Exemplo n.º 1
        //=== Radiobutton

        /// <summary> Renders the forms the schema radiobutton. </summary>
        public static MvcHtmlString FormSchemaRadiobutton(this HtmlHelper helper, Radiobutton radiobutton)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var item in radiobutton.Items)
                sb.Append(FormSchemaRadiobuttonItem(helper, radiobutton, item));

            return(new MvcHtmlString(sb.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public AntwortRadioButtons_Model FillRadioButtonsTextModel(int inhalt_id)
            Antwort_radiobutton antwortRadioButtonObject = main_db.Antwort_radiobutton.Single(x => x.AntwortContentID == inhalt_id);
            var antwortRadioButtons_Model = new AntwortRadioButtons_Model();

            antwortRadioButtons_Model.RadioButtons = Randomize(main_db.Radiobutton
                                                               .Where(x => x.Antwort_radiobutton.AntwortContentID == antwortRadioButtonObject.AntwortContentID)
            Radiobutton rb_rightVal = main_db.Radiobutton.Where(x => x.Antwort_radiobutton.AntwortContentID == antwortRadioButtonObject.AntwortContentID).Single(x => x.ErwartungsWert);

            antwortRadioButtons_Model.RadioButton_rightVal = rb_rightVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Select(Radiobutton button)
        if (selected == button)

        if (selected != null)

        selected = button;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool CheckAntwortRadioButtons(string rbValue)
            int id_antwort = UserData.Aufgabe.Antwort.AntwortContentID;
            Antwort_radiobutton antwortRadioButtonObject = main_db.Antwort_radiobutton.Single(x => x.AntwortContentID == id_antwort);
            Radiobutton         rb = main_db.Radiobutton.Where(x => x.Antwort_radiobutton.AntwortContentID == antwortRadioButtonObject.AntwortContentID).Single(x => x.ErwartungsWert);

            if (rb.Content.Equals(rbValue))
                UserData.lastPracticeAufgabeCorrect = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary> Renders the forms the schema single radiobutton item. </summary>
        public static string FormSchemaRadiobuttonItem(HtmlHelper helper, Radiobutton radiobutton, RadiobuttonItem buttonItem)
            string id   = string.Format("{0}_{1}", radiobutton.Name, buttonItem.Id);
            string name = string.Format("{0}", radiobutton.Name);

            //Dictionary<string, object> attributes = radiobutton.Attributes;
            //attributes.Add("class", "radioLabel");

            bool isDisabled = (radiobutton.Disabled == true);

            MvcHtmlString radio = helper.SimpleHtmlInput("radio", name, id, buttonItem.Value, buttonItem.Selected, isDisabled: isDisabled);
            MvcHtmlString label = helper.Label(id, buttonItem.Label, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "class", "radioLabel" }

            return(radiobutton.Direction == RepeatDirection.Vertical
                ? string.Concat("<div>", radio, label, "</div>")
                : string.Concat(radio, label));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void InitializeControls()
            string[] sources = new string[] { ConvertToBlob, ConvertToFile };
            foreach (var source in sources)
                Radiobutton button = new Radiobutton
                    ID      = Control.GetUniqueID("Radiobutton"),
                    Header  = source,
                    Value   = source.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    Checked = source == sources[0]

                button.Click = "ConvertTargetClick(\"" + button.ID + "\")";

            this.TargetGroup.Value = sources[0].ToLowerInvariant();
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary> Validates the radiobutton. </summary>
        private IEnumerable <ValidationInfo> Validate(Radiobutton radiobutton)
            List <ValidationInfo> errors = new List <ValidationInfo>();

            if (radiobutton.Required && string.IsNullOrEmpty(radiobutton.Value))
                ValidationInfo validationInfo = Mapper.Map <ValidationInfo>(radiobutton);
                validationInfo.ErrorType = ValidationErrorType.Required;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(radiobutton.Value) && !radiobutton.Items.IsNullOrEmpty())
                if (!radiobutton.Items.Any(x => x.Value == radiobutton.Value))
                    ValidationInfo validationInfo = Mapper.Map <ValidationInfo>(radiobutton);
                    validationInfo.ErrorType = ValidationErrorType.InvalidFormat;

        private void InitializeControls()
            string[] sources = new string[] { ConvertToBlob, ConvertToFile };
            foreach (var source in sources)
                Radiobutton button = new Radiobutton
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("Radiobutton"),
                    Header = source,
                    Value = source.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    Checked = source == sources[0]

                button.Click = "ConvertTargetClick(\"" + button.ID + "\")";

            this.TargetGroup.Value = sources[0].ToLowerInvariant();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary> Parses the form object to a json object (for client-side code). </summary>
        public static string JsonRegistration(this Form form)
            JObject jForm = new JObject();

            jForm.Add(new JProperty("id", form.Name));
            jForm.Add(new JProperty("action", form.Action));

