Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutIce(string from, string to, [FromBody] RTCIceCandidateInit ice)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) || ice == null || ice.candidate == null)
                _logger.LogWarning($"WebRTC signal controller PUT ice candidate request had invalid parameters.");

            WebRTCSignal iceSignal = new WebRTCSignal
                ID         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                To         = to,
                From       = from,
                SignalType = WebRTCSignalTypesEnum.ice.ToString(),
                Signal     = ice.toJSON(),
                Inserted   = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o")


            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult> Ice(string id, [FromBody] RTCIceCandidateInit candidate)
            _logger.LogDebug($"Echo controller posting ice candidate to {_echoTestRestUrl}/ice/{id}.");

            HttpClient client   = new HttpClient();
            var        postResp = await client.PostAsync($"{_echoTestRestUrl}/ice/{id}", new StringContent(candidate.toJSON(), Encoding.UTF8, REST_CONTENT_TYPE));

            _logger.LogDebug($"Echo controller post ice response {postResp.StatusCode}:{postResp.ReasonPhrase}.");

            return(postResp.IsSuccessStatusCode ? Ok() : BadRequest(postResp.ReasonPhrase));