execution engine will complain.
            try { memorySource.ChangePermission(pointer, structSize, Kernel32.Kernel32.MEM_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); }
            catch (NotImplementedException) { return; } // ChangePermission is optional to implement

            // Compare before exiting test.
            Assert.Equal(randomIntStruct, randomIntStructCopy);

            // Cleanup
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the "Add" functionality of the <see cref="MemoryBuffer"/>; including
        /// the return of the correct pointer and CanItemFit.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe void MemoryBufferAddGeneric(MemoryBuffer buffer, Process process)
            // Setup test.
            ExternalMemory externalMemory = new ExternalMemory(process);

            // Disable item alignment.
            var bufferHeader = buffer.Properties;

            buffer.Properties = bufferHeader;

            // Get remaining space, items to place.
            int remainingBufferSpace = bufferHeader.Remaining;
            int structSize           = Struct.GetSize <RandomIntStruct>();
            int itemsToFit           = remainingBufferSpace / structSize;

            // Generate array of random int structs.
            RandomIntStruct[] randomIntStructs = new RandomIntStruct[itemsToFit];

            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                randomIntStructs[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Fill the buffer and verify each item as it's added.
            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                IntPtr writeAddress = buffer.Add(ref randomIntStructs[x], false, 1);

                // Read back and compare.
                externalMemory.Read(writeAddress, out RandomIntStruct actual);
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStructs[x], actual);

            // Compare again, running the entire array this time.
            IntPtr bufferStartPtr = bufferHeader.DataPointer;

            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                IntPtr readAddress = bufferStartPtr + (x * structSize);

                // Read back and compare.
                externalMemory.Read(readAddress, out RandomIntStruct actual);
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStructs[x], actual);

            // The array is full, calling CanItemFit should return false.
            Assert.False(buffer.CanItemFit(ref randomIntStructs[0]));

            // Likewise, calling Add should return IntPtr.Zero.
            var randIntStr = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            Assert.Equal(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(ref randIntStr, false, 1));
        /* Construction/Destruction */
        public RandomIntStructGenerator(int megabytes)
            int totalBytes = Mathematics.MegaBytesToBytes(megabytes);
            int structs    = Mathematics.BytesToStructCount <RandomIntStruct>(totalBytes);

            Structs = new RandomIntStruct[structs];

            for (int x = 0; x < structs; x++)
                Structs[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            Bytes = StructArray.GetBytes(Structs);
            File.WriteAllBytes(TestFileName, Bytes);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void GetBytes()
            // Build array of random integer structs.
            int randomStructNumber = 1000;

            RandomIntStruct[] randomIntegers = new RandomIntStruct[randomStructNumber];

            for (int x = 0; x < randomStructNumber; x++)
                randomIntegers[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Convert integer struct to bytes.
            byte[] bytes = Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.GetBytes(randomIntegers);

            // From bytes back to struct array.
            Reloaded.Memory.StructArray.FromArray(bytes, out RandomIntStruct[] randomIntegersCopy);

            // Compare both arrays.
            Assert.Equal(randomIntegers, randomIntegersCopy);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ReadWriteStructs(Reloaded.Memory.Sources.IMemory memorySource)
            // Prepare
            IMemoryTools.SwapExternalMemorySource(ref memorySource, _helloWorldProcess);
            IntPtr pointer = memorySource.Allocate(0x100);

            /* Start Test */

            // Random struct read/write.
            for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                RandomIntStruct randomIntStruct = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();
                memorySource.Write(pointer, ref randomIntStruct);
                memorySource.Read(pointer, out RandomIntStruct randomValueCopy);
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStruct, randomValueCopy);

            /* End Test */

            // Cleanup
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestBuffer()
            // Setup
            int bufferSize = 4096;
            var memory     = new Reloaded.Memory.Sources.Memory();
            var buffer     = new Reloaded.Memory.Utilities.CircularBuffer(bufferSize, memory);

            // Properties.
            int structSize     = Struct.GetSize <RandomIntStruct>();
            int bufferElements = bufferSize / structSize;

            var randomIntStructs = new RandomIntStruct[bufferElements];

            for (int x = 0; x < bufferElements; x++)
                randomIntStructs[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Fill circular buffer and validate.
            for (int x = 0; x < bufferElements; x++)
                // Save write pointer.
                IntPtr nextPointer = buffer.WritePointer + structSize;

                var address = buffer.Add(ref randomIntStructs[x]);
                memory.Read(address, out RandomIntStruct randIntStruct);

                // Check correct element and pointer did not loop.
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStructs[x], randIntStruct);
                Assert.Equal(nextPointer, buffer.WritePointer);

            // Now check if item can fit, it should not.
            // Buffer should require looping.
            var randomIntStruct = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();
            var canFit          = buffer.CanItemFit(ref randomIntStruct);

            Assert.Equal(Reloaded.Memory.Utilities.CircularBuffer.ItemFit.StartOfBuffer, canFit);

            // Add item to loop.
            var lastItemPtr = buffer.Add(ref randomIntStruct);

            Assert.Equal(buffer.Address, lastItemPtr); // New item should have been placed at offset 0.

            // Item too big.
            buffer.Offset = 0;
            byte[] sameSizeAsBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            byte[] tooBigForBuffer  = new byte[bufferSize + 1];

            // Will not fit.
            Assert.Equal(Reloaded.Memory.Utilities.CircularBuffer.ItemFit.No, buffer.CanItemFit(tooBigForBuffer.Length));
            Assert.Equal(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(tooBigForBuffer));

            // Will fit in current loop. Note Offset = 0.
            Assert.Equal(Reloaded.Memory.Utilities.CircularBuffer.ItemFit.Yes, buffer.CanItemFit(sameSizeAsBuffer.Length));
            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(sameSizeAsBuffer));

            buffer.Offset = 1; // Will fit on next loop.
            Assert.Equal(Reloaded.Memory.Utilities.CircularBuffer.ItemFit.StartOfBuffer, buffer.CanItemFit(sameSizeAsBuffer.Length));
            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(sameSizeAsBuffer));

            // Cleanup