            JObject jMeta = new JObject();

            jForm.Add(new JProperty("metadata", jMeta));
            foreach (string key in form.Metadata.Keys)
                jMeta.Add(new JProperty(key, form.Metadata[key]));

            #region Fields
            JArray jFields = new JArray();
            jForm.Add(new JProperty("fields", jFields));

            IEnumerable <FormElement> elements       = form.GetAllElements();
            List <Calendar>           calendarFields = elements.Where(x => x is Calendar).Select(x => x as Calendar).ToList();

            foreach (FormElement element in elements)
                if (element.Type == FormElementType.Block)
                    // Nothing
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Html)
                    if ((element as HtmlElement).Editable)
                        jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                        new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                        new JProperty("type", "html"),
                                        new JProperty("value", null),
                                        new JProperty("initialvalue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Input)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "input"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("isValid", true),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Textarea)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "textarea"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Dropdown)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "dropdown"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Radiobutton)
                    Radiobutton radioGroup = element as Radiobutton;

                    if (radioGroup.Items != null && radioGroup.Items.Any())
                        foreach (RadiobuttonItem item in radioGroup.Items)
                            string id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", radioGroup.Name, item.Id);

                            jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                            new JProperty("id", id),
                                            new JProperty("type", "radiobutton"),
                                            new JProperty("value", null),
                                            new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Checkbox)
                    Checkbox checkboxGroup = element as Checkbox;

                    if (checkboxGroup.Items != null && checkboxGroup.Items.Any())
                        foreach (CheckboxItem item in checkboxGroup.Items)
                            string id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", checkboxGroup.Name, item.Id);

                            jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                            new JProperty("id", id),
                                            new JProperty("type", "checkbox"),
                                            new JProperty("value", null),
                                            new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Calendar)
                    Calendar calendar = element as Calendar;

                    string refStart = null;
                    string refEnd   = null;

                    if (calendar.IsStartDate && calendarFields.Count(x => x.IsEndDate) == 1) // Must be exact
                        // Find Matching End Date
                        Calendar opposition = calendarFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEndDate);
                        refEnd = opposition.Name;
                    else if (calendar.IsEndDate && calendarFields.Count(x => x.IsStartDate) == 1) // Must be exact
                        // Find Matching Start Date
                        Calendar opposition = calendarFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsStartDate);
                        refStart = opposition.Name;

                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "calendar"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null),
                                    new JProperty("isStartDate", calendar.IsStartDate),
                                    new JProperty("isEndDate", calendar.IsEndDate),
                                    new JProperty("refStart", refStart),
                                    new JProperty("refDate", refEnd)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Hidden)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "hidden"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Tagging)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "tagging"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));
                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.Link)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "link"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));

                else if (element.Type == FormElementType.List)
                    jFields.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("id", element.Name),
                                    new JProperty("type", "list"),
                                    new JProperty("value", null),
                                    new JProperty("initialValue", null)));

            #region Buttons
            JArray jButtons = new JArray();
            jForm.Add(new JProperty("buttons", jButtons));

            if (form.CancelButton != null)
                    new JObject(
                        new JProperty("id", form.CancelButton.Name),
                        new JProperty("type", "cancel")));

            if (form.SaveButton != null)
                    new JObject(
                        new JProperty("id", form.SaveButton.Name),
                        new JProperty("type", "save")));

            if (form.LinkButtons != null && form.LinkButtons.Any())
                foreach (Button button in form.LinkButtons)
                        new JObject(
                            new JProperty("id", button.Name),
                            new JProperty("type", "link")));

Exemplo n.º 10
        private Control GetVariableEditor(IDictionary variable)
            var value = variable["Value"];
            var name = (string) variable["Name"];
            var editor = variable["Editor"] as string;
            var type = value.GetType();

            if (type == typeof (DateTime) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                 (editor.IndexOf("date", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
                  editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var dateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker
                    ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    ShowTime = (variable["ShowTime"] != null && (bool) variable["ShowTime"]) ||
                               (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                                editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                if (value is DateTime)
                    var date = (DateTime) value;
                    if (date != DateTime.MinValue && date != DateTime.MaxValue)
                        dateTimePicker.Value = (date.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc)
                            ? DateUtil.ToIsoDate(TypeResolver.Resolve<IDateConverter>("IDateConverter").ToServerTime(date))
                            : DateUtil.ToIsoDate(date);
                    dateTimePicker.Value = value as string ?? string.Empty;
                return dateTimePicker;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("rule", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                string editorId = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name+"_");
                Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties[editorId] = value;

                var rulesBorder = new Border
                    Class = "rulesWrapper",
                    ID = editorId

                Button rulesEditButton = new Button
                    Header = "Edit rule",
                    Class = "scButton edit-button rules-edit-button",
                    Click = "EditConditionClick(\\\"" + editorId + "\\\")"

                var rulesRender = new Literal
                    ID = editorId + "_renderer",
                    Text = GetRuleConditionsHtml(
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(value as string) ? "<ruleset />" : value as string)
                rulesRender.Class = rulesRender.Class + " varRule";
                return rulesBorder;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                (editor.IndexOf("treelist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
                 (editor.IndexOf("multilist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) ||
                 (editor.IndexOf("droplist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                Item item = null;
                var strValue = string.Empty;
                if (value is Item)
                    item = (Item) value;
                    strValue = item.ID.ToString();
                else if (value is IEnumerable<object>)
                    List<Item> items = (value as IEnumerable<object>).Cast<Item>().ToList();
                    item = items.FirstOrDefault();
                    strValue = string.Join("|", items.Select(i => i.ID.ToString()).ToArray());

                var dbName = item == null ? Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.Name : item.Database.Name;
                if (editor.IndexOf("multilist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    var multiList = new MultilistExtended
                        ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                        Value = strValue,
                        Database = dbName,
                        ItemID = "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}",
                        Source = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",

                    multiList.Class += "  treePicker";
                    return multiList;

                if (editor.IndexOf("droplist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    var lookup = new LookupEx
                        ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                        Database = dbName,
                        ItemID = (item != null ? item.ID.ToString() : "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}"),
                        Source = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",
                        ItemLanguage = Sitecore.Context.Language.Name,
                        Value = (item != null ? item.ID.ToString() : "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}")
                    lookup.Class += " textEdit";
                    return lookup;
                var treeList = new TreeList
                    ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Value = strValue,
                    AllowMultipleSelection = true,
                    DatabaseName = dbName,
                    Database = dbName,
                    Source = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",
                    DisplayFieldName = variable["DisplayFieldName"] as string ?? "__DisplayName"
                treeList.Class += " treePicker";
                return treeList;
            if (type == typeof (Item) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var item = value as Item;
                var source = variable["Source"] as string;
                var root = variable["Root"] as string;
                var sourceRoot = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)
                    ? "/sitecore"
                    : StringUtil.ExtractParameter("DataSource", source);
                var dataContext = item != null
                    ? new DataContext
                        DefaultItem = item.Paths.Path,
                        ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("dataContext"),
                        Parameters = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) ? "databasename=" + item.Database.Name : source,
                        DataViewName = "Master",
                        Root = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root) ? sourceRoot : root,
                        Database = item.Database.Name,
                        Selected = new[] {new DataUri(item.ID, item.Language, item.Version)},
                        Folder = item.ID.ToString(),
                        Language = item.Language,
                        Version = item.Version
                    : new DataContext
                        ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("dataContext"),
                        Parameters = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) ? "databasename=master" : source,
                        DataViewName = "Master",
                        Root = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root) ? sourceRoot : root


                var treePicker = new TreePicker
                    ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Value = item != null ? item.ID.ToString() : string.Empty,
                    DataContext = dataContext.ID,
                    AllowNone = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("allownone", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                treePicker.Class += " treePicker";
                return treePicker;

            if (type == typeof (bool) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("bool", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var checkboxBorder = new Border
                    Class = "checkBoxWrapper",
                    ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_")
                var checkBox = new Checkbox
                    ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Header = (string) variable["Title"],
                    HeaderStyle = "display:inline-block;",
                    Checked = (bool) value,
                    Class = "varCheckbox"
                return checkboxBorder;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor))
                var showRoles = editor.IndexOf("role", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                var showUsers = editor.IndexOf("user", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                var multiple = editor.IndexOf("multiple", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                if (showRoles || showUsers)
                    var picker = new UserPicker();
                    picker.Style.Add("float", "left");
                    picker.ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
                    picker.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr" + value.GetType().Name;
                    picker.Value = (value is IEnumerable<object>) ? String.Join("|", ((IEnumerable<object>)value).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()) : value.ToString();
                    picker.ExcludeRoles = !showRoles;
                    picker.ExcludeUsers = !showUsers;
                    picker.DomainName = variable["Domain"] as string ?? variable["DomainName"] as string;
                    picker.Multiple = multiple;
                    picker.Click = "UserPickerClick(" + picker.ID + ")";
                    return picker;

            Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control edit;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("info", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                return new Literal {Text = value.ToString(), Class = "varHint"};

            if (variable["lines"] != null && ((int) variable["lines"] > 1))
                edit = new Memo();
                edit.Attributes.Add("rows", variable["lines"].ToString());
            else if (variable["Options"] != null)
                var psOptions = variable["Options"].BaseObject();
                var options = new OrderedDictionary();
                if (psOptions is OrderedDictionary)
                    options = psOptions as OrderedDictionary;
                else if (psOptions is string)
                    var strOptions = ((string) variable["Options"]).Split('|');
                    var i = 0;
                    while (i < strOptions.Length)
                        options.Add(strOptions[i++], strOptions[i++]);
                else if (psOptions is Hashtable)
                    var hashOptions = variable["Options"] as Hashtable;
                    foreach (var key in hashOptions.Keys)
                        options.Add(key, hashOptions[key]);
                    throw new Exception("Checklist options format unrecognized.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor))
                    if (editor.IndexOf("radio", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        var radioList = new Groupbox
                            ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                            // Header = (string) variable["Title"],
                            Class = "scRadioGroup"

                        foreach (var option in options.Keys)
                            var optionName = option.ToString();
                            var optionValue = options[optionName].ToString();
                            var item = new Radiobutton
                                Header = optionName,
                                Value = optionValue,
                                ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID(radioList.ID),
                                Name = radioList.ID,
                                Checked = optionValue == value.ToString()
                            radioList.Controls.Add(new Literal("<br/>"));

                        return radioList;

                    if (editor.IndexOf("check", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        var checkList = new PSCheckList
                            ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                            HeaderStyle = "margin-top:20px; display:inline-block;",
                            ItemID = "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}"
                        string[] values;
                        if (value is string)
                            values = value.ToString().Split('|');
                        else if (value is IEnumerable)
                            values = ((value as IEnumerable).Cast<object>().Select(s => s == null ? "" : s.ToString())).ToArray();
                            values = new[] {value.ToString()};
                        foreach (var item in from object option in options.Keys
                            select option.ToString()
                            into optionName
                            let optionValue = options[optionName].ToString()
                            select new ChecklistItem
                                ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID(checkList.ID),
                                Header = optionName,
                                Value = optionValue,
                                Checked = values.Contains(optionValue, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        checkList.TrackModified = false;
                        checkList.Disabled = false;
                        return checkList;

                edit = new Combobox();
                var placeholder = variable["Placeholder"];
                if (placeholder is string)
                    var option = new ListItem
                        Header = placeholder.ToString(),
                        Value = "",
                        Selected = true

                foreach (var option in options.Keys)
                    var optionName = option.ToString();
                    var optionValue = options[optionName].ToString();
                    var item = new ListItem
                        Header = optionName,
                        Value = optionValue
                var placeholder = variable["Placeholder"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("pass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    edit = new PasswordExtended();
                    if (placeholder is string)
                        ((PasswordExtended)edit).PlaceholderText = placeholder.ToString();
                    edit = new EditExtended();
                    if (placeholder is string)
                        ((EditExtended)edit).PlaceholderText = placeholder.ToString();
            var tip = (variable["Tooltip"] as string);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tip))
                edit.ToolTip = tip.RemoveHtmlTags();
            edit.Style.Add("float", "left");
            edit.ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
            edit.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr" + value.GetType().Name;
            edit.Value = value.ToString();

            return edit;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private Control GetVariableEditor(IDictionary variable)
            var value  = variable["Value"];
            var name   = (string)variable["Name"];
            var editor = variable["Editor"] as string;
            var type   = value.GetType();

            if (type == typeof(DateTime) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                 (editor.IndexOf("date", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
                  editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var dateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker
                    ID       = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    ShowTime = (variable["ShowTime"] != null && (bool)variable["ShowTime"]) ||
                               (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                                editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                if (value is DateTime)
                    var date = (DateTime)value;
                    if (date != DateTime.MinValue && date != DateTime.MaxValue)
                        dateTimePicker.Value = date.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc
                            ? DateUtil.ToIsoDate(TypeResolver.Resolve <IDateConverter>().ToServerTime(date))
                            : DateUtil.ToIsoDate(date);
                    dateTimePicker.Value = value as string ?? string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("rule", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                var editorId = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
                Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties[editorId] = value;

                var rulesBorder = new Border
                    Class = "rulesWrapper",
                    ID    = editorId

                var rulesEditButton = new Button
                    Header = Texts.PowerShellMultiValuePrompt_GetVariableEditor_Edit_rule,
                    Class  = "scButton edit-button rules-edit-button",
                    Click  = "EditConditionClick(\\\"" + editorId + "\\\")"

                var rulesRender = new Literal
                    ID   = editorId + "_renderer",
                    Text = GetRuleConditionsHtml(
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(value as string) ? "<ruleset />" : value as string)
                rulesRender.Class = rulesRender.Class + " varRule";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                (editor.IndexOf("treelist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
                 (editor.IndexOf("multilist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) ||
                 (editor.IndexOf("droplist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) ||
                 (editor.IndexOf("droptree", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                Item item     = null;
                var  strValue = string.Empty;
                if (value is Item)
                    item     = (Item)value;
                    strValue = item.ID.ToString();
                else if (value is IEnumerable <object> )
                    var items = (value as IEnumerable <object>).Cast <Item>().ToList();
                    item     = items.FirstOrDefault();
                    strValue = string.Join("|", items.Select(i => i.ID.ToString()).ToArray());

                var dbName = item == null ? Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.Name : item.Database.Name;
                if (editor.IndexOf("multilist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    var multiList = new MultilistExtended
                        ID       = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                        Value    = strValue,
                        Database = dbName,
                        ItemID   = ItemIDs.RootID.ToString(),
                        Source   = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",

                    multiList.Class += "  treePicker";

                if (editor.IndexOf("droplist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    if (Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase?.Name != dbName)
                        // this control will crash if if content database is different than the items fed to it.
                        return(new Literal
                            Text = "<span style='color: red'>" +
                                dbName, Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase?.Name) + "</span>",
                            Class = "varHint"
                    var lookup = new LookupEx
                        ID           = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                        Database     = dbName,
                        ItemID       = item?.ID.ToString() ?? ItemIDs.RootID.ToString(),
                        Source       = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",
                        ItemLanguage = Sitecore.Context.Language.Name,
                        Value        = item?.ID.ToString() ?? ItemIDs.RootID.ToString()
                    lookup.Class += " textEdit";

                if (editor.IndexOf("droptree", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    var tree = new Tree
                        ID           = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                        Database     = dbName,
                        ItemID       = item?.ID.ToString() ?? ItemIDs.Null.ToString(),
                        Source       = variable["Source"] as string ?? "",
                        ItemLanguage = Sitecore.Context.Language.Name,
                        Value        = item?.ID.ToString() ?? ""
                    tree.Class += " textEdit";
                var treeList = new TreeList
                    ID    = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Value = strValue,
                    AllowMultipleSelection = true,
                    DatabaseName           = dbName,
                    Database         = dbName,
                    Source           = variable["Source"] as string ?? "/sitecore",
                    DisplayFieldName = variable["DisplayFieldName"] as string ?? "__DisplayName"
                treeList.Class += " treePicker";
            if (type == typeof(Item) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var item       = value as Item;
                var source     = variable["Source"] as string;
                var root       = variable["Root"] as string;
                var sourceRoot = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)
                    ? "/sitecore"
                    : StringUtil.ExtractParameter("DataSource", source);
                var dataContext = item != null
                    ? new DataContext
                    DefaultItem  = item.Paths.Path,
                    ID           = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("dataContext"),
                    Parameters   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) ? "databasename=" + item.Database.Name : source,
                    DataViewName = "Master",
                    Root         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root) ? sourceRoot : root,
                    Database     = item.Database.Name,
                    Selected     = new[] { new DataUri(item.ID, item.Language, item.Version) },
                    Folder       = item.ID.ToString(),
                    Language     = item.Language,
                    Version      = item.Version
                    : new DataContext
                    ID           = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("dataContext"),
                    Parameters   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) ? "databasename=master" : source,
                    DataViewName = "Master",
                    Root         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root) ? sourceRoot : root


                var treePicker = new TreePicker
                    ID    = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Value = item != null?item.ID.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                DataContext = dataContext.ID,
                                AllowNone   =
                                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                                    (editor.IndexOf("allownone", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                treePicker.Class += " treePicker";

            if (type == typeof(bool) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("bool", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var checkboxBorder = new Border
                    Class = "checkBoxWrapper",
                    ID    = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_")
                var checkBox = new Checkbox
                    ID          = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Header      = (string)variable["Title"],
                    HeaderStyle = "display:inline-block;",
                    Checked     = (bool)value,
                    Class       = "varCheckbox"

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor))
                var showRoles = editor.IndexOf("role", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                var showUsers = editor.IndexOf("user", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                var multiple  = editor.IndexOf("multiple", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                if (showRoles || showUsers)
                    var picker = new UserPicker();
                    picker.Style.Add("float", "left");
                    picker.ID     = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
                    picker.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr" + value.GetType().Name;
                    picker.Value  = value is IEnumerable <object>
                                    ?string.Join("|", ((IEnumerable <object>)value).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())
                                        : value.ToString();

                    picker.ExcludeRoles = !showRoles;
                    picker.ExcludeUsers = !showUsers;
                    picker.DomainName   = variable["Domain"] as string ?? variable["DomainName"] as string;
                    picker.Multiple     = multiple;
                    picker.Click        = "UserPickerClick(" + picker.ID + ")";

            Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control edit;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("info", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                return(new Literal {
                    Text = value.ToString(), Class = "varHint"

            if (variable["lines"] != null && ((int)variable["lines"] > 1))
                edit = new Memo();
                edit.Attributes.Add("rows", variable["lines"].ToString());
                var placeholder = variable["Placeholder"];
                if (placeholder is string)
                    edit.Attributes.Add("Placeholder", placeholder.ToString());
            else if (variable["Options"] != null)
                var psOptions = variable["Options"].BaseObject();
                var options   = new OrderedDictionary();
                if (psOptions is OrderedDictionary)
                    options = psOptions as OrderedDictionary;
                else if (psOptions is string)
                    var strOptions = ((string)variable["Options"]).Split('|');
                    var i          = 0;
                    while (i < strOptions.Length)
                        options.Add(strOptions[i++], strOptions[i++]);
                else if (psOptions is Hashtable)
                    var hashOptions = variable["Options"] as Hashtable;
                    foreach (var key in hashOptions.Keys)
                        options.Add(key, hashOptions[key]);
                    throw new Exception("Checklist options format unrecognized.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor))
                    if (editor.IndexOf("radio", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        var radioList = new Groupbox
                            ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                            // Header = (string) variable["Title"],
                            Class = "scRadioGroup"

                        foreach (var option in options.Keys)
                            var optionName  = option.ToString();
                            var optionValue = options[optionName].ToString();
                            var item        = new Radiobutton
                                Header  = optionName,
                                Value   = optionValue,
                                ID      = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID(radioList.ID),
                                Name    = radioList.ID,
                                Checked = optionValue == value.ToString()
                            radioList.Controls.Add(new Literal("<br/>"));


                    if (editor.IndexOf("check", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        var checkBorder = new Border
                            Class = "checkListWrapper",
                            ID    = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_")
                        var editorId = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
                        var link     =
                            new Literal(
                                @"<div class='checkListActions'>" +
                                @"<a href='#' class='scContentButton' onclick=""javascript:return scForm.postEvent(this,event,'checklist:checkall(id=" +
                                editorId + @")')"">" + Translate.Text("Select all") + "</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; " +
                                @"<a href='#' class='scContentButton' onclick=""javascript:return scForm.postEvent(this,event,'checklist:uncheckall(id=" +
                                editorId + @")')"">" + Translate.Text("Unselect all") + "</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
                                @"<a href='#' class='scContentButton' onclick=""javascript:return scForm.postEvent(this,event,'checklist:invert(id=" +
                                editorId + @")')"">" + Translate.Text("Invert selection") + "</a>" +
                        var checkList = new PSCheckList
                            ID          = editorId,
                            HeaderStyle = "margin-top:20px; display:inline-block;",
                            ItemID      = ItemIDs.RootID.ToString()
                        string[] values;
                        if (value is string)
                            values = value.ToString().Split('|');
                        else if (value is IEnumerable)
                            values =
                                (value as IEnumerable).Cast <object>()
                                .Select(s => s == null ? "" : s.ToString())
                            values = new[] { value.ToString() };
                        foreach (var item in from object option in options.Keys
                                 select option.ToString()
                                 into optionName
                                 let optionValue = options[optionName].ToString()
                                                   select new ChecklistItem
                            ID = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID(checkList.ID),
                            Header = optionName,
                            Value = optionValue,
                            Checked = values.Contains(optionValue, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                        checkList.TrackModified = false;
                        checkList.Disabled      = false;

                edit = new Combobox();
                var placeholder = variable["Placeholder"];
                if (placeholder is string)
                    var option = new ListItem
                        Header   = placeholder.ToString(),
                        Value    = "",
                        Selected = true

                foreach (var option in options.Keys)
                    var optionName  = option.ToString();
                    var optionValue = options[optionName].ToString();
                    var item        = new ListItem
                        Header = optionName,
                        Value  = optionValue
                var placeholder = variable["Placeholder"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && editor.IndexOf("pass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    edit = new PasswordExtended();
                    if (placeholder is string)
                        ((PasswordExtended)edit).PlaceholderText = placeholder.ToString();
                    edit = new EditExtended();
                    if (placeholder is string)
                        ((EditExtended)edit).PlaceholderText = placeholder.ToString();
            var tip = variable["Tooltip"] as string;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tip))
                edit.ToolTip = tip.RemoveHtmlTags();
            edit.Style.Add("float", "left");
            edit.ID     = Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
            edit.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr" + value.GetType().Name;
            edit.Value  = value.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 12
        //=== Initialization

        /// <summary> Inits a new field for the specified type. </summary>
        /// <param name="languageId"> This is needed for the calender field. </param>
        public static FormElement InitField(FormElementType Type, int?languageId = null, int?id = null, string label = null, string description = null, bool?required = null, bool applyBasicSettings = false)
            switch (Type)
            case Enums.FormElementType.Calendar:
                Calendar c = Calendar.Init(languageId: languageId, id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                if (applyBasicSettings)
                    c.AdvancedMode = false;
                    c.DefaultDate  = "*|DATETIME:NOW|*";


            case Enums.FormElementType.Checkbox:
                Checkbox cb = Checkbox.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description);

                if (applyBasicSettings)
                    cb.Min = required.GetValueOrDefault() ? 1 : 0;
                    cb.Max = 1;


            case Enums.FormElementType.Dropdown:
                Dropdown dd = Dropdown.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                if (applyBasicSettings)
                    dd.Multiple = false;


            //case Enums.FormElementType.FileUpload:
            //    return FileUpload.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

            case Enums.FormElementType.Html:
                HtmlElement html = HtmlElement.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description);

                if (applyBasicSettings)
                    html.Editable      = true;
                    html.EditorProfile = HtmlElement.EEditorProfile.Basic;
                    html.Required      = required.GetValueOrDefault();


            case Enums.FormElementType.Input:
                Input input = Input.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                if (applyBasicSettings)
                    input.MaxLength = 255;
                    input.MinLength = 0;


            case Enums.FormElementType.Radiobutton:
                Radiobutton rb = Radiobutton.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                //if (applyBasicSettings)
                //    None available


            case Enums.FormElementType.Textarea:
                Textarea ta = Textarea.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                //if (applyBasicSettings)
                //    None available


            case Enums.FormElementType.Link:
                Link link = Link.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description, required: required);

                //if (applyBasicSettings)
                //    None available


            case Enums.FormElementType.Label:
                Label l = Label.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description);

                //if (applyBasicSettings)
                //    None available


            case Enums.FormElementType.List:
                ListElement list = ListElement.Init(id: id, label: label, description: description);

                //if (applyBasicSettings)
                //    None available


                throw new Exception("Init: Field type is not supported.");
                // Hidden, Tagging, etc